As Demography and Disease Converge: Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, A Proposal for a College-Level Interdisclinary Course

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Identifier 2013_Madsen
Title As Demography and Disease Converge: Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, A Proposal for a College-Level Interdisclinary Course
Creator Madsen, Nancy L.
Subject Aged; Alzheimer Disease; Dementia; Cognitive Aging; Cognitive Dysfunction; Memory Disorders; Interdisciplinary Studies; Teaching; Aging; Health Services for the Aged; Ageism; Demography; Advance Directives; Public Policy; Social Stigma; Geriatrics; Education, Professional; Competency-Based Education; Social Participation; Curriculum; Vulnerable Populations; Population Dynamics; Long Term Care; Interdisciplinary Research
Description The purpose of this project is to create a college-level interdisciplinary course designed to present an overview of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Disease pathology, stigmas and attitudes, social policy issues, health care, legal considerations, and current research will be examined. Optimal physical and emotional health and well-being following a dementia diagnosis, communication methods, and grief and loss will be evaluated within the settings of professional and family caregiving practices. Best practices will also be assessed for prevention of dementia. Utilizing Utah's State Plan for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: An Action Plan for 2012-2017 (Alzheimer's Association Utah Chapter, 2012) as a contextual framework, this course is correlated with the goals and recommendations of the plan which include: 1) a dementia-aware Utah, 2) health and dignity for all with dementia and those at risk, 3) supported and empowered family caregivers, 4) a dementia-competent workforce, and 5) expanded research in Utah. As students interested in gerontology helping professions or those who will interface with them in their future careers, this course will invite students to engage with essential knowledge, research, and best practices with respect to dementing diseases that will ultimately benefit the individuals and families they serve.
Publisher Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Date 2013
Language eng
Rights Management Copyright © Nancy L. Madsen 2013
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Type Text
ARK ark:/87278/s6xm1cts
Setname ehsl_gerint
ID 179532
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