201 - 225 of 543
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201 Warner, Homer R.Evolving a Computer FacilityBiomedical Informatics1967
202 Mattis, Daniel C.Exact solution of a many-fermion system and its associated boson fieldLuttinger's exactly soluble model of a one-dimensional many-fermion system is discussed. We show that he did not solve his model properly because of the paradoxical fact that the density operator commutators [p(p), p(-p')], which always vanish for any finite number of particles, no longer vanish in ...Many-electron problem; Fermi surface; Boson field; Dirac sea1965
203 Mattis, Daniel C.Exact wave functions in superconductivityThe ground-state wave function and some of the excited states of the BCS reduced Hamiltonian are found. In the limit of large volume, the boundary and continuity conditions on the exact wave function lead directly to the equations which Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer found by a variational techniqu...Ground states1961
204 Mattis, Daniel C.Exactly soluble model of interacting electronsWe diagonalize a many-fermion Hamiltonian consisting of terms quadratic as well as quartic in the field operators. A dual spectrum of eigenstates is an interesting result. We also derive a formula for obtaining the free energy at finite temperature.Eigenstates; Free energy; Excitation spectrum1972
205 Mattis, Daniel C.Exactly solvable model of a magnetic impurityA slight modification of the "mixing" term in Anderson's model of a magnetic impurity produces an exactly solvable model. Results of some preliminary calculations are given, and upper and lower bounds on Anderson's model are obtained by means of the exact solutions. .Magnetic impurity; Ground-state energy; Free energy1971-11
206 Mattis, Daniel C.Existence of two phase transitions in Hubbard modelWe solve the Hubbard model, for one electron per atom in a simple cubic structure, using one-particle Green's functions. We determine the accuracy of this calculation to be good by comparison with an exact solution by Lieb and Wu of a one-dimensional limiting case.Critical temperature1969-12
207 Warner, Homer R.Experience with Baye's Theorem for Computer Diagnosis of Congenital Heart DiseaseBiomedical Informatics1964
208 Warner, Homer R.Experiences with Computer-Based Patient MonitoringBiomedical Informatics1968
209 Firmage, Edwin B.Fact-finding in the resolution of international disputes: from the Hague Peace Conference to the United NationsHere is the law, as Zeus established it for human beings; as for fish, and wild animals, and the flying birds, they feed on each other, since there is no idea of justice among them; but to men he gave justice, and she in the end is proved the best thing they have. The enduring quest of the peacema...Politics; Mediation; International politics1971
210 Poulter, Charles DaleFarnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase. Mechanistic studies of the 1'-4 coupling reaction with 2-fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate.The mechanism of the 1'-4 coupling reaction between isopentenyl pyrophosphate and geranyl pyrophosphate catalyzed by farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase from porcine liver was studied with the allylic substrate analogue 2-fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate. 2-Fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate is an alternate subst...Kinetics; Liver; Mass Spectrometry; Organophosphorus Compounds; Protein Binding1978-10-25
211 Flynn, John J.Federalism and viable state government: the history of Utah's ConstitutionThe decade of the 1960's has witnessed, thus far, a sharp upswing of interest in the state of the states. Financial crisis, political paralysis, reapportionment, and the continued trend of federal intervention in heretofore "local" affairs have forced believers in the federal idea to reexamine the s...Constitution, Law; History1966
212 Flowers, SevilleFerns of UtahThe distribution of many species of our ferns is not well known in Utah. Collectors have centered their work around certain localities and many blank spots appear on the distributional map. One might presume certain species to be present in some of these unexplored areas but specimens are still to b...1944-11-15
213 Mattis, Daniel C.Ferromagnetism and spin waves in the band theoryIntra-atomic exchange (Hund's rule mechanism) and Heisenberg nearest-neighbor exchange are examined for their role in the ferromagnetism of metals with degenerate bands. We examine the ground state, and find there is ferromagnetism once the largest eigenvalue j00 of the exchange matrix exceeds 1/2...Band theory; Hund's rule1963-12
214 Warner, Homer R.First the Electrocardiogram - Then What?Biomedical Informatics1978
