176 - 200 of 543
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176 Mattis, Daniel C.Dynamic properties of a nonsuperfluid Bose liquid in the random-phase approximationThe dynamic structure factor S(k,w) of a nonideal Bose liquid is calculated within the random-phase approximation and compared with neutron scattering data by Cowley and Woods for liquid helium in the temperature range Tλ<T≤4.2°K, with the conclusion that the model is wholly inadequate. A low-f...Bose liquid; Random-phase approximation; Overdamping1974-11
177 Mattis, Daniel C.Effect of band structure on ferromagnetism*We extend Nagaoka's study of the ferromagnetism of nearly half-filled bands in the infinite-repulsion limit of the Hubbard model by including next-nearest-neighbor tight-binding overlap matrix elements K2. Particles can now get past one another, even in one dimension. We find corroboration of Nagaok...Eigenstates; Spin waves1974-08
178 Warner, Homer R.Effect of Combined Sympathetic and Vagal Stimulation on Heart Rate in the DogBiomedical Informatics1969
179 Warner, Homer R.Effect of Heart Rate on Aortic Insufficiency as Measured by a Dye-Diluation TechniqueBiomedical Informatics1961
180 Ailion, David CharlesEffect of the translational diffusion mechanism on the low-field NMR spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating reference frame: calculation of order parameterThe effect of the translational-diffusion mechanism on the low-field NMR spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating reference frame is calculated for simple cubic, body-centered cubic, and face-centered cubic lattices. The results of these calculations suggest a new method for determining the pref...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Lattices; Relaxation time1968
181 Normann, Richard A.Effects of background illumination on the photoresponses of red and green cones1. The photoresponses of light- and dark-adapted red and green cone photoreceptors were recorded intracellularly in the retina of the turtle, Pseduemys scripta elegans. Background illumination produced similar effects on both types of cones. 2. In response to the onset of a prolonged, steady backgro...Turtles; Adaptation, Ocular; Retina; Signal Transmission1979
182 Mattis, Daniel C.Effects of orbital degeneracy on a magnetic impurity in a nonmagnetic metalWe study the Green's-function equations for a version of the two-orbital Anderson model of a magnetic impurity, in an approximation scheme that displays the logarithmic anomalies and enables the Kondo temperature Tĸ to be calculated as a function of the parameters. The nature of the solutions is ex...Orbital degeneracy; Magnetic impurities; Nonmagnetic metal; Kondo temperature; Anomalous resonances1969-02
183 Lindstrom, Gary E.Efficiency in nondeterministic control through non-forgetful backtrackingNondeterministic (ND) control has long been used to express elegant solutions to complex search problems. Programs using ND control can be executed on conventional machines through a systematic examination of trial execution paths. Among the many approaches to the enumeration of these paths is backt...Nondeterministic control; Non-forgetful backtracking; Search problems1977
184 Mattis, Daniel C.Eigenstates of excitons near a surfaceThe exact eigenstates and energies of an electron and a hole of equal effective masses, with an attractive δ-function interaction and hard-wall repulsion at the surfaces of a solid, are classified and obtained explicitly for a solid of arbitrary thickness. Both bound and scattering states of the e...Eigenstates; Frenkel excitons1978-10
185 Gardner, Reed M.Eight-Channel Data Set for Clincal EEG Transmission Over Dial-Up Telephone NetworkBiomedical Informatics1974
186 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Elastic properties of (N(CH3)3H) (I) (TCNQ)We present the results of a study of the temperature dependence of the Young's modulus and internal friction of (N(CH3 )3H)(I)(TCNQ). The Young's modulus was measured in a direction parallel to the TCNQ (tetracyanoquinodimethane) stacking axis using a vibrating reed technique. The results confirmed ...Metal-like, Conductivity, Magnetic1979
187 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Electrical properties of nitrogen doped GaPThe electrical properties namely, electron concentration and mobility, have been investigated in the temperature range from 53 to 400 K for undoped and nitrogen-doped VPE GaP.Electron concentration; Ionization energy; Electron mobility1975
