Title | Some basic grammatical structures of colloquial Arabic : based on the dialect of the townspeople of Hofuf, al-Hasa Province, eastern Saudia Arabia, May 1958 |
Date | 1960 |
Description | Some basic grammatical structures of colloquial Arabic: based on the dialect of the townspeople of Hofuf, al-Hasa Province, eastern Saudia Arabia, May 1958 |
Creator | Engelhardt, Bert A. |
Publisher | Washington, D.C. : Foreign Service Institute |
Subject | Arabic language--Dialects--Saudi Arabia--Hasa Oasis |
OCR Text | Show MIDDLE EAST LIBRARY .' ," - • ·t.' SOME"'BAsIC 'GRAMMATICAL STRUCTtJRES -------- ... ------._ .. ._ ...... ,..._---- OF COLLOQUIAL· _.- 'ARABIC ----- .. -_.-..-.-_--- (based the dialect of the on townspeople of Hofut, " Province, a1-Hasa Eastern Saudi Arabia, MaY-"95S) ..,,', _Bert _'A.· Engelhardt , .. ." . . " ,\ ,i. .' '" s- . , FOR E I .... "G - ....... 'N- _..._._--- . '; . : S E R V I '0 E ---- ... ---------- Washington, D.' . INSTITUTE __ (i1Ia_..._ __ C• 1960 DEPARTMmT OF STATF .. • . r- THE ROOT CONCEPl'., 44"--- ., .... The .. '- .. _ ma;tn .: -. - . wh1chdist1nguishes .teature - '". Arabic, as : (e language Hebrew, and Aramaic .'. . European languages roots:l' -but ,·the •. task .. understands the system &Xl - .-:- .. ._: - . the Irxio- ... ... learn, " Arabtc,'well1d.thout having any 'le is greatly simplified.,it ". .. .. ,"_ • . - ' ""..1. .. fuMamals f the some :' - . -' ."': " root: qatem. On: f!&Y' cencepf of the is the • .... Jesus) tr9m of . • _-' '.. " • .- .' . by rOte am imitation, u.> , of the t.j - . , SEmitic,ls:ng\:uges such the .. : , . one ;;.: _'=.; 9t ts '.p'pca- :_ -;;..... .. . tioD. are' coidered 1tt'1irabtc Essentially,. words i. . a tri-consonantal - .: _.. • - t-rset·:in"a"rr8merk . - . adjacent ! cotlSC?,nants or .: .. mposedc-;o.t '.. ': , . c to be . , • z ..... ,.- • .t. • frame, :i.e., suffixing, infixing, efixing, and doubUng·, the - Arabic speaker . vai7 is able to ("'" change it into d1ferent' a . ... . . - thii'\g of the ... _ j:art Of\ ;P;. , -'.. _.. , -- original word or '!'he learning of the .- - , cOnSists;p basic granmar of Arabic tiona of the root and'its frames. '::: of , .mastering the .manipula. ' . .- ' -.-- . ... ..' The usual root consists in the which- they, are order in art:! words in same . -: . .... we will be able to ""!. _- '. "t,'than' as·' ".; ! • _'. .: • • ... by ,itself ha,s The root with it ztegSS in which it is ot spech it Example: of 'a • L. .3 for • • ,'1",': " , poses. -' . -_ text coonant wb1c aays ,appear 'ot·:-:tit:ii."e'e ,gra1 used, hence. illustration pur- 4' , The plrtcula.frame used. determines-l'i:ts ":spcilic meaning s as_ well the, root as - in this' meaning which it s:arries mere:t:', empioYed. .. . . '--" '_ and what,. part .- gender' "and number: ,,, b has the general meaning, of writing, . causing The framework write, books, etc. to a ction naming the pla ce where the -- Suggested by that the meaning of any word assume concerned in There consonts in a8 are , :iy, and which aa -._ - ktb will be root .Ara.l:xi;;' alphabet the • - plus three long oj", • , vowels uw, hav.i.ng the writini"':' fashion With some noun naming the noun a --.-- a the root is carried Therefore'the Arabic \lOrd maktab should be on. is for rna, aa3 are sanet:i.rre's used consonants am as can . .. .. #" ... ";- .. appear in roots in combination with other consonants. roots currentJ..y in use in the Arabic there several 'lmndred and are language The nunbar of approximately is gen'erciJ.h atio itbih' ''can' 'be seve;1. made to help·the student'in identifying the consonant combinations involved in the root: A) There are B): There 'are ,C) 4-consonant roots. some a-consonant, roots. - ... : _I some ... . . _ _ _ ,,:"t e , .;: _"." .;; ._ 1: - \.. "In s-consonant, roots the and and 3rd oonsonants ,', . D) Not all the As the root ays'tem list words not is possible so - in a - . are Arabic',' alphabeticany' accardwg \0 their sp81ling dic tionaries but ,instead, " are listed customary may be -;. basic to 'the structur e of . the roots .,_. consorant·'ombi.nations . put As :alphabetically brder,:all an the and 'uIXie' ach .oot fres'into i11ustration of the which the use one' i' find, partfcular • root of roots and frames in building words of characteri. stic fonns ani also of the dictionary' system of listing words according- -rot and frame, observe these -'tf' ... " . listings i .. , .·.I. .\ .: . ' under the root ktb: '. ' FRAME - '!,<i" ! - • -'.: ; ;: . A ...... • "" .' :t. : ; ; t tafaaaS kattab \ . - - .. , '. . . aktab.· ',"_ .... 11 1:fQ2a_, to wr.l. te katab • < ." .; . : iktatab .. ;1; ·takaatab istalaS itaktab ,a2S' katab .... c . . ,.... ... '. = .:: : .' .otJ:ler , " «: to ask ", .,.. ...... ;iiaa!a ;.11, "" ...... .. somecme to wr.lte book " clerical kutaab.: . ,::_ :t readi and wri t1ng school Id.taaba writ kutubiy bookseller ..... layyiS . t!il:';' : _"" .• tayyib .t·-: r.::.: " .. fadi! . s r; c: ._ l. .. . - ,I' -. t 1. ... ;. booklet . i - '. "", -;j;" :. " .. t", -_:J'T. "i clerk· .......'l< I .1' isti1aa3 ":j - . 'Q z: .... f. ;) :...:{., . ," .. .female secretary" . subSCription I.' dictation istiktaab .. ma;aS . _... iktitaab ' j. _ kaatiba i1tiaa! A kaatib iaa2iSa • . - maktab ma12aja , office library " mi1aa c .. to subscribe : Id.taabiY' t_4" ! s .. .j, ·tUg ld.taab _ wrJ.. t to write to kaatab .'f..--, _ someone to dictate to . \;. riaaSiy::.: : tD make iniktaab typeter <r - I.::. .. ; _': ';.---' -. .\ . :1' , 'IBARDG •• }1 • ':', I ..Uuwf .. mu:. mufada.!a ..... " noun .. ··· . ..Jkaataba jxJes1b18 .words comes' . ..ora, <for a' ne..i glleS8tabout • I - trY. to ;se'the:' p'ee translation from'English' althOttgn':h8-}tnaY' because, 'tv be , however ,1 'o}' 1r: .' J.. ..... . . ;'.: . -.' in lilich o· • on "' . .-: .. ! .fM onq rules sources 1 . thiQ point Ilre the dictionaI7 ab4 .... ic1tlg or r,. ! :,.: .,.,.... The' native speaker. ·'f_:;: . ", latter is .. more '",._: spoken dialact and sh.ould be used Po ... , Although' the < \.-: ..... J sometimes as _ ) •• /t;(: 'oJ ; ";,' . .. " ·t :. ,-,.' ." as "'+-;13:.H -::. the P :_I, 1.-?,!-·L_;. ... ' . •.• criterion. { ;-1.\ ,. ;i ·-·"'.:7" ' .;. as '.. s.-''''- '.1 =:':R !--!;t _..:: ; ;'_;' . .:, . . ., the three "; -' .. ( Posi tiona •. ..- " .,. ..,..!.. :" . of the root the roots' because in certain pos1 tiona, : ":.' - cause exceptions t .. manipulating basis fer the i' ... - ", _.. comb1.natio e te as in --:. ''''' 1' . genral ..::-,:vf\,';; rule s for verbs, they frequentJ.1 Otherwise, oonjugating '.:' as J.: or .. _;:_- the e will be seen, the roots and 8Xceediy regular and systematic structlJre language. : :.'.' " ":. t.: .,.. an .. ..... of_ rame,s. thei%' frames torm a '" • j. . _' . a consonants, the,' ma1' be. tOUDi in combination vi1;l1" : ;.<'.'"".:''',i.:_;i·f>''o; a root. other consonan Whenever the1: in present f .are a.<pt, am. ( -, reliab\e .Whetl d-eal.ing ,With the: '1':r1:.:.r . ;'.4'. j.' .,. ': - !l, '!!. !! arE! ,..,met1m.es us lo el8 '. ,;-;. /' ... ," are DO . -1' . ..... - frames'. : . " '-i and there ,J a lUderstoO·, the'Arabic speaker' .: ?. ,!;- : ': iDf'ormation -: as' a' zoot aDd 'J . should mt a lOrd or::':_'known means . roots" '.lre ed to govern 'Which ODe t.ctl possible .trame does not",use' arty root ili , .sn i-:.':':":' • •• : ............,.!"I_. J_ : ':' :. intell.igent an • word;. by trying b) Arabic ' tor::tbe stwieot whe' lie .. .. of the of the DOIB about how tm roots then he is able to make u8e"ana'me the aa4 intoDnat1 '. r __ frame The frames, to ':rom 1IOrde is valuable across a&ite; listed are ,..spcm4al\ ·Wrespozxlmoe , plurals have 1nC1uied. fit 1t.o . .• Not all the 'letter >;JIIU1caaUt) ". . •••• :::.:.';. (' •• ..... ·ta as t ,.:' ',: -s ." :' .. II ( ROOl'S IN VERB SmuCTIJRPS' ·\1} ,!,: - '. ".' By • far the JOOst : · imPortant . facet· or grammar in which the root system aids analysis far .study in spoken Arabic is the structure of. the systEm of verbs; participles, demonstrate:l here with " EaC'-':o¥ :"m b s ....... meanings that variations thiS wFQ I used in every measure the or :. to that the _'f;)j' are in .. are English verbs one talIen system of the verb and of ::Wrd"!building obly : succeeding pages by the derived verbs seen roots of at a so .en put into their roots of the measures jr6u,"fanns is in no are employed Putting as a conjugating 'Verb a . way concerned here. in text form will b9 follqwed .... .. . rtinent fos, of : tabulation of:··all the measures. 'root is used in regarded is to be , that their one only measures and the proc ass of - are no ·to warrant discussion. the'm.easures a arxl refiexive of However, some composition glance and, following that, . ani some . rehtionships 'may common ,.... 3-consonant .. However, because of the peoe eeees language change and the many exceptions to rules 'it will be found difficult to / only into their different The discussion of be of in Arabic. different measures; (called the general meaning of the root. passive, causative, care through the. he, she, we, on on frames'; verbs ldlidl all have give different spoken Arabic.frequently enough roots,: 3-consonant roots. put into arty of fifteen different verb) . common be . 'measures' of .' c examples from gerunds wbich will . :> It is in and adequately define the neanings or effect that .': ._ -6- each -different Dleasure descriptions have,o'to will oOn r: o approximate 80 The studeilt suffice.oo . '. vocabiiary aridoooih wrkiitg: frOm and, root, the the root systan :l.a knowing that ," . - _. 180 likewise cautioned ., . a wider advantage in acquiriIlg an English, Arabic to but °he smuld iiever 0 - 0 e English verbs from 0" HaVidi.' having heard than first. to Arabi c without done so, the student--will probably .tind that he is using verbs ,._ ., wbiClt<' simplY do - nOt exist in the forins°-with which The ,. - ,"\-o i .'...:.. English the verb 'to write! - 4 • use past. • -- -measure are ':-r :"'" 0 along with the - , quOted °The '. no ' form . be did' because Arabic has ,,! !#J. l.nfinitiva -, \ , to refer to the verb. English in each for the parts. names , of ilie verb is the which we iri willObe concemed we English and Arabic granmatical , ..' . language. 0-,.' illustrated here with ........ 0 . . 'r" am thus construct.t: - measures 0 - ;. 0 0 try 'to fit known rootso into all dUferent <>f.', :, PartiCiple Noun Verbal 'ism mat9uwl mqdar Passive Active Past Present- , Participle - ----- - ilaari9 .j"'_., .0 o:"l._ °he -Writes he wrote taaejU -ism --- .... -- ..... - - - writing written writing - With a loioiedge of the measures the student will exPand vocabUlary am language knowledge in a much mare etfi d.eni manrler - - -;'!;3.:_:- because I it given any verb J o to 0- i': 0 : -, ' fig'ure all the other !" ·t .. ··:'1' • .J.:· ..... z...... , .. ... 0, parti"Ciple, ,!:_tdop parts ot " •. -' rrfOoh_.,.. ,.y,,- - __ 'or .' that ." _ measure .... .' trom the one .." ; _ _0' giveri torm. " seems to be odd:bill. '''Ji:':the '-6tp;' "torloii&ris j general 'dscnP-tin; of :'ten • verb :;(.r ff measures I. fa'a -- + 0' c , . with ,- : .: " examples : .• -" ,"':.,. ,::'" or each" ',0-'- ,'- : ... .. "'1 .... -0 "J:' ..... Called the Isimple' measure -- verbal noun, it is pOssible - holds "true "for" all measures except the first which This the _ his - o ot the verb (but most 0 ' 7 - , ( \ irregular formsl) in The verbal nouns e1the1':"l;: u, • nacjar .. 3) filS 4) rui! t .: ; .111" [ • COJ!l8'i:_n <jann 'aurb : 6) ·"utaa!· 7) ri!! e) 1'uhwS ,,91lm S) ·fa!aaS :.' .... dbahaab ' .' . ..... . :., s , - •• .. . .; ... , ldtaab g1yaa. xuruwj wUjuwd examples of· .tJ.rst mease bs: taham katab . to umerstand -.'" -:,' to write . . ka II. OJ '-'. :: , .. am ;', ...... .', 9akl 2)· .;·;fata$ ., 01/ a.' also.are .umpreclictable f Some stem vowel ot trame$': Sane ·:*i:ainples: several' different C one of the is. .the of this measure tense which -7 be pE'esent ,) merely_lllllLa---:-aU1_ple_,.Jrti_ --------------------------- unpredictable parts . because i t general mean:iJW of the root. out of. the the _. r,' .• to hear .. to break ,-, arat .to mange £!!!t The second measure can be the second root consonant and or be may a be' strengthening of first tated that it makes . or recognized by the can giva measure causes an doubling of interisi ve meaning verbs. Seconfiy, it the action suggested -.: " • ,. '.,; fahham '..f !'':;.; :.. • • explain :ctl",&e/someone "1iDierstand;,"'::troJt '1'hm to - ':;.J' .. ",,. .J . ...... ..... und· er·;"''::.ta.nding'.'' ::,r.,}' .. ' 9allam :!,' .. , , ! " to teach or cause' - i . laiow, to someone • , magnify' or ' make' sanething ,big, If, big. kassar ".:: ..... ;' , from !2£ iuge,," :' .': ': ash to'bits, demolish;from' m to - ,,_, .: . JifJ.I. ;f measure ,., : . :.' .• :-.;.' -: .,' .,' first and second consonantS' 'Of the root. ', , i I <, !' j'' I ' ' , dist1nguishe(i' bt is :', breakirig.". •• The third ' . . to - " .from 911i;, " I knowledge. knowing, kabbar . -IS: the sa between,tbe" - ', ..... . Whenever'tb:Lroot"'is '" 'J: fourd in this measure, the neaniiiS :of' the verb' usuallY-' i1Iipli8s ' ' ... acUo that the , , correspond, eans that unstated "Whether B , perfdrined' by: B. but the action is not object to of the root' is The verb can also or mean - '1etter's o not. " -,' that the r.. ,'! often be'translated·by an 'with'. kaa:tab ' B 'but Eng lisp , so,, .The third verb to,erform, measure verbs plus the.preposition ," - . to wr1 t'e gaata]. to try ·ld.lling. ) tD, from ktb, writing. to kill ' - someone .. p iti,;is" subject attempts th actaon of the root·upon"the object. can an necesiiarlly- returned.' 'kaatab A wrote rep>lied subject A'toward by fighting him, from , 9.,· - -:t,.. ... u: ·1.:saabag ';,:';1.to:. try".to.:p,t ir;l ':'!'from ;r: rafag._ _." . . .go . ''',,' - i' :dio. :om .. , " -_ .. ... :..,. -' . .. '", _.;- .s..': . _ Ja.sste(:wit!,k!.:-' servi ld:th, ", : -, . -. . :- -:'.; " as ::.friend. . . "S,···preqed1,ng., goip&.;:ea4. '._;to share$With, . gaasam front·.af· oone, ,, taej ..... : _ . : " .- . 1 "":".' .. , . - I • ,', . " a,aS IV. --- • r: _' l ... ,.. v ',' >-..1- . . ; .... r'" ... 'A; .... ': . Recognized ., : • by"t I • ... _r .... -j. _ '.0: . .. . '!,_ .,.' . _ _ ., iriiti8J. '!,' :'fourth-ineasUnf.i·-·ome- ·.'S.: ': --+ '_,. confusEd-'With fo' of times • r . n{easure; first the ,".. =-"_'t- -like the and • y meae the"fotrti(inea:sure'vb .meana ·t,o CauS"the • _.. .. second .. i .._....... r -- k;· ''\:.:-: f:·- ..... action of the root c .;r::." J .... .. employed , :. .... to1:)e -do'nef:: J." • -: . .. _ • ,:.' .- "'_' .,;;r;. _i" ... ' .... Verbs in this - r' _ ... ,- ,." a.r<j.a .' .. !., ,_, g4ab • __ v; 'taf2aS ------- .:." en,., to :>, ".:_.,_ .. ;-:;. _. ablS -to take objects. 2!!! knowing, wledge.-:.,,:...,, affluence, from " ..... -. c t f!:.:.