Beta-sheet peptide-mediated self-assembly of HPMA Copolymers into nanostructured biomaterials

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Title Beta-sheet peptide-mediated self-assembly of HPMA Copolymers into nanostructured biomaterials
Publication Type dissertation
School or College College of Engineering
Department Biomedical Engineering
Author Wu, Larisa Cristina
Date 2010-12
Description The use of ?-sheets as building blocks for biomaterials is already firmly established. In particular, self-assembled ?-sheet peptides are promising for engineering new fibrous nanostructures and hydrogels. Peptide-synthetic polymer hybrids are especially attractive since they combine the advantages of biomolecular recognition and functional properties of peptides with the low cost and easy fabrication of polymers. Significant developments in the area have included ?-sheet fibrillar networks, and selfassembled hybrid hydrogels, which add further control and utility to these systems. The studies described in this dissertation dealt with the design and evaluation of novel nanofibrous and hydrogel materials based on poly(HPMA)-?-sheet copolymers and their application as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. In the first part of this research, the effect of conjugating poly(HPMA) to a ?-sheet peptide via thiol-maleimide chemistry was estimated. The ability of the peptide to adopt a ?-sheet conformation could be imposed in the hybrid at basic pH, through electrostatic interactions between the oppositely charged amino acid residues in the sequence. Hierarchically organized structures, such as micrometer long fibrils, were obtained. In the second part, formation of fibril-like nanostructures was demonstrated for ?-sheet peptides conjugated as grafts to poly(HPMA).
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Beta-sheet; biomaterials; HPMA; hybrid hydrogels
Subject LCSH Biomedical materials
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Dissertation Name PhD
Language eng
Rights Management ©Larisa Cristina Wu
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 2,775,337 bytes
Source Original in Marriott Library Special Collections, R117.5 2010 .W8
ARK ark:/87278/s6tq6g6z
Setname ir_etd
ID 193756
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