26 - 50 of 66
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26 3-66a - Shunt Vessels (Post-papilledema)The retino-choroidal collaterals seen with chronic papilledema begin with a "Hairnet" of telangiectasias that gradually winnow down to one or more large collateral tortuous draining channel. The presence of these vessels is evidence of long standing disc swelling. When the CSF pressure is lowered, t...Image
27 3-66d - Shunt Vessels (Post-papilledema)The retino-choroidal collaterals seen with chronic papilledema begin with a "Hairnet" of telangiectasias that gradually winnow down to one or more large collateral tortuous draining channel. The presence of these vessels is evidence of long standing disc swelling. When the CSF pressure is lowered, t...Image
28 4-35 - Cupped Optic NerveAtrophic Glaucoma Atrophic glaucomatous discs show thinning of the neuro-retinal rim, "saucerization" (which is shallow cupping), evidence of peripapillary atrophy, and pallor of the very narrow neuroretinal rim. Notice that there is severe atrophy of the nerve fiber layer.Image
29 4-52b - Dominant Optic NeuropathyA son presented with bilateral optic atrophy of unknown etiology after he failed a school visual exam. When looking for dominant optic atrophy, look at the parents. Mother was examined to find similar kind of atrophy. 4-52a mother, 4-52b son.Image
30 4-54a -Optic Neuropathy, Ischemic: PosteriorImage
31 4-54b - Optic Neuropathy, Ischemic: PosteriorImage
32 4-60a - Dominant Optic NeuropathyA son presented with bilateral optic atrophy of unknown etiology after he failed a school visual exam. When looking for dominant optic atrophy, look at the parents. Mother was examined to find similar kind of atrophy. 4-60a mother, 4-60b son.Image
33 Aberrant Regeneration of the Right PupilAberrant regeneration of the right pupil in a man with a large intracavernous sinus meningioma causing a pupil-involving, incomplete third cranial nerve palsy. His pupil is round when he gazes straight ahead (top). When he tries to rotate the eye medially, the pupil constricts, but a segment of the ...Image
34 An Enhancing Bladder Metastasis Involving the Tectum of the MidbrainMagnetic resonance image of an enhancing bladder metastasis involving the tectum of the midbrain of a 56-year-old man who developed double vision resulting from skew deviation and divergence insufficiency. He also had a left-sided relative afferent pupillary defect measuring 1.4 log units but showed...Image
35 Anatomy of the Oculosympathetic PathwayAnatomy of the oculosympathetic pathway. (Maloney WF, Younge BR, Moyer NJ: Evaluation of the causes and accuracy of pharmacologic localization in Horner's syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 1980;90:394-402, Ophthalmic Publishing Company with permission.)Image
36 Anatomy of the Pupillary Light Reflex PathwayAnatomy of the pupillary light reflex pathway. (Miller NR: Walsh And Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, p 421. Vol 2, 4th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1985, with permission.)Image
37 Argyll Robertson PupilsArgyll Robertson pupils in an elderly man treated for tabes dorsalis in 1952. His pupils are small and slightly irregular, constrict poorly in response to light stimulation (top), dilate poorly in darkness (middle), but constrict promptly in response to near stimulation (bottom).Image
38 Assessment of an Afferent Pupillary Defect When Only One Iris is FunctionalAssessment of an afferent pupillary defect when only one iris is functional. In this example, a right-sided parasellar tumor is compressing both the optic and oculomotor nerves, causing an optic neuropathy and a pupil-involving third crainial nerve palsy. The pupil on the affected side has both an a...Image
39 Bilateral Iris ColobomasColoboma literally means a "gap"-and can be used to describe any fissure, hole, or gap in the eye. The term most often is used to refer to a congenital gap in the disc, retina, the choroid, and the iris. Colobomas occur because the embryonic fissure fails to fuse. Since the fissure closure begins in...Image
40 Bilateral Iris Colobomas (B)Bilateral iris colobomas. B. Bilateral colobomatous defects of the inferonasal retina (black arrows) are also present, as shown in the right eye.Image
41 The Course of the Postganglionic Segment of the Oculosympathetic Fibers from the Internal Carotid ArteryThe course of the postganglionic segment of the oculosympathetic fibers from the internal carotid artery (ICA) to the orbit is depicted as a dotted line. Note that they briefly join the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) before joining the nasociliary branch of the of the ophthalmic division of the t...Image
42 Enhanced Mydriasis in Response to HydroxyamphetamineEnhanced mydriasis in response to hydroxyamphetamine in a 77-year-old woman with a long-standing, preganglionic, right-sided Horner's syndrome that occurred following cervical neck dissection for thoracic outlet syndrome 30 years earlier. Miosis of the right pupil is apparent in room light (top). Th...Image
43 Flow Chart for Sorting Out Anisocoria - Bright Light and DarknessFlow chart for sorting out anisocoria based initially on how it is influenced by bright light and darkness.Image
44 Flow Chart for Sorting Out Anisocoria - Direct Light Reaction of the PupilFlow chart for sorting out anisocoria based initially on the integrity of the direct light reaction of the pupil.Image
45 Hand-held Equipment Used to Measure a Relative Afferent Pupillary DefectHand-held equipment used to measure a relative afferent pupillary defect and to record pupil sizes. Four neutral density filters (0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 log units) are conveniently carried in a soft cloth carrying pouch. A bright light source (a Finhoff model illuminator is shown here) is ideal for stim...Image
46 Left-sided Dilation Lag in a Man with Horner's SyndromeLeft-sided dilation lag in a 29-year-old man with Horner's syndrome caused by a posterior mediastinal ganglioneuroma. Note that the degree of anisocoria is greater after 5 seconds in darkness (top) compared with findings after 15 seconds in darkness (bottom).Image
47 Left-sided Horner's Syndrome with an Acquired Preganglionic LocalizationLeft-sided Horner's syndrome in a 12-year-old girl with an acquired preganglionic localization based on clinical and pharmacologic testing. The cause remained undetermined after extensive radiologic investigations. Left-sided ptosis and miosis are evident in room light (top), and the degree of aniso...Image
48 Left-sided Internal Carotid Artery DissectionLeft-sided internal carotid artery dissection identified on T-1 weighted magnetic resonance image from a 52-year-old man who suddenly developed left-sided neck and orbital pain along with a droopy left upper eyelid while dragging a deer out of the woods during hunting season. The normal dark flow vo...Image
49 Light-near DissociationLight-near dissociation in a 51-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis who experienced double vision for 1 week. Her pupils are 5 mm in diameter in room light (top), react poorly in response to direct light reaction (middle), but constrict promptly in response to near stimulation (bottom). She also ...Image
50 Location of Pupillomotor FibersLocation of pupillomotor fibers are depicted as dark regions on cross-sections of the right (R) and left (L) oculomotor nerve at various locations along its course, including its emergence from the brain stem in the interpeduncular fossa (1), the midsubarachnoid segment (2), the level of the dorsum ...Image
26 - 50 of 66