76 - 100 of 414
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76 Chapman, David S.; Allis, Richard GeorgeLate Neogene exhumation patterns in Taranaki Basin (New Zealand): evidence from offset porosity-depth trendsTaranaki Basin, New Zealand, is located adjacent to the Australian-Pacific Plate boundary where the tectonic regime changes from dominantly subduction-related to the north to transpression-related along the Alpine Fault to the south. During the Neogene, burial and exhumation varied extensively, in ...Neogene; Uplift; Exhumation; Taranaki Basin; New Zealand1998
77 Yu, ZhouHomeownership Attainment of Adult Children in Urban China: Parental Attributes and Financial SupportSoaring homeownership and housing prices have made it more difficult for newcomers to climb the housing ladder without parental support. This study relies on China Household Finance Survey microdata in 2015 to examine the role of parental attributes and financial support on adult children's homeowne...Demographics; Intergenerational mobility; Parental income transfers; Parental attributes2017
78 Couldwell, William T.Delayed vasospasm after removal of a skull base meningiomaCerebral vasospasm is a well-known clinical entity associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury [1,2]. In rare instances, vasospasm has been reported to occur after tumor resections, more specifically, after skull base tumor removal [3-5]. We report a rare case of a patient pre...2012-01-01
79 Jewell, PaulPaleoredox conditions and the origin of bedded barites along the Late Devonian North American continental marginThe most important controls of the redox state of natural waters are the flux of organic matter from the photic zone, the degree of physical mixing, and oxygen concentrations of any connecting water masses. In coastal upwelling zones, these factors can be described with a simple box model constraine...Bedded barites; Late Devonian; Continental margin; Redox state1994
80 Mallat, ChibliA legal manifesto for the Lebanese Cabinet: Justice for Rafik Hariri and Moussa SadrLast week I pleaded for a legal manifesto for Irans Green Revolution. I am arguing this week for a judicial manifesto for the Lebanese Cabinet. I have no illusions. The turgid governmental manifesto, like the Arab Leagues declarations, will read as a litany of bullet points where each of the plet...2009-07-09
81 Lobell, Steven E.Why Israel launched a preventive military strike on Iraq's nuclear weapons program (1981): the fungibility of power reourcesIn 1981, Israel launched a preventive military strike against a nuclear reactor that Iraq was constructing at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center. The low fungibility of Iraq's power resources, and especially its nuclear weapons program, shaped Israel's decision-making process. First, it motivated ...Reventive war; Osiraq granular; Theory of balancing; fungibility brittle; Israel power resources
82 Behle, William H.The birds of the Raft River Mountains, Northwestern UtahAs another facet in a long-term analysis of the birds of Utah, an avifaunal survey was made in the northwestern corner of the state. Here the principal physiographic feature is the Raft River Mountains. The main axis of this range runs in an east-west direction paralleling the Utah-Idaho border imme...1958-05-10
83 Mallat, ChibliThe Constitutional Crisis in Iraq: What Can the Federal Supreme Court Do?Contemplate the ongoing deadlock in Iraq following French historian Fernand Braudel's classification of two spans of time, two durées. One is the longue durée: how does the Federal Supreme Court (FSC), and the Iraqi judiciary in general, shape the rule of law for the Iraqi citizen, and for the bod...2010-09-02
84 Couldwell, William T.Resolution of an anterior-inferior cerebellar artery feeding aneurysm with the treatment of a transverse-sigmoid dural arteriovenous fistulaThe authors describe a 27-year old man who developed an unruptured anterior-inferior cerebellar artery feeding aneurysm from a transverse-sigmoid dAVF and its subsequent resolution with the treatment of the dAVF. The patient, with a known history of left transverse and sigmoid sinus thrombosis, pres...Aneurysms; Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas; Endovascular therapy; Surgery2007
85 Shapiro, Michael D.Cynodont from the Upper Triassic of East Greenland: tooth replacement and double-rootednessA new genus and species of cynodont from the Upper Triassic Fleming Fjord Formation of East Greenland possesses double-rooted postcanine teeth and a nonalternate pattern of tooth replacement. The specimen represents an addition to the known diversity of Early Mesozoic taxa with multi-rooted dentitio...Mitredon cromptoni; Cynodont; Upper Triassic; East Greenland; Fleming Fjord Formation; Tooth replacement; Double-rootedness; Multi-rooted dentition2001
86 Behle, William H.The birds of the deep Creek Mountains of Central Western UtahIn furtherance of a long-time survey of the avifauna of Utah the Deep Creek Mountain region of the central western part of the state was chosen as an area for intensive study. It was expected that gradients would occur in the characters of geographically variable birds between populations from the i...1955-01-10
