Title | Eric A. Rickart Data Summary Sheets 2011 |
Creator | Eric A. Rickart |
Description | Data summary sheets for Eric A. Rickart covering collecting activities from 2011 |
Subject | Zoology Collector Notes |
Date | 2011 |
OCR Text | Show i Si ySivden. oh% ener bd} $97 mn O Q mt (ar rt Released a Total Paar Locality Summary: SS yh f Collected] Sf p+] 3 & # a £ % wi, , iy eT. | ce | 3 : Oe) : C A 4) TS oF ne geen) _— O”g OF SAP? O7 Teo} Sah wed ts nDSAVY a4 BAD tigi Sins aes aA a peyseoo susundeds | | %Z]siejol Apeq 1 | oO | peseajes sreumuy E- 7z{ O QO | 7 cx . DP\> J sh fx f = 5 v”) & es ea es — - C* DONDA. . tC = a 26¢ oe Pf <—) eo : } j > ) ee me . er Jt ©3° conn ee o | 3 3.3 “> x a Sh 9 g = Sh 9 ee q 1 : Oa eT 1a°] ~4$h/— Pt 1 0 De G/— ol } : neds -s Ow © | peseoje sreunuy + | siejoy Ajeq O | ey ¢! '$ od AF & rryeg yap $7 pea, sh mege Ty od RWS ; Tbe SHLY I? Lyf shh “Dy day | nva\r) euleu saisads SOP OY Ae sao? #3 sino # | pesos susunsads } S Tf = y a ] | Toa by tus s laa¢ - ecege; r [* Locality Summary: ME 4.281862 3%.16832° Ob oS 8 PR ee x .TS a : x. ae ee Ex ee NX as NNN SO NN AN om 888s b % 5] F4MP ‘vd a SONIIAS dot Ty oer ol o er s Pg . ~ siejoy Apeq | $2 iSSt |IZ eens roy oT #A £9 Ae SS ! 7. eta ee > fgg @ ah HPLE“S$ ovo tps hee royshAwe eweu.saloads is son er ideas 5 GFF Z- | P9}99]109 susudeds o | O | Py} peseara: sreumuy 0 I 2 AS Sey . oe " i = PLANT SURVEY FORM Cheek, (Ads&s Cerin Us oe Locality: Trapline:_f i Jat lon. Recorder(s) _ Ser, Date. 13 Dune Ze Uf Q Vs Record percent cover for two quadrats, at each of 5 traps along the trapline. lf known, note dominant species, breaking down % cover by dominants. If dominant is unknown, take a sample. Round percentages & record < 1% as trace. ee mar a B. Grasses: & Forbs: ~va@ 4 4 WL A. Grasses: Forbs: *rat Woody plants: %@ Soww, Open ground: $0 $Y pig % CWD: 10 A. Grasses: So Forbs: }0O Woody plants: yo Open ground: % > e ay CWD: (crn ae *) Other: oye 54.1664 Iscps. A. Grasses: ta Forbs: 5 ' Lo Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: brandy 5 vw uw oe) aa hk +% B. Grasses: Forbs: 20 Forbs: +O Woody plants: s.cPs:__ 9 14. ZBI50%D A. Grasses: |? tau mne95 Open ground: Fo (ea ay Other: \S\4. cps: 38. 135621, Other: oY Woody Ly wily CWD: HO Chow’. Po CwD: 35 B. Grasses: — Forbs: ¥rate 10. Open ground: 9° | B Grasses 8S Forbs: Id Woody plants: 5 Open ground: § (VY. 281 42°UO ‘ “ : Woody plants: en oF : 5h. Wed3t*N a A. Grasses: Ps Open ground: Lo |leot ] wn yn CWDS Other: |? wesS 1% (64 'W B. Grasses: tele Forbs: 1S Woody plants: Forbs: +O Woody plants: Open groynd: GS- pavek, Weal Open ground: 915 Other:§ meS9 Other; “Iraq M*% CWD: iS —_ nfene Other: Other: hl Others.‘ a", ™ C ren? CWD: 20 344.4904 BF" we) (ieetee tie 2-6 30 ; Woody plants: 40— Open ground: 24 os <t Other: | ms (+. 