101 - 125 of 414
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101 Durrant, Stephen D.The distribution and taxonomy of Kangaroo rats (genus dipodomys) of UtahThe first comprehensive work on the mammals of Utah was published by Barnes in 1922. In this work (Barnes 1922:86-87) only two kangaroo rats were known from the confines of the state. They were known at that time as Perodipus montcmus utahensis and Perodipus longipes. In Barnes revised edition (1927...1945-06-30
102 Codding, BrianCodding, Brian: Living outside the box: An updated perspective on diet breadth and sexual division of labor in the Prearchaic Great Basin [Author's Manuscript]A tremendous amount has been learned about the Prearchaic (before 9000 BP) Great Basin since we advocated a perspective of sexual division of labor based on Human Behavioral Ecology a decade ago. Many investigators have taken our advice and a few have challenged our assumptions and inferences. One o...2014-01-01
103 Brown, Francis HaroldTiming of volcanism and evolution of the northern Kenya RiftThe northern Kenya Rift is bounded on the west by uplands of Turkana which comprise horst-like blocks that include metamorphic basement rocks, locally overlain unconformably by the Cretaceous Lubur Sandstone, in turn overlain by predominantly volcanic sequences in which relatively thin sedimentary p...2009
104 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew Texas terrestrial isopods with notes on other speciesIn a previous paper (1 ) the authors reported new records and gave descriptions and figures o f new species of terrestrial Isopods. Further studies of their collections reveal additional material of considerable interest, and some of the findings are recorded here. I t is believed that careful colle...1943-08-12
105 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Genera and species of North American ParaiulidaeThis paper presents briefly some results of a preliminary taxonomic study of North American millipeds of the family Paraiulidae in the author's collection. It is based primarily upon a study of the nude copulatory organs which offer the most convenient and dependable characters for the definitions b...1940-03-12
106 Brown, Francis HaroldRadiometric dating and tuff mineralogy of omo group depositsThrough the efforts of the Omo Research Expedition and the East Rudolf Research Group, a large number of vertebrate fossils have been collected from the sedimentary deposits near the northern end of Lake Rudolf in Kenya and in the lower Omo valley in Ethiopia. The hominid fossils collected in this a...1976
107 Gluski, Kari; Grabowski, Richard; Laurent, Jane K.; Richards, AlanPeasant studies Volume 9 Number 3 Spring 1982TABLE OF CONTENTS Peasant Differentiation and Politics in Contemporary Egypt, Alan Richards; Twenty Years of Land Reform: A Case Study of Kashipur Village, West Bengal, 1956-1977, Kari Gluski; Patterns of Agrarian Control in Fourteenth Century Ferrara, Jane K. Laurent; Peasantry, Technical Change, a...1982
108 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhParticle size distribution for copper heap leaching operations as established from 3D mineral exposure analysis by X-ray microCTThe particle size distribution (PSD) for copper heap leaching is an important consideration in the design and operation of any copper heap leaching facility. High-resolution 3D X-ray microtomography (XMT) can be used for the direct determination of the percentage of exposed valuable mineral grains i...Particle size distribution; Leaching; X-ray microtomography2003
109 Parker, Bradley J.Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP): 2002 Yılı Kenan Tepe Kazilarina Genal BakışYukan Dicle Arkeolojik Ara§tirma Projesi cali§anlari 2002 yazi boyunca Tiirkiye'nin giineydogusundaki Ihsu Baraji sahasinda bulunan Kenan Tepe yerle§iminde iictincii sezon arkeolojik kazilan yiirutmu§tiir'. Onceki ciltteki raporumuz (Parker et al. 2004) Kenan Tepe'deki ilk iki sezon ara§tirmala...2002-01-01
110 Yu, Zhou; Fan, Jessie X.Migrant status and consumer financial fraud in China: a two-stage approachChinese migrants face socioeconomic disadvantages. Less is known about their vulnerability to consumer financial fraud, which can impede migrants' integration into urban China. This paper uses nationally representative data from 2015 to investigate migrants' risk factors for consumer financial fraud...Migration; hukou; risk factors; fraud exposure; victimization; rural migrants; and urban migrants
111 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma ppojesi (UTARP) kenan tepe 2000 yiki calismalari raporuBu rapor, Giineydogu Anadolu'da Diyarbakir ili iginde yer alan Kenan Tepe'nin ilk kazi mevsimi olan 2000 yih gali§malan hakkinda kisaca bilgi verme amacini ta§imaktadir. ilk kazi mevsiminin amaci yerle§menin kronolojisini, Kenan Tepe'de bulunan degi§ik donemlere ait yerle§melerin niteligi ve do...2000-01-01
112 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma projesi (UTARP) Kenan Tepe 2000 yiki calismalari raporu (The upper Tigris archaeological research project (UTARP) a preliminary report from the year 2000 excavations at Kenan Tepe)