£. ... , - . . or -: ". -" : . .... agreeing •. --,.' " . , -,., / to, enrage , from ; .• 1 :.-" '.; _ 4 '_"'-:. : :'. .. . :..,;.-; .... : "'..: -- .. " ;f q? .. .f._(', (:t. temper ger, ';.' - ." .- __ ... _ / • ........... I __ '" " ., . .,_: ,. <, •• r!)2 - • "'..:', .... being rich. :. -:''.;_: . - ., *_.- to. aifY satiate, from rqiy satisfaction, -...,' ,.,, .' ' ::thet win be .• :,""a. .. meanings seem to" be the alwciys- are measure ,; c::-;. { .. though even infonn,' from to - . .• • . HOwv;.: Wii':":ariY root·:: is ,. .. .. found to diYfer in usage akin. .. 7.rr-.:. :\i>:o.:A; "tr:-.;., :.': '::', in both the 'second and fourth 'meaeurea - - -;';",/ :".,-: - -: .':' 1'.. -" • ._;. ', 10'- '_ by considering 'the, fifth be rendered can of refiexive of ,the seccmi measure" i.e. 'Verb -is acted second measure in the 'case. of". !a9 encouraget• of :the subject in the j'ifth implY that It may otherwise __ ...... as ,. takabbar w -- 2.- Ito t su:pper' from, 22l , to be , tawaggat , to be - ".Jr talpmmas ',1 . stirl:ing. - tagaddaa" .;'" , ", •. ..... .: ,'- )' ,.,.;_. • .. ta5akkar - . eat lunch ,.._" or " .. - stop • .. .. b " J . zeal, E from excitement" .. gduw marnil'lg, i·lunch, breakfast, .t::.- ,., -. ,.: • to be remiIdecl .,',:._ tIl> ta 1 aa", _ .. -------_... .. 1;'" c', •.. .,., r· ..', ., .r: . .,. ._.• .. J ... .,'.. • '_ ,. f..,..... ...... I " ' or ranember, from. to remiId. . .' '" ' .• a,1 t -f. ":r t. L: -: fifth measure can •. ."? -..-.... ," ".:'" - .: , .. As the J . . ...t . _: __ ? .".. be the y_ passi.ve . .. reflexive of the or second,' the sixth': '6 the"s'am r'lationshiP -to The forms of the fifth and sixth measures are' I: they are the prefix !. the obj ect same as the . to recall. for second and third with the additional The third measure verbs , easy the third. . action-derived from the .. ( . ". . " VI. ... ·teach. to breakfast • .' ..J.. - '-'" "-,""'"': . ._, 'to - 1Jmn washing, bathing. from : . to ''f ;' " bath, a !!e! from s eC;-,e r to - . ------ . {"" '.' :... , '.. from barrad to cool. ...!. _' . evening, supper' •. • . , f!pped, to take _ . taught; from 2!1!!!! to be cooled, .;. , !' ,to learn, tabarrad 1 to great', from kbr', 'greatness" large'. 'to consider onea-selt - as subject partakes the , ta9allam verb !:J.!2 becomes part of what·the root suggests such or passive ot the "llleasure encouraged' from .to be as' the" measure ... .-"-.- ... defined subject a passing The sixth e_asure. ------ were --.--.---- gives the to same a as designating second int, meaning but ---------------------- 11 - - 'lheref'ore' implies reciprocity Or muliua1· action. .. win be measUre 'verbs .' .,' ' '.,' mariy ·siXth··--· t' ,by .English verbs 'lus teach transla. ted . -----.-.-- . • .... other'. . tagaataJ. fight ·to kill to - another, from gaatal to one fight· to k1ll to be reconcilai, - -- taaalaJj takaatab ccnrespord to - . .- . - 'fran pala,.he pacified. .. ------ with - ' -f .. another, one .. fran kaatab -.-.-=--- to wr.i. te to. ta9aawan . assist c " "'i""" --",. r", '.' I ._,. ta9'cladal·.. !' r --. . " be or agree ... mutua'L agrement, to have •• : :.¥- . t -., •• '.' - " . ... , • • J • :lIT . ... t)"; ...". _ • -, __ < / - ,v,.L, ......., The seventh ',>(.' to, ;... : .... .. ". ... ... '" something;: ;:: ., . ... . w .,. ''.'-" _ .... ,. ",". from' : .. .: I '. :- • " " .... " ' ._ .... '_ , (- prefix in with the addition of the __ • _ - ' which is fonned like the' first measure A,' ! 'put into propor-tdon, 9aadal to balance .}- ' from ,' or ,---"_ "fI _ ..cr fi. bal,anced to be . 9aawan to support•. or . - ., . tawaafag' tOgether, t:rom cooperate or wqrk to - generally is found measure to be the .... passive. of the first. of a action which J.. ' ,ver'b . , ( \ __ - • breaking, refe! to, irdiscre:te q considered , _" ... .. .... . we emplOyed say" assdgn blame to,. o W .' .1._ I to indicate The window . ing the personal dignity an someone the doers r as • the severrth limpersonal' quality. . accidently got' broken (inkasar) I of' the \ ".' forgetting, etc.) it.,is necessary to report that window Arabic culture it is loss of dignity (suCh imputes lt.or 3.,; .'_ drong,. spilling, is ,often Because in easUre. broke If a thus preserv guilty' party o· The seventh 12- - : . . .'_ . ,:,. . .. .. subject form verb is often''USed when ,the £1' not,mentioned.,· is :. lnkaSar get- borken :to piec.es,. from ksr ·breaking •. iio' - - - to, be bas imprisoned, 9bs jailing. from injar { '.be .. in4arab •• .. .... ,;. ;.;· .... 1 ftiU cp.m ,wronging, wronged, to be - t . .... ; .. Dppre9'ri;3i -- beaten, ,1' cJrb .hitting, st.rildng -- • irtaS VIII -- .,.;.; .. .' . . Mure ·:nUmbr. ., eOnizd. , e1gh:' following the first consonant, he int'ed,.! . 1?he .meaning but of the verb in this· measur$)-'1s harder to cata.fP'1,z than other.. also conaonanta1 variation in ·this m which a purely prommciation ' reasons:-: . .' like'" emphatic an . '. . . . , . The , : -:; t; .. the "". ',".' ,-, i ':, .., . .. 4ab -" ·>s .!.;" : 5.·· i,f.! verb i':. " r>s: i4fab ._ _",:_ . ':_. c .: " idr £ for , of placing '-' "'. to be '0:,:' a 5t .....- intte q on or etc. -, : ",. .. " " .. -0' .,. . '.: .. -. a refliro.ve : that the fonn of subject is , benei'i the bj'ct.· ... '. e.feot > him$elf'or that performance effect an difficulty of - ; , . .. it may for the 'infixed .. - it;9": ., c'. : will cast i9arab f.·- J "i-: he Edght measure: "ina be' - . .. darak performing the 'action the ' .:', ' : like' 4t'; ":'"':',;., ::;'i , actd.on 6, . to alleviate the ',.:.1,.'.,. first measure;' or , changed or . .... - .. ... i.r.. . .-" .",' ,-'r ... '. occurs , . rr'a -dental aa d, z, .. There is the f1rt root consonant is tD ,pronounce consonant combinations having T," .. .., 4, V, t may 'be assimilated. ' ' - inq.alam .. .' of the Defining '. root in this measure is rather tenuous • ,. . . agitated, from :-- .. qrb strildng'- r- 13 - \ IX. ijtama9 - to meet iktasab - to acquire for - together or assemble, ones-selt, .. iktaSal to ilh. one istahar to have oners fame ittaf'ag - iktatab .. s from from ksb ..- '", person, from ..2 gathez:ing., getting • e! washing. spread, from . ame, renown. ,to happen. suitably, from!! satisfying, agreeing. "to sign up, enlist, from writing i12aSS ...... _ . Little used, except another. This iswadd·... .Y . l.sgarr i9WCljj - .i9warr. - to become red, blush, from brown, isgar :·bownp_, to become The from from .. ! blacke a1plar red. -. --- .. ""'.;:' ----_ to become crooked, from 2: to, become one-eyed, los'e"'one eye, from ""'''',' state into one "crooke5 :.., - -e , , eyed. , ,; the tenth prefix ! Signifies rather. frequently and embodies concepts. wants, the ninth is very seldam encountered. 'black, one -----..-.- from to become .-.. istata" measure defects, changing describes the action of measure occurs for colors and or The verb may imply a that the measure verb which variety of different subject asks, requires, considers that, the action of the root is so J or '. the action of the root be done. signify pretending .. meaning or false The verb may otherwise assumption. of ·the verb is reflexive. The, third common that 14 - n 'good something to consider istaqsan - to approve, fran or good,' beautiful.. ' -- . istagtar - tD beg pardon, istqar - to sk ':'\ ,' ,'_ pardon, foriiving. from be present, from presence. that someone ' -' to give ones-self up, from slm submitting, making istaslam -- . peace. ista9raf, is,' - : istakbar -c,' - to make ones-self known, to ,prtend 'illnes, to, pretend . to be 2!! knowing., from dcness. trom . r: .:_ ... 1 great, from kbr big,. large.,. . . - .-... The root -divid.ing, apportioning previously discussed ten measures'''and I is used in can serve as seven an of the illustration' c ' :.::.'. of how verbs of different ·measures appear the Arabic sentences Wi. th their \ verbal meanings klj.· translati . . underlined in . " •.. . . each:' .' (. ... , The man and'> the perM.nt • '1' eli'Vided the .. ----- , betwen . il-ustaa8 gassam -- il-awraag 9ala t ...talaamiy8.::, :j<, axuwiy gaasa.mldY - .. ----- papers il-bat. money .:: '_'. . .' ,, the boys. The teacher dis tributed . are ,:" _'" }' j_1..-clwlaade Below in sentences. to,; h . stu:lents" slitired--ldth My brother the' .:.': me -- .. _-'-- the melon • ->, . tl il-maay tagassam 9aJ.a l-arq. The water " got spread out on ....__,_.--_- .. -_ ......... ----------- ,. the ground. Th boys red each othere .. -c- .... the melon 5! c 1$ - ..... - r: - sit ta tan ;clsim .-".. Six, 9ala 1tha.}'n.' .. . by two. be divided can ... , _ .. _- . The melon came apart in halves .,- .... ---- ... t It was , • stated befor 'that, with', the .exceptd.on ,of the first measure; all, the fonns of measures may be predicted fran 'any A knowledge student are- roots common used in manipulate with On' the succeeding pages I , . -f - (a/i/O.) -. r, IV .. ............... 1822a --- .. _ .. _. . " 3' ; .: •• j ' (-aa) 1aaa3 (a- ) a 12a3 ..... ' ..... , Active ma.12UW2 .. • ""-:,. " ", "., YU;822iS '. . - ' Pasive -.. ' ,:._ A hA.S InU1a22aS mU1a22J. " ' iat2iy3 --...---- yu;adiS' mu;aa2iS mU1aaaS InU1aa2a3a 'YU12iS mU1i3 mulaj !!! ! ,,_ " 1aa2iS , . ,... .. --- ---- ... - ... yanaS "..., Verbal Noun Participle ---_', , '.' FORMS Present ...:- ;,',- V (t- 22) ta;a22aS yata t'a 22aS muta1ai3 VI (t- ) taraa28,S yata1aa2a$ muta1aa2iS VII (n- ) ·in1a2a! yan1a2iS munfa2iS' mun1a2a S aa are ,.,:.. " III' facility spoken Arabic. ;a2a3 '(-22-) II measure<t their'measures in which put in a of Past, "!2 -- tha 'anti ,V E R B Class' form in O.I .: • remaining verb in 8I'f3' of the 'one "given identifY to a • tabulated ,verb struct1.lre explanation of' three consonant' roots. examples of they 'following of the will enable the verbs the forms of • , " A A ..... A A ._......... __ .. _- '. A...... Ai = '0 l_) VIII (-t-) i1ta2aS yalta2i3 mU1ta2iS mU1ta2aS !!2a IX (-33) if2aSS· ya12aSS mU12iS3 muf2a33 i121SaaS -- .. _--- .. , • Parti'cip1e' ',' -----_...... . ,' ,_, . . Verbal Noun: _ .... . x , , • , .t. ... _ , ...... '.' .. ' ,; , • :'. ,j Past- I;- ... -------' taham: ' :I •. ! yafham _: ",', , Participle Present, .--- ........ Active .......... -..-- f ' r Verba:L 110un ". ,Partic1pl.a ,-- ... .-- .... .. - fahm mafhuwm ::. _ Passive .: II , '. ,/ya.t', fabham . to " explain- - to IV come afham , to mutaahim tafh1ym mufaaham mufaapama understanding an Yath1m .- .': _" '_, yafaahim faaham III mutahham _'. . .i • t V· . , VI ..••... ..;.;, aaham tafaaham . ... . infaham , " ••. '. ': ..... :: i : ", mutafaahim . =. L" ,_ -- tafaahum. '0' live mutual·Urrlerstanding to - •. oze' .;*- "w:ll to ..,;," yatiltEthham· -imitai·ahhim-' .tatahhani , -r , ? .y.antahim· : 't munfaham infihaam '. •• to be understood : r .;-:.::.: .. - yaftahilri::'-'" ;.. ":. '::.':. to .earn' . muftahim 'muftaham iftihaam " -:,.r:" _lX _ , '. . ' ·r:... : '-'; ,. -: . .. " . J ' ... .. _ " _ istafham.. yastafhim . to -inquire ! - 'about -. " . " ...... r· mustafhim ,,' t.o! something ,', .:: z···· mustafham istifhaam . ' - ( .:.-' *'1 . : ,...... . (,r Past _,. - ..._ ... Present, ; .. -Act1v: Part:L"ciple. -' gaabU.:. magbuwl'· .g'l!buwl - ,..........-..- ....._._- . Participle Verbal pun Passive .- . accept, approach to gabbal II .. 4 'to yagbUl' gabal I 17 ·yagabbil· mugabbil yagaabi1.: ·mugaabil- ; mugabbal ,:., -v- .tagbiyl z= to kiss III . . gaabal. to IV ; meet, encounter ·agbaJ. -.:-. r: out, mugbU ·tagabbal .mugaaba_. ' .. mugl;>al. yield, to mugaabal :· __ someone yagbil'-- to start V .. yatagabbal .:->: ". igbaal· «r • ,:\.' • ·tagabbul i'mutagabbil.-·· accept, receive to I VI ; ':-:'.tagaabal 'yatagaabal to'meet one .mutagaab±l : another ·::Y :. Jtr0 ..... - ._' .. -s : "- ' •• tagbul -.- VII VIII igtabaJ. mugtabil yagta1:xi.l IX mugtabal igtibaal '!' ..1... ...... ... x yastagbil istagbal mustagbi1 to .receive someone, welcome •. - .. - .. -, . .. .- ,_ ., istigbaal mustagbal _ '_-' 'J. I ' '\........, . -. -, - :- aim m8Jdns.·---peace, rece;vino- ... .... t" ... ,.-' .: 'Past . i. I II ..... _.T •• """'-' to III· .... free, ...... _ - ._ . greet, Participle saallmJ masl.UHJIl to· V • r , :tasallam 'to VI _. y:i.eld, -. Noun -- --- ........ , . '. silaam. - escape musal.laill musallm' - tasliym hand over yasaali:m. musaaJ.fm _ to make peace, be reconciled IV" aslam Verbal Participle ---.....--. ., I yasa1lim 'saalam .. r' ya'slanl salam sallam - 'E!' Passive Active - ... ,P.resetit· ---- to be Iii , .... . yaslim' .'. (\. muslim-, . _':' ,Musaalama . . _ ,r - .. islaam mus.lam. :' surrender mutasallim yatasallam receive, take .L. .• tasallmn +e- c over saalam yatasaalam to make peace J.mutasaalim j r .'..-;,-z together VII . VIII istalam yastaliJn L .. : .<_- .:-; r . .: mustallm ...s.. . .......- •• istllaam mustalam ._ ...;" to receive, IX x istaslam to - yastaslim inustsl:im "':' yield oneself, submit iri'ustas1ain -. ._, istislaam .'" cOmPosed If the root is 19 ... one---ofwever:-alQinatins:-whera ,,1 of _'_ .... I or w in - staui for oJ?e of the • -, w' certain' positionS in some .. letters, which are tweak! when the oot when they fonnations they are Past are o!:..the- ·measures. as ,. _._" _ occur 'It :1s because; :these ffit .. • ... in consonant placed .in the various positions. and the f"lr...., '¥I- consonants and sometimes involving land,! Present .._ , • sometimes act __ • consonants, irregular! ties will • • • Below' as are ........ els# listed exceptions whioh 'occur" measures: Active Participle ---- ....... _ ... Passive Participle ......... .....-- ........ Verbal Noun . . .._._.. I c II r TIl. ' ...... ; ... . - VI VII itta2a5 yatta2iS muttaiS mutta2aS ittiaS 'IX x o ';-11; .J. V VIII' -s • istiY2aaj' 1" 20 - . - ( . .. .:: . .' '/' rwj:- Root '-- .. :. ' ... .. ,") ..... '6r':'(' (2 t. w }:. "f.,.>., :< " " 'Past, :'" .... ' -""., . -,: ..' .: I • To :, 'f Present , , " t • _ ,.., t:-:·· ... P&rtiCiple!. _.....,_. _.,..... loo.-..... .. ..,. _I E '-,0) : ...._, r f . .i 'I' ...:' v .' , • _ .,' _.I!., . - ' .. r fa ' ., : . " 6. "",' i • V taf.aa yataraa VI tafaa2a yataraaaa VII infa2a VIII irta28 .. , inu;aia A. t a121_,a .; ': ".: " ..... mufa _' ·-'':-..i .; ". ... ,."':. faa2a :',' Noun ,.;,' :. """''':: '. .. "f" • ?" ".' \ J Verbal. _ ·;taa :rv:. • ': 'participle .. '7 .' .. Passive J, .- . fa2a, IT! .. '", 'P' n . Active . ..... '1 ... , . . .. ....- ., '! '0-, .. - ... ; • .f __ .......... JJiutara2a mutafaa£a' \_ munfaBa .inri2aa? mufta:ia iftiaa? c ir ., mustafia istafa X f. 'l'" . ," t • • : t .. '. .... £:1£ 1_ ... · ••• J .;.-_ . . " :-;: .. "'l .....' :;':,:. "'.. - \ - c 21 - -.',. I.. r.", ' .... VERB' OONJUGA'rIONS ; ---' Every verb, regardless ,r, "I or to " action; -, - . show ... .... order to show • ", r or·in the' connnand prefixes the yerb' stem- devoid ot !. .: r generally quoted are 'only ·two, sets of SUbject : - " tconjugated' • i -totai there . markers . fi:rst' ·set i'or':the-"verD-whic:indicates C)mpleted the i.e.' the of the 'verb futUre In _ 'OO'_b. speech in used. in "/'""" because these' wo forms +earn;': .... 