188 Pryor, T. AllanElectrocardiographic Interpretation by ComputerBiomedical Informatics1969
189 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Electron mobility in AlxGa1-xAshe electron mobility in AlxGa1-xAs grown by several techniques has been studied to determine whether VPE layers are more highly compensated than comparable LPE layers. The techniques used to grow layers included (1) organometallic VPE using Al(CH3)3, AsH3, and Ga(C2H5)3 or Ga(CH3)3, (2) ''hybrid'' o...Alloys; Organometallics1979-06
190 Mattis, Daniel C.Electron states in random alloys with short-range orderWe present an accurate and economical iterative method of calculating the energy levels of a disordered or partly ordered random alloy. Results presented for one- and three-dimensional simple cubic lattices compare favorably with exact calculations. We also present the systematic effects of partia...Random alloys; Density of state1977-04
191 Ashton, Alan ConwayElectronics, music and computersElectronic and computer technology has had and will continue to have a marked effect in the field of music. Through the years scientists, engineers, and musicians have applied available technology to new musical instruments, innovative musical sound production, sound analysis, and musicology. At the...Computers; Music1971
192 Dawkins, Beverly AnnThe embryonic development of the California GullThe California gull (Larus califomicus) is a summer resident in Utah nesting commonly on certain islands in Great Salt Lake as well as at man-made refuges on the east side of the lake. Many aspects of the biology of the species have been investigated (Beck, 1942; Behle, 1958; Behle and Goates, 1957;...1965-12-03
193 Carey, Thomas A.Empirical modeling of occurrence of severe weather events1971
194 Armentrout, Peter B.Endothermic reactions of uranium ions with N2, D2, and CD4The assessment of new technology for isotope separation has revived an interest in the spectroscopy, properties, and reactions of uranium and its compounds. Newer methods which have been demonstrated include the use of lasers to selectively excite a particular uranium isotope with subsequent chemic...Uranium ions; Nitrogen1977
195 Firmage, Edwin B.Ernst Freund: pioneer of administrative lawErnst Freund was born in New York City on January 30, 1864, during a visit of his family to the United States from their native Germany. Much of his education took place in Germany, a fact that significantly influenced his views on administrative law. He studied successively at Dresden, Frankfort, B...Memoriam; Biography1962
196 McDaniel, SusanEstimates of the rate of illegal abortion and the effects of eliminating therapeutic abortion, Alberta 1973-74*In the current controversy surrounding abortion, rates of illegal abortion, being difficult to ascertain, seldom inform the debate. We utilize a relatively new survey tool, the randomized response technique (RRT), to estimate rates of illegal abortion in Edmonton, Alberta. A comparison of results o...Birth; Health; RRT; Fertility1979
197 McDaniel, SusanEstimates of the rate of illegal abortion and the effects of eliminating therapeutic abortion, Alberta 1973-74*In the current controversy surrounding abortion, rates of illegal abortion, being difficult to ascertain, seldom inform the debate. We utilize a relatively new survey tool, the randomized response technique (RRT), to estimate rates of illegal abortion in Edmonton, Alberta. A comparison of results o...Birth; Health; RRT; Fertility1979
198 Done, William JohnEstimation of the parameters of an autoregressive process in the presence of additive white noiseApplications of linear prediction (LP) algorithms have been successful in modeling various physical processes. In the area of speech analysis this has resulted in the development of LP vocoders, devices used in digital speech communication systems. The LP algorithms used in speech and other areas ar...Autoregressive process; Linear prediction algorithms; All-pole model1979
199 Battin, Margaret P.Euthanasia in alzheimer's disease?Ought euthanasia be practiced for persons with advanced dementia? Although the issue of euthanasia is a topic of increasingly heated social debate, already tending to polarize those who support it as voluntary "aid-in-dying" and those who reject it as medical "killing," what is said about active eut...1933
200 Warner, Homer R.Evaluation of a Computer Program for Diagnosis of Congenital Heart DiseaseBiomedical Informatics1963
176 - 200 of 543