87 Ogburn, Joyce L.Acquiring minds want to know: is full text half full or half empty?Fulltext has become a more prevalent offering in electronic resources. In some cases the original publisher may produce material both in print and electronic form or in electronic form only, while maintaining control over the contents. In other cases, another party may obtain the rights from the pu...Full text; Digital libraries; Electronic information1996
88 Mallat, ChibliReconciliation in Iraq: Taking the Constitution SeriouslyReconciliation, which draws the necessary constitutional principles over which Iraqi parliamentarians are called on to vote, and the Iraqi citizens to endorse (or reject) in a national referendum, offers a far better way than any other type of reconciliation. An improved Iraqi constitution provid...2009-07-16
89 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New genera and species of American Lithobiid CentipedsThe lithobiomorphous chilopods herein described are represented in lots from various sources recently acquired by the author, in whose collection the material is at present retained at the University of Utah. With the exception of two species from Mexico, all are from the United States, the majority...1941-06-20
90 Parker, Bradley J.Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP) boztepe vuzey arastirmasi ve kazilari, talavcas, tepe yontemli yuzey arastirmasi, 1999 on rapor (The upper tigris archaeological ressearch project (UTARP) excavations and survey at boztepe and intensive survey at talavas tepe, 1999: a preliminary report)
91 Pershing, David W.Influence of fuel composition and flame temperature on the formation of thermal and fuel NOx in residual oil flamesA 900 kw model package boiler and a 20 kw laboratory tunnel furnace were used to study fuel and thermal NO, formation during heavy oil combustion. Package boiler results indicated that atomizer design, spray/ flow field interactions, and fuel composition were significant, dependent parameters. These...Residual oil flames1979
92 Saam, BrianAsymptotic and intermediate long-time behavior of nuclear free induction decays in polycrystalline solids and powdersFree induction decay (FID) measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in a polycrystalline solid is the isotropic average of the FIDs for individual single crystallites. It has been recently proposed theoretically and verified experimentally that the long-time behavior of single-crystal FIDs has t...2012-01-01
93 Parker, Bradley J.Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP): 2002 Yılı Kenan Tepe Kazilarina Genal Bakış (The Upper Tigris Archaeological Reseach Project [UTARP]: An Overview of the 2002 Excavations at Kenan Tepe)
94 Brown, Francis HaroldSome early pleistocene deposits of the lower Omo valley: the Usno formationEarly Pleistocene deposits of the Rudolf Basin have been described by E. Brumpt (Bourg de Bozas, 1903: 107 ff.), Arambourg (1943: 190 ff.), Fuchs (1939), Patterson (1966), and Butzer and Thurber (1969). These include the Omo Beds, first recognized by Brumpt in 1902 and subsequently studied by Arambo...1969
95 Brown, Francis HaroldMethods of datingThe fossil record of primates begins in the latest Cretaceous period, so primate palaeontologists are interested in techniques of dating applicable over the past 70 million years. Fossil bones themselves are rarely datable with any precision, and these are mainly of late Pleistocene or Holocene age....1992
96 Mulaik, StanleyNew mites in the family caeculidaeIn a collection of arachnids from the southwestern part of the United States made by the author and his wife, Dorothea, was a series of the little known mites of the family Caeculidae. These are fairly large mites measuring up to 1.6 mm. The common name of rake-legged mites is derived from the chara...1945-03-15
97 Couldwell, William T.Harvey cushing and oskar hirsch: early forefathers of modern transsphenoidal surgeryThe transnasal transsphenoidal approach is the preferred route for removal of most lesions of the sella turcica. The concept of transnasal surgery traversing the sphenoid sinus to reach the sella has existed for nearly a century. A comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of transsphenoida...2005
98 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryA hundred new species of American spidersIn this paper, we describe a hundred new species of American spiders, most of them from North America, with a few from South America. These are a part of the new species which have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah, as well as several from the collections of the Field Mus...1942-06-30
99 Goldberg, Robert A.Jewish perspectiveOUR TOPIC POSES two key questions. First, what are the pitfalls of writing from within our own religious tradition? Second, what are the advantages? In thinking about the Jewish tradition, my mind conjures up and fixes upon a quotation from Sheriff Wyatt Earp, upholder of law and order in Dodge City...2002
100 Mallat, ChibliRenforcer la Société Civile contre l'Etat: Horizons du travail international au Proche et Moyen OrientVoici donc la conclusion extrêmement critique qui semble s'imposer sur la recherche d'une meilleure gouvernance dans une perspective SC. Il faut passer au-dessus de l'Etat pour renforcer la SC, et si nécessaire, la renforcer contre l'Etat. Vaste programme, qui commence par un apprentissage dém...2003-11
76 - 100 of 414