'he·d.id' form'oi the p8st ,tense suffiXes. and (. ....... doer of the action.": ·The verb is or either in the form ,- suffixe hn and • subject . "'_ of measure., will have IJr accept 'prefixes the .. e!! Englih{ .and twe in -secondly indicating incompleted action, i.e. tenses'iri'Englih -: - our the mkers n and The cOmmand fo. of the'verb'id:ll be . c," purposes. ':<--: .., ...r, n: V l,ir;.l.:?tq (.1; . • " I. OOMMANDS .' <:trtf'le i:;; Command to r r , ':' .;"'. • ...... 1. .f:o" .; .. :--r . d-slt:5?1 , jitt:>114'ltl' .a command of the verb does not the erder is c _ . . action but .mus.t agree in . ':'$h·;-'tt ..... .' . '--"""""!.;e The ', .: gi ven ':" j ;--. 't one man ref .. , rl"_ L '1. I '" __ i.: .1 {.l:.. < '} "mentid "thtf &;r . of the hever .. & .,-. . to .'" and number wi th to. gender. , ::':?T ;: } . --------iy .' sayl guwl guwliy lower' nazzil nazzl.liy helpJ. saa9id . _ a woman c·) .. -------'U.W' ,1 . guwluw nazziluw -: I > 22 - Command to one to man .,. _ a woman -------_• -------.--.---.-.....- .,.Stt It - ittatig permission' ask U"ste' " dol· • I ', - l .. . ...... -r. 1ttatiguw 'iata?ain .i.smaJ) ._ .""";" C,.._. ::f. ri'f)r:.':'i· :,:,;,,-:-,.,. .... (- . ..... B ;'W8l!I';< ista?5anuw .. isma9uw . .,.s - •• ...... '! , - .. . I,' .I':'.f. ". .; • ."". .1.'."... . ::- .. ,j; • ': '.' • :'"'(ebs-o1'>iIie X, .VII, VDI, IX, arid_:X .-: ;', ', PurPOses; ·.the '! .... .... b . , -Ad-A uu., !. .' verbs_ rtr_, . " '. aaures, - the Arabic .. .: . _ ".'" .; ,-...,. 'Don't you do'; added to the verb be learned as the ... /" as other ,places suffixes. a use .This,.-.J proximity in a word speakh ., meone not to : do some..; different construction -and sq a . '" "", ""':._ - ..... '_ '.; - .. .. negative must . negating .laa is' followed by' what will later ;-::> ..,. : Y:-:·, ,"'. ':'.:::!:', ':',' .::.' .' verb a sample listing is form. 'you Following f thus. .;.::_::::':.-.-: ..: !t·wJ:lose :tJiird' coonant,.is l'-OZ::! two different vowels in speaker !.to j:et_marker. pref any:. '·¥'1'o·rfo rietiv"Cod' iIi ·telli thing, 'l·.I s- ,is oJ:l].y:-1or pronunpiatio combination which is difficult for Arab a 1_ich. . ..,., . Such as: ·saWW.:and having .. ' _-A..,.. are t' . an.initial generaJiy'OR:the:'!l :in'Jih 'reomtnand'-ind in avoids of As··it •. disa:pPest"when CU&,l, where vowels :_.'£', It." ." . ···.I·taeilitaf,e;:pronunciaton .;': .;; . sawwuw ··;·:1 ""nOnY gC...n·:with :two:··consonan-ts, take 1 l' I " - ..... a;' -. FrOm ;theallUE1trated comands' iti,w111 be seen;tba.otL .!: . .:. t. : I; - _ _ . _, command verbs: : . ... ".'"' ". . . - - c c 23·- -:- ( tC) n don tt . r laa taguwl .say,' a woman-·· - to_ -«!_o_un . '....------... . taguw+uw ].aa taguwJiy Laa laa tattafigiy 18a t&tta.tiguw .9iy laa taSJDa9UW dontt.lowerJ don1t helpJ aa tasaa.9id agreel laa ·don't ' - don't listen, laa laa .tasma9 -.' '"'(. tattafig • .... e, • " to a man .",'. ".;:,. : ,. c." ,._ .' • It _' - 'f - '., 'I.' . -':1"''" don't dol 1.aa -easaWwi;r laa tasawwiy laa tasawwuw donft direct! }ali tawarriy laa tawarriy laa tawarruw II. PRESEtIT TEBBE ______ ..... _ t - The present tense, which is used in Arabic to indicate actions which are going in the .present on future, in the or .. .,......,'"'::""'.-.-; ...,{ derived from the cormnand fOrDlo' Lis·ted below _" 'conjugation of the . .present ... Note tense verb. 'you' fen.', atd "ithe:v:t poSiti>;" ome speakers are the frames for the that in will I -:",' . . - of the word. r inserting .. '-'" : All , th (.,. , forms of 'the add-- -,;, ...... present tense the- 'yoU...aJ..ll are \ verJ:> n the " _ , as is ""_- f,j, ·we , -, ta you ---./ ya . constructed by respecti va blanks J I he - eat' ":-.'- examples: ..... you th on i- » the command of the done in the easily is most .. ,.\ 'I . ." . --- ...... ". she (fem.) t.a - iy(n) you-all '- ",,\, . .. ' rna .... '. . - ta· uw(n) s». uw(n) -----....... I . ta \ :.>___ they -__ .) !: , ... . . ! .. '-"II '. I•· " ;- _ '.J' ....... J ... he" .. ... 'b-, ... "t .\:. --; oS'" . .. " ·f,.,1.::. "tashuwf you :: r...... - as h·_·..t>·· ,UJV.L . fa'.", . ::- ............. -» . to'" - ....' • i·.- ,. '(" ... '.' • ., .... ....... ;0, :... . , -'. . ·,ou·.'(f)·tash· you..all·:. ' tashuWfuw - she ,_ . ... .... v . we ':\ --:-- ..... - ..... yaahUt ;.. .,. T ...... ;. ... .' . _.---,.... :,1':"".: . .' ,.\ '. -:; . '1sWhim:" 'to" ask-tor Wormation <.":.'. ;.:r_; 1'· --------- .. --....- .. _.....,_..------------- v· I . astafhim l.: +[_. ?;,i.:.: ou tastafbim you (tem. he yastafhim she . .. !..\ ) .:...l. ;; .... .. ._ :.. .. e, ":.- t; .,.- .:. )' tastafhimiy . .. . - .. ... tas tafhim - - : - :. nastaf'him you-all tastafl$n1D1 they 'l: you - ... - ,:.,.asww;i.y),.<.: ';H_ ,:1 .... :. '''. _ :.r •• - r r"' - -, \! 'you,.(fem }. ,tasa_... -:.... •. i ..... ··; .. _ .... : .p;·<;,· !.;) '"'';':', . _ .. t 1. r: . +' .v , • t { .. lj ':, tc., Will. give th ... as in most. . . ;impressi.oJl.·:t in cases ;"'4": .. they ., r=;> - yasawwuw_ ,":.:. given' here quality:. heylar.';:say:i.ng Arabic, it '. tasaWW'l.1W '. t: btit the vowel is of indefinite .. .... The vowel used ·with the person indicators is .. 'nasa . _you-all . .'::"'" r.-:' .. " . \";.';*:"I" .:.., we . yasuw ''" ,,-'" - -._ -- we I a .some !_..r. '!!, '\ . as a, - 'speakers Here, is the consonant that counts and not .' . .. ; . _"..." . - .-._ .... ,., ... ' .:- .. the vowel. The systan forms diagrammed above for obtaining the present tense by insertion of the command form in the proper space is very 2S ,_;. - reguhi. and' 'an' 'be 'us'ed . : for': a:ll';erbs' ,''Wi th: the: .allowances as..Y.. made . . 'Th perso: y ;: - indicators in the table do (masculine)" fonn or 'yout .. .. "This differentiation,. absent, , •... " It is usual to say pronoun such personal as: ,. I ••• ;0.. .. - say' without , •... . . '·1 tell 1ak --.: - .. ; .•... I "". Arab1l ,,,,"_'" < "" ....,,_....... an. accompaeying The pronoun, if used in intensify to " .. !!!!_!.!!. serve .:, junction with the ver.b, is redundant· but 'the peraona'l, 'pronoun . in I - '.1 !&'.! .. "_ • '" 'you..allt• and Eng8h., us_ be ovaerved in .:. • PERSONAL PRONOUN WORDS:";;, ';' III (feminine), 'you' '" - > Also note the "dit.ferent Y:'., ot change. the con presence of the meaning as: ana apl ----_.. - . you!' c··Followihg·are ·the perSo'nal pronouns whi·· :alway.s .' .. " appear' as' separate words: : !: > ;:..... .; - ' I ana you inta he _. . .. •• huwa !-.. : 0..;. o . can t Compose verb ,.. ". intuw they hum .. ",: r"· the i', ':.':' • .... " ..•.. fl;' . - "". • ". ( ".. ;; • be deri ved from' the command- :fonn, _ ; ..•• 'stem vowel is that as the i'h " . • changed' to ! to give past :tensE(stem' the sU£fixes for on the .co.and foiTi/ present'tenSe- and another set '01' person indicators' used . you-all .,,. ... - .. - t,he .. .. we .......... 'p;ri- irutl'ats used';a";refixes -:.: .of t'6o hiya " IV":: PAST' T.ENSEi··,i.,···,, .... ........ as in analogous suffixes orra (stear) bel:ow conjugating" the past/tense. '. will' .. mann .. stem;' which comprises the:::-past ··tense. ,_,.;' the 'he didLform table f --------_. fr verber whdsthird:; r6ot: :eonSonant :.18 hweak. shown ' " ". ., '- ;and,' USingli' sUpply, the: person For verbs of measure I· . _.' 26- - (i.e.,'whose r!!, supply 'heJhe, to following table .'1.: - I is.'ittaf)-the'-eonsonants' command· • I t' < ':..' reearranged"into--. -- did1 form. which ,then can . \, be -used in ,-the .. • J. ,: t .na ----. you /---- tiY t, ..... -- i he . --..... u a .... • _-_2. 2 -""'---*_,•._ she .at. ___._. I' .!. nazzil ..... oa. (' . they UW' l • r . -"" - .......... ... to low$. - "',_ ..,. .. '; ---------...._-- naz: I. . you. .... we _ --·you{fem. ). nazalt.; - she nazzal' he ' II nazzalt:iy .' . l' - - - - you-al,l they nazzalat •. - nazzalna nazzaltuw o nazzaluw .... ./ ... isma9 - to hear -------.. • i, m!(' sama9t I - . -: - sama9 . _ c., _ • • -,."'. />' ..... ..1 ..... ,. . sama9tiy S9a:t -j."l•• -: ... " . ! tense.-stem·will when the These easily:classi.fias ual <" .. : sama9uw " " 1 .' completely regular '. but the . present certain difficulties of.pulation s. appear-a xcpYi.to . ........ I "", The pr eaenb tense· stem' is almost. past ·:.aama9na we you (r.em.) he --- "'{ -:_ ....1 with certain consonant and vowel combinations" the general 5,1stem most are irregularities ._l occur predictable and in can be places where the form.would have been unpronounceable. ; , c 21 - - ..... .... . EXCEPTION fa' v. ________ ' •• E __ q . All. !8rbs wse . , (fa!) the did' e • arrs ",past tense ')' 1,: .,....., ..... ends in I.: double oonsonant a • • '. • L I "'" a' ''''' - .. -,.._... . .""...... 4f"'''' interjected between· the stem' ".. t.:· 'wOuld be the ., ... too . ,...;,...i. .... .,""" difficult to llable 3! is ....... . the' suffix and e consonant because (try ,abbt 0rt :Oai:t). ,.Therefore ___... < .. I, . resultant, combination o:,t'- ·three 'consonants pronounce. , .... uttixes begillIlillg,ytth '. . . ..... ..r the.\.ur l...1h.Placed ,,t cr .. .suchas ,torm . tr .. .. _ .. posi tiona in the certain - ·r. ,.. . " as in the table, below. I.... .J.'. :' "', ", .. ! . " 11 • Notice also that all verbs whose third root consonant, is weak . . . .' ,. .., will have the the -did' form ..... '.' . those - }J9,ing :p . <;.. .4 a double consonant .... ... ,._ ..... .. ,. ... -YOU':' abbayt '. - • ',. he r :,. •. :'''li'' !.. r,..; . !l in the past .,. ... , .... " . . §abbayna we - .... . .., __ _ . ,you(fem.) j!>b.,&tiy ..', . _, ..... is - .( - theY.' . i, .: 'r \''' __ :. • .. ' [.;<"j .t'" . ... -, \ r • .;tI' I' ... f'_ r.""'.:'l" . you 1]a\ttayt: he 1ta} . o .she .::: i ";, '9aat r : they .. i J .abbuw you-all liabbat she I . -·.'f·,:, ''''4. ... l: j' , as . .....--- .. tL7 boJ.A< """" <1, the extra us e to pour - --- ...... . well as -.ot. t, ul>b ,Rabbari. ,,. ". - .... ' tense. I . in a, .and these verbs ending .-_ \ . .-1 .. .. :.. "'7-·'· :.j: -:' I .. .' ist.ggayt:··· ..J'i '.:-' =, . • - - ...... 1 • - . : I'·: 4 • .... , -·,.i : .... I "" SWW(1Y' ..... sawwayt ·.A. . ... _ J. ......·4... ', ,J'" '": e- • .. he sawwa = ._ t . ;" ) sawwayt17 : {' .. ,' * .. ;-lf:· ... ...... . !:,... '"' we sawwayna '.t'''';;'[_4< ,.'l'·'=' .,.: : .•",,_:' ';' :: you-all sawwaytuw. !.: • ,-., r- .. "'!..4""l -. - 't:' .- - t: .. y-o ... • ,they sawwuw .. ... - ,... ... m(l' ;2· "",,'-- -.' -. . ........... • I I J ' saWwat sh.... ., " . ,"Oil (rem. ·1 .' .. .... too 'to dO;: .-. _....__...,...._,_ ": ,. you .c 1..;. - sawwayt ·"f'. I:'isi.ggayna -.. • ' . 'We' • ., '.tI ::: ... ,,, ,.s ., .. ;<'. she t .:. ... . ':. '.:,,; :; "'!',:.;' ;.:,' .. . '_, .. ..... : i:S15ag -: :;yC?u (fem) <istaimayt17' -: _'7ou...an·:.i8taagg8ytuw ," you, t; ( is - , 1'" : - .... ,:; ; garayt garayna- we ••• ',t ,'.' you v: he: ". ',: . garayt you-all garaytuw f I- gara' she 1"i! " '. ... t . . " "1 I.[.t_!'c ..,}- . VI. - EXCEPTION"'faaS Verbs whC).e • • secord root .... • .. •• _ ........ .-:, - . ..,.. is weak will have -.".. .d.1'. ;ic;ept the past tense endings of the first. ··=·.j".i r' . . ;Long .M .tele s copes into . -- . .:.;. not' telescOpes . into a fO.1ms and, they whenever aI]d. second person, ' ,. I- th. - short ::vowel . .- _ 'usua].).y . I !! coming . the third consonant 'ih the the . ...) ... consonant' !. .t: - beore - garuw -"'" .. : they 'ns: :-. ,- __ ... .. .' ) garat ,''' ... . ;,.. . , can't' in English speech. i - . UI .- much as f can ' .. .:" I gilt you gilt ./ we . - " - "' r he yo:u(fem.) '.', : .. ".11' f gaal .. .. i.' she '.' J. .,J.. ;.. . . . J . "r: r..t '" , gilna -ff',.:i !?., oJ they> .- J ,!: ....-"''\- · .. • .... :(.' 'f' . .:: ,.," • , 'istajib 'J' we you istajibt you(fem.t'wistajibt he istajaab she ... ... '1W '. , fonns, masculine, feminine, -':y;- and - .. the pars.on . A; V-(r . I se third ?r_·f, i ".. ,., . '1' .... ':":_'-;' '1;' ... a which - ,,-' 1 : ',v!;.t" :1 ,,,"'t--\ ;;'f glVeS 'the ..;. , ;a2aS' the - .s .' ,,' that, if . t made (plus "7- ':t m'I'" 'heCiidl form, but- i:Mune.· . ... . by the , ... 'f" .'-' the 1 t. r. . verbs o£ I.' EmplOying :f" ,. '""; t.,'! as 'a' 'stem the person' indicatOr 'Suffixes are' , : . " .' ,'. pu{lnto . are t '. " " " .. '. ,.- " - masculini={ commarxi W .measur-e Y :.t • ' ....... are ' ' . "''f :-- r , to the masculine command form .'., . . e- , . '{,'r Past"'tense . negative commani. tdontt t'_· root consonant is weak). '. ,' ."')' .,.. tf'[ forms are 'obtain by. changing the stem vowel 'of the end vowel 'in verbs • . : "'- the -' prefixes .. ,,'i_ " . ' The command verb has three !: r,.."" The pr esent tense forms you dot also has three forms. .' istajaabuw - plural; • istajibtuw " they . Summarizing verQ. copjugations: .. you-all - istajaabat, - ·"'k .......... adding ',' ...-: _ the stem ends in a ... or a double ; he did' form attacbed,' remembering" .:-(- , "-),: ', .. telescop'es "} t'.:; "-,,' the . '" .. in Ii-" "; frst and secnd; persons sa before the third ::.. 1-." :'J. ,!..-.... ;" 'consonant, r: the :.' all farms JO£ ·the first and second persons. • ,' ""1 t;,,.' "': ' { . "v " , .:.:- ..._ • .••• .. If the stem contains : consonant, ay is interjected . - between stem and suffiX in. all forms of the ••..:." . , . .' t 1"il' - gw.uw ,: ---- ,1 I ltuw you-all gaalat " , - . -. ltiy .t"" J." . - , -' long vowel ::...'::. In both } present and past tenses the person indicators do .not change • , I.,," ":'l ,., . _' -,. -30- ( , OTHER VEBBAL.smuc.foBJ!a';" _._ ........... - .. -------- I. , - I. • .. • ¥I' .... " .... ," ; .. (,;. .... t • : ... .. jA rr: ...... :- Although oClDl'llon •• 'f " is 'f' irregular ... :,,=,- .. and used :.J.,J •• parts in : ...t a .. great deal, the verb jaa.- 'he came' _) .. .:.... :-: ", canplete conjugation its so .... .... ... .. '.' .; .. ,_\ given belan is .:. ., :.:..: :;. ... ta9aaliy . " - • .. .. ...f:_'" I", you (tem. ,tajiy' _. t' ) tajiy "!!_, ). • yajiy' 7ajiY" she :;' .. _ (.,/';;' ;.!'.:.' .;. - .. [, 1 .. - Past .7' .-J-t::_: t: "'.,\ _'. .'''.):. .. ,'. '. ,-t"'i-'{ i'f·...-..:· ,,-r:_r '" : .' . . ;. 'I, -" we najiy y-aJi' tajuw they tajuw • -'!. -< :>'. .-l. .... :" . ... - .",. ' _' , ( >ri }).:; I ..... . _ r .. ':-;, . .. _ he ,_ Present .. ajiy you ta9a .' - ., ,,' I . ' .' ,.... " \o ("C'.;; rrc ". :. l'; - we I, b';"-: ""' !.s.:';) rtJ ; ,I;.:_·f1:·\j ti .. ',jaa f he i:". ". t', ,0 ...!" lo word jOWJ.I • -"" , .. ' r:.. - .. . - t - .. s., ,jut lr:=-·._:_ .>, . ... ;:-:: ,- : ;: -' -, • they , .:: "t .: '.' vo:we1'.f<;>IDl is:,pronotinced .like. th This . t: _ '. 'she ' .... . 'jauw .: ". 