Title | ET619.16 |
Identifier | ET619.16 |
Source | UMNH.A.2019.3 |
Alternative Title | CM.207306 |
Subject | cradle -- Cradleboard -- formed -- woven -- stitched -- white -- tan -- blue -- fuschia -- purple -- willow -- cloth -- leather -- yarn |
Keyword | cradle |
Description | Doll cradleboard with a willow frame and shade. Canvas covers the frame with ties in front for enclosing a doll. The shade is twill, woven and stitched in diamonds for a girl, beaded around top rim and pompoms attached at side. Cloth is fringed at back. Leather ties to bottom.. Height 14.5, Width 19, Length 40 Centimeters |
Creator | Bernice Steele, 2001 |
Cultural Affiliation | Goshute |
Rights Management | ET619.16, Bernice Steele, 2001 |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6an4ya5 |
Format | image/jpeg |
Copyright | CC BY-NC-ND |
Setname | umnh_ethno |
ID | 2634406 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6an4ya5 |