126 - 150 of 323
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
126 Oculo-Sympathetic Paresis Associated with Cluster Headaches (Annotations)Study of oculo-sympathetic paresis associated with cluster headaches, typically sudden, may persist 30 min up to an hour, then stops.Card Catalog Index Cards
127 On Dilation of the Pupil from Cerebral Stimulation (Annotations)Eye movements and pupil dilation upon stimulation of the brain.Card Catalog Index Cards
128 Nitroglycerin as a Provocative Agent in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
129 On Dilation of the Pupil from Stimulation of the Cortex CerebriEye movements and pupil dilation with stimulation of the frontal eye field, corona radiata and internal capsule.Print References
130 On Dilation of the Pupil from Stimulation of the Cortex CerebriEye movements and pupil dilation upon stimulation of the frontal eye field, corona radiata, and internal capsule.Print References
131 Ophthalmoplegie Mit Periodischer Unwillkuerlicher Hebung und Senkung des Oberen Lides, Paralytischer Ophthalmie, und Einer Eigenartigen Optischen IllusionEye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Print References
132 Ophthalmoplegie Mit Periodischer Unwillkuerlicher Hebung und Senkung des Oberen Lides, Paralytischer Ophthalmie, und Einer Eigenartigen Optischen Illusion (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
133 A Record of Experiments on the Effects of Lesion of Different Regions of the Cerebral Hemispheres (Annotations)Monkeys with occipital lobectomy had fixed pupils, but also had severe optic atrophy, said to be secondary.Card Catalog Index Cards
134 On Dilation of the Pupil from Cerebral StimulationEye movements and pupil dilation upon stimulation of the brain.Print References
135 On the Pathogenetic Role of Histamine and the Vascular Apparatus in Certain Forms of Headache (Annotations)Study of histamine hemicrania.Card Catalog Index Cards
136 Paratrigeminal Paralysis of the Oculo-Pupillary Sympathetic (Annotations)Study of paratrigeminal paralysis of the oculo-pupillary sympathetic.Card Catalog Index Cards
137 On the Imbibition of the Human Iris Stroma with the Aqueous Humour (Annotations)Imbibing the iris stroma with the aqueous humour.Card Catalog Index Cards
138 Ophthalmic Presentations of Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of the ophthalmic presentations of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
139 Some Observations During Stimulation of the Human HypothalamusAutonomic and behavioral effects of hypothalamic stimulation; pupil dilation during stimulation was most common and most accurate indicator of electrode placement; equal or unequal pupil dilation during stimuli.Print References
140 Significance of Minor Eye Signs in Headache of Migraine Type (Annotations)Study of minor eye signs in migraine headaches, inferred to be partial Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
141 So-called Vascular Headache of the Migraine Type: One or More Nosological Entities? (Annotations)Study of the vascular headache, partial Horner's syndrome, cluster headache, and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania.Card Catalog Index Cards
142 Schaefer on the Temporal and Occipital Lobes (Annotations)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
143 Schaefer on the Temporal and Occipital LobesOcular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation); describes electric stimulation of temporal lobe; pricking up of ears and moving eyes as toward imagined sound, with pupillary dilation.Print References
144 Some Observations During Stimulation of the Human Hypothalamus (Annotations)Autonomic and behavioral effects of hypothalamic stimulation; pupil dilation during stimulation was most common and most accurate indicator of electrode placement; equal or unequal pupil dilation during stimuli.Card Catalog Index Cards
145 Segmental Distribution of Certain Visceral Afferent Neurones on the Pupillo-dilator Reflex in the Cat (Annotations)Study of the segmental distribution of certain visceral afferent neurones of the pupillo-dilator reflex.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
146 Richerche Sperimentali Sulle del Cervello (Annotations)Stimulation of different points of the hemisphere (pupillary reactions).Card Catalog Index Cards
147 Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Monkey Eye in Miosis and Mydriasis (Annotations)Study of the monkey eye in miosis and mydriasis.Card Catalog Index Cards
148 The Functions of the Brain (Annotations)Pupillary effects of cortical and collicular stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
149 The Hypoglycemia of Asphyxia and the Part Played Therein by the Suprarenals (Illustrations and Annotations)"Investigation of the dependence of the pupillary paradox and hyperglycemia, as produced by asphyxia, on the integrity of the splanchnic nerves and the suprarenal glands." Used sensitized iris dilator as index of reactivity.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
150 The Functions of the Brain (Illustrations and Annotations)Animals deprived of cortex respond to painful stimulation by groans and cries, instinctive emotional expression; true conscious feeling; 'the dilation of the pupils, which is readily induced by irritation of the corp.qu. is probably [...] an expression of sensory irritation'; painful stimulation of ...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
126 - 150 of 323