0 .._ .. :.: . . -in:.t¥ Englis 'ow' '-,t - .. '-- .: ' .... . .; st - ':' .. :--; ;''':(, - -r: .i- ,,,,';":'" "i;": < ... " •• h'; '.! :.' !'',-' Arabic verba may take pronoun -'-.,. 'of, ":: suffixes ,., ....,.. for ... suf.fi::c ·r'·:pr< 'bjct;' a1so .appear- in conjunction . on ,1_ P _ objects the; purpose.' On "" .' "" verbs they employ and • or r: -Of ,:. a prepositi,onS having ... special "o_". ": •. these 'n6us' ih'' sh poss:ession. with other words : .•.. or Th expre saing ::;: . -.31 .,"1' ...;, verbal ideas. - ..... ,. .' , (-Diy nie, mine' ;' rbs) for .';',-ak"Or -It ,ru, your ""'f' her, USi r , .. f"" " , " - .. '., , ",,,, 'I"<v< them; "'-).".t!" Jt:.; , ,YOU-.U, your " , I'!. it our, ... ,,,,, 7 ,. : exctusively is , 'f"··' :·w' _ -r !- ", .. \ 1'" .. verbs ....... ')0" .. - . '"'.... - obje'cts of as r, . their: ,:.r':':hum";· ples ."'-.. - '1'''' '-kum' ::. 0" !I • '" ._ , ..- ... 1 "F"'"""'" (The periods spearate 'to' .... -fJ:'_ " ,._.. pronoun obje eta from the verb's 'fer easier analysis). sift" btml I . yantacp.ruw.na .;. .w 't·. The.y . • . ',. saw ':"_ol.'.1 _ tJ them. -"', wait for'us • . ..:.._, .. ,.. ... ;9-:; ;..a-, "'l ' , ',. "'; ....1%1· ...... , "9:"": .,'. r;.::'. > :.::.'; 1: .. The infi,ni,ti ve ,'rona'Lot the' verb does not .,exist in Arabi c and . oIu therefore .. every·verb, i.s' f'iIP.te" and must have ....• "", "., a • per-son indicator on ' " it.' Where the English .Langaage the Arabic.,. speaker, person, indicator' Employs. and. if , ·two uses an infinitive in a separate "the subject ,of " ver.b phrase ' '. y'erb", each containing he. seccrd. is, different '. ,- , , the from the: subject of first a Pronoun object will first verb to indicate the change of actor : Thus instead want you, you gof. of,' I want you to go I The 'first verb a the Arabi c gives, te c,lue t.. " appear, on the :.,. 1" speaker says I ::? to the tense of . 'the whole structure. a vj-. - ._; .": I .: ( - duw.f - - :' .. .. 1 ,",-' ..... r . • 'J' ariyd.·±!l· ::.::- y .' .... .." '.1 .... \. - . ,.. :p. !jiyb is-sa"aara ::., . AI.went .. to f,ethrthe par. . , - !riyd.!! l!= ·yOu I want them to ee • " . agdar·asuw£.ha - - min bina - ." .. gadart aSuwt.ha _ ... - t r,«: . .l' r.·., ) • •• ... They: t . I ;.! .. • I'. .) .- ... ;. "rr, ... "! •••• .. j ; wnt hous:"" ...... 't._ _ "'. • ,....J - •••• NEGATIVES _..... f . ..; 118re . l!rlYd dawwir il-bayt rr I coul.d see'_her .tro min hina yoU . L :- I . ': . .,. • lo:,'k-for to -.': !,._; ... the i;·_. -; .t .o __ • ':i.:." -- . - before than. . .. ,. : .... • .; :'. -:_ .. : t".: -- • ..... A- ."q ;- .. ;,., .. .,".: ....t r: • 1 -4 I: »: - .' - ,,-;, t-, to ',' .. : :; .,: .: . • ," "," '. ··5'. "".; :' . .. muw - .. '!"_ -- ::' I r"didnt:t sethem' , , ,",'." He' didn.' t under stand ·you.. _.,' Don't· wait fer usl ·"Don'·i disturb'mel 'No,· ., . maksuwr' mawjuwd' . . • , I didn't see ·you-all.··t The box is not broken • Ali is not pres ent. . maahiyb fil-bayt She is not- in·tm house. maahuab hina He is not. here now. . ..... ,., . saDdmig'muW 9aliy J'. ' _ ... : ' td:?Wdih.niyl las, ,·.a' stlt.kum ·'is' . . • (or she) istt.;· .--" 'he mean . Laa: \ _.__ -r .. __ ..... .-, . :. - :. -r" .' .. . • .·;"'''laa· tantr.nal·: - rsgated by.::placing:-mUlf : " c ..• .......... • 01 sitt.hum'I!'t., ':"'';'''' ..... .. used in'the- oompowxls mil'ahuwb' (mas·a.)· and ." ," ,'. .......... mas '" 'lBrticles.,are -".- is also maa , ... _: in phrases (fem.) .... -, r- ... t ... _',.. - ,.... maabiyb A', • has been .- ard All. other WOl'ds • 1 --:r ." -;.... not 4 _ . - 1 ,,,,,-.l";t' C. standing alone b,efQre aJU .verb regates it.. ... maa i.' .. al-9ayn _--_.. ..) • .- ._-_ .. - , _ -l!", - . ..•..• : '. ,.. . .A) .. 33'- - v. . kaa.n VERB and TDmOR - :tt:iThe- :v.er ,'" .. ,- s. tp -be!. .. : present :tense eXcept seldom used in the ..". future act,on imply ' ""', i .. .- • ':!1 :. -or future . .. possib1lit:les':' pj1 i'uture".etfect 'The" ,is!obtaln l:dt.h. rY"iJl 'going tol appearing before -.':" . \. . verb a .. . _ . fos tense 1 ,at the verb bel : . presence in any sentence imicates . ." :'::': ..:-:'.)", .:.,;:. ;'( ' ". . .•••. 'J, used"as are \ .• tmlt the ,action . • _ either, PI;... tfeir e. . ;. . tensor,) a past 'The w: . . to •. hapPened : •.,.-.'. _-. . '_'. a over period , :iIi ·:-t-·pas1{ 01"-· started, in the p$st and. continues of ', :-, "':' : _"iIJ ::.;: <-:..'/,: : -:'.:1,' :".'.;_" l.t , ;_:' .time 'It"'is'aJso 'usei;in narratins. Below are ,roth the presSlt .•.. ' __ _,_ .. . . '. and .... .i.:. ..... - , .......... , :'.'. - .' J : . ':!". ," Of the verb 't,o be" plus .', ' .": some '.: - eXamples oi" usage. . ., I akuwn you takuwn . ,_ ,.,. she. 'yakuwn he •• .:_, . st'· te !'OlmS . ' " •. !, talruwn -,' ."". ", . we nakuwn youll- takuwnuw they.··. yakuwnuw .. ... i _ . . ..._ .... ..,x ::- ... '. ,'01_. .._, . - ........ , re __ ; . . " -l . '- kunt . we ·'{:you/' k1int·· .-".- you ! (fem.:) kUntiy / -; ;Ykuwn insalla f - • • , insalla, _ . .:;;<lO _.- .., . ....... .. ' .. -1ags jamiyl. I '_ takulm ,hina 9Cila l-wagt. I -, hope the weather 'Wi 11 be tine- toorow.,j '_ _;-.:.,'r,>:-- . . ,.." :wiP. be' hope .... you r..:-;">' - ana ,raa9 .ajlis . . ! . .,!. I hina. " ........ am going bukra. huwa 'raa yaruw9 kaan waa1p.d yastatil hinaak. here . . . bida fi.l-bayt. , -: on ..... r He is going to g:> tomorrOw. Someone was working there. - kaan .If..' . to 51 there. .... . :., ' Bidah was at home. ) ------_· __ ......--w -..... __ _ . « c" . !-:' '.' time. , . J " ( kunt Jna9.ah fi'ti-tariyg, kaanat ', " r, . " :'.. way __ h:lm aiid' 'th: on '_ .saw the car. . . '-. • tajlis fiy,mavalJ..ak. . I s , " is..sayyaara . sif'na wa She " sitting was . " : in your place • .I ... f:i.y"'-- VI. .... , i .. - , Ocasinally . . 'there is'. • employs' the.,particle !!l fiy maa . fjy . to express he .. A·:..... :, 4 .: i ... .' t: qualities FO it. L- "1" .1'..... he ,is npt,·, fiy. kaan _ there -'was " £11' kaan maa .. the verb, tto be' but use :. ngh state- :.",. . Arabic does not ther is , . and assigns verbal j ..... . "'. fI". t ned there exists the :- being, ment of i , there' was not -r Arbic does:'riot -a verb to use ,express the mean ing of yerb our ,"to ,havel indicating posseSSiODIJ_r Insa;'the preposition me aning_;J at I pronoun or tiQ.tht accompamed by objes-",conveys the noun objects' or .Laa maa maa 9ind.iy ,sayyaara.-"'- kaan \9ind,.hum -wagt.<:' 9ind il'-bint il-g-alam.-. kaan 9ind.na ,.- , ; , ), . 'you No,':;I -,. - ma:y?,f· kabiyr. and is treated·,:as. samelimpz:sion Have • :,,1 '. a verb car: haven't a car. have time. gn-l has .'the pencil' e' had ,. - a 'They' didn't, The person -a_large- table. .. ,.:: __ . . "', IJ,. " ( -. ,. I ) 35 - .... . - - v B 0 U,N.S . ------- . ........ I. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE ' the oil iz-zayt . 'i1-lJlaktab .: i-rtar1yg, '. .. .,.. I· -, ,r is-SBNYaara':'", rr, i,' '-<" The -, , . ... :: ... __ . the .office the':WaY', the car GEllDER· .-- " .dogs .... .. )j . .. referred to are concept same masculine refers 'or is .. ".:! Ihe', and inanimate present in Arabic nouns -feminine according to the to ·it. ", in ! are always almost '" . .. -: " , noun .. -;".: mother" 'J. __ which ' sculdne ,with l.: ,ted . called 'it". everything::is 'eitr as faninine a,rd rna as ·these feminine, nouns . ,""'" are gerrler of the. any other tennination may be considered exceptions such objects non-Eocistant. .,IIt' ,in Arabic is errling Nouns , as below: nouns a _ with ,,' ew, o9.Il,;:... ( 'I _sikldyn knife ;; b1nt i·_ l .. .., same '.- .. . hsnd (manbers -of' thB 'bod)" wch are in pairs are J ya4,- , feminine.) considered Th,,ender J or a .... ot the ". AI. noun pronom:lnc4- re.fen-ants going must add a - suff:ixeci -Bender' det'ennines the " with it. ariy adjectives- or 'b' feminine notin;'g t (called 'r' tf.) befOre it - .can ',in accept any other grammatical suffixes. ,III. DUAL .. , enumerating For and not the two '0£ aItvthing Arabic utilizes the duar :fonn plural. ',:'- maktabayn "-.' "'..-'t r .;«> "'! _t.".. two oi'fices,J;, j; 1;-', -,' - .", syyaaratayn two cars ""' __ '_ , -r r '--: :... (..: ..... 1 . j r baayn r d "':!i, z . t , - , I . _ ': two bintayn PLURAL NOUNS ------_ ..... 'Dhe girJ..s ' plurals" of most re 'nouns .'=: as ccnsd.atent; ll are _. ' " Masculine formed by predict over vddch nouns present a difficulty 'in .... tha1;, 'thirty different patterns and it.:;:i.s particular pattern any given noun -: t ,,ha:t they Ih.ur ,2' in the word for ...... :" ,.. . " fonned by the addition of are two houses, . , .. _. _ •• her.:::purals not:J),.osibl will f0+.l;9W. are 'to These " ' - forms which • .:.. ...... f"-:H -- made 'tv ,I are suffixing' " the J- , ._. note for -ease in involves 'the insertion of . ....... . • a ' r..: of .. e . ot "" a . I tb8 "r' are )p -- ' .... ''*", : zurg , '.: 9' ' .. ... '!:.:.,\5 .... azrag ·· :: . ... ./ -v- o;.U2uwS ., .. .' 11122a3 .',)'; .'.' .:ij,1';·,j -,." ,. < ., .'.:' > ,,,:,c ,.•.. - .. ... , .- ,t·-; fJuwar .Al1.wra kutub kitaab- ._- 9abiyd '" • -t ; 1"-'" i1' .... - ,_" I ( .l ... .. J:. _ ' .'., ....... ')::F:"fl' .. . ,'- ':' ....\: ;- «, ',:: .: :. ::.":: ;,,'.,-: ": oIL r' . ,'. .. . Jtukkam ;aa' .. . . ·:.£}.·.r.g.1,t1J ;·L::C'·f,.) ·"':.v: ,l".rz";.,.,":: -:ql:."!}:'!>!U .::) "f..:._:"j:·.t .-: .... ;.", '.,1'" .. :- ·1,.,,'" '--_, "':-'. ··,,1ItT L. ; .talaba .!; .. ;:..:.. V'j :;i':' ... , - UJ z:: \.:,.:.;r l_:, taalib ,.':'i.'::···;··::L :.·.·!C-:,(ct'J:.:" j_::_,.' ': ' ,;."!.... '_; ':- - =s:» . \ . :i-.;:,·:'""":·.S i .. 1lUlaa L.l . , kaatib, . , Siyra r- I.'. -:T; ._1' :' ',1..1: . , ::'.:;.,;- waaliy ... .... e.· -, r':" "';,. l', . """":'1>', ... '" " .' abur - 1iaa3a jaara , ... . ;;." ) -: :;.,). ., '.. '. : ' .. .xtj. .a9ima ....,... ---.- ---. __ ...... _ .... ---- - .. _-'----'-- .... - ........ -- ':- .. . kuttaab· .c- {? 'it, .. . . ,.." • ...... " LJ '. . " . • :... ,aBaSa ::!,;_ :,::''; ;l''_: ru6aSa 1u2uwSa . " "": " ,ru2aaS , r·, 4'_",: " '. ,:. < :., '·r-:' ' ' - • "- ..... kalb t '., - 1U ....... ,... r '.(_ . ' i'i,;. ..... and asterisked'7" Singular 'Plural * .' "';. ,rII plural. ."., c_ ':patterns most .: ... . .. ':'- I' : "_!l" •• Frame . .... . .. . : fa2iyS . : • "1"":r" - ... Below 'are' the wrds. plurals' with" an example . singuiar.· i'Sane - a a . ' ".. 10' PlUralS" JilOBt broken " ... As ",. .. .. . '., "'r":'.!·"'" ' loqf'vower:tnto , . listed patterns, of broken - 'wOrd ...... if .,. " . _ ::!2 or ... recognition the formation of .., "' .. ...... , ...... to the f ..... • , . with lsoum 'plurals' '.':: . - . its col$rast:ing called 'broken pluralsl are - 1,- '-_- .:. .... , ". :,. .;' r·· · .. .. ' , . :':".I,'' ·f:' rt _', , 'J-!," " 38 - .. ':t :.:', t ' . .. t, Frame . l( a;2iSaa: 1<:. ..; . _ .,_ _... _,..!!" ... I:' .. • 4- , 1,,' ..... • • _ ... ",:. .. : ::. 1! -s .. .;' ;,. 1. p rawaa2if-:--, Ii' ,a2aa:i3 .... . ' , <"I;' • , .,,' "...£'* t .:. ,. . _ , { .: J ... : <.1'::" ,:'' niyraan waziyr ., buldaan ... --_ doJIo_ rasaa:i1 .'- ..i.. I hadaayaa hadiyya najaajiyr najjar . the plurls of c L.£ " I noun native speaker ! were ." • ..._ . . ;_:; . .... e- with most nouns -:'.r ; f·l:.."'"'l ., ," : r: .. ..... ._ -" sing singular .t.", .,. miftaaq _' obtained It . However, s, .- d1ction- the from "''':!'.)i.' 'along with the J"!:r f-r :' . posaeeedcn, ... " s.ingular. . ""\ . . '" nouns accept .r 0,' , the personal pronoun - added to verbs th' -feminine ... ..:.. «.': , v , _. faylusuwf .. and learned take r:. should be - roSSESSIVE <PRONOUNS;' a r . In order to show in ",.- u • t:- 5 J: "'1;: .. suf'fixes' r-, Po will not be used very often. - of any 'masculine t '-I!:.TJ .7 " as .. system of nouns. - - : r v. ., sulpan Because ,of, the Arabic -:1' Ii a . i':f!!i" L from - madrasa mifaatiyV or ;,- ., ahl - ary .. ahaalty falaasita "4.! tr· - •• " risaala .• plural' t ".' - saatd1 I '.: fa2aaSilia the ......... j .. balad -madaaris numbers, ' , fa2aajaa , f' Jr", naar '"'I...., ; ;a2aajiyl; Y4-." . -.': F"/l' -;- :.....:. .. z ... , .... r- ..,. !III'1';_g .• f , t. .. ::. t .• ;!I r_,. " . ..' . -: .";:.' .' .;.1.;., 'l' lar " ": ." r ... " ;.. .•. ..... :. ,:-:' '!'! wuzaraa:, _;. too, r2 ' .' ,-:? '". I a§digaa.: r" i 'J.' "". .. 'l - . ..J !., _& - bayt.iy t before as obje,:t;s. '),1.,., .,'; accePting . ,', : ', .... Feminine nouns the suffixes my house as ending shosn e .... : ".:i'). : .. (t- r.. •• . -r. rs: ... ' t.' :;.. ' ". r .,. ,..: "r ,":. "b"" 1:, .',". aI(' -, !., ::r" .. ': I ." "J ; , ' ur house .., ' r.!..l"«.;:. / , ' .' J ' = >, • ..... . t· ',. •. .: :- ... . t t...i j, his' ,hoUSe : .. . her hoUse" r .. , bayt.na house our -. . '" . ' ...... ,(plal) huse . bayt.kum 11 your thtir··b6use ... _ "'j my:! I '>. .. ", ", sayyaarat.ak : .>:- - - . :' your 'Car' r • .. ...., ... .. sayy8arat.ah his Cii!-' sayyaarat.ha her car 'sal'Y8arat.na our car ·sayyaarat. " .. , ' ';. ',r.: ,. 0° ·'to (plural) your car " "' '. Possession in the tom' 'o ,. the house of 'the boss.I" ,:will be -'.. ';, :.!"7'/.;'.:. · L ------------------ , having 'speCial geraJ.ly' of are .. specifically- denotations': ' A for the formatioir of, , ---.......... . mawgaf , . -::.-'" .. -." f ·_··· ....... . 1 maktab - , " :', -:!:"" the ma - and 'place ' ' . f:·"::t·, - where :.5 __ where .", 'something sto:Ps'"'. where eating ma19sb where ping s. done stop :: ',<.' t " - is done sitting is done a ;_". an office . " where - writing is done' ma9Slli 'majll .nouns noun- pattern beginning"with the' 'friri nUl1!-:1 (pt' ma1aai3) indicates --......,_- ,-. : I VI. ,SPECIAL NOUN PATTERNS Some: patterns ' ' . _', ,a a , '_ a restaurant playing fie1.d ,"f sitting' roam - Nouns root is hich indi.cate carried. out c - instrument with which te action of .. wit' !!! generally'begin follow with examples.: as 40 and hare:. <e!eral the patterns ' '" ','. .... s. - ;:. I mi12a83 -t r - mi 1aa2iy'S ,- mif2aSa ., 1'- .. A. ,. A • .. 'l11l.1aa213 4 '-' • ,. "',1 .. mif2aS ...... mif822 mif88ii - , '1Ilift :t:,'" . ., . mifaatiy" misaamiyr . .', - broom ' .. '#j lnil9aga spoon ... . -S",-;::, '" , mismaar , ". . S·!.! !: key j -l . ;,'. .' l. :mikaanis ,fi1e axJ.e shears. ",t'" . : . Persons'ha.ving crtain occupatio_.designated . The -. - . a ...... -, ""'. ... pattern 1a22883. ------- ;.. . "... The 1aaa3a fnade pattern -----:... - *"'1I/'.'.tIIW;_ 'i plural . feminine . - . by nouns ..... pattern 1a2aa2iyJ or ----------- by addition of an occupation. - a) I - " designates is • sickle having the -- ··0 object an used in pursuanc of regular faninine plural tayyaar yyaariyn ; mad b! Its plural adding :2::' pilot ,tayyaara pilots tayyaaraat airplane . airplanes ( 41 - ' .... ' .. najjaar (najaajjyr) carpenter ·p£faaya welder sayyaara " .... .. ,. d.river sawwaag / painter '_ .. .ii & tr:, car 1'" '- '. extinguisher . ,.,., .. . ,- barraaya· sharpener. xayyaa tailor " refrigerator ¥'. ! f" f If tt : .