1 - 25 of 209
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Adoration of the ShepherdsJacopo Bassano1542 - 1547 CE
2 Adoration of the ShepherdsAntonio Allegri (il Correggio)1522 CE
3 Alba MadonnaRaffaello Sanzio (Raphael)ca. 1510 CE
4 Allegory with Venus and CupidAgnolo (Angelo) di Cosimo (Bronzino)ca. 1545 CE
5 Artist's Sister MinervaSofonisba Anguissolaca. 1559 CE
6 Artist's Sisters and BrotherSofonisba Anguissolaca. 1555 CE
7 Artist's Three Sisters with a GovernessSofonisba Anguissola1555 CE
8 Atlas CaptiveMichelangelo Buonarrotica. 1516 - 1527 CE
9 Awakening CaptiveMichelangelo Buonarrotica. 1516 - 1527 CE
10 Bacchanal of the AndriansTiziano Vecellio (Titian)ca. 1518 CE
11 Baldassare CastiglioneRaffaello Sanzio (Raphael)1514 - 1515 CE
12 Bentivoglio Chapel, Virgin and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint FrancisLudovico Carracci1590 - 1593 CE
13 Betrothal of the VirginRaffaello Sanzio (Raphael)1504 CE
14 Boy with a Basket of FruitMichelangelo Merisi (il Caravaggio)ca. 1594 CE
15 Capponi Chapel, Descent from the Cross (Deposition of Christ)Jacopo da Pontormo1525 - 1528 CE
16 Carondelet AltarpieceBaccio Della Porta (Fra Bartolomeo)ca. 1511 CE
17 Castelfranco Cathedral Altarpiece: Enthroned Madonna and Child with Saint Liberalis and Saint FrancisGiorgio da Castelfranco (Giorgione)ca. 1505 CE
18 Charles V at MühlbergTiziano Vecellio (Titian)1548 CE
19 Child (Asdrubale) Bitten by a CrayfishSofonisba Anguissolaca. 1554 CE
20 Christ and the Canaanite WomanLavinia Fontanabefore 1577 CE
21 Christ and the Canaanite WomanLavinia Fontanabefore 1577 CE
22 Christ Crowned with ThornsTiziano Vecellio (Titian)ca. 1570 CE
23 Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, chancel, Last SupperJacopo Robusti (il Tintoretto)1592 - 1594 CE
24 Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, ground planAndrea di Pietro della Gondola (Palladio)begun 1566 CE
25 Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, nave, view from the westAndrea di Pietro della Gondola (Palladio)1566 CE
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