28350 25250 (oa N Tt aS oe Pose cwo: § , 6 ek Percent cover average & Braun-Blanquet coverage class: Grasses: Forbs: Woody plants: Open ground: ~CWD: Other: Coverage classes: + = <1% , |= 1-5%, 2 = 5-25%, 3 = 25-50%, 4 = 50-75%, 5 = >75% Notes on unidentified species: ot, : 2 wit nee e ; ‘Se 4 es ¢ : . n ¢ hi No “Speier oy * "d Evidence of disturbance: é 7 _ |Generaf habitat description (comment on major plants/plant groups, is cover dense or Sparse?, is substrate open, rocky, sandy?, is habitat overall homogeneous or hetrogeneous? if stream is present, mention stream width and flow, what is the aspect (i.e., what direction does the slope face): Airy a Creel Vind. Beavis sat bilaw lng x5 i% “loeg'= mor>, Cwd, ren ; birth, ante] As aus dae Mery bt’ oust o& Ligh ¥ gin Brel yt ala mir ae 4cay aoc vem bass ~- inksi Other comments: Agk Liacd by FOE Coerecle) ) tat- li the ¢424)-c. eupates fabs b racvhty PLANT Py ave / 15 U tint Locality: s@\" FORM a | Dah Ae Trapline: eserde Recorder(s): Date: Ho /3 June “CoH Record percent cover for two quadrats, at each of 5 traps along the trapline. lf known, note dominant species, breaking down % cover by dominants. If dominant is unknown, take a sample. Round percentages & record < 1% as trace. ops: 46-16641' MY, 11%-26038°W 39? cheat A.Grasses: B. Grasses: }0 CaAtat Forbs: 40 Woody plants: C5 sage, Ve ay Open ground: 3 cart, Forbs: Woody plants: 4o (snowbee 1 Open ground: )§ f yn S CWD: }® t fe) Other: tock 5 (an | 2. GPS: 3% AGRA CWD: 4 Other: N j % 4. 28641 A. Grasses: S¢\wgat \W (4‘ac, B. Grasses: Forbs:+ta@ Forbs: 4 Woody plants: Beagle Woody plants: “See Open ground: Open ground: 4@ CWD: CWD: Other: Other: 3.6Ps:_ S6.7GRAG?RP WANE y 19 Say? copy ¥ eB B. Grasses: Forbs:-4raue Woody pla nd #0 Forbs: Arad Woody plants: 1S cathit P OSsaye Open ground: Ley Woo3S, can, SN Open ground: 40 CWD: Other: CWD: Other: 76.46§40° v A. Grasses: WO GP (lar 2S7iG B. Grasses: 19 Vy. 1S Forbs: Forbs: Open ground: /O Woody plants: § piAon 2.9 cobhit, IS seit ? Openground: 3@ CWD: Other: CWD: Other: Woody plants: AF PiAon Ba 5 0 5. GPS: | % GO WA. 261SY A. Grasses: 4.cps:_ 38 ee. A. Grasses: ¥ FOtS4*p, \W4. bo. ay A Forbs: SZ "2D _8.Grasses: * o of ryt \ Forbs: } Woody plants: 4 Soay ; BO Woody plants: $ anviy, YS says Open . Open ground: CWD: Other: CWD: Other: oO | a Percent cover average & Braun-Blanquet coverage class: Grasses: Forbs: Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: Other: Coverage classes: + = <1%, 1 = 1-5%, 2 = 5-25%, 3 = 25-50%, 4 = 50-75%, 5 =>75% Notes on unidentified species: Evidence of disturbance: Chrata cass Canamoa. x< General habitat description (comment on major plants/plant groups, is cover dense or sparse?, is substrate open, rocky, sandy?, is habitat overall homogeneous or hetrogeneous? if stream is present, mention stream width and flow, what is the aspect (i.e., what direction does the slope face): Other comments: Plows tak. Ayons mid pi AT PLANT SURVEY FORM WwW pee Vv Locality: Trapline: eg C (+ 4 \C. VS LOASIA cleus De Lac m cidy Recorder(s): OE 4 CS2 Date:_/3 