51 - 75 of 1,328
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51 Konnick, Eric Q.; Williams, Sheri M.; Ashwood, Edward R.; Hillyard, David R.Performance Characteristics of the COBAS HCV TaqMan ASR Using Armored RNA CalibratorsAs improved therapies have become available for Hepatititis C Virus (HCV) infection, the use of assays to quantitate HCV RNA has increased dramatically (3, 14, 16). The initial use of these assays was to predict the likelihood of therapy based on baseline HCV RNA levels. These reports indicated that...Roche Amplicor Monitor; NGI Superquant; patients2003-04-22
52 Hymas, Weston C.; Hillyard, David R.Real time RT-PCR assay for norovirus detection with eclipse probes and a non-competitive internal control.Noroviruses are the major causative agents of nonbacterial gastroenteritis worldwide and are estimated to cause approximately 23 million cases in the United States annually. Real time RT-PCR is rapidly becoming the principle diagnostic means for norovirus detection due to its enhanced sensitivity an...Gastroenteritis; Eclipse Hybridization Probes; Norovirus2005-05-03
53 Aldous, Wade K.; Hymas, Weston C.; Stevenson, Jeffery B.; Taggart, Edward W.;Hillyard, David R.Single tube real-time RT-PCR Assay for the detection of enterovirusWe developed a rapid and sensitive method for the routine detection of enterovirus in CSF and plasma using a one tube, one step, real-time PCR assay. A primer set and an Eclipse probe were designed to target the highly conserved 5' untranslated region of the enterovirus genome. This assay was compar...MGB Eclipse; Viral RNA; Picornaviridae2004-09-11
54 Meyer, Miriah DawnVisualizing biological data2012
55 Peay, Wayne J.Priscilla Maltby Mayden, AHIP, FMLA, 1918-2011.Priscilla's career as a librarian began as an undergraduate at Simmons College in Boston. She did not enter Simmons with the intention of becoming a librarian; rather, she was hoping to become a writer or journalist. However, in the midst of the Great Depression, these careers did not hold much prom...2012-01-01
56 Couldwell, William T.Resolution of an anterior-inferior cerebellar artery feeding aneurysm with the treatment of a transverse-sigmoid dural arteriovenous fistulaThe authors describe a 27-year old man who developed an unruptured anterior-inferior cerebellar artery feeding aneurysm from a transverse-sigmoid dAVF and its subsequent resolution with the treatment of the dAVF. The patient, with a known history of left transverse and sigmoid sinus thrombosis, pres...Aneurysms; Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas; Endovascular therapy; Surgery2007
57 Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of UtahIAIMS Newsletter InfoFair 2002 SupplementThe IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.IAIMS2002-03-13
58 Couldwell, William T.Comment on Nugent, G. R.: Targeting the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus: a stereotactic vignetteDr. Nugent provides a fascinating personal account of his early experience with stereotactic surgery for movement disorders. I was especially pleased to read the positive comments regarding the personal interactions with and innovations of Irving Cooper, a neurosurgeon who was derided by his peers b...Stereotactic surgery; Stereotaxis2006
59 Konnick, Eric Q.; Ashwood, Edward R.; Hillyard, David R.Evaluation of the Alliance HCV Quantitative Analyte Specific Reagent (ASR) Assay and Comparison to the COBAS HCV TaqMan ASR Assay.To evaluate the Abbott/Celera Alliance HCV Quantitative ASR (Alliance) assay using the Qiagen BioRobot 9604 and QiaAmp Virus Kit for viral RNA isolation. And compare Alliance HCV TaqMan ASR to the Roche COBAS HCV TaqMan ASR (CTM) assay calibrated using Armored RNA solutions and WHO 2nd international...Quantitative Tests; Linearity Studies2004-05-10
60 Huang, Lin EricHIF-1? mediates tumor hypoxia to confer a perpetual mesenchymal phenotype for malignant progressionAlthough tumor progression involves genetic and epigenetic alterations to normal cellular biology, the underlying mechanisms of these changes remain obscure. Numerous studies have shown that hypoxia-inducible factor 1? (HIF-1?) is overexpressed in many human cancers and up-regulates a host of hypoxi...
