Orange A. Olsen audio-visual collection, film 16: Clips of Buffalo, Elk, and a Geyser

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Title Orange A. Olsen audio-visual collection, film 16: Clips of Buffalo, Elk, and a Geyser
Alternative Title A0912_Olsen_Wildlife_16_BuffaloElk
Description Home movie (16mm film, no sound) showing clips of buffalo, elk, and a geyser, location not identified. Length: 1 minute, 23 seconds.
Creator Olsen, Orange A. 1890-1945
Contributor United States. Forest Service
Publisher Digitized and published by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Date 1942
Subject Geysers; Elk; American bison
Keywords Home movies; Animals; Thermal waters; Buffalo
Collection Number and Name A0912 Orange A. Olsen home movie collection
Type Image/MovingImage
Format video/mp4
Extent 01:23
Rights Holder For further information please contact Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah at or (801)581-8863 or 295 South 1500 East, 4th Floor, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Conversion Specifications Digitized from 16mm film to MOV file master then converted to MP4 streaming format by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
ARK ark:/87278/s6j7155k
Collection Name Orange A. Olsen
Setname uum_hmc
ID 1209803
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