·I-!""l ,!:(.:r,""''. ;;.1'1. ,f?''''l't:) '. In uses . "H-:: ·lf"..t I· + -,: . :.. f' r.', - the active of.o.ccupation, ," _.'." F who -does the action of one : 1'1 of; fruit >- or ,. -produce collectively 1 }.y r-J.· f' ,r:t' Arabic takes the -a ... ,_ ." bQiiYX ' . .,. '. • )1'1r" :..J. .. " .. ,. f1 :::-, tiffaalj f-I4J _.j.. • .: " l;; { ti.tfaaa_ -i- ti.ffat . ',,': -:-....... .: -" .. -, pomegranate, '"IIlO S ·water.melon . e.tJ lto,) "XS::' eti' melon ,..... .. -. tIl r: . THE NOUN· ,PImASES 13_· -.- ... _.,.... .. _ ......... _-- ....- <-In> another ' .. EngiJ.Shrit r "p?;ible' ito say; ":the lboy's fhous·e i ·hous·e'of· the'fuy"- and ;In Arbic , both the "J i '.; •• . \, 4 ; ,..- ... ·i the " f.": t or'-' the 'phrases 'implY possesSion··of one only a' conatc-uctd.on called " ,r tJ f(' t'jo....( .1-- F- '- t 10 Ji ",.... ,.... ... - $a;;'Ot'i ", .- . , C1 ... _: B1mmaam '" ' ee.(d' fK> 1'o.GI 'tC-'+:)"":7·r ..,.. :' - !2_!EE!2 oj a. '-, iJ&'l rb " '.': apples ! 'f' /'0,: ·ruInmaari ,'. ,t ---- aid :likewis$ .. _ , ! -bough··!!!!_!eE!!! I . , 1J11ot type' . " __ '" f. I bought '*, J ,. . f'Y i;... aey- r.: --r!tl.:1 ':1tt! I bought . "'_P',;1 _ A definite .number· of the articles requires -the·; use of the .... VII;. .• Speaking of . of •• "JW; plural 'ending --aat:' feme ' ti ; 'l;n-n:: !Xl;{; :'f he' articles a ending. •. '" verb.' the , .. "'J.t f4 r of verbs also 'can refer to participles - 'P.,.., 'io "of 'no In addition to th above way to' noun express' the 'thought phrse' -:'J.' ., The .. ";j." 'Arabic thing by J:s by means phrase noun (f· .... ..!. ' .: .... '. : , . " : ::-,: I . ,_\ -42==-----<=- ........ "}' =»: ". .• "/#I' I - - ......,. • .. best be rendered into English by can ,the nouns. inserliing the word '0£' between Several rules must be remembered:'" . .::"- -.. a) There-can be· two ' b) No except the'last noun I. article oz_- pa;;sss:l.v the arti cle or' . . -. .: '.. .. .. - .. . noun mq take and, pronoun definite a 1£ it does take prcneun, the phrase and t1Ve'1.7 '. :>,', inwlved in the phrase. or more nouns noun . . '" in it mUst be considered definite." !') The ncune involVed in the j..:.. .... , rr . -. : - ;-.,. . .... aqr in' noun the;phrase .:.·J.!l.ast· noun in the phraSe . ',), ". be t...·:·. particle'; seprc:t ;.an1 wOrd. ·.Jilddifying noun phrase cannot ,. ':.: ... " adjectives thus follow are' to' tl1e.J . - -" - "ii) :""Feminine nouns' irivOlied 'mUst e thejfemi'nine . they. 'e 'he 'unless '.' l.}' i ... last .:: in the noun -," -_ bayt ra:iys . .... - - .1 ... - - houae-ota boss a .,."' ....""!- ....c ... .. -. .. -, 1... ,.' bayt ir-ra:.iys the hoUB e.i" 'the boss bayt ra:iy's.na the hOUSa of boss sayyaaJ:.at mudiYr . ,". director" a tile' car bf the director il sayyaarat of a car . our . .') ";'c,": .... thet. 'oar"of sayyaarat mudjyr.ak your .",::- _. . "'_ director sayyaarat il-mudiyr il-kabiyra The above list illustrates ·the fundamental. . '. : . '. .,' ..: in .. , . . .... ''''-. phrase. The .. :OOt.spokep..:wnten abic ; constantly. BUt.its encoUntered noun , " coruon is.: eonmon be. types of will w· ._ imwrtaIice is due not on13' to its - . .. ' - .. .... / frequency of. occurr-ence but also fat:t that it is _ _ _ patterns in which an ... Arabic • c .- • • _ one of the basic ", . .' speaker' frames his tb:mghts d:U'ferently 7,':: -,::,:, .' '_ than an English spdker., ! 'an wi il... , .. .. t shOU:t41 led thoroughly J _'. . .' ._-: '1.!.JI:.; . :a¥ .. ...,-. ;; ./"_ and to " . the best , a-."'''' • \ ;·-thE{'t bey' {i.e. of th;'>':' boys) } ;; .':: , ' '1ialf ,the popula'(:;ion t ·t 'i:'.':::- ... ", : .. all' . " em;pe" (gtieat Qt. weight ;r:.,,:;' . :' ... :' . .. - . :..':..t..- .-'t"' l' •. 'O, 'fU:t'4 .... -1. ./ .; . . / ." o . . .f", 1 ,. i.·L ,; . . "rr.i" ', ,:./.,;,:- .. : i\;"";"·:",,-.,,,·: m u. .. . ,' .. :·.·\.;· 1" _i_i.t,.4:;:: ,1Jr· .;.:,:.:' .iW.,- __ ... ·. .. ,----_-_-_C_ _ .. "', 1£:';:;?;{(I.' ;lf; :;'"'':; ;-:; ::; . ---&.--., .... , J'I····J; "I,f't ......::' ;l '\:-: •• " ., l"J[d:ltect:l:ves '·'>·cii :.<;"' "·'r'l·q··"'i: ,.. .1 :'.; .... ...... . . "':_" H i e·,J..J r '. ... r." ,- "'11 il1crir' -"'i!i?':,,':" -;.<' :;", I. ' ,' _;"l :"":';' .. ._:if : ....... :!,.:. =:«; u;"r "i".',!".,:;!.t.' h(.r1':$'··rf1 ."f •. r> ... 4. .l.r.: .. 4. , •. :.# '-:, , •. r- ...' mU&ttlil .,;.t-:1J'':':.:i""';!·1,t1?t._)'·· 'i:':) , :fR'll?'ih :1:]..; agre"iHti nou.J ittbtf?,;81ht: "-t ?rl tr . ...... .. .ve,. " • .,,-.,.,. the by' .;..' ... .. ;: '! . ... ,;..;.} .1:.l·;, \O! .. ....... .\ ,,,!i"7!l;:J t .. adj:v r.,_,,:r,,:e ";':'I..'i-,. of .. '111;"'f, •. in ',' .. v "",,' ..t' $Da11 'Jl a vhi,: 1'¥l-s .. ; .. " '_. ._".". !'." .... ..!."." am may be . _. . r' '.' ... . addition .... . ·ff:: '. .• nurals;.r 9f :!p' -," ;.-- .. -'t ,,' u (. .. ¥'l -. as .. ........ >. : la!lE",,: lClth e: ,,; c ¥ :>" ••• \'1 ..... ' Jt): :1yn ".;". ;:$ :.. ..... • •• ''··t7#' r """ ' }?a: ·I. . ,,! .. ->_.' ".k ,::!:'.,.: <_. e 'ii..;),-\ femjnine no •. .'. .: . >i..{":: --- ... - { ),".\ ,. .. thet\Q PlUral > . .t., e t'·t;; .": '",,- ",. r ,-- . .. • Masculine ka"""'-" 'W4<J .. .," and in ot "VIOl$.'h_:''J!d}.W. be irregular ,:r:Qlten ll1.'" ·::·Ltj· ,'ct & .. \."'" addition't; 8··a>t 'be like. most t.& t'.,..:-"';::;." t':'" I o . . '," . m' ).i\.r (".rtf'd· :," ..... e 'In listingS r; h .'.<, .).. ':,,! ';.,':.: ,,':',.1. t " .:!: . ...... I_.. ., general nles.Gt.,... several t'f . ,t.: .s •. Sinc. ·j.ectives have , l' v .. • ... ;. t'. !. : .:'! . _ . ",<F:; • . i," £ .. to :r;atch the nouns ' ."- ..:.'.r kab' , " !1;.oo ..;. .. .';. .t··i·.'r'I : they mod.ifyt· e (,.-;4"· • , I noun is delinoo·jby a defte articie, a posaessive pronoun, . or is .. . J • th adjective modifying . _ in a noun phrase be defined by prefixing illustrations: bayt whioh is 8. ef'inite dc:tinite sxticleJ· as in the it must following .' adlyd il-bayt il-j4iyd a neW houBe the neW'r...ouse (_ r r ,bqt.llum d;lj:._', .' Ii , ,( ,bayt j,r'a ,!,"jd • ,,', . ': adjectl ".. ' aRl, : "." , ' .... ,,,, MaIlCUI1ne . '.,! ," :' .. *': e in' .,r.,' ',traed l,"'; ,.,.;:;-, , .. .._,. 1ft ,a;:;, "'_, . r;. w_"'---""'" - ·'he nsW-'houa'e of"their '. . .::' .- _.,' ..... ........ t ""'. .. · .... terms',ot tlie,no i'nvolved:: 1: ,: ": ': r:., b, :' ) t,'" - ' f >. j,P I ''is ,masciu:line singular bave 4 •• ' , - . , B) ': :' f . ': , ; :.! r? . . " .:_. . C) • • ,: :Pf' . road!" ..... :" .: • :: •• 4·i plur ,"aIid plal b.ave .: -: 4 • . ; -, - _< <: ",/, .. , ,,, fl-madras.,:: -; !l9 ¥ib ' - , ' . ':he hed'achers ",' -, .,:1",.3/ . :, .. tb"di,Ool ',' ... _, "'"", _ • _ ",i1ua).limiYn,·-, '_'. ,,:::: 't' jt:i; ,::,,:-:; <:: ' ) '." t: -, :. • ' 'rtl< :-......: in are .. ; " " - {Y-' _. ' - r. _.: ' .r : ihe good' ;ea;s- 'ila:';' !';J5:, 1; 'l:': ·';i:::i{ ,n,;;;;;"ve i;:ii ver:airl 1a1 r."" '; , , , :. D)' . - - . ;. "j . - .:: ;''. . _'.:' . .' ;.... -n-mua,,at, '; • • il-kibea,r ' The ha_d eac are -;.-= . ,:,,: .. .' turned • : ¥4td;;:<1 9un. _':,,-;',':" ".. . ouid . . 'ff1(;f-,i, p;·.ng: }:z·:-, "dual - ,, :;-:" ct j : car over' in the .. "":' (' , 'SrUUl .," 'l" " in the / /.;_. their matching, Will J:\"",-'. ,,;, !:, ,._' "'::.' _. '1 .: th "'. '\EIlteJ;lQe;, ' b063ses 4':' ·".:t,.:; .ir"t" JJiIt.-t.l":: -' ... .; JIiust , 1 • r tOt ". the, verb listed' 8nd A) '" .• ;, ...... ' " , subjeCt determines the,':aenSlt (:t!_ nOun 'Since" the ... :'·'.-:'R·P: _.' :.'" ... : .... •. " baTt ncasaahuirl,1i';j8dGd :.., ! hO\1H -. ,the.; bos.ses ,the.:.lleJ[, holUJ8-'Of' ,..J; - \,., • ,thfd.r" D8W ,'! . (f) "school. ).I' " " I U..mu9A] 1 iJiji.:at' i";' blat - =--,'''' .. 1tasaJ' j .f , :'1i1 '.. the·: .chOoi ." ::.':d' tIJ:t; ):'.'f'.:- r-szi :Y.;:·: ;# ••••• : ;.':f't: il-kutub k.u.t· zVna; .. ;.vtJ:.;. 'J:jl'!ru:!Ia' - .. ,> ..... :. '.' Th.\ '·.f r.: ....... ;, . ". :Jet =,n\ 1': ·.Jt'L. 'h"'=' bOOks'wer- gOOd<O;4" Us!"ii_'l"" "oriJ;;f,;:8ii}i!" COMPARISON. . /"-:- eaird:rie:adlt:l(ng;'r ',' Xl. - •• • a9E<:.%i i8m3- ;;};:' . .. ,. , EY' '.;U.ti.i!;!l>·tf·iak. a",.... "' - ....... -' ,.- to ,:=.; ,. "" . -:tC . \ ... - . En$li}lt:·thr -..,·9.t:9lJa\'V.J.x.t!_hy;!· .. comparative, Arabic and ',tbe:su;perive (as adject! ves, .f""jd wi th e jec"ves " :_: ",_._ comparatiye _- , .. :; is .. ., made \ .. ': .ln "{ fo:nn ... -_ .• ••• verps ,other 'to". t'r" ':1 '{;'/ ;leaving _,.a:.;> .:,:··,, .. Jatt 'M:. 2.;-. ecord .. .. .' . I:t¥'.,,:•. l;:i}fu \1Se'!$C?''?:', ,;,ti{., of Blost For in \. it ',' than . • ••• .. .:::" I',",\.,",","'" .... the. f?- rs meae:, .::.•.4_:f';' ;.'!""'' t.z.- ·:":«·i·. '-.' ,-. unal.bered rut _ ..... .;!)#;'"! pcedin'r:jlth :::,":,,, 1.;.-:-. '. ••. . <: ,. ' '-" ... . •• . • ........... :. ,'0; . " .. . ' .: . .:.:J.;:. _., .... :-. ... ,, l ...- " r' ,I .-,... ... ,- .. .. .. glrl. 9Uriyn riy. an5 agall min . :;),: -haaaa' lluwa .: waa¥.d. haa5a 1..,a9gal, . wa ;haaaak ..' '. ", .. .' ., '_. twey ... . boy -.' ;_ gaaliy ilyowm.. ;,.... C·?:_-_ . . . .• ". e- . ':. expensf ve The meat .1. too ::. ::.. to He is th"'; ld . :_ ' ·tM;··B:d.e1').es; c"':_;'- "I>';""'_' '. ::#, r.> ..,. : ' .. 'i,1\ 1: · .... ft aectives -.; .i/ !;1.''... '.: :'}t;} 'must also agree w.ith the ';.;',"f!::. '''_''-;'':f. ;J>«' 5i:i. ''' 'ft- .. \i/: ; 1 : one .. '_i . noun t,he1 .. ",, .... '.-::.: . - . ... e- , .; ... . Color ' . ( ':,;'f ::' . ... in .C:.9:' • r· il-am ·eiyr ':.' 'ij:: .!.: i thar:i·'ght.t. J/., J'c' il-agna:.laazilri.·dta9 il4k ·.,,',¥I.r -' . This is the heaviest and . '. ; . ;.. . .est He is the il-axa£f.J. . .r: "',owl'" This is the best 0D:S. .. . • less. than riyaa;ts. -1.1..awl·aa.d. akbar -;.1,. ..,.,.. .... • to.ok He _ gan "1:;'·"It f .l.""" \,.._ c .• e ;_ f1 :F) .. .. ::::...,;L;i:· -Ji:'1'·::, >":'.>:. '). :T:Qe Irl8.culine s framewok' as :the m,c. roY· I·.' '{):'\4."; ;ir!1l i ;,' ':;-: '>_;f:j ·:t.!:4: ,:,;;.' :.: .: .... :, '> :./ r;':: comparative bQ.t the feminine and ·plal. fOrn1$ have different frames. . /. Co: .:: ..: >. .: i t ·'i J;'" :.t./{::' :)n t ';-:";i ;; -::: (.j. :.{' ..:} -,i': .....J Bodily 'dee'ct adjectives are of' the· same forms except .t the Pl:. desbing. ,;. of the same . . .• .. .. .. . . . . ... . . may <'f .__ i :i-f ..:..'! {' '.: J.t 1"'- black white { \ I.J . aswad .-' abyacl • 1-' - : F ; .1..2_l!! .••••• ' . . Ei!!. ff .; \,-;' :: i: -, - ....... sawda amra ·4 ',; - _ ' __ '.' suwd " ,. e.' j":'; .:.-. :. -'- .: 4 ':2!;_lt red •• dUfer fo.m the comparatdve form. . . ,/ :: .: ... _ . - • aria! masculine . • -I- .... 7ello1f"; " _r 'a'Sa feminine ------- -- .. - .. ------ ... - ': :",."" blue ·azrq ./:/ ,.':. " urga ,; ;( BUrg deaf I bliIXi 1 • • , , "' ..: . ... ..... , . lame 9Uja . :F£!"';"; ;.: 19u%rj;:;::· . .- »', . .. :'.',. NOONS FBOM ..... ... IV. WI a·. _....... .. .. c> .. 1IJIi' mE HISBA .. _ ...... ness --' ' .... .lIii.l V)t. ..:, --- .. -- :_ noun 'sUCh ",:t:. :·f'r:.·_-r '1:':1<;;'!-h''" c,,:;r· ":".' \:J."'. . " : by • , l=F: ! a noun o,.,;:;'1'· ..... '.-,,, .. :.' .!: .. marginal which is used o .express \:,:'f!:."';r;·:, ()ply tm use ,t4 e -;;'-"r;: ;::';;': _. tL:;;-:"'.rt,;a .$:f .; ";rf:!-.i!":f $< ·adj.ec m:.' " ' .... .. f"f:'. _r.::.;. ::.:; 1./,;r,,_::/;· ..;,.i'i"f }/J!;·'7!!'D.-:lo;1': -The. noun. tom' i,s anakogus English ,nou' . ill. ity " l' .i; ::, j.7·.!!--';:.' -:. : =.« · >=-. 1-:::iY. !t:<·;';J.)-th·.·t. /:""" ,;"!;. ':'i:' . .. Si."tt"" .;:.j th form sentenc, :.'wwhther 2:- -:; :: -; :.; . ft·lE '.+' -ii' lapsac;ton' ggested by ,the .aect. the :.:.:.- " is formed as ,margin :but ,.then, it .,resembles t;·:·.·. ,: -;"_.. i·;._:; ; -a : . . ,Egypt., ." .::. .:: .. :-. , i , li,::"::'!h!l the fern1ni.ne , 8dce.ve;NJic'l L an ;:- lish .ii 'I":; ;h. .:; i'iui:'W ""7"-,::.: , -_ _:. _. to" the" origitlaJ. connectedtess or ' ... "" · •. ..oJ! . :,. ... -. 'iXed6(, iiimlf,·i'arms .. ·.v · " . . r"t.; .?. ; ,',. . .. r : =- ;. ' ., ... -imn -ness. --- ----, ta.!_ ,.11.. ·4 ;06 · .. )":v .;. .f##::i' .. • ... - ••• haa5i:i t. rSlniyya ... ,...,- ",=" l :4'- 1"'_"",,,,,,,, ,*"# t'" __ /*-:.. , 'f"""--".$:..!I'" " f""\"r"_: . - . > fornal deQision : t. ,:;"" ,: ::1::; j=7 , .. .".. .. _... ._._ formal clothes -.. '.. ' .. :: .•, .. {" bass a ." . mulaabi aSIDiyya c. .. .. .. .. • ••• .. -""".",,,,,""r" -."-.::. -;,"'";-- .. '_ .,. this is only-'a 'formality L-' _.' . many f armalitie"s . ; NounS the nisba endlng.'!h'fendm!rle' '! 'eralJy p ,it befQre,;ng andng::fn.omc VQW,e nge.,_t,.to:!! : MacO", " Meccan . s I188dda, , -"'llf'!>..1M'ri-,' .'" ."L:. , f':InuStated be10w e some :n,dom' examples' ot 'the forms' .i.n" use. bilad .. .. .... .L· $:mid tawD ,'; ,:City" Co.U¢17: < . ' !i1n;tiipatity '," " '. - . - : .' . . ,. ._ t-;t;. ?t: ' ;::(i_... ... . <;· i ""V-. ';.'' ,. .. .;, _ 'riipal ,.:,:,' • ':' "" :.; oalad1y ; :', ..::' . . se-: ' , its .. ' . . '" .wor¥. ,.w:rldly'. , ,. .... . ,matl,;:.:. ",··:t:t:er" . ; ,;; ,, :French i ;" ;',"'" France, : .:-:-, 'Jll$tJ1:V1t , • .p lOQal'.· '!tl&. e . ·'ChtiS·t·: . ',.>,,:,;r.;, ',('. ""10' ';'4, : ':" '.' • ', - !. • ,; At . . -; :e: .. "'"4' f!;k-.·.·_.1 ' C!maS1$ '>-:: ",}.,!tir:'j'';- -;; :... s- . - .. ',. :. bint ,n;as;Vya ": r','",l<,c1:_ ':- ,Y' yir-i:masiyqiYia; f\,:', !. ,,- .... . .. ( _; " . .,!_". :i'!', ('ni4SlYJpYyiyn'C" ' .- For - .n .:.. ".: ! .' ,,' _ NOUN PHRASE' and ADJECTIVES --------___.....-_ _ ....... -'" '. ;,:(,: a - c!m1_1.an gh-!: the' reiigion .... masiyyyaat, V. 'r- .... .'. .. ' - .\' ::P;t;.;ris.tj,·&nity .' .;.: ' , . ,._ " _ .... christians (men:) :', N,' ohristians (wonienS" .:' '; .. :. _< ' : EXAMPLE ..,...,... __ ...... _....._ applying the gra...'lJtrla tical pr.tnciplss given under the two .s o chapber-s of mUDS and adjectives it l-Jould })6 well to illustra:t;e a " ..... _,:: .. 'lft' .tf.i fi : -: ,/" J ,. .:. (rt'a.IU. ,._c_ ccmpieX"pYwhi ':f:i"e::)1i;rd"dUltireifif5l-1 1litd':'atta -EngliSh 'l4'.({).!t '., ··iq'-, ·t·\, J..;;[ . •• '. . . ' 15 Q'4hee;"the k'l;i.c':pM'asiotfPic\1:·t';!· '. ' ., •••• - 'I' ., . '. . 'The' , report, , Amecan ,the Arabian .. "1 .;td ;a,:;':i_, :..:. . .. .. .: -. , ':_ -;iBcl :Mf ,:..# ..: Oil .. .... '_" .w. . . .. 11 araM"""a m.irlA..,':J;!J. Cfr.. ,,-j.'. '__"'"'!"_" +.a,..-c. ... -,' .' .. , . Arabic·":t1.uti>t tne Pbras necess1.tatl!s ·thti-,!!ilas· arrange<i·';.;tif-rd·'ept of -poat\V' :of·;tba:.Oil·"abian The being ( ... -t the I'WI A-e-C ... -.. - :.:...:':/r ..>. .;':.. ..• taan:·18·.as.]:'itOUll· used .. < ••• ' '" .' ,.- .... . / "-''::. ..... ,..,._ '·-·:h.:::", -- - fir:ii<tid "itr.ho the as ' •• - .' as"':"'doeSn:t}hav phras, &pd., '. . . . • ..:;'? definite' Ci;r':' 1.. M- in1ite;'1J01ID.'·:a .;,::., eucliti. . . . ." , .have definite article. but must take the teminine no . .' . !!ll ·-la:' ._·_sM.". _, . the last .. t .. ending.:.: j,f;· ; . ..