215 Davidson, Diane W.Foraging ecology and community organization in desert seed-eating antsGranivorous ants in the southwestern deserts of the United States are characterized by species-specific colony foraging behaviors that determine their efficiencies at utilizing seeds from different density distributions. Workers search for food either in groups or as individuals, and these feedin...Ants; Arizona; California; Coexistence; Communities; Density specialization; Desert granivores; Foraging strategies; Insects; New Mexico; Resource partitioning1977
216 Hartmann, Donald P.Forcing square pegs into round holes: Some comments on "An Analysis-of-Variance Model for the Intrasubject Replication DesignThis paper critically examines the application of fixed-effect one-way analysis-of-variance procedures to learning data from a single subject. Procedures more appropriate for data obtained from intrasubject replication designs are briefly described.ANOVA; Variance analysis; Behavior analysis1974
217 Ailion, David CharlesFrequency modulation method for performing adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating reference frameA new method for preforming adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating reference frame in NMR experiments is presented in this paper. In this new method the frequency of a crystal oscillator rather than the actual magnetic field is pulsed off resonance. Using simple circuits which are described in th...Demagnetization; Physics experiments; NMR1970
218 Warner, Homer R.The Frequency-Dependent Nature of Blood Pressure Regulation by the Carotid Sinus Studied with an Electric AnalogBiomedical Informatics1958
219 Chamberlin, Joseph C.The Genera and Species of the Hyidae a family of the arachnid order chelonethidaThis is the second contribution toward a revision of the generic classification of the Chelonethida. The nature and scope of this proposed work has been discussed in the first paper of the series dealing with the Tridenchthoniidae (J. C. and R. V. Chamberlin, Utah Univ. Bui. Biol. Ser., V, Vol. 9, n...1946-08-18
220 Chamberlin, Joseph C.The genera and species of the tridenchthoniidae (dithidae) a family of the Arachnid order chelonethidaIn 1931, J. C. Chamberlin published an extensive treatise on the comparative external morphology and higher classification of the Chelonethida (pseudoscorpions or false scorpions).2 At that time it was the purpose to follow this work with a second volume dealing with the generic classification of th...1945-06-20
221 Chamberlin, Ralph V.The genera of North American dictynidaeInasmuch as it seems desirable to postpone the printing of a more extensive treatise on the Dictynidae, now in manuscript, in order to amplify it, the author is publishing for use in the interim the present synoptic account of the genera which he recognizes in the family. Opportunity is taken to cla...1948-02-20
222 Flynn, John J.General practitioner's introduction to antitrust law and practiceAntitrust practice is considered by many general practitioners to be arcane, complex and mysterious. It is a jargon-ridden world, with rapid developments expanding an evermore complex vocabulary to describe new business practices brought within the ebb and flow of antitrust litigation. Most general ...Litigation.; Competition; Client1975
223 Potts, Wayne K.Gong method for capturing shorebirds and other ground-roosting speciesIn many shorebird studies it is necessary to capture adult birds. While shorebirds can often be trapped on the nest, capturing them away from the nest is usually very difficult and may require expensive equipment. After weeks of failure in our attempts to capture migrant and resident shorebirds in n...Gong method; Shorebirds; Capture; Ground-roosting1979
224 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: December 1971Semi-Annual Technical Report for period 1 June 1971 to 31 December 1971. This document includes a summary of research activities and facilities at the University of Utah under Contract F30602-70-C-0300. Information conveys important research milestones attained during this period by each of the f...Man/machine communications; Computing systems; Digital waveform processing1971-12
225 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: December 1972The object of the graphical man/machine communication effort is the development of computers and computing techniques the people may use interactively in real time to extend their problem-solving capability, and to work cooperatively by means of improved communications via computer. This report summ...Waveform processing; Symbolic computation; Man/machine communications1972-12
201 - 225 of 543