First Presbyterian Church of Mount Pleasant [3]

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Title First Presbyterian Church of Mount Pleasant [3]
Alternative Title Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church
Creator Myntti, Jeremy
Date 2020-03-22
Temporal Coverage March 22, 2020
Spatial Coverage Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah, United States
Subject Presbyterian church buildings--Utah--Mount Pleasant--Photographs
Description Address: 92 South 100 West, Mount Pleasant, Utah. The Reverend Duncan McMillan arrived from Pennsylvania in 1875 and on March 7 preached his first sermon in Liberal Hall. He then founded the Presbyterian Church and a school, the Wasatch Academy. The building was built in 1922 and dedicated in 1925. The church completed a 3-year restoration in 2015 and transferred ownership to the school. The congregation continued to meet in the chapel on Sundays until it dissolved in 2018.
Collection Number and Name P2324 Utah Religious Architecture Photograph Collection
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Holder Myntti, Jeremy
Relation A 2015 article in "The Mount Pleasant Pyramid":
ARK ark:/87278/s6pp4ddg
Setname uum_urap
ID 1534225
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