• in the noun pase . . no1m·.ti::p,·de.f1nite, since the .. noun . and., . . m d takes the "f-:'; te' 'ri' definicJii(; p. is 't1Ve l- a-dat'inie :tR.l!i the . article; and thus . . ·adjeC\iv. feminine '. !ffi!! - J . Oi •• wilh lCli '. middle 0' 'a noun. '. . . ·eIXiiDgit::. to .• tcl'i ,.. th 3eC'bW _, i J:f·U ........... ' :.· .. " '. ',r ..._- ...... --- ._-----"-- ... _ ..... the temiq.t ' . - ' agrees :. .. 1'.. paseJ1$ts:_djectivs -"--:¥. fI('. eotzy ...... .. " ' oonstmction 8()t:- ,:d;' '1nteut - o the Becauae ·!sa if:,1::trhe J .. .' < • • mlSt noun after t9'. } Pbr;""_';';';:'_:':i:':\Mt . .,'. . ----, I I .• jective and "Ukd.abi'VVJI. I it # : ..... : •• 5.":1: • --"-,_. r", - - . . t: -,._.--.... .:' '.' .' .... .. , -. :..",,'" ..... 'C' . -U'a,..... e:·:'IiOrd8 <'r i: ··'·:!.-·'::,,:'t'{;t',./':, these aiId tholile. '. "::;;'" ;i."_",',, but . '-\"l·'.· _. ,;.... . '. . for :"&-i'\It .... __ (" W8.£/theSef. ::'c ;.. ,;.. ,.' ;: ' 1 'When uaed -ill • .... !c; ." ""Ji." 't,.l"'I:,,' .' .. ."... 'I' ... - . . 'noun;' , _. ' .. .•. -" ;;. .: pointing ", . :.k ... ; .. .. ,_ . 1 .. _ words • I. • ;;: _ • '\ I .. deIle.bY·· tli.C1etin!t -,,;:- be .,' ..- . .' these ", • ,',. ......... ., - dfmlonstratives !rf3qu;.i.e '-the' noun ,to . a • -, I .';...... :. ". direct ProxiJdt1' to • , , • .( baa50ifluk, ; ' , _ye.,:;; .• ... .,." ... '" . • j,'t haaOow14 _. . , ·!f.,O ' foJ'll! of the 1IOJ!d £or -' ' .u1-1 ger.'.. Not:ice in :the tables beioW.tht:·,·t1l,:tornis· ';'·_,,-'.,t._-'·';':,-,·· .'".,*"""':'r1·'., :'-'t··;'_'_-", 'that, tboe: ,are obtained by 'suffilg ,. the #pe distinction of or ... h :is· (lone' with.' words like .' . ,-There .. words. .... '. ,,' ... ... .,_ ';/ .. .. f'o,,-tthat: lriat. drdi:i'fue, initi ... . ., .. ... ;';.i.r: ..:': :-: .. 'J -r ., ,: _- .', ., 2' 2,, ,cu:d J501!!!,'i, .-,,ndlY', --:-- in .'" combine-,directly (or become ha1 • ,has:, hat', ---- Whenever the . is o 'a bOx' Arabic '. . wi'th,e; efini'ie __ etG) had - . ." 0' I., .forms without '.' '" __ ' -::.;';::. te _-deorave , .' rticle_of the n?un and":' . L' t:Qis is gcQd., the l : -l' _-. in a • phrase '. - or ',glV:iJ)g an its rorin , '.dotraiive·is used .. I" 1 . may baa noun or ': reaning 'This- -- :adjective rrayappear in I . the'definite; article, t then, thi, an ,'. ,.' ication . that 'the demonstrative cr tarl mt .., . . be inserted' .....: ·l-ba,1· '¥aa .. -\.j .,:; i""'·;-e:t cannot . .. }t.- hat ., ·;"·'.j;'-:VI.'t· i'-taul . - .. _b lis' • .' this hous e il!f'{f ·l.i.". .-t ' , .. -:d.*'{ !zJ!',ft? -: ... !; •• :. - .!::i. :.i .. !!d.:1 t! •. baa5owak iSyyaaraat t(1}.)!"'rt\ t.tt.t i!'" -.,; !4··:.;·:··t:··t.j.:r:. 6aak the P':·Eng1ish translation. ••.. \t!.+.".' i.,.-" hese hQU888 r.:-r{V·.Vl .::(. :;"?!··k ':'i,;'IItH i::"L"t!1 f';''' baa&1Tk.. i8'-sa ..: (.{t,.. , l.'f:'J.r. :i;"'!\-l;t .r.··iflJ ;;:!;. t ..-!:'t·l :J'l' betwee_ and it . baa&owla 1 . dire with go .' " :' §ang \ that car , tJ<.:r'l ....1 )::t·:.I· l;N ·?N·t, . . ...,:: L ,.; .)O. those. cars, ".y! : 1·i!)W·1:·.d,r, -+,;. .. that box ..1 "'i' ;:g;,'.;' this box, ..... <)\:.. i:b1.:\· i,Ji;r/, <:<:; t,(f_i;.: ·"A;l·f :. ,;y:'-,,; ... t :-.: dlirlJ" .... t.:.::'( ,"" : L f1 -;)"r!: # 'ii": !..-.; p:i.i:': . .. - ., :J.!'.!f.. :; !.;"t· . '. . "J:;'.! jl . - ;l)i ." L _lOoj: -;:j / ;. 4 .. r r: .'" " .... ·1 · ";i ' r11iiiL' . eorr.· roughR'ill!b1sh prepbsitions Arabi.ct1JaMs neither ..-.,. •• !"ltt ,t u!'.possile ,th?fgre;b E!n4.t; mr " approximate English equivaiezi F8Pos1tion by"' an each Arabic .. althoughft'\dn aplfrto than '-'j: .; " ie:',tbe ,"'4 " .A/ 'r .. '. , . . r, L. J... ,M "';" ,4 . '.' "._ ..... "W"< •• English equi:v,:., ;'.:.* ,,., .!,..., ! . z."",'; . .. \ monoSyllabic are • . - -.. l,:: 1",,' .. c_'_ and tray be . \ • .; .,', : 7 .:;., , O+"':r:,! Some t(. be .' , ot'::1T1ti1lli;:9''i:t)ab j'_, .: some;oVerlapping. As sucli;lt" Ss- (j,?h ti';6l·4lDinp t6Xles '!li'AI-abl'c:rat,h8r . . t best· to ar!'· ... ;: . • . .. ...._ ,,11 • _ with' 0 ,,:11i,4rnite :icle.• toll"D?. .\, ''''l ') t;,.. a · . . . Instead f .... .. ', ; " . a:un object, 'h8.v,i.n,s C 't!,e.. . ¥',I . ... -' '* .... 2S:I ..t,:,. .t;.,:.: !' .' tV the: same .as" the '-:i': ;rlr .' . "i < " ed "n; ntins'·:JIuob. '¥ ';1) .... .. . _ ',_ "' .'?""4 : ,-" objects .'. onoun '-:-. . ..' " , , .. . . - _ • ." -. '. - ... .: _' • ":, ' .' -FllOwi:"a .. ', 'the' _ .. _.- ,. __ '. " ,- _, -, - ':_.i.' - ;, 'l _"#i".' :;;,:; . -->' . _', .. .. . : t . io. ., '- -...; ... « ::;';;i;..Ll ; f' :f8t,. '.J ,9!.,,, ,r .:;i'"rjR!_-!f, r$ '. "", ,. .. _ < except ·that:·ihe', , . 'r • . alone: :,:: '. .: . .. ,- '. \1Je4 ori prepositioM ', ':'4, '"" ...: J' ': e"':;.L,; ".' 'USed on verbs and the possf;:!SSiVeS wex-e.Veprevi().q.sly.,. t: -$" J... J-*,t,l , .' . \';;! '-r$,,1"J' • ; ",.1.;; ., pronoun 'objeQts. • ..' : - -. r: w. ces!o:. ',' e. , . . . objects 'and they cannot,tand· . .' ",". ',:' -,' !, .... -.' •••• person· ..torm is :_-tv' ", .:Ji #:" '. '.., J,"' .:": t' _'" '/" .:* .' - :-"". • senteilce: .1tt.thout. on in a are . zli:,''l->' ;'/i .\:' prepositiOn may, as,in, :.\-. However it is .. the .. Engli?:pe r-3.. 4! ·the Arabic .preion.s· to }lav. .,:,, t·.Ji4··:{ .: i1'<_rrj''':) ; , _,' .. ; .....-- ..... . ., .' ·:tt!it:.h1l/r-· 'Q,...,., . .c1! -1l; t cor{' bic prePo.sltions done aDd '_' .... in \'ht'ho[tt·\itit:,";t·ljtjn;.;·i.tlItlA '"ha 1ir li'r!+' '1\<. --- .;:/ by . '._ :.- ii.i means ; $::'. :-:":'t:' r, wit. to, tor '1F . __. . . r·;tf·""·;1-1i'-:.:":;··:·':· £€..,::-' .', # • w. ....,. , -',._- . ';,-'_{,:.:: bib ! ::-.5'.. • :;':''. .';;f!-J "!;{'.:t d', bi.ha -... ,",la ..:. , . . . '. ,. .. ' 9alay.h·,:,.'_ f!ly. ': -;,' from, of :'.. "', "; - • ..... , _ • J '" { ; • ,r " "fiYeha ':: ;' '. :' • . . . , ':" ': .. : ':. f' i .. .J, .,., - , ... : ' ,." , . . min.hl. ,"min . t.: ':. • '-9a1ayha" ., -r . '" : .. . • 1I1V9&D.ah about, conoerDiDg. .98D.ha be.tore , . .... . ·r..t!-Fi·'· t daJ.i11 i.t-tajatfMi' f,'d;,it;l : -',:;'-'1 guwl.ah lah .. ...- -- -' . ti:'c:.;y; lCl#.": .tt or ""'·i:I'J: f'; .... ""ff!,. 9an .,s· ;,.,, ,j.- ...... 1' i: i;ltak8l.lUt.1 ·"' •. ;:_ii:,:,,;,.r_ .• t:. f"ti:ku .'f),n:.,r l:I..tt.aWbl1;'lAh i!' ,:",. .n! ;":J.,S 'MO Ii; r':,Q':J- fg"'1 • .As '.'"".tt ,r'1li Tell +. .. , to'b:1.Ji. •• """ .. s » " ' -'. • .; . . -. .:Stf rr."; ;..;_ -K<.=-"'I." ." ... ' . whit is MY ta1lci'tigJ'aa,iitt: 4 This 1:'» 'Tn ·rot·,-•• '''-'>- ... <.;, _ter'V . ::;:-.¥, q.' ••..""_;; report··i8- tQr····itieoOS8;·. su ,v.r...".b-:; ""1;f'-" hli bei' 1ii;r¢r"c'l, J,, I' IQ_t. t.be nan:;a%t '8 '&.;ri; .r..,s - . -: .: . .t·":C.i· .r!3 7' .j:!,' r"., Y!:'!": i:f.L i. h.l..!flgt?- ee r.;l ,h ·QB.,ffi\ .' atter them. '" -tr . .:J n¥ke.t,i;Uo tii)1;'th}; t- '. '. "'t6e':fe'PKLdfr1; .r.._fl,' . 3\.y .....:!.t.r (!o ... -Faga.. U-mismaar '". . Y' . . ,; ,-l- ..-c: hat-tagriyr Ng ir-a:iia 4&rabt .,'I"r'.,". . , .,l;, •••. - ..-;,,,,,' ... ,1 t..'f!;.l !\.::.".:1o .J>O :"',...••·,M..i.-.r·.,.rl. ' . . . ;. - \ntti:if io'!btiai.:· i."C' 'i ;:,_ :: :'r!:·H 'fr ,it1J7 MeDi:···l: ':Mi-'·::I '{'J.f.Yj tM.;" r=» t' ""; v;.-t: .-:.if ; • , . ". "''Vlr4"''"¢.', " ..... • .......... vJl". ........,.... 1diomac. expre8sio ;'; t:t..l 'lit .i. il prepositions. Al.4":t ..... r: .:.<:<1 also involve !aM e • ,. t. '7 ot '7;"] to ., ,"'. 3.::7' Ii; .. i': ..., .' _' G ':' ..... JQatlUirb min.ale ••• ;::'r -- -,-You :, ". are ' to;••.(i.e. asked of ,#l=s==:-70U) .. ." , t· • <, :.: # .; "\ r.i i ?!!; ,. "9ala ktiyt.ale ...... , ",:', ' f!! iJ ."':. 0 , . . '&8 yw-g 1d.sh .. :.,/,' :..... l ,!. .. . i:}!-::.:r;,Yk· ,':3'_J; if! . ", ',I . , "." -t s· :;': . :V;i. :.:: :--:;f :Ji) .. ... :c " .. : ;. :: " 'l .... ., .- .. 51·· r-: r' 1: .'. \-- . :;, ':".. 'The'second cllapter contained tables Ol1tlillillg the meases and : . ,,":t::. ",:<:,:;-:,;: .:v ,,.' '.' "':. :.:y. ;.,:. /.' important I;ls of .th ." wch can be derived frtm atJT. root, ; . , , ve- .:_ .'.' " • . ," • .., " • . " ,. .. .. .• \. . \ .. :1)" 01"_ J .;"!'" EaCh.mea8ff:.,ived l. 'l-. -., the active ani 'the ..... ..:JIA :--... pa sive. thibJ.a%<is·extr . rbs mn ip!t tf 'M-' ,-,. . ..;;. .: ... ... and charaCist..'Lc,s.ten.l,.,t;! -, • ··,,/':.,Zi '-" PleS .;.. J.1"i";; . * eept - .'!l :'.,-' .. partiei{)lefthng;:r- the passi'Ve • • , f !f·,: .. . .' -' ,r, t.L typElS ot roots.;: '. ''''', . ",' : .. .. ': ... '! .'. :.:. t. -, . th :.differ·. ... :-': - . .' \ i ,'.' C- , t --: Active Root midd .. _, partic:i.p1e . Passive partic!pl.e ---------- ---------- ; . Ph ba\..,. 'a. 1§md ·bu tl;ds _varie participie' franies "ot:t:fuHS ,..-: ", .... • 'or 'ip ;tverb gnz: 'f! aq and ssi.veU$ tir.fft .mea: ,,,,_,0 .' :\-: .. ·:··' The .r..-;... ,'Their fOl1llati "' eve17 measure , " ,;. . . ith ,.cii· ;.:, .. , . . ·mamduwd. . s . • !;2- () imsh . maasiUJ" guwl siy1 The trom a partic.-i.p1e :tn English is, an adjective verl;>, put i.,n w.ich' has been formed. Arabic it bas adciitional' uses aIXil' alone, implies c· ( :: r(": r- .. :l:f·:.· :·· ti&· \ :":Q ; - ) ;."';' -s, ""., . ,.;:'-:.:' a9r:Lf·ha.. " .: .' ::-:- ,-:' ....::... I . '-- .. ... .. - . af.> ."';:" , '. . _, .. : ? ". .' .. • ·f1.:H:·· • • '1;;.:.;. .. ;', ..,.; . '. '1';:i, ·lVt.er:.I: cipe·:haa:.r:·tSninilie rOrm{a,·tizkna,pliiiar,"!"a . . •• • ::'k1t?b.h;'··;1 :ci'& !. '';;= ----__ . : ':'r: 't:r:,"'; ;:.:. ; ·:··::".::'.j:Fl$!. :f'Ji'-=Tsr-t'; ". .' -. ._ It " ":", '\:;>ii"fH:f)' pi{rir is :h,,\l1Us·he'¥d'·lif,i " ,' __ . omaifii:/£tr " , .. 'M;-';",\Vrr, - ' - . _ ,." "/ • ,"14lo ,-.l.Si.:¥.ti n.·:.i_g./.;·b·Ut·.:. ._...f.t).·.:.: j '. . . : . .' _- .•.• j" !' _" t '" :: ': '·:lIL.:' .. >. t-':: ,:. ,: '.. -': -. s<! 'So\: >,f f:'c r::2h-wheb.}ed.$·f.Jf.etent· iO;t-:i r':;ot the clctiOti·th({· _.' . ilgita . ":. _ 'itJ' . :'d'"C;·-.;.;: ...:.. '-J. t.1: 'i.l,,i hic,\ t·..., I dont,know th il-jaali<ma:a9rU..ah, e .r; 1'. ls.rk re.:w.:pe. :..r;t .'- .. '. . .... :r .--: .... .. ::···1.;t .. ' .' . , "': '.' . " .. ;. \r<"-"';::\:i],; ;:h:;;'· 't. . . . ; :.:;:-J;,.·.u ··kuflbt: oJ, -; '; .f:. -:-.", : .. :7·.·,:,r:,._ -. ":uk:h;"bi-;'ric 1;lL].!;; :;;;J_..... ab '':'i1A;tta' l\..Ii" .. m'a'le' : r'Jq: "'.' £:·Y. ".11 < I ',- '.' r- feRlal.e'··c'lerksj·.. :';': t: ,.;: -- :, >. . '·_.1.e!:.::',' '. ,·jT:'!__':;T':-;:: J:i0.i .. ··cle....;-a:-.?".<'{:I.-:- '...._: -....,: . . ,.,.:. . . . . . .LA....,- ': :1.:' .(1e· cletk .:: ).; :i :r_1 ... . • ." <P- - 58 .. ." 1;:: . , s1tt'llaib in-. .:, ,..; .J'"" .:; ; .... 3<:.' - •• t, ;.' '. .i/' $ -$" ,1 .. .. -. .). "':.L",,9 1<;' il is..o.saakin yWWif '. .:' ;. ;; -+ ;;... ,;;,:_. - It!''t.·... ' tl:'t$J':m ake..,mn ii" n-jaar.ly., " '..2' ,,* .3"Zzall;': l a 9aduw .9aagil. '89Ban mn··,a'. '. • .":. "';I jhil. t _,_. ... l ·MJ:;;;:. ".>., .,' .... r . .. " "is :L.... : :1 _ .. ;i.e better I:'''J than rum water. .{,;! j ''t 7;!::: \.,.:: . : '" . . An enany ratro ... hUlcre ,' .., " :" : teent ':',. . -, "": - j , than'a fend : < .!".:."': . C"!- .. wh is ,igno;-ant -. . '. b:,'pai'i :aS8li' min I;iV1;dbgs 'ta"''( ''i1:.' .. ·:··d·'·l·.maJ'" ;;-mara' ii:jJ,l ;;,/at . ,,. " -US;U.W\,L \ . '. '," 'I ,.' •. .. • . -. ("di,y:a.ng -;- i.;.- . jl ·areZYbet-ter- than i" ," :.. ': .. "" li ons,.::.: .. ,i... ..;... r-:" .. , -; .. s'-usage can' ) :"iD., placeitQ ··j;h.·Engl;sll pat t!.t3lthghc ._ .... ,.,.... '. ". <_ _", 'JYI, rv.;: _". "" =: .: > :;;> :? !:;N. f 1- i:rtr .:Etef! :r:".a.Jt:/ ,.:.i.,:,;ii,f, ., .. - . . 4 ., '. - '. .• " :.. h;,,atib:ilai;..kitaab. :.,._....... .I , • ........ ..;... . • : ..... r- f f.-7- i'>:> ,. ·";.<He ,wr(Jte;'ts l;>ook; ,' (or ¥ ....... .. • • _'··,f-::' " .. 'tc.\ .. :- _.:;; ". ' • .. PASSIVE PARTICIPLES .,!-)/:. ----'----J'-!? - • .. ,...:.:.. -:. '. :.' .... ._.. .: ,_/. _r" he ... .1,tb.·e,Wd.t':O:f>this ) . \0;·.,· .-7\'' .: :: .1'\ ';i i't¥ ./j.. : book) ': .. • 4 " speaker :t-d:. thaui:h4ate t the.' actve. J:8r:tiCip:ie' .,: ... .. :.: /;·.t::·.-:.,-:,· ·As the adtiw pat.tciple 'dtda tlie person '.' :. it.-i;. . native English • - »> _' II. r • • • . .. ; " .. .. - ',,;,' ' .. '_. r: ;",i _:,':"" or ' .. " •. .. . tblt perfoIWJ _ th8:r:tion' ot 1;he -verb, ", A€'·.I':·· • .• ".' .1··.. v _1' •• r..... L· ... , " ".' .••. .. .. ' •• r' 'r' ...... : ' ..... :,..,...,, ••• \, .. is used ·t,o denote I' : ;. fS.·A- ;.r;e"tne.!p passive .partic;lple the 80' -, ••••••••• ). ' l.... '., Q,'";tJ'''''! t.::x··,;t··o!u , , . .. or. person that -has .been actedoJle> TI.l,aQ.-.J-:---!ii.: ., ·.\I··.· J.. ._<;!: .(,-: :w <J..l.:· . .: ;:. :dt ,'r # ..- ". L ':')'l ! th61J':thing - ',t;;".:.."_J. J..f'·.;.:. . ... . . . b- r.sterring·1;o .• :the.one p:,\doe8 .haS:naW.saqive.partic;1ple, ll·.··; ':-;1.1 the :".' ;':. .!.t"!Ht{. !.:.r, ,,,,,!, _;, ,?:,.:.. ,.; ,:t ,., )"'., .: ·;'-s.'.\! '!"".(.i.·! :,,:,'i hitJstri &pd.a passive parti.c;:Lpl b':4eno."tTh8 ;;:;::\.... t:.1,r: .: '." ": ';"'-: :.'I.!'-_' ;"'.:; -' ... .. t'( '.\'; ";' person .r: :. fr thing that has been hit'.' .In. or . .:\ ;. ·;·:.rr:' participle will be found in !,"::;-:_".:.:_'·X ;, .. :.j.:..[ subj'eit'::f,(:r}a':fnrr1 : • • : .. ... ';; ,: .. : ; .......... .- . ., ,. ; . " . I o . .. . ',.!-: .' f... an . . ': : ' , a is - t:( . : .il . .;,<'1\. • :l '.. .""'.', 1 • _ '.!.. :.. : " t' .. =, letter • 1 _::."'_ ''''-f'' .. • The machine is' installed '. r .. ..:- t··.tAr. The loaded car kursiyyat.ha '-- '.".'."" tit. • . ingbat is-sayyaara 1l :/::.; :o . adjective and' . I i-, •• English. '7·:-"'_-"'-·· in This is . . lt·'.· .'OJ'r h "_'\ tbi8· .fo.a_1l«.1:t8-·_.·) ; ':. '<10.," , •• i'his hae been writt8rl;.··· t- •• . : , .: • 11'\ml8kkaba 9ala: t ,. #" ... tt -II! - j,. II! . . [.a; • .. ., ..,.'. _ ,. --This is written. ... .a •. r.:.,i·.. translatil>rl8 of ."":. ' .1;:' .. use as a noun or haaa maktuwb It - .. on its ··support. ;. .; .. .... -,_. il-muntaTi{yajlisuw " hina' ."'!') .•.• <' 1'.-.,. .• 6 mukassar· . . "( . ··t·JJl· .t:;{ .: adgah nasar ;r-t:,1t·'/ ·L,':'":· . ..' ll-muaalikat :' . '. ,!' I .: III. VERBAL I10UNS. The many verbs ....,.; .. J!.", ..... ---------- ''.' His triend published the memoirs __ . .... ". 'UIIlOUB:CY-. 1.i\,t;t(t: . £;f"i or'·' ·-...., ... possible frames for 1' . _ ...,... bal were::dicussed in}tke 'pter _, Verbal nouns from verbs. on i1i·:-;:Vineasure· of nouns ·are,·,both rlai' m::'predictable.<{:· :.; tfl?;t' ()r ';meaes: v:af .:t.,,,. :','.'' . "': . .', ;-': -' ' .. .. ..... ,. ... ' ..... : ...... :: .. _. '-. .. ,,. of meanings exhibited qy ! <Ufferet \,,.r< :, ':.,r, BecaUB.·:9 the.. variety. . -.,;... ._ .. ". -"" 7:'_ ••• " .;'! • _ .. ' I _.' • ,'0 ... : .• ' • ... _, • • '.":It.... '.'.' .;;'; _-.: ".:--\:._ ... • .. o " .:" • ,.:.. ... .. -; , 60 - • " ,., " t ( \ b :,ed'in. the,ingw.ar.ancli;p.enael--d9Ol. t;:· :r.eadi· can .. .' • ." . v frmn:·other· verb,mesurs 1oJ;\·U. • Below - -, "',,":!. 'or' a'!II ••• • ,.. ,". . . • . • i ... 41' .... ;0._" plal;;'''if; :aampla:' a I, " Verbal Noun . , ,; . r. -, .. ; " "':. .. t. ;. -, _- .: .:;, .of'; A ':',' · " • ......... ;" . f· .!" :." -- : .... .. >: . ' ... : . ·::1".