Juans Zoi Record percent cover for two quadrats, at each of 5 traps along the trapline. If known, note dominant species, breaking down % cover by dominants. If dominant is unknown, take a sample. Round percentages & record < 1% as trace. | Hes: Le 45.14 d40" Ny, A. Grasses: 5 GO04%: Forbs: 1g Sueeek Mist Woody plants: 6° Sniw Boar Open ground: CWD: |5 Cher B. Grasses: | O yw llwire Forbs: 50 _ Sunee ti, | ( Woody plants: IGs¥ ; Open ground: 76 | er af 4 |o.cps: $bs168 10°W A. Grasses: 44 Forbs: 4° 1$255° wW CWD: | §& Other: 114, 28264°W B. Grasses: 5 ‘ . Forbs: 2§ gusee’ Mire i Sd ONL Woody plants: YOsay ; GO. now Woody plants: 5 Osast Open ground: JQ Open ground: 2,0 CWD: CWD: Other: Other: 3.cps:_ 46. 16832 A. Grasses: Forbs: Fate Woody plants: 15 $A0™ Open ground: ~ cwoe 4 *: 8 G (4.28286 N, VS say, tO & “Cas a fi y 40 ? Xbosiy Woody plants: 28 giten, 60 sae Open ground: I$ CWb: Other: s.cps; SOND: AC peep b yd 9 19 bunds qe 8 Grasses: Forbs: 40 ~ Cal cor ‘Woody plants: 29% Open ground: 50 CWD: apy’ Cel | oust Other: 9 %-4FUBIU"N A.Grasses: § \O yar Forbs: Woody plants: 45 ant Open ground: 40 cwo: 15 Other: B. Grasses: 25 hunch 4 1i)5 Forbs: [O. . Woody plants: 25 say \ Open ground: YO Other: Other: ee Forbs: °C , IV4. 2RBIG PW Bo Gracene: to cleat graly Forbs: 4.0) Woody plants: 1S s4 ae NO rebbyt Open ground: 4O @ uty CWwD: Other: & \a Percent cover average & Braun-Blanquet coverage class: Grasses: Forbs: Woody plants: Open ground: -CWD: , Other: Coverage classes: + = <1%, 1=1-5%, 2 = 5-25%, 3 = 25-50%, 4 = 50-75%, 5 = >/5% Notes on unidentified species: as ‘|Evidence of disturbance: foxes ae oF pend oi On Wid me her e, Bon of md General habitat description (comment on major plants/plant groups, is cover dense or sparse?, is substrate open, rocky, sandy?, is habitat overall homogeneous or hetrogeneous? if stream is present, mention stream width and flow, what is the aspect (i.e., what direction does the slope face): Saat {-3! (Co thy slope Scatter d VE jai\ pa on, reer ecay: sloee. Other comments: Wwe CECCOCAT POS Bade Crocle (Z9's¢} oy. EAS aed | yy Jute 99 | ~ a O1O}doO Collected] 4 || %|— | % SL4lioh. ly Total Released (ENR) Sage brush Locality Summary: WAVERLY +t a J) HT dt lilt as 4S ra ] $4 Ty A, > slejol Apreq } paseajas siewiuy ge Fe ‘¢ P9}99}]09 SuBuIdeds ITU i mrad Mm “yew vow ower 4 -w ham 4 wy 7m aueU.seloeds SS Ne Ex4 © ze | 42) pe.4 — Ne ‘oS Fi Qo es ~ 3 & Pe bh — £ ~ § he ie cK a ¢ qJ a Locality Summary: 34.4 FUZTV wee FS | Ast| OTer =, Ae1 Spubwduy f7 ZT wor RE oh ooo aoe CS 6 | ie. G Ee ikoe 4 |— ARE —— ee Eis oe = CH ee 27 /— | — | —| — Gl | eae 2A WO | een ri | alee fi er | ae se bz OOH — % ee AL EX oe “2 saeage , pe}5S][05 susuiseds iu iw Wruad Ow rr | “HO oul PTT SSO300S5,550550™" x vy o Total Released o9 nN) 0 Collected \y ce. ! Locality Summary: _ “Gay Sat le Cree Bade 2 ee SZ | siejoy Apeq rv 4b WW = 4| | paseajas sreuuy | P9}99]/09 SusUIDeds Wipe eweu.seieds PLANT SURVEY FORM Locality: ade Trapline : pinen | Recorder(s): Cre be — (pvr? N i rR 7 e LR H{ Date: 4 Jul Bs Record percent cover for two quadrats, at each of 5 traps along the trapline. If known, note dominant species, breaking down % cover by dominants. If dominant is unknown, take a sample. Round percentages & record < 1% as trace. 