126 - 150 of 908
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126 Bitemporal Hemianopsia and Significant Binasal GCL-IPL Thinning In Chiasmal Hemioptic Hypoplasia2019-03ehsl_novel_nam
127 Bitemporal hemianopia associated with dolichoectasia of the intracranial carotid arteries.ehsl_novel_jno
128 Bitemporal hemianopsia and bilateral nasal quadranopsia with macular sparing.ehsl_novel_jno
129 Bitemporal hemianopsia in basilar artery aneurysm.ehsl_novel_jno
130 Blinding Optic Neuropathy Associated with Carboplatin Therapy: A Case Report and Literature Review2023-03-14Textehsl_novel_nam
131 CREST-associated multiple intracranial aneurysms and bilateral optic neuropathies.ehsl_novel_jno
132 CSF Total Protein Level in Patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)2017ehsl_novel_nam
133 Cabergoline Therapy in Giant Prolactinoma With Secondary Apoplexy: A Case Report2022-02Textehsl_novel_nam
134 Callosal Conundrum: Conflicting Perimetry Results after Corpus Callosotomy2013-02-12Textehsl_novel_nam
135 Can occipital lesions produce pre-geniculate changes in humans?2017ehsl_novel_nam
136 Cancer-Associated Retinopathy in Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tubeehsl_novel_jno
137 Capillary Hemangioma of the Cauda Equina Presenting with Radiculopathy and Papilledemaehsl_novel_jno
138 Carotid artery aneurysm simulating pituitary adenoma.ehsl_novel_jno
139 Case of Heidenhain Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Presenting with Homonymous Quadrantanopia and Corresponding Nuclear Imaging Findings2019-03ehsl_novel_nam
140 Castleman disease with follicular dendritic cell sarcoma presenting with pseudotumor cerebri and myasthenia gravis2017ehsl_novel_nam
141 Cavernous angiomas of the anterior visual pathways.ehsl_novel_jno
142 Cecocentral scotomas in gliomatosis cerebri.ehsl_novel_jno
143 Central Disorders of Visual Functionehsl_novel_wht
144 Central ScotomaImage/MovingImageehsl_novel_lee
145 Central retinal vascular bifurcation in Superior Segmental hypoplasia2017ehsl_novel_nam
146 Cerebral Metastasis Presenting with Altitudinal Field Defectehsl_novel_jno
147 Cerebral Polypopia with Extrastriate Quadrantanopiaehsl_novel_jno
148 Cerebral Stroke Causing Monocular Hemianopia on Automated Perimetry2018-03ehsl_novel_nam
149 Changes In Thickness Of Retinal Segments In The Early Course Of Non-Arteritic Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy2015-02-22Textehsl_novel_nam
150 Changes in Fixation in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: Comparison of Fundus Photographs and Automated Visual Fields (AVF) (Humphrey 30-2)2013-02-12Textehsl_novel_nam
126 - 150 of 908