113 Fan, Jessie X., Yu, ZhouPrevalence and Risk Factors of Consumer Financial Fraud in ChinaThis study estimates the prevalence of consumer fraud in China and investigates consumer fraud risk factors using a novel two-stage conceptual framework that differentiates fraud exposure from fraud victimization after exposure. Multivariate analyses show that multiple risk factors have opposite eff...Consumer financial fraud victimization; China; migrants; financial knowledge; risk attitude
114 Pascucci, ValerioExtreme-scale visual analyticsThe September/October 2004 CG&A introduced the term visual analytics (VA) to the computer science literature.1 In 2005, an international advisory panel with representatives from academia, industry, and government defined VA as "the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual in...2012-01-01
115 Brown, Francis HaroldGombe group basalts and initiation of pliocene deposition in the Turkana depression, northern Kenya and southern EthiopiaA little before 4 Ma ago, deposition of Pliocene and Pleistocene strata described as the Omo Group began in the Turkana and Omo basins of northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia. Soon after, basaltic magma erupted as thin lava flows, and intruded as dykes into the oldest Pliocene strata of the basin. T...2004
116 Ackerman, Susan E.; Myers, Ramon H.; Salamini, Heather Fowler; Tress, MadeleinePeasant Studies Volume 15 number 3 Spring 1988TABLE OF CONTENTS The Role o f the Peasantry in the Palestine Revolt, 1936-1939, Madeleine Tres; The Mexican Revolution: A Peasant Revolution?, Heather Fowler Salamin; The Phenomenology o f Class in Malay Peasant Society, Susan E. Ackerman; State and Peasant in Hunan, China, 1500-1850, Ramon H. Myer...1988
117 Parker, Bradley J.Yukarı dicle arkeolojik araştırma projesi (UTARP): 2002 Yılı Kenan Tepe Kazilarina Genal Bakış (The Upper Tigris Archaeological Reseach Project (UTARP): An Overview of the 2002 Excavations at Kenan Tepe)During the summer of 2002 members of the Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) undertook a third season of archaeological excavations at the site of Kenan Tepe in the Il?su Dam Area of Southeastern Turkey1. Since our report in the previous volume (Parker et al. 2004) Parker focused...2011
118 Sanchez, Thomas W.Walling in or walling out: gated communitiesIt has been four decades since the United States legally outlawed all forms of public discrimination - in housing, education, transportation, and accommodations. Yet today, we are seeing a new form of discrimination -- the gated, walled, private community. Americans are electing to live behind wall...2007
119 Jewell, PaulGeology and geothermal potential North of Wells, NevadaThis report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, ...Tertiary sediments; Siltstones; Conglomerates; Lithologies; Well logs; Aquifers; Step faults1982-01-01
120 Couldwell, William T.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I.Transoral approach and extended modifications for lesions of the ventral foramen magnum and craniovertebral junctionObjectives: To describe our method of performing the transoral approach and the extended approaches to the ventral foramen magnum and craniovertebral junction and review the technical aspects and operative nuances. Design: Review Results: The transoral approach provides direct midline exposure to a...Craniovertebral junction; Foramen magnum; Skull base surgery; Transoral approach2008
121 Kachi, YukioReview article on A.C. Graham, Reason and SpontaneityThis is a book review of A. C. Graham's Reason and Spontaneity, a book that advances the proposal to ground all values, whether prudential, moral, or aesthetic, in the imperative 'Be aware'. The empirical thesis concerns causal connections between awareness and motivation.Book review; Values; Metaphysics1990
122 Parker, Bradley J.Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP) boztepe vuzey arastirmasi ve kazilari, talavas, tepe yontemli yuzey arastirmasi, 1999 on raporBoztepe sit alani, Giineydogu Anadolu'da, Diyarbakir ili, Bismil ilce merkezinin 8 km dogusunda yeralir (§ekil 1 ve 2). Bugiinkii haliyle Boztepe kiicuk ve goreceli olarak aleak bir hoyiiktiir. Bazi yerlerde kiiltiir tabakalan 4 m derinlige ula§masina kar§in, hoyiigiin on goriinumiinii cevredeki ...1999-01-01
123 S.J. Quinney College of LawQNews An Informal Faculty Newsletter December 2007Faculty newsletter.2007-12
124 Couldwell, William T.Thrombosed Basilar Apex Aneurysm presenting as a third ventricular mass and hydrocephalus: case report and review of the literatureAneurysms presenting as third ventricular masses are uncommon; most are giant aneurysms arising from the basilar apex. We present a case of a thrombosed basilar apex aneurysm presenting as a third ventricular mass and hydrocephalus in a 55-year-old man. The case is unique in the literature as the an...Basilar Apex Aneurysm; Ventricular Mass; Third Ventriculostomy2005-04
125 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Millipeds from Peru and adjacent partsThe millipeds described in the present paper form part of the new forms found in the course o f a study of four important collections from Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia which have come into my hands fo r study. One of these lots embraces material in the American Museum of Natural History collected in 19...1955-06-10
101 - 125 of 414