1.Gps; 39-4YF#UF8 NN, A.Grasses: 5 117.00217°wW (vahus bung) _. 6876 Fl. B.Grasses: ] 0 [ bun et.) Forbs: 10 Laster, unk. comport) — Forbs: 10 (Aster lupne) Woody plants: 29 (sevgt) Woody plants: — Open ground: 60 Open ground: Other: Other: jun p'Y CWD: — CWD: junipre oust A.Grasses: trace (bunchacheat) 3 ( buck) Forbs:; S Woody plants: ZS [sone x Jump) Open ground: 406 Forbs: tye? Woody plants: 30la Open ground: ¢ § CWD: CWE —— 3.qPs:___ 34.9 243° Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: 10 Other: Por 4. GPS: J1#, 00237"Ww (< hrot ) 689?’ B. Grasses: $ (bunch) Forbs: tyre¢ —— Woody plants: —— 40 Open ground: $O CWD: |S 1S Forbs: haere Other: over shucty 34. 4F362°N A.Grasses: pinyon Our story ) (F7.00233°%W ( buns) B. Grasses: Forbs: 684 FP" S ( burner) |5 (lapirs, Woody plants: | 0 (soe) Open ground: 370 Woody plants: —— Open ground: ¥6 WD. Sh ore Other: ywrrper CWE cine Other: jungpu eveeslyry 5.GPS:__ 39.“ $35 A.Grasses: 5 Forbs: 1 @ 0M UI uarm > 2S Forbs: ( sae) ———~ ~~ Open ground: +5 2b Piuynceyee 5S (bu nat) Woody plants: Open ground: 68 Other: 6105 1}. 00 263°W B.Grasses: ide.) ous very e (bua) Woody plants: CwD: ¢) Other: A.Grasses: Trect Forbs: —— 23 62£0 ft- B.Grasses: Other: éz. ourritesy 117,00224°W 34.4 F434°N, 2.GPS:__ 30 CWD: gutters Other: 20, Athyn, dyersdiray } Percent cover average & Braun-Blanquet coverage class: Grasses: Forbs: Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: Other: 1 = 1-5%, 2 = 5-25%, 3 = 25-50%, 4 = 50-75%, 5 = >75% Coverage classes: + = <1%, Notes on unidentified species: (2) + mirteards Cem posses ERTEID SOM wer vet rdahtod Fev Spuew) vncowmen Evidence of disturbance: old werd cubbny (many yun age ?) Aebwal hwJ iY bmw pict Wr sty ew (old) bering General habitat description (comment on major plants/plant groups, is cover dense or sparse?, is substrate open, rocky, sandy?, is habitat overall homogeneous or hetrogeneous? if stream is present, mention stream width and flow, what is the aspect (i.e., what direction does the slope face): Prnyen cere - junip~ Mm Binietell Wwe Nam EA crcle| “wre SPtAmR reer SAN) ee Soy = Léa RA be hes ) 1 Ay Cee ON rocks, Sees fA oT CoM ha. bse but Haine, fete gumNry co a Aim ied A. fot fewes (sudfiay, ile bu nA>are tn, Gravelly Feta ha rrevur curl G0) weet anA ta rile bw ly olen irsen + Lery . Oe nga On a bree chra d sah lend Tum pe |. cake os wird hy of. Gres. vO outerop? lina8 ag. ae prac by Other comments: prot dale @ Milprint (EAR comms) : €G-. PLANT SURVEY FORM Locality: ode Trapline : Crrst ke brvth SoA! Sly Date: *LRVY EWR Recorder(s):_ Record percent cover for two quadrats, at each of 5 traps along the trapline. If known, note dominant species, breaking down % cover by dominants. If dominant is unknown, take a sample. 