·,. ," ' #', • ... nly .use:!,·:.au1 --. . .veri·.be f.Qum· in. the' plwa.. it ,,:" , \"<0' w:i.·th·,e mea-e 'is: ¥.8t ·te;: ton.n. torhe' :ver",lJ.pun . '. its e sel40Dli • ... ., !n'shM ,'::','''';' .. I - ,_ e r: ........ 'I', II : . ..... \:: '! " -aat ... ,- '. III tafadiYS or /;,', ; .J.' exchanges ' . -aat .- .. mu).a.9aat , i.ftaaS IV : .. .. - - .. I :'., ' : ".' -' ,. .. . 'observations - .. - . - -aat - l -e- .'c :0_ .:';_ .t. notices 191aanaat ,'. : = .,.._,. .' .>: .. tafa c .. L. .{ ",,:.: ;':.:.. '.5 ·v : f' '..; om '. VI -- VII -'hfa,aj . ..... ; .:.1· ... ?f'.'" ::: .......... ! f': (':i.<, "" ','. .. ; : r', '. !.t- <;: ... - VIII '. -,"-: s L 'ij .f.;<2; t!?aaS <I • h .r' I' .. e; z h";' , .. ingilaabaat, {f:\·'.-l't:Ji ):. . (,..... , ..,. ,coup '.::"- _ _.; ; . .....i>:_ cl,;et ,.. .. '·: . ::-\"'i#.;'t;-:,.-:" . s .... ';, IX /..l' .]Jt: . ..... -.-- X : . ;.ff· .... , ... /. -- '. ..... : . ,.)- . t- Note tht.lnost .pf: the. .. .. and that '. /ost r :the- .:. . . ;' ', _ .. .., ... '. . itigm.la.at • '. - .:-: ...., • ." "'. .' . ,.' . _.' ..,. uses :. "::- . . . ,forms, involve the, ·addi·t:i:-on o plural .'. verbal . -ap...i"; ";: nouns that Mke a 'plai dnote some l .. " - . ob3ect •pecU1c , 6, .":' .r ,,,-,,,' . rather' than just ,'. , • fonOWing part of Ar.ablc_-,_pe.e.ch___wh;lCh .' . report' opped as to . /,·,1 f :., .: MJleserbal. action .: ... •. . ' being of , , ,t 'i.I..··f;t;b· ===" . ' ·,_·nstructiona "'", :', "1- . sene:l'all7 uses ,. lJll8Ilker IrlIlisp :!: dnition the #-: r" 'lthe The Arabic bal Dl . . . a •. t.1. ," cr a ve . in which the -. Terberg_i:m_ (: *.;'.to· , .. ;.,-: h·fJP:ii-abi·c.urj".i8iii t"fSJf;r*A !'U iW:_' -". n01Ul: , '::.( l·-, ,''- >;,,:,., + ,., ...,:: • «« ' . .!'; - •. !It ...... - '.:;!" ,...'r, •. {!,. ::'%[>1{;. t!t;,," . :;,: .ci, ;:; : ::-". .' (.? .-;: " · -:-. ,.... < ., " "".. - . t::' __ J..L hit Aim ;,*t-: W J' f% :-. -) ... S. ! ", :.... ... .Jll fA L ;1;' e_;:'! ,. . • . ;,;:;'-' '. .: ",}+':'" 1r- :'" .: lZt. '--.> :t_i: c' : t;;:': ;/!H) f, ::' ,;:.: .. hard-c"fC::;' .'l;d finanCial afd; trbilt-:f: .j / ,--, .. . ' " ". • .. " ..... fR-.....: r itfIt" • : . . J " t '. '\.: I - .' . ") . I "":,'1' 1;;' ,) • ' s-: .' . '"' r , a We received , '.!..: .!i.i .>r ·acUl.t·arttb' u: lie . ··'i. ,;\!4.)·1.. '::'J' .t,.;>{f'.utw: (i.e. tor,the t'!te.. the . '.,: Ok:', .. " ,...- :.",;,) ' .,:t';,t!t4ic:, fJft etUt·. C1i: f.itf'l: . .' {i .-e1:;.:t.,t.E :h:; ,P:;.ai,., D&lSta_l;\lt,*,,.,;.4" -q '. '... . ' '" t'-.l:_:';;jrt-:..· "or' :' :",C -:': -}:'Il.}.;:.>." . .P:lI-c':;.:" - '_, "". as .' J . . "" . :...t." .... , ; __.==,-,,=·l,-=-""-?-.£:.._ :V'!t:·.VI. \ /A. !' -7' '11'1 Ftif t: L f • • r. USINCf··.l .......... , -1! 0 ': " t ;\',\ . '/"; "" ." 4" * 'J,.! :"';' .. " *__ .!><:- '5 .. 'II .. • -. ';' _,. I; " :"' :: ..-:-:':jtf;; ... /'!;: .:.: , .. - "!;,.'" ,",,Ij:::i' i -. .:,(.; • ' , . Arabic, .;- r .. ., : '.J'. r- :hltt ust relatift.word ..;." • •.•.,. ;f .. r -:_. , .' i. (>' • ,go _ ., .. ....- »; .•• '?:. , .. ' , tJ: .' '> r."·- ;._ a .'_._ . .'" the - whichis no J':w"'; ... .. ,,,, f", . tb1l!f $, •. :i-_f" \_:t.1,' ;-. . i •• J ' .. ...... ' .:.;:., .,: • 0 • yester . ; ":- . •. _. f': • •.. _" • •••. .d,.r r I·,,-.- !.J - Y'.lja._, .-.' J. .It year- .: (The ye;.r' ..:'. COming S:how m what '. -,...' :1..,,, ,;" c 9,,tg){ : ' i .".. , which ".:-. • "_','; t;:Onng·_pli:'·'··"·d? 'Dvet- 9l$:.;.-,_.: .,_ ., • ingala • . • e. , uSecl as be '...r ,. "",:,- f.sa.;:IYJ' Pi;*'r.<:t-i warr.Diy iiliy Engld:,,'b ,1.: .-rit,:r-· .def1tttte, .the • e . i.f' the clause modifies ";"f .: -I ; '" i"';' .. .. . In ,"'I '";!3 : \,;4e"h.JI.;oOil"'.J . . rt' ,. nOUn .iD ·pbre.:pr :el.t1. claUse··Whll\J'J04itS) '"+ -':"' ...>:':;" i.:' '. : .:,.( i :_::.;, ::.-' <i; r:' ·':f ,:. :'-t :: :'; .. !' 01: '«»:9ted to it bywords like "Who, W}¢'Ob, that,' etcp A ;;. s: : SB$ :,"';t3',v.:,'.... '.. . . . r".r' '" ;:.""" •. ... . , ... r' ,. : kJ, '_. t " '''' .. !r'.::.:j.t::? :•. it,.:.the··.b.j:n'the 'ela.is&::if$ traIl$itivit n:be fotudlthati.t.;: '. . ,. . ·the bi'q Gpeakeit :redundantf:-Dcl . .lQ.ll' ,incltide-:wit it e.1.·b 'eaker -:·,.J:t t " pbjects tOr iil the 8ent 1Ul . and··*-epSiO rbs ..' '. . object which Y" eem appear jmpJ.ete in,Ara,.biC haa() jayYaa j,y.' (s;. "0 aT:·gqrai.tt,endenC7:";' . -. . " :"_ . •. !. .. Lack. objects Of these - _ If ••• _.\ .-:"' " .. '11 ... that i s_ 'I'td_s the car . . #ift.h. ams . -. .< '. '. '. . . . (it) ystery.; ThiS is th ... _. boi which ne pla ced them ;in ,ai'!thuu fiy.h &.vrli " is-say iy bagc:.yt 1 • I • I (it, •. remJl!r °Ghe t)1g wlqch I ClJlted t!) as you abou1i (ith' '0':' .... 63_ ... ,- , , huwa·..rij,jaa:f;1lli7-;jiyt ,·.ma9 .ahv .... If!J$tJ''!:' '''f .' .. , ," . haaaowl:tildawat illj\l'tl . ',:,': ''';'.: " ':' ... ,', ,. .' , _' yaWWiY sug8J..ah )lII1,. 1" . . • AS .. regarded .. ,"" r .« . ,.. ',., :-. '".-.. . . . . ". . .. .... _".. :- .' <h. .i..-- .·ePOl!iti(m.a Instead the preposition is ," '_.,' . ' . . • ' , . ")'i; ;:-- ....... ._,..-- _ r .-. with a·JronoUD.. ·:5;.;·tl. . '!J5 . . ,objeot which agrees with the :noun whi is being modified. _' ,',:":" ,>,'',;d;., .. ", "':'' ,,: .l-, ,.!,.. "1" ": Wlien the 'noun being described.· 1ixiefi.l')ite' .DO: a:mnecting· 'liOrd r: . .. .... ..... .. i"'I .' __ - _ . \ ,1.' '. .: .• .,'. "l'<'''' , '" $''::f, " " . P ..... ;:' ur:> -."':: > . - ...... i Jt.. : \ J • . in..£&r-Jlhi'wlisfn.: • provided "" " .. is true . translation. .. the'8tenee8' above·j··,.,rall!!trljJ3ti. .. objec-t ,or the as . ".: :. ..'. " 'i8---ee!in "'" T A (', . j _. .: . "'.' - the:1I8ll.,witb ,'Wh I,,. came., ··He \18 r·,·... - ;A,::\"{-' . ' · 1 -.., _ .. "". _ To_-<- /) lit' • 1.;'2, f.. '. . • 7 . agdar.jjjb ·.·1alt.yt:7, fou'--ything yoU' "l t.Cllr·#ng ·o;'. .. :'Li' :.;. ,"\' .,,'/tlt)J L.:,.· . \\ .•. ".' .• 'tariyd.ah " _. II. .-:.,. _ z J ' ... : "i \ ::1':,. . ."" ; :.,::. .. maa .. J;....;... idea of expreS#1ed· ;''1.'i:';; "., j ., '.' '.. tlie"'Verb ·of: the'-:'blBus e.:;',t:, .. _.... _. '.. • : or '.' _' t,ll .' expletive : ..' adverb, .Cj,:";:-r--::' f; ." .. '\ • .,-- # ' ,> ._ This __ ", -", .' \- £. !.; 9-. o negate maa ._. !s.)""!': .. 1# - _' ; . '. ";' ' '" .' ::ff.fl;:dontt'·Y6uLdo,·'like· I·told. aiiieitmaa': • " gilt • .. "_ 4 •• :_ " • '. -: , _ • ';:;:_ ,:;:'i'l": :; .'t. . ;' ,:": .. .' •• • •• '>,' j :ba9(i . .aja9t:'·min. :J.sg:Q.Wg _ -: ":" j ,' '. .: you: He came •• .,' L» < t • ':">. ", 0 , j: -:f'::.i';"""·-:,,r· '" after I ":" u f " . '. , " ",,:.:c· rtUI'r,le4 ,f: " .. . "" :...... - .. i"'-.t f;1;i ...«: J .. 'the, sug •. n -; vii: __ '. aer ;-. (, f !A "'-:''','-:7, 1£.· ._: • are- ' .' . . heluver; :''Wha.:tsoeyer, after . , ""'. " . 1I.'11· ;l""RJ f':t:'!i.:r--" N; in Ara:t>ic by placing the • .; the' gener claUs,aS ntaining -. : ,', ar. : ,t:..JJI \,. '. < as int!'i>dilo.tozy noun, adjective, lays or in.:'(;·;' ;;.,! '"";. \/ ;'-; ·r,.; . , :1".1. e'; indei,lrl.tes. _such '!T> -;-';'J.: : . '. --- , Sh:adv;;i;s' I . .• .: -J..;_-.; , ( . in. 1" ;:;"!-F 1, .' ':11. !.r.tf;,:(} ... ,..... .: -, ' . \ ... ,".... ,' . .--- 1 . .-:1 . \ 64,-. } v- - laaz1ll·:lll1i:qatgabi."':,;, • (,:.;. ".8at psprl.o.:; You • tab 98J1_ is-8ugJ.. • .. you e absent tran Wd*rt . ( _( tagdd-1"·ftlW.:-t ·.?!t'.· , ana,al:,;/t f!hq.dfr!8e,1\ yaI'.\Cd it",i.HlC'·i""':'.i ,.; '.1("* .;-.,r !." :.:, ,., "\ 1:Zif.'-:1·'..· .. III. ..... . .. n-:' ,. - ' 1nna f.}.fjt" ': ,f. d'f"J.i>-. :... .z. • .• 7ftJtif:y;! ql..1i - .. . ,J> ,. -, .1; .... .' • • -'1 • .. :. , -;.: t. tJ:.- ••f)':!, t ijjt!. ... "''':;'I'' t.t' -. t "". . vert: . lO "is dded .&..!;:r....z,_·'I_.;:::;.." Q·!tt:av -- ... _ ..... cu. '·.L:Ul1Cl QaY C:S"'V" _."" .. ;' _ ;'IlUl.&.LIIIIIl. - . ' .':." ' •. -tL!o:;:"7 'f-,-:tt.,_.f:-.J.!f"."!,"J '. ..... . • '''''.: . v:.: .," ',!... • . *;" gaal liy 1nnB. •. .,,-r? . 3.:."y·;,:·';1 .. .-t* There e \ forms .. ,);:t !{?t4:rj .. .,. '. very serio'Qs. ' '. ,'.- .. ." ... . olrds ,' in . r: ::;:: .1'.i,",!A ,::;. '::'i:' t"if;;!., I' :i:f!:Z"\J:fi;t:)=-'- ' ,,' ·i.· _ we s' • ::;.::::!;::':-l\;.'··<.;.l.t' t- .n;!:l to;: He to me' that .< ;0, ;·lJ ;. •.• sp 1? \ . ":·:--:f·i. ,:;:',, me. • . ;!!.,.; - c,;-f-;3tii-'·'o!--t,::o _ muS",.:-pe po, :;* .J.eJ,_!,:. : f Arab1c-wb1h ' 4ey.t. :::}; ;-'\;";..i,:..!i.·.iJ:i. -;;.::.( <';,,! li: aanh8:·:: <' };;;,:_:, ';!s" :pJ.:i; +':: :J: ,._; 1=t.i\:reui.:'!_ $,S.e:.JfCU'lPles haaaiy ism.ha barraaya ,'. -that- you I .r, "', ir" .,'. .: ....... Jr :f'·'-;'_! other . \ .( yanyduw' "'l. 1)! yakallimuw..· .. ma t"V·';!V·lj,;;_.tl: .. . .. a:PorS\lrJ?;rapg; ...::"":.!::<!_---7,. ....... " a9r1t 1nnak kunt ' important;. • " .. He knows tba t the wound is J .:f1i' i ya9r1f- inna I-jur9 xatir jiddan il:!'' -;'*j,: .... _ - . . .. .iI." form. ,.1.. : : ,F& ; -::--t. . ). _ _; "\ .. \ (. ',.j :.;, J -.,i"f· !' ' . " . :,::: ...... ;!;J .': '.>"-;:-,,, .."' -. .:.',:',.:.,. ," H," " HoweVer, when: :fllowed 'by':elther -, 'that' is iDna. or a .. .. SORfA"I. ,j fl:P.it;h . ; ":.." f ," -': - ' : . . ... 'This is called a 5enerfiJ .. - \ ... ". -.. '- I . b;ile.1tAit: s'·nci·'. /, f' jiytuw. / •.. , ,·L. 'He left early because·you all .. r Claes -. e :I·.··. clause is J ..' ·oc . 'b .,.. '.c',: 1'ln,s t . ng /",. ment4"o"':J.; .; c· .l!tth·er -la use. .. . - : . . . ·'!.J.t .,*' ,_.'. .' · L .' ',,,', ,,' ,."", I' .• Jft. .'74.0<:..='-_--- 1: "+ f.l" .. p. .,-. ,,""- • t'...(jI'!. "e. h. .spebts - :.; _ lie .. ;.' _ onto the .main street.. 'cedc he itdrl;Mrii 1.·:.. ,', "'t- • .,·!,la, .. _ , .a.".._ \ .', ... '-'. <Jit'f! ::$'"-' . ' ' ;. - -', 'f'";_;" ':; n. . ._ ". to .. _." '. ' - '. -". ,.' ., " '.. , .: .. ;.._; : _., ....• ,-f-Ji>: • ' .:. At .,,- "";.. , ... .. __ ' "J. , ..••.;. 7, .- : -b) statement and :. :1,,-' . ,-', - .. ' grasp ccmditi0l?-:. It .. you go, '." the \ o ii'..._..,:) ·as,: .1 -; .' ....... '. '" I ...;.,J ":: . • _ .'.{ • .eee Y0l:l 1 I the,: : ... !!! . consfdez-ed ........ J or '-":::O;.";' .' ". 'if' introduce at all' 'a't' omor:row J depends on ......... .... . . .',1. ;; • action which you wiU see·h:ini. t. ,_-J '!.,,/ .j: . ·fJi':!'·. . • (d it..v.t »: clae' if the· co¢ition is ','1' .• .: .. , ,of, -- .. £; ''h'''' meCham.osSr:\rerS':in·lirabib c6nditiona,l s'enteribes:/t ;._)c;1.{ condition Co. , .. " .. - . , .: , • - tb'·'chater-·.···: v1;tbfJtiiO 51nsf "",':iI\t;.,.' ,:','> -'. .. .; ' .. r , " ,,-' - _,' _, . .' s<;: , subj ect·is also general.ly· tactoi'1t:·lsf!t!irirmi1t,:tor ·Eilglish speakers'; to' 'of'this the edt. 'f aet]ingtwitfi:cinpJ.e1ied'·¢· :uncomplet> etiOiiB·;)eause ..... - , , remereif bjr ·Use' of the' -e; .. • I - .a: 'bS· aoli8t/bave!ther;_':a halti}oiialrbr':aiflJUnCtive .:f' ' - Ir mrned ". ','; .. :, %" mood' but-;9ras w':sii Or . pst ..... '.' • 1..,'. .! ':tllrie as' the llction r,:ttiS· am ·il':' ' :k:r.!T.i' .; .. " "1l' ." '. ". .b.""" '. t,'l'1!JiOES-:, ''',;;; "OON,I)IT_I ','.1 -.-.. .' v.;. '" persona.l:PromUn .;jti:K' _") ltat fis';a8ri9 k , The - .... :' . '. . \ .a. the same' of sentence in 'Arabi_c connecting w<r wa. . '; &li .. . verb. .. ,,,. '8omeiimej'lntrcrlced bi' coiljuDc£ivf w0i'di3· Englili .. are in - "tfl"" _,"'SfJ,: o 'eDt .hich.ind:Leate:t't·e·a:brl'tir& as su '._ IJ'-'t"i\t;{,,,,, 1t:'t;t .w"'!.t$.ttt;U4!';!;,. J1 .... r'".i::i" "'# ', : .! or. possible _'."r ..... likely law it' ....., law 18a 'it it, or _ .. .,. - not' introciu,ees- the -clause ::# were .. ,!-?:,.t,\(,_gTttl,t'.;; -;'2 f:l! ':$I1".'' 1·'·'.\·,l as: 1&8 jaa, 15& gilt lab ana .r,:jf:.;'f ,!·.rf"l· "dlf;;.: , .. , \ t 'v ... r ,,' 11 . ,::;n:J'1' i': :., - L ,I 'such el; .d.., , ja!JI,'f,, ". ',1l"j--.J:l:.r·1 !.;; ,,\_4 .... rl! i iii ,1p.J!l .,. It he' CQesl,. t:..t:'{u.J ,.: .;.! ) t .- f j:t '·t.i":,, -. j.. . P'Q£:' ,- It, he QOlQes, II n ,t . il,' :.;:, t:... ,\, , It he .... studies, . i. ...1!f A he will sue ceed ,'".,1: Lt .j r:;;. -, o, _'-.'.' "t' .• \1""'" .. "·/WJ W. t.-a ... ;"""+ . V'ti,·· IF. ... .{. It lle' tz:eajis ,me. wu :t; III ,: r' ";'. !.' i3},'l!-_ ·31" . , treat him better. . . i&a maa yaritabib, 9umr.ah maa It he, doen·it hi' .., ZT/lt f\r;t r t } ttenti01), pay ';' :"_'A-'j' ' ' I'' ' ' ' he' ,s "-H':lVr"""'"" ,, .SqJ!&::.._*. v raaff.c am,_ .,' ..,.a.y ::u-ata9all, - .. , / iaa1'..tr}·.tl,!,.-, ;·'fr.\.t,.It,-.:pa;.f1O.,Bel·i9 i' . :,, '!::i ).i ·VW:·j ,:! ;d.I:'r··g:rrte\ ");tt iJ:tr iaa"ma$bbl Wl. ;".'''.t J • .• "._ > ,asta ,:,:""t) II. oa • .' , ,. '} .1 .••• It ·::L;.dqllt1i lik,e _' :, '" ..,,'1'. " ",' ,. ltabbayt sugf-.,.{.,;. }':;,-, L.j If' I' . .. .: , i kunt ti.l.'f - ; .. ,<t:.;:, ,...:t; !: ,V'; . ,:, t :,: .,:'\; "_'!_': "::: r: ' »» _-",' "' ,--. I,<,;:my,.>.wo, Ll.). "'I ._,;_,./':.,.:;_' : I ;" d'Pl'l:'ft':'; l.c, ;_"' . wn·;rlf.: .. '1:6" !:i,' 1, ... " 'ipr"±.f'L:if:i ) ;:;. VI:·:; ,;j:;<" .. / >.:1; > _;" law;;,"rtMdl,'; yata9al .:. ,.::, _<l'. .w',;?r! i.:> , -, - '.", .. " ';:'-:-:..itJ;:):- ·::!'::;d:;l·j;,: y. ,. __ ',: J : -, . ;" . :"_ .; ,..:: .. . If he went; to : .. .: "::', '-';.: .:.' .,.1t..':. .f.f·.· wou ",to -1.,,,"''''' .. school, he .. :<- ::. E(.j.:;':, have learned. :< '.."... :;.:." ·.·J{'.'f } . .. _. ;_.·i : :-!.it' f.-?J:i.:r f,·-·-:.-:,,/- c I' law , (c:ontiilued) - '_ e;"i'_ : law kaarl: r lldtasa, F' . 1'. . - . , law . 91 ka8h :b-78J3taf"", ' ...... t;tt .: • .' ._ - ,U' .ffkbad';gOl18\tO: sbhi:ibe .'" :li, woula: .have: ea:med. -:. i .-.r t; .. e- :\{':".> .' ,"', " • , . ... ' , • _', {."" '. ta9auam ,: , t T :. ,:' ".. .:. - • • ': ", " - - " ", - ' U'll8.;':WOUld.o:nlY ..liS,sn,.1"M. • , , - .. .... .... "-;'".\ _- \ mawjin4";lkaan,'aaw4b.na law kaan \ '. . , •• ' . :It .. '!- answered r • he:[.e"jlEy".,woUl<Lba he re' . us. , s: If I knew he was going to come; ana maa law maa Jiyt", ktmt 9Uld.iY wiyya.kum ; , 8, kunt rilJt If I had no Work, r 'wouid gone, With you . t .. :",'';': . • If' I' were in . r .••• iniIi.ak: tasaa9id.ni7 . . an. his place; .j: would - - , ,have done the same I. U' I had . .the inoriqr,' wouldnit -. 'ask' you to' help' lrJ.e ; , It had'wanted -he would have ,,"" thiitg. ' yariyn:7aSUwt.nal: ', to'see:me telephoned llie. .> . in 'r' . ' ,.0" 9ind.iy,·nuws;-:maa'P.llb law kaan I would nof have come. 've, itin. ma¥., b-asawwiy' naf iwq', ' , . '-, law hli ;. , - . ; ·If .he wants. to ' iIi kaan yabgiy yazuwr..na, Visit , us,. we1oo.me' to .,. in maa. va yas:al, maa.yastaiiyd la.a yafQam·. . If 'he <ioesnit benetit and 'stand. ask,;.:he won't h,e woil 't under _ (,;' .. , ' \ ' .:.: . / r. c' '-e .':- ""'4' T .tr.e' ldII:., ,'." 1VWftA8 ,'I!', .. - ! ,.-. #l.r wouldnf1; wait for .bimiti:.!,? kuntff.a8 in , t;j taxaJ.ljy ii--r..:t, .' , ',' t,: ",' .;,:; :;'1 ., " .. r , ',-= ... M ;',"" : , e.:. ! +i':-", .. , ,ti \"' I ... :rt"-.79U' ,work, don't- let · "4",;: 'eaa·....c-nJI"."M' ';'fI:: ,".}, (.-':,.., .. "',;, .. the boas ( SI)., r,ou. l.t ': < It you tt ,. 