KUTV Newswatch 2 at 10: Monday, January 1, 1979, 10 P.M. news part 2

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Title KUTV Newswatch 2 at 10: Monday, January 1, 1979, 10 P.M. news part 2
Alternative Title Monday, January 1, 1979, 10 P.M. news part 2
Description Digitized version of an aircheck for the color broadcast of the evening news from January 1st, 1979, originally recorded on U-matic videocassette. Includes commercials. Broadcast headlines: First baby of 1979 born at Cottonwood Hospital wins the Salt Lake Valley's annual diaper derby; Three alarm fire at the Valley Apartments building in Salt Lake City's Avenues Neighborhood; Freezing temperatures cause broken pipes, flooding, and record gas use in the Salt Lake Valley; Weather report; 1979 calendars accommodate individual's interests; Local and national sports; Firefighters continue to fight the three alarm fire at the Valley Apartments building in Salt Lake City's Avenues Neighborhood; Wirth Watching: ski fashion; Salt Lake County emergency services director says the three dozen residents displaced by the Valley Apartments building fire will stay at the Hilton Hotel in Salt Lake City; The Red Cross will be accepting donations for the residents displaced by the Valley Apartments building fire
Creator KUTV (Television station : Salt Lake City Utah)
Contributor Wood, Terry, 1947- ; Gilmour, Sandy; Heyrend, Alyson; Smith, Chuck (Reporter); Warren, Larry, 1950-; Eubank, Mark E.; Walker, Gary; Howard, Bill; Wirth, Craig
Date 1979-01-01
Spatial Coverage Utah, United States; Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States
Subject Television news programs--Utah--Salt Lake City; Television broadcasting--Utah--Salt Lake City; KUTV (Television station : Salt Lake City Utah)
Keywords KUTV Newswatch 2 at 10
Collection Number and Name A0303 KUTV News collection
Holding Institution Multimedia Archives, Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Type Image/MovingImage; Sound
Genre U-matic (TM)
Format video/mp4
Extent 0:32:30
Language eng
ARK ark:/87278/s6324m77
Relation For a finding aid for the collection, including contents of each program, see: http://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:/80444/xv245086
Note Viewing the items in this collection is restricted to the University of Utah campus. To request a digital copy of an item, please click on the "Request Archival File or Update Item Information" link and complete the form.
Setname uum_knc
ID 1468127
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6324m77
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