61 Warner, Homer R.Old Queen: A Bedtime StoryBiomedical Informatics2012
62 Mitchell, Joyce A.Getting around in a large nomenclature file: browsing SNOMED internationalWe have developed a means whereby we can easily browse a very large (s 30 MB) file of a nomenclature vocabulary. "SNOMED International - A Vocabulary of Human and Veterinary Medicine" is such a file and has been proposed to serve as the basis for controlled vocabularies. The College of American Path...1994-01-01
63 Cowan, Derek; DuVall, Scott L.Academic podcasting:quality content delivery 2009-09-23 Our weekly department seminar has been available as streaming video for several years. Streaming video depends on a reliable, broadband connection for the entire duration of viewing for consistent video quality. Even users with faster internet connections have reported poor video quality at times. A new system for distributing the seminar was developed that takes advantage of content syndication technology. Podcasting is a form of web syndication whereby multimedia content is made available for use by other applications. By making the seminar available as a podcast, some of the problems related to streaming video broadcasts are resolved. text; image Academic Podcasting: Quality Content Delivery Jacob S Tripp BS1, Scott L DuVall BS1, Derek L Cowan2, Aaron W C Kamauu MD, MPH, MS1 1Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 2Spencer S Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Feed Reader Checks for and Downloads Attend any New Files Seminar Watch Live Broadcast Watch Streaming Video Create Downloadable Video Create Streaming Video Retrieve Downloadable Video Browse to Live Internet Streaming Video Broadcast Watch Downloaded Video Transfer to Portable Device Watch on Portable Device Record Update RSS Feed Introduction Our weekly department seminar has been available as streaming video for several years. Streaming video depends on a reliable, broadband connection for the entire duration of viewing for consistent video quality. Even users with faster internet connections have reported poor video quality at times. A new system for distributing the seminar was developed that takes advan-tage of content syndication technology. Podcasting is a form of web syndi-cation whereby multimedia content is made available for use by other appli-cations. By making the seminar available as a podcast, some of the problems related to streaming video broadcasts are resolved. In addition to be available as a live webcast, department seminars are recorded in AVI format, converted to Real Media streams, MP4 video and MP3 audio formats, and stored on the Eccles Health Science Library multimedia server. We developed a database-driven web application to input and store seminar metadata and automatically generate files that conform to Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 2.0 (http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss), an XML schema that defines machine-readable descriptions and links to media in a web feed. These RSS files also contain specific tags that allow the feeds to be published in the iTunes Music Store Podcast Directory. End users can subscribe to video and audio feeds through web-based podcast listeners or desktop-based feed aggregators that support file enclosures. The podcast is indexed in several podcast directories including Apple Computer's (Cupertino, CA) iTunes Music Store Podcast Directory. iTunes is unique in that it combines a web-based podcast directory with the desktop-based feed reader. Discussion Podcasting is quickly gaining popularity. Podcasts can be transferred to por-table media devices allowing for viewing away from the computer. By making the seminar available in this format, viewers experience an improved viewing experience at a convenient time and place. Only a small fraction of existing podcast would be considered academic. The University of Utah Bio-medical Informatics Seminar is one of only two podcasts listed in the iTunes index on the topic of Medical or Biomedical Informatics. This seminar is an approved source of CME for live viewing, either in person or remotely. This presents the possibility of the podcast also becoming an online source for CME credit. Acknowledgements This research was supported by National Library of Medicine Training Grant T15 LM007124. 60 University of Utah Biomedical Informatics Seminar - Full Video http://uuhsc.utah.edu/medinfo/index.cfm?Content=Seminar (c) 2006 University of Utah - Biomedical Informatics Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:06:37 MST Wed, 09 Aug 2006 08:49:47 MST A Weekly Video Podcast of the Biomedical Informatics Graduate Seminar Series from the University of Utah School of Medicine. Biomedical Informatics A Weekly Biomedical Informatics Graduate Seminar Series from the University of Utah School of Medicine en-us Utah Health Information Network Health Information Exchange (HIE)</a></td><td>Our weekly department seminar has been available as streaming video for several years. Streaming video depends on a reliable, broadband connection for the entire duration of viewing for consistent video quality. Even users with faster internet connections have reported poor video quality at times. A...</td><td>Academic podcasting; Content delivery; Quality; Content syndication technology; Trapeze Interactive Poster</td><td>2009-09-23</td></tr> <tr id="id712991"> <td>64</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=712991&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/ba/01/ba01ad48b84d406b7aa34501ec5b38f58989ec53.