1i:;.,.f , ".1>':':. r· "t·.:: agree, someb0d7 7."1,-',' " .; . ; .; , .... - .. : " " ,- -. :', "J!;. l " 1 f ) " "·,:4l_:' .;,:;i· • t. '.j.-:'. + '''1 ·r:r. :: :: - T L, , I 69 - . . ,:.. ..._ .. -- c s .,' .. :r;.: i:t. ; 'S!t"I:':---t",: ';':J-".,:..:: ':""-.. ". • :;i:.; ',_", .!!! r: ";"'::",. ,r7,-, .. ,; . . r: ,' '. " CARDINAL BlJMBER:AGR·.t wrrHs MOUNSt -_._ I. _ .. ... . . . In iJ' ....... . I. ............... _ .. __ .. . ,, , _: .' . ".:. .... ·llSbfc·nUihbes-:'rith:.'nouns there r.J....- .. • . . ..... "'t'{"" The number .: .... -, • ! which is in ..."" • ......._.. - . ..•. :,_;, \ ... '. - • usual rules of or'!"'< '" .: \ .it .. ; '. j' agl;'e'emerit': .. , ..;, .. :;" 'r, ditect proximitY .,'' '. . .. noun, .,. .. .,o .,. .. ,. , .. • .;nq. /.. . is.\ t_::·.·-j ... .. ):.....• ... _,_ ... ;r,: } .... " :., rp' 7. 4 ••• _ ....".,: t.he number.s·as .: . .. . ; .,' 'iJayt. :'.' ,_,.:." .. us .. ,... ' r;,.:_'/!i:< . .' _..;. _ . a i. . .... ..' '. I .. -:_: ....i::.. '! .......... - ;-'-": _to .. i ·9asa.rat.: bOyuwt:,',' .... y '.. "'7""- :: .. l . . ,";'_J.. , .. ""_ are -'T masculine ': \,. ..... .. J _ :,_,. ...... ;. ..:. ':;;··l,; '-. . "-. .- 10 " .;:.:c .-,;.h \ ': '. .. _ . _" 1; fc ..'. .;>. ':_-. 9asar ... '.;:f..; '(.!; ... .. waa1p.d . ,i."!.;r..--:t"'.>,-.·..,·j,,'.·.: ... sayyaarat· .. "1 " ., •• -"l . 9isriyn .. .. , 9isriyn bayt 20 ' ... ,: .. ,: .. . sayyaara 9isriyn flayyaara r •... ,,:. .,;' - . :r -j} :: ..; ienaga.sar bayt ,0 :'j!fj!.. -: '. t::r tfil. '])i;: jj}da9ar·'·t· .. _ . v. 9alaaeatb1.# or J! noun .. sayyaara :; I .. .. · 'i-:' , .•. a . • .from th -."" With o::>unitlg i ori !!1 .. . • .,: _"., .' feminiile' noun' sa.yyaara . car. :.';.l:-".'t·;-· ,-.:::ic./ -:' '.:' .J/!i''''''_ :'.7 -::' house; and - ed ....... -5., :1 ' ••• i·\·,:-.: .. gendl" .... r :» - . '. : "";" _ llteq lWUll .. . . , ;. ' . tak ...at like fe iloUns in noun- phra:res;;' '''BelOw : " -,, Yo • .:.. • • ···-::).:i/:''': !: ;. ! .1 '. . .i'1 .,... . ll,\. of all! "., opposite in are ..,_. .... nount must 'be ·p.lura1·;r,.:::· t}iat "'\ '. '. Numbers wi th a msculine accompany. ". .. _ .. ".. _, numbers from .) they ., .... - . nouns i,..t; :..,.;h tak1. -'" e ;'1' befo:r -a All. other numbers b) from . 'of"'tb I, ··'thrU·:f·a{ine1US'iVe .pPes '1;n . • ..: •••"lI\'? :. , !,' r opposite are • .' .. use ", : "!" ... _ thrli:,o 3 •.. ) 'When'vef" nuJni,r a,c;ooin n0uD:;: : expreased by . ". ... the.' ,'_ . anyth1iig "is of 'b ':from :"," seyU:abiioTmit4es. ", , 'the ·:Siar. '·'·TWo 'en .I:¥·'The dual - ar..e. '\' (waaJ#.cf) I,agrees ':in .'gemer t?iith 'on ,':_ ," I r. . .... :; . 9iSr.t1ll ba.Yt xama wa as 9alaa9iyn bqt xams va SH:'.: mi.r., 0.;"'::.,r·J:t! . ... 30 ----; .- 9isr1yn "earaa9i7D sayyaara sayyaara .. miyyat bqt .:. lf:&.·t- ....b.__:.;: /! •• .. !.,;t't .. .H h "''':''.,'( .... '(i'''' "".e, '., ·.m.:r-· _r:S().}flii.r.:·:5 .. !'-.!.'--,;,',:' .: ;;·JL!h'\.::·r .. •.... ..., • v • all' bayt aU .Soq '.. 'I: . , . .. .1 .. . _ -I ". ,. I ... '"' • .... ,_ Dtns,,:!:-,: ,000 900 .. e .. .. ....."", .... :4/, ·LJl1. ',':1: ---f e: . .!l.h, w,.""';' ,,,--._ 'f( . :< . •• r· r..... :,.;· \ ::.r-;:.: 1:"'-:, ._ .r.:1.ara r ·} •• n;iJ.s·t: .',.,': r ::,'!_ ...1....,..... '" ;;::.:.¢jSW:.J!rflSL-"· al.t .. .st .r r . -: = .,.". .. i,,,a.B .!(:-! 'If'l> 1000 wa-er?·!L.Ll· r'9(:J:':;· 1958 .. .. '>4 ·..·_.t A ma 'So ) 17489 mi<;;;g&,.c :Lo;;·::'f<:;lJ-·' .• fj . • , l ':j . !!,.'a[:.;!. ._ -; ::: "tf{'"'n ..... 1:::.J.:-- 8aba9ta9srar-alf·Wa 9 min'a .... wa -::'" :,'. e r!".'{#·t.·· .,,:,,;.:! tisaga _ !} 5!i!tf.ll Z"':7 . \'*:;:-: eamiiid:yn ", I NtJM:aEijS ORDINAL ,. --"'-"." ". : '" '-"'''''' -, Numbers'wbic"order ·.things are and have adjectives .... ......... ",:" .,. ,...- ; .. ", :-7,' ! ,j.. \-. t f9rD1S ..... : ''. ;.,.- in tenns of fir.st, seC().ndr·tH:i.rQ)·etc\. for both the masculine ani feminine. \. :'" t.",. __t._: '; f..:.':, ••••.,..... ,'\','-::•.. :< t _ 'J'he two forms for : exceptions •. 1st awwa1, uwla :"'.;. :'. .'.'. 9aaniy - :.a :!' a .. \oO"._':'; ... 6th saaelia .. # -1 _ ar fst·'·" 'i' .;.: ·:r \;-=,.:._-:- a ' saabi9 __ a ;.f: J ._.,.,'.: --y "'r-_ , - , ;{:f <.:;..:':. - C') 3rd '_ 5th· ... .. eael.:Le, t:" a 8th eaam1n -. raabl9. -.1, a vth taas19 & ••• 10th '-9aaSir' a ...r'-' 4th 11. xaam1s a - . - ..i " . '" ., t. J4- il. baab ll...xaamis 9eJ.a .. .. '''J. . . . ' '.J:., '1' ,The' f'i;fth ;;;;1':' door is en the. . '. • , .\t glrt. '\; l-yamlyn : s-saara irabi9a gg -J."._ '. r- • _ . i'he fourtl'\ t..}_ j'l. I" r .CD 1lB$ ;: n:\b . l _ to e ix',..ra: iy. huwa 1S,.,eaaniy'.ip.iy' 9aia. : .' l-yamiyn • i,andg ! .. ' ... . " .j;. ,: •. "t ';.>:;:>t".:-: -:-- I . .,' -. -;. :", 9asar. ie...ea.lie. f '{:, . .'l.._ ..t. second 118 the· " ,_. :..; :.. '. :::.1/2 ' :I -, ,',; :-'.-J.!! '. .. '; '. . I one the; on .: .' . .. :;',' . ,. Open the thirt.een. . 'I. eulS.· ,/4' .t- ,t-' ·:a. . a9].aa9 . <.,- ..n . -, -:1"""; ... JHx "",, £ ... arba.a9 -. _ ... -." ;:.. .. j;-' _';':" xums suds (J " ,,' ght ·.Ult··· . :·,/3"" ...... ';' • asdaas . _ ... ,. f! · ..• _ :- · "f;'·: "Jtf' ; ..;.t;:-::,,r :1 ,:,t-. Yry.'}:,:l' " ttl89 r- t .. mT .;, 'I. ... r a. other ,tl.1actd.c)D8 ,Wa.T be done· ,.6 follows: :;, "" t.. ... .1ot·j : ... ' ."; :. .. . 'j-' !,iI.'r .!. ..... r ,1 9U11il . r > t " •. . . :?,-j;j .. ' -: } ,'/9 -, :: II' .. .... 'lIe .. \ . '/7 ..,: ::: -.Iio-·ll"{ I' j'4 r ' t ;':".l , : or 1 • ,,]: ...,;...y' • l'):i;¥ltl.;4 S( , 2/S 3/4. sli";;' " r : -. ... 41. . :!.i. f t ;.,r..., , ' .4/25 .;: !I.,l ..... 1;'. .,,'9' I : :.\t .! - ,p. .. :. Enumerating ." ",.rl." r: ,. tt ..··&.'J' "'i .. ' torm at the hour is . 1 :.:_;: ., that after ::'-";:}!".;:" hO'llr .'. is-saa' wa ..'": i.s-saa9 i' is-saa98 . va ,I(: ':; xams va ':. '. ;:._' :::;':'.' ;;-.:,, ;:''';:! "", !{ ....., .. .".,. _.," . .' xamsa 1:.:'. i;vt ..'.:: ".:::}.i.' .' r.ts. • !:E:-:·.\:·:·· "t .t/':;.'..:.:t'--: .i .•• . ) 'a ? (l' _ 4 five 01 clock • '.,:- . . :t·-,"';: " 'ntb9 .' aula wa ,.:' 4.: . [;0;"'" nugt '. I illa aula. _ ,I' . . "'\: $:20 . . "t, ' ; ) t.;. · .. .. It ies . is-Saa.9 s _/ ';:':':.'" .' is-$aa9a 8it'f:; "'-f:1,:1;h. the how. i::. "'he: ·.t r,lr.f",,")lj1";;1:. -.: . . .. 't'fj .118· except. that:. two ,. cloc:;y .as .,j,' ape c;lal: .:t9.rma: xams .t-':t: half-hour'minutes the ,4., t;r: ... ", .i$..,saa9a ,.:.-'. .i?:E :#" ·t'· • _i. . • • by" the clock is accomplishe in Arabic JIluch ,_.? . . . . . '!.:(c, "", :... hcurs English except I .. by subtracting fro!n the following . .. : 1..( .... ..... in 'x,( D!I18at a9maan '!,," t r- - .- as .at ar9 , ... _ -. ' .. ' ',' ..!,... C- \. ,. 13,- - ." 1S-su,ga".t1tt.U1a .rub9, ./ \ .:- ....... .... ; " .. 6too te¥:,:otbr .t '.m.CeSSllty time expe$sionS"'areg1ven A eaardya eatfaan1y . J • .f f. '"':;: \. . dagiyga, dagaayig 8aa9&; belOttt .' minute . saa9aat hour' yOwm, 1yyaam • I '.' • isbuW'9; isaabiY9- r : '. sahr, sahuwr eiana, s1niyn V" tpOnth ' .. 11 1s:bt1w-9 ... . .. il.-maclci .. year ffI.trl\ h i:' I last week .':' 1l ...isbuw'9.:il-j·aay next week \ -.II . awaa:il-·diS-SBhr. : the _<= . . first days o:r<-the ·mOnth • .-r .•• - • , ilwaaXJ.l"i.B-' .:.; . . - 'iayt ,.:;;,.;:.. -' . 'Xarlyf ; . . .. .. :..;.' . tr -;.-; .. v "'. .:. :}:!! ;:...!;:.:' i;.: -- "fall"> 't..; \.P'''':? . "" . ; ..... .... t /. ..-, , ;,) :.. . wintm- The us:tim system' .()f dating Mobammedts':Uight ·from ship .Mecca be'tw-een 'the' Muslim the' Christian 'sYt numbers to Medina dating tiie,'years starting 'from· in' ,622' systEm or" the . AD' e' rl.atiori;. 'and Prophet, IS .night of dating relative to. Christ t s birth: is . 0 • ,... {j ... ",._ .. . \ sana; tawaatS§.: hujU'in-a '377 8an&-'9S7 1-" f;,/ .. : 'I D Days of the week l1s. IlIlIIlbered starting w1"#;':--w1b are '"" J'ri,r:.t, \.i.;. :;'t:St-.£U • .-. becanes ""''':' !N ZOW!!! . •• ' 1,.r;.:i..- ..... .•. : H-'n ;,_ -:;:."i'.""" 70wtn ild 70W!n iJ.-1S • .• .: :. r:;.y_;..: .:l" 'f: ::.." ::-: -. : 7OW1ll ll-arbaga Wednesday 7owm11 "',! . ...... :.. .';'. Tuesday .. . -. ;i." ; .::. ).1' •. .' . ... U-jum.9a ::-',.' ',0; _\. r, '. : J. ::: . I. r'\,,; ".-i in "; /' -. r: .; .' .; as 9alaaSa , ,-ba9a \ can ••• r, • • •• follows: arbasa wa ). ' .. "=- : : .. . r.". .•- - . ... .. .. , . . '.' '" . . , $.·2i: ,.''''J °""'7_;. . sab98 yaY n 9alaaSajrasaawiy ."\ \ 4-3 , 9 _si;,s >:; '.-' ea :-'. ,,'''.' .:\_:..;o/;y-.:. arba9iyn..J ; ... .. ·'i: ,' .::. tisa91yn r <-;-';. .:< h . .' ,--:'c ·.··1· ... ;:- '-_.4_ :.. 'J " .. ., .' _, .,_. -:: -. \' .... :' '.' ":':i;': ,: .. 6 "'\,;; :.:.,: !,I?::::t " .. ': ..',,-.:;"" :•.•,-. .. -- ,1 , ....• , :{.·.·l.·.· l r.:.'.' · ..-." .: • _. ,/:.: . . <:,;:>i <;': ·4q .:p 9r;......en.,.. ....:•. ..... _.:.-. ':",' . ._,_. (.··: \ .; -, .:.(..: ,'.:,','.;,-.-:';:;.1. .: . > .•'. ... ••• ' .. , ... : ' .. _.,' 90 per cent ; > .. . / .::. . ". , .. -: .. J. ': .....:; .. _ ' 1 \ i,.,eea 'Y8!J .Sit . .K.t .': :. ... . w,ac.1p.d . . .. '3.' .; < .s:. be stated, in Arabic:D1Uch 88 "." ':{ J :_:'< -- .' '.: ':--: .. • English, .. -::( '. ..... Basic, arltbmetical operations ", :.;: .;.: !.:. . j "', . a 'AR!TBMETIC ...... . " ',. ( , -_ .. .: Thursday ...,..". yO'W11l is-sabt .:.. . ... - f . v, . r ' ', . t "'_':'.,·f L .' :.... ." : .... .,'",J.' 70Wtn 'is-ealaaSa .. _.: ... ... . . : • yowm ':V'r.' ,:ac s, tha1i·} ... .;-: rilrJ .. .. .. ;. ._> - - .. ,-' .: : .. .":. :{: : -.+... j,:- . -' . • , ,_ . .utl)r, ;. B'OHORIFICS .: - • phr w' \u. It.,.: 't:'" .. pleasantHe's. or . -.; birth;"daa "8 J: . .......'·r.'!'· ......... :-t'. . . In ', - "","r. or : .....s'. '?,,,, , •. ..• .: ... .. " ; .£ : a , ;_:""- ' . . .in'VO'cstion to God ani take an : .·R. ' ,a, ..... ' UsuallY '.-' are _ • language t- '",,:;:. . '.' abic_ 'Qle phrases ;t.J;. '''_- .l.::'+- . '. 1 stroke -'of either .goc;xl l"41Ck _-or bad lllck. ,tementam f ."'"' the polite,: or Specific occasions suc', on : ..... phrases Each cULture /i7:. :·uss._th,s.!J)attern "phres - set ( ': *"..,oa<liiol'i.,.. " honorit·l,cs 11: .( .... , -' - . - , - .-r ,': . alllaag.s· Ce There exist in , !:_....... C::iieply _?r, . ,f.;w...:J;.s. ... ....... wi1!g. e ,91i-,anawe:r is loOked 1,1pOn'TiIl"the' culturet.9f.- ;AI.'abs: in -the -sa;ir"wtiy "hat .:" -; ::ft '1:'_-', >:::: f .: .: loQk'" "o C)t-s,the America ". -', . I - .. 'r .. · '. Bel aret£ti1est· '" _ . common polite ""4" .: . phrases grouped aCCX)rding _ te statement , .:.:";'r answer" , : 1: t i. ;- , . ' , ,1i;}. - :. :- :;. :. .. : .: . ",' .. \ . . J:: .. :_ • ;.- f:J -"') ;t' _:.: ' . .:: .. . _ ".' : .. . \ . :," -'.:'- aba I h 9.alkUm WB:ala.Y: ia1a,_,;li'aIlo' you th .'Ma:-, -',(. ',:02) gabaa9 ,il..-JaV.r-_ :",' ; { - ) j.s , _ J.::,,,. J.. the sage occasion. , - > rittia:t-'aii·:Eriglish. thank ou •••you're welcane' - "please••• - Q" .... .•., -,> • e2:! l 1t)..S ,.... f'.t- ,- ._.40_' .·-,or.niDg light t J:_:, :.Gooq mo Mo of, oodnes;3 A'.'" /.:.-' ... - eili1Jg :¢ - goodness - t • _ - - 0" :. r: .... ,,: ' .. ''''or . ::' , , i '.!;_ .... ;'\ t-- - ... '-..._ . been seen long . I Gooq evening - _': ,,;"'1.1la - .for time • a -1.,,_" .• - .. , Use " ..» - alak $) byt :r ilu··111.,Uaah , , ;,.!', -fr:, , Praise Ood eet.llH1: ·tOo"'- .. I 6) .':,(t .t;t,:.: - I .;. a _ .. ."'f ";I":lI."1 .! ,J ;l:,,·r.{ ·m ?t.l· .h. i.f-r· :j'f ···$·'{''·.)''''''IJ :- .... ·,,")rf:.t-1'- T-:r:,";JJ:·. \C).. maSktiWr--:(sUkiWi, ,'i·asI(lh.a-).JW!,.r."lJ:.r·,'; dl!P1: s e '!lil ... :0\ -4'1I.e"'" "''I 'i, -, ':;'#J' rr ......."'''-'''':fU\J _:;.'./ M"'=-!l\-r-" 11." '_ ;. '.. .. . !i:,-"".t.:·""__'4·'-' ,# '.'I'-'" i ·,f:·1.:P ..r t'- e.. ' J to .. _ ....... , ... ". ..... *" . sameone. .!"" ;Thank';;C(': Itfr_;H fd cr,;t, b{!I6tt\.j i.!f!': .. " ,,1. t'.r'!:0: 1;.;.::<. '\ t: 7) ':; '!J-."..1':.ti amaan \ ,1f-!l·,d,;,.;;%S· ., .'1t:; 1·t';.rr..'i-;· : illah In the care In the . s) aa lQB.9 _ . \ \ i ; • a yaJll. • - .. care / .1' - i " - •. -.. .I jit)u!safe ,ta Ir mutasarrifiyn r.;_:::!.'t:::i,f ; You ; ;: tl ha va honored us. _:".:-/l}r::·:':l v.!e are the honer ed ( allaah 9.alayk • ,.4' 1",,-} - .. .- _ r- i:.·t;;'; ,.; J -I ' :' . .:., .. , ,(. '7 an:l healthful.. t!!C-.t 1:li"-1,) 4· " , I .: '.';'_. ri·:'i;;,:· _. 9) sarra!"tna ansam . ot the' ,r '0) ot ,God '.;; '':cXraceep : ;'-'.t:.!Jil:;'. ",',4er0U8 One. ... \ . ."l;t·!,"',;, . , ..: .c:._ .... .. J. .' Use ....... §!!..!!!;..!_ ; ·.f ;:,"\':'.k1-.¥ ........... r-: .. . - - . Said to itd{h ; kuru &, ". ·Nj ... 9l.a:Yk . . ,11 jCm:rilq •. .. r . Bless' .. t :,;.. .... '" ;;T':- #{", : ,. '1" ble'ss "'Mai' 'God' you. , "It," . event tif' • ;J' . =.. s: " , • 1.,J.:. " .... . '$_.,.."fII 9s maa s ,c!:t1?:· ·'t·.t-It··.! . . ' _ someone Jdh. .} . ",J .-:l ,Said to. one whO . ."i ;fry;- . happened . .:r . . ;'fi;.' '-/' ,; .$ . looks hurt or • -:- !.< 1matirya'jiylt ·is..earr -_ . ",·Ma}r:he::';batt;tt come;r-···':',3,trl.: rf.· -c :.'; - .taf.al : . ;.' .. _'. I' . _ ,:::V- j-.: _. _ .. take' something --- "-, ..... 'w -; ;;-kl :;t:lt :,<;. ., 'c: Jii;- . ::; ... :!1$!.r;.;.,L':.' from him •. .. ) ih someon$' ii·> S$ion .-tic? .'. -, kae9ar .. : :t.:; 'Asking. xaynk Y.lay· God increase your favor •. .: xayrak o . • " -_ .. ,6) • '. . / • .- .r ; , who is ··:you. . (getting ·:clothes) ...,,' .; gOod Greeting Strength' / ft4 fortune : ,'.I;. -: • 19)'. . ,, '.'·'c,;.;,..V1ii1r I .... .r, l"l"';'jl :···/'·!rf· ". j, ,'--),::.::). 'alliah 'Y'aba8:r1k f1yk:;" .. . ··/cl··&ri ........... 12) mabr\rwk one· ..' ., . .:: '; . ; - z Cl .: q ,e) ;:)··f! -. . ... 'f:'; «':" ' . •• f • f !. :'-!. •• .••. -, t .;Sj .. -'. Used upon takiDg You're welcane ... leave ''-' .:\'( :}, :·.'.(·.9 20) baalak' .: j.: }····,fi\:· . . . . I. . It· { • ...... \ . ." . .. ·t:i>:;; .·"·.rj.·7'( '.' Danger : ...•... . .•. c." ,g' ( t f.j 11 11 . . J:J rf ,1 9. deti.l •. w: al). m9.J.t-r'>':' {1· tA'J: . :' ;',;'" ! . ....... _:f!.r;{I:(·3!?_'· .A. :-;±_:? 25) '. mamnuW'g il-wuguwt -: .. . -Prohibited the 8topping: 26) mamn.9f;:'!-+ T ..... . ,.. ':'," : Prohib1ted..-- the ., "r: ,,, .', No throughfare a 14' ,. I I .. 79The makes many' references .,. . deScriPt1ve"dject1ve used ,One i• There Aid these , Al.J.ah f ot noun are 1linety- cane th81' ar . i.e. I have am ,,8 a _. God -in-s--e.t-a _. -- _zs;rs £:!_8£!l! lent __ -,,-,,:3'" - __ _._ OemrCms 'The . teretl be known as eqtlent l7 - ins'tanCM. ot this in the ninety' tit. Quran nine beautitni DDleS used in fomulas or . polite ph%-as·es. ." jo. \ ,.' ,- , ( September 27; 1.960 State, RD ' Washington l!5 D.C ... . /. " / _________ ._ - _I , nrulruMnIUUM .s ,(10493: 9909' I I 1'{+' (--."'" PJ 6860 A4 E53 Middlo £ast |
Type | Text |
Format | application/pdf |
Identifier | Engelhardt_Some_Basic_Grammatical.pdf |
Language | eng; ara |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6577bc6 |
Setname | uum_mec |
ID | 1697458 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6577bc6 |