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June 25, 1870 - Islington, London, England, to (Salt Lake City); Young, Joseph, Sr., to Dear Brother Brigham (Young); Gives description of London. Tells of the brethren who are there and of the Saints they visit in Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham. People not too impressed that he is President Young's brother. Finances are low and will have to call on Brother Horrace for means to assist them home. Sends love and regards. August 9, 1870 - New York to (Salt Lake City); Young, Joseph, Sr., to Dear Brother (Brigham Young). Happy to again be on the "Land of Joseph." Was going to return home, but since they had received instructions and funds from Brigham, they would endeavor to carry them out. They will visit old friends and make new ones through New York State and finally travel to Detroit, Michigan. If Brigham has any other suggestions he can write to him. October 10, 1870 - Salt Lake City to (Salt Lake City); Young, Joseph, Sr., to Brother Brigham (Young). Letter concerns his son John C. being called to the Soda Springs Mission. November 7, 1870 - Salt Lake City, Utah, to (Salt Lake City); Young, Joseph, Sr., to Brother Brigham (Young); Business letter concerning injunction Brigham Young has on Joseph wherein he cannot transfer any of his property without first advising Brigham. Offers property he has to sell to Brigham Young. November 7, 1870 - No Address; Young, Joseph, Sr., to Brother Brigham (Young)Business note concerning a due bill in reference to above letter. November 18, 1870 - Salt Lake City, Utah, to (Salt Lake City); Young, Joseph, Sr., to Brother Brigham (Young). Asks Brigham to give enclosed bill thought before leaving town and to let him know the outcome.March 25, 1872 - Salt Lake City, Utah, to (Salt Lake City); Young, Joseph, Sr., to Brother (Brigham Young). Note asking for the loan of $100 |