1.6PS:__ 34.47483°N A. Grasses: 10 (bun) Forbs: 5 [lupine) (s+4") Woody plants: +0 Open ground: ]$ 34. 4Y9444°RM 2.GPS: A.Grasses: S$” Forbs: temct gym!) (clot §& B.Grasses: & Forbs: Woody plants: /S Open ground: 3S (8™) Woody plants: 4 © Open ground: 4 0 CWD: Other. —— Other: 34. 4FS27°V A.Grasses; truce (chet) Forbs: | OD Woody plants: Py (s@4°) Open ground: CWwD: Other: 20 uae Forbs: |U B. Grasses: Forbs: lL.) )S (luprar) 6esy' ——— 5 Woody plants: YO seq ) rebln& Open ground: ¢“¢~ iene. Other: ve 20 %w 117.0024 CWD: — 4,GPS:___39-YFS43°NM A. Grasses: Prete B. Grasses: Ne 3,6PS; 62714, 1, 00 220°W (unle. composi ) — Forbs: rece Woody plants: 20 Open ground: 6S 20 6273 — 11 9.00204"W CWD: —— Other: —— CWD:. = Other: -—— | O Round percentages & record < 1% as trace. — ——~ 6844 2) 6*wW 113.007 B. Grasses: Forbs: 10 20 {lupae) Woody plants: 30 64° ) Woody plants: YO (se) Open ground: Open ground: Uc CWD: Other: ore 30 CWD: Other: 24. 305 2r'N. . NF, Oboe S a A.Grasses: |S (bun) Forbs: & Clu pei | Crm pe) Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: Other: 25 ¢§ (se4¢ B.Grasses: Forbs: Zo 20 6SS (b.L) (lupe Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: Other: >! wo a shrugs han) Percent cover average & Braun-Blanquet coverage class: Grasses: Forbs: Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: Other: Coverage classes: + = <1%, 1 = 1-5%, 2 = 5-25%, 3 = 25-50%, 4 = 50-75%, 5 =>75% Notes on unidentified species: unid abi co e Cle Evidence of disturbance: . ok oy hut ty bens war ereiot }y ye elew + av ples 0 LA drvpmin, wrevler ings | i fh General habitat description (comment on major plants/plant groups, is cover dense or sparse?, is substrate open, rocky, sandy?, is habitat overall homogeneous or hetrogeneous? if stream is present, mention stream width and flow, what is the aspect (i.e., what direction does the slope face): SA4e « bro An adornte vn ywA kan athnsg eae wh, rabbit haw, p.[j. , Srvberry Sees | tl PLA ere, Bags as hort ot, Lene wher, cman, potatoe iad ck rasives Lh Lseadinp WW | Other comments: proba ath mous} [BOR C40. | 26 @2h 20 PLANT SURVEY FORM vce ae: Locality: et Trapline:__ Marin. ba, \ Date__3 CRH FAR. Recorder(s): CLARY Su )y Record percent cover for two quadrats, at each of 5 traps along the trapline. If known, note dominant species, breaking down % cover by dominants. If dominant is unknown, take a sample. Round percentages & record < 1% as trace. Pee ot IN, A.Grasses: 3D 1 (©. B. ryt) (feet) O0lp) wd B.Grasses: 632g ' @S Forbs: 2© ( Cum pos stro) Woody plants: {0 Open ground: 3° Forbs: {ets Woody plants: SO Open ground: —— CWD: sO Other: willwo CWD: Other: 2.6PS:__ eves tw 34.4 94SS° NM A.Grasses: 5O blur 25 19. 