76 - 100 of 543
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76 Flynn, John J.Antitrust and the newspapers a comment on S. 1312The American newspaper industry, often called "The Fourth Estate," apparently believes it has fallen on hard times. The aristocrats of the Fourth Estate, the daily newspapers, came to the Ninetieth Congress seeking a boon: relaxation of the rigors of antitrust policy as applied to mergers and joint ...Publishers; Circulation; Revenues1968
77 Flynn, John J.Antitrust jurisprudence: a symposium on the economic, political and social goals of antitrust policyFelix S. Cohen has observed that [a]n ethics, like a metaphysics, is no more certain and no less dangerous because it is unconsciously held. There are few judges, psychoanalysts, or economists today who do not begin a consideration of their typical problems with some formula designed to cause all m...Efficiency; Analysis ; Assumptions1977
78 Pulsipher, Dennis CarlApplication of adaptive noise cancellation to noise reduction in audio signalsThe LMS adaptive noise cancellation algorithm has been applied to the removal of high-level white noise from audio signals. Simulations and actual acoustically recorded signals have been processed successfully, with excellent agreement between the results obtained from simulations and the results ob...Noise cancellation; Noise reduction; White noise; LMS algorithm1979
79 Symko, Orest GeorgeApplication of SQUID magnetometer to nuclear magnetic thermometryThis paper presents an application of a SQUID magnetometer for low temperature thermometry using the magnetic properties of a nuclear paramagnet. The static magnetization of a material which obeys Curie's law provides a very sensitive means of thermometry. Also included in the device is the capabi...SQUID magnetometer; Nuclear magnetic thermometry; Low temperature thermometry1976
80 Boll, Steven F.Application of the saber method for improved spectral analysis of noisy speechA stand alone noise suppression algorithm is described for reducing the spectral effects of acoustically added noise in speech. A fundamental result is developed which shows that the spectral magnitude of speech plus noise can be effectively approximated as the sum of magnitudes of speech and noise....Noise suppression algorithm; SABER method1977
81 Riesenfeld, Richard F.The application of total positivity to computer aided curve and surface designOf particular importance in an interactive curve and surface design system is the interface to the user. The mathematical model employed in the system must be sufficiently flexible for interaction between designer and machine to converge to a satisfactory result. The mathematical theory of Total Pos...interactive curves; total positivity1979
82 Wehrli, RobertARCAID: The ARChitects computer graphics AIDARCAID?The ARChitect's Computer Graphics AID?is one part of a two-part research program at the University of Utah under the direction of David C. Evans. ARCAID is a specification for the organization of computer processes including data and procedures for the use of architects, engineers, and other...ARCAID1970
83 Davis, A.L.The architecture of DDMl: a recursively structured data driven machineAn architecture for a highly modular, recursively structured class of machines is presented. DDMl is an instance of such a machine structure, and is capable of executing machine language programs which are data driven (data flow) nets. These nets may represent arbitrary amounts of concurrency as wel...DDMl; machine structure; machine language programs1977
84 White, Nicholas P.Aristotle on sameness and onenessBefore I begin, let me get one substantial issue out of the way. Recently certain views which are in many ways similar to Aristotle's have been expounded in connection with the idea that there is something wrong with the words "same" and "identical" used by themselves, and that we should instead mak...Leibniz' Law; Metaphysics; Greek philosophers1971-04
85 Firmage, Edwin B.Arms control in the 70's... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4.) The vision of a time of peace-a time in which man's genius and his physical resources would be devoted entirel...1971
86 Warner, Homer R.Assessment of Ventricular Function in Coronary Artery Disease Using Nitroglycerin and Computerized Analysis of Left VentriculogramsBiomedical Informatics1975
87 Hawkes, KristenAssignment of relationship terms in BinumarienKinship systems have a perennial fascination. From Morgan's day to the present, a long succession of authors have produced their diagrams and algebraic explanations . . . Kinship terminology and its diagramatic arrangements provide, ready made, a delightful series of mathematical abstractions and it...Binumarien; Binumariens1977
88 Gardner, Reed M.ATS Statement - Snowbird Workshop on Standardization of SpirometryBiomedical Informatics1979
89 Pryor, T. AllanAutomated Interpretation of the Mackay-Marg Tonograph by Digital ComputerBiomedical Informatics1973
90 Fuchs, HenryThe automatic sensing and analysis of 3-D surface points from visual scenesDescribed are the design and implementation of a new range-measuring sensing device and an associated software algorithm for constructing surface descriptions of arbitrary three-dimensional objects from single or multiple views. The sensing device, which measures surface points from objects in its ...Range-measuring; Sensing device1976
91 Gardner, Reed M.Automatisierung der HerzkathetertechnikBiomedical Informatics1970
92 Symko, Orest GeorgeBackground signals in SQUID magnetometersSince a SQUID magnetometer is an extremely sensitive device capable of detecting minute magnetic flux changes in a sample, it will also detect unwanted signals from materials near the magnetometer. The presence of temperature dependent "background signals" limits the accuracy of measurements of ...SQUID magnetometer; Background signals1974
93 Lindstrom, Gary E.Backtracking in generalized control settingsBacktracking is a powerful conceptual and practical technique in programming. However, its application in general has been limited to global control over recursive programs. In this paper we explore through several examples the coherence and utility of applying backtracking in more general control s...Backtracking1977
94 Sokolsky, PierreBackward production in π-p→pπ+π-π- at 8 GeV/c*We have studied backward baryon and meson production in π'p → pπ+pπ +π-π- at 8.0 GeV/c using a streamer chamber triggered by the detection of a fast forward proton. Our data sample (1227 events) displays prominent N*p and N*f quasi-two-body production. These states are investigated with rega...1976-01
95 Mattis, Daniel C.Band theory of ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and spin wavesIntra-atomic exchange (Hund's rule mechanism) and Heisenberg nearest-neighbor exchange are examined for their role in the ferromagnetism of metals with degenerate bands. The equations of motion of spin waves valid near T=0°K are derived, and a number of branches are found. When the equations are ...Orbital degeneracy; Indirect exchange theory; Band theory1964
96 Morrow, CarolynBaudelaire as seen through Les Fleurs du MalModern phychology emphasizes the similarity of the dream to works of art, especially poetry. The dreamer or the poet works through symbols, which express his inner self, a self largely unknown to the conscious mind.1 There can be no "difference irreductible entre le 'moi' subjectif and le 'je' crea...1964
97 Hawkes, KristenBinumarien color categoriesThis paper has two aims. The first is to describe an ethnographically new system of color classification, Binumarien, a non-Austronesian or Papuan language of the Eastern Central Highlands of New Guinea2. In this connection we are particularly interested in relating our data to the Berlin and Kay (1...Binumarien; Binumariens1975
98 Burton, CharlesBiomedical Instrumentation in the Soviet UnionBiomedical Informatics1977
99 Behle, William H.Birds of pine valley mountain region, Southwestern UtahIt has long been a practice among ornithologists to study the distribution, variation, and ecological relationships of birds in areas characterized by diverse physiographic features. Such studies are motivated usually by the desire to aid in finding solutions for the many problems concerning the dis...1943-08-10
100 Behle, William H.The birds of Southeastern UtahSoutheastern Utah is a rugged and colorful portion of the state. As a part of the Colorado Plateau Physiographic Province it is characterized by an arid climate, multicolored but mostly red sandstones, shales and limestones, weathered sand deep box canyons, and high, isolated, lacolithic mountain ra...1960-10
76 - 100 of 543