Bicycling preferences and behavior in salt lake city

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Title Bicycling preferences and behavior in salt lake city
Publication Type thesis
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Geography
Author Fu, Liwei
Date 2015
Description Improving our understanding of cycling behaviors in urban areas is an important step in producing a more sustainable transportation system. Based on a stated preference survey in Salt Lake City, Utah, this paper studies the influence of attitudes on bicycling behavior. A travel preference factor analysis indicates four attitudinal factors concerning bicycling: safety, direct benefits, comfort, and timesaving. The decision to cycle is positively correlated with the timesaving and convenience factors, whereas preferences on travel comfort level negatively affected bicycling frequencies. Besides attitude factors, bicycling level is the highest among groups with higher education, single and living without a family, do not have access to a car, and who have a positive attitude on bicycling. We also apply a route optimization method to further analyze bicyclists' route choice behavior and preferences toward transportation link level characteristics (e.g., bike lane, slope, traffic speed). The results indicated an influential effect of separated bike lanes. These findings indicate that attitudes, bike lanes, and other demographic factors have a strong impact on bicycling behaviors.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject attitude; bicycling frequency; preferences; route choice; values
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Dissertation Name Master of Science
Language eng
Rights Management © Liwei Fu
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 26,950 bytes
Identifier etd3/id/3939
ARK ark:/87278/s612920r
Setname ir_etd
ID 197490
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