00182 TW ¢ B. Grasses: ooo. YO Forbs: Woody plants: piles oveakyy $~ da Woody plants: Open ground: —— Open ground: CWD: CWD: = Other: SY Ivy A.Grasses: 60 (Grn Forbs; “20 4.GPs:_ A.Grasses: Forbs: | UO hare Woody plants: Open ground: Tyr BYE Woody plants: Open ground: ae CWO Other. _- 1 F.0013 ew (gs stage) [wint) wyjlew us‘ B. Grasses: $72) Forbs: VO avenbwy 34. ¥PwIS ° ove ny b> Woody plants: Open ground: Other: Other: 5.GPS:___24-4F39b°M |/9.00164 A.Grasses: } UO Forbs: Wace Woody plants: 4A) ,/Jaw. aver glove) ]107U Forbs: CWD: —— ; 2 6642 - B.Grasses: CWD: v ry —— 1), 00I9F?W | cy) Woody plants: WW /) lw Open ground: 24) Des Other: — 19wm? sv “~ | lew our — Other: 3.GPS:;_ 24. Y3424'U E42. . W)sIla~w W oven Ly 6 &Y | B.Grasses: 9D Forbs: S - Wee mint Woody plants: wi/l.~ over, Open ground: Open ground: CWD: CWD: Other: Other: |S (rvek) Percent cover average & Braun-Blanquet coverage class: Grasses: Forbs: Woody plants: Open ground: CWD: Other: Coverage classes: += <1%, 1 = 1-5%, 2 = 5-25%, 3 = 25-50%, 4 = 50-75%, 5 =>75% Notes on unidentified species: eee ad - Lt fi: l len/L Earesh L oy Voi (fics Pus of Sprans ji . i) ak. -~ Evidence of disturbance: qrdA \ ) (EC vend 7) lay aye ~ sow Uetynl ca le nt wer VitenY y General habitat description (comment on major plants/plant groups, is cover dense or sparse?, is substrate open, rocky, sandy?, is habitat overall homogeneous or hetrogeneous? if stream is present, mention stream width and flow, what is the aspect (i.e., what direction does the slope face): jim willw | V rye | wld ee vege bbw TIO Carre nt hae | A rntios t Diy tes nw) wiAah bo?) Phase nay arn love rye, commen. Uniti ie + Says DA) Com pocites IWsacmt by Ly R: porran ( 4m+ blu (rea? )) © sole, tA: thing Mor Vi Lge is Sagkemhs pinged janie, Other comments: Prade at mi para (Ee 4he a hice sh rublands_ bin : = : Be SUGLAN ‘ 2 ee Se os eRe lA aes ae e l= | ee eS NS ji — ee corae. te 4a 7 Foto ~ | Q | paseeres srewiuy | — | O! { poyoyjoo sueunsedg {91 | — 1 OT | siejoy Apeq ee [9! a— ea Nee Oo; F SXYYYYYDYS3O5)D 5 =e 8 { | SATA A a a e Me O bo HO x Z i. iy v / - - ripaman Lorie Locality Summary: Total Released oT — EN 19 e “$ “GA+-QJQA eo *e.- UD 70,9 mandaag tenn sueu salsads nk CY, nace | oO, a O Vg 5 peseajel seWILYy | | poyoaljoo suaugede —~ | 4( | stejos Apeq 7. — g Y “UN -— Cc _Eene« . Locality Summary: —S Total Released Collected Q}i— ye {19 ce ap oe & oe eweU.salseds Tt hn Sa ee P9J99}]09 susulideds ‘| Peseajas sjewruy 42 | siejol Apeq : 1O/,| 79 g B BQ. build nds Chaba Locality Summary: Total Released Collected = . eh Sos a eS he | ec, Ca kN | 3 : — | Pw é § Be “eee ae eee S/PLUILY Leta Yury euleu saisads eeloe Pues EN Yi = ery pe}oa[oo susuiseds |] Peseo|si $8 | siejo1 Ajreq : - ht mB j——— | Slows [| Ly ld 7: — bi A —7i—- om eA Al fos SS oF PODOn CER SB; ee ee | |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s689731f |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1676220 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s689731f |