1 - 25 of 174
Number of results to display per page
1 GJPI Website Blog Archive 2010-01 January2010-01Text
2 Anti-Corruption Course Material Week 22010-01-14Text
3 Anti-Corruption Course Material Week 2 - Arabic2010-01-14Text
4 Legislative Drafting Symposium: Commission of Integrity2010-01-14Text
5 Preliminary views on the "Way Forward" and additional priorities for moving forward in Anti-Corruption2010-01-14Text
6 Anti-Corruption Deliverables Chart2010-01-15Text
7 Draft Law of Inspectors General Offices - Arabic مقترح قانون مكاتب المفتشين العموميين2010-01-15Text
8 Draft Law on the Commission of Integrity - Arabic قانون هيئة النزاهة2010-01-15Text
9 Law of the Board of Supreme Audit - Arabic قانون ديوان الرقابة المالية2010-01-15Text
10 Anti-Corruption Deliverable Analysis - DRAFT2010-01-15Text
11 Anti-corruption Deliverables - Amended2010-01-17Text
12 Legislative Drafting Symposium Weekly Program2010-01-17Text
13 Legislative Drafting Symposium Weekly Program - Arabic ورشة عمل حول الصياغة التشريعية2010-01-18Text
14 Legislative Drafting Symposium: Commission of Integrity - Arabic ةيعيرشتلا بيردتلا ةشرو2010-01-18Text
15 Anti-Corruption Program Spreadsheet2010-01-26Text
16 Anti-Corruption Roundtable Draft Agenda2010-01-27Text
17 Board of Supreme Audit Draft Law2010-01-28Text
18 Draft Law of Inspectors General Offices2010-01-28Text
19 Legislative Drafting Symposium Report - Officials of COI2010-01-28Text
20 Criminal Procedure Code Revision: List of Key Proposed Reforms Recommended2010-02Text
21 GJPI Website Blog Archive 2010-02 February2010-02Text
22 Commission of Integrity Bill Draft2010-02-01Text
23 Anti-Corruption Conference, Al Rasheed Hotel, Baghdad, Iraq, Nov. 2009 (Roundtable) Draft letter to Participants2010-02-02Text
24 Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties Roundtable2010-02-04Text
25 Criminal Reform and Anti-Corruption2010-02-04Text
1 - 25 of 174