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Warner, Homer R.</td><td><a href="/details?id=712991&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Some Changes in Medical Informatics (Editorial)</a></td><td>Biomedical Informatics</td><td></td><td>1990</td></tr> <tr id="id706200"> <td>65</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706200&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/1e/f8/1ef8d605d8550880ab93d9ce0dbab04128a26ff5.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah</td><td><a href="/details?id=706200&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">IAIMS Newsletter InfoFair 2001 Supplement</a></td><td>The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.</td><td>IAIMS</td><td>2001-03-16</td></tr> <tr id="id706720"> <td>66</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706720&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/8d/29/8d290a0fec2a29c1a362da6dde45fa4b8fe452a7.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Couldwell, William T.</td><td><a href="/details?id=706720&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Comment on Kitano, M. and Taneda, M.: Extended transsphenoidal approach to the anterior communicating artery aneurysm: aneurysm incidentally identified during macroadenoma resection</a></td><td>Kitano and Taneda describe the successful clipping of an ACoA aneurysm via the transsphenoidal approach. There are limitations of the approach; most notable are the limited and narrow corridor and the relationship between the aneurysm and the optic chiasm, which may hinder full visualization of the ...</td><td>Aneurysm; Transsphenoidal approach</td><td>2007</td></tr> <tr id="id707687"> <td>67</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=707687&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/2a/b7/2ab744df7fa697b7fae02eb68a5b4f9ba823062c.jpg" /></a> </td> <td></td><td><a href="/details?id=707687&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Franklin Institute award dinner and ceremony held May 1, 1997</a></td><td>This is a 1 hour, 42 minutes, 53 seconds video of the 1997 Franklin Institute Awards Banquet and Ceremony. The awards included a summary of each winner's achievements, the presentation of the award, and an acceptance speech. The award winners included Ralph L. Brinster, the Bower Award and Prize f...</td><td>Transgenic mice; Gene targeting; Genetic engineering; Molecular genetics; Mutagenesis; Homeobox genes; Histology - Pathological; Gene expression; Gene regulation; Genotype; Phenotype</td><td>1997</td></tr> <tr id="id705650"> <td>68</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=705650&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/71/58/7158f0f6c32bed08a6298868b80adbb84aefc976.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Francis, Leslie</td><td><a href="/details?id=705650&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Permissiveness and control (Book Review)</a></td><td>A review of the book "Permissiveness and Control".</td><td>Books; Philosophy</td><td>1981-10</td></tr> <tr id="id702302"> <td>69</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=702302&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/f5/72/f572231685a52bbab1fdf1619b6cc1dd2e67e5a6.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Battin, Margaret P.</td><td><a href="/details?id=702302&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Textbook of healthcare ethics (Book Review)</a></td><td>Reviews the book `Textbook of Healthcare Ethics,' by Erich H. Loewy.</td><td>Books; Ethics; Healthcare</td><td>2001-09-17</td></tr> <tr id="id705962"> <td>70</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=705962&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/cc/b9/ccb9662d37453b9baeed8c38e63258151d1c0b74.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Couldwell, William T.</td><td><a href="/details?id=705962&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Cholesteatoma of the clivus case report</a></td><td>Objective: Cholesteatomas (CNS epidermoids) can be found intradurally or extradurally in the central nervous system. Extradural intraosseous lesions are most commonly found in the petrous bone. Design: Case report Clinical Presentation: The authors describe a unique case of a clival cholesteatoma o...</td><td></td><td>2006-01-01</td></tr> <tr id="id712997"> <td>71</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=712997&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/8f/61/8f6121f4997b04b9787a12e4a0805f53674714e9.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Warner, Homer R.</td><td><a href="/details?id=712997&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">The Library and the Department of Medical Informatics: Collaboration or Conflict</a></td><td>Biomedical Informatics</td><td></td><td>1985</td></tr> <tr id="id703299"> <td>72</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=703299&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/ed/c2/edc221ed946f42d85ea17090155ab71d58ac66dc.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Le Ber, Jeanne M.; Lombardo, Nancy T.; Bramble, John</td><td><a href="/details?id=703299&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Medical students find power in their palm: PDAs in a clinical rotation</a></td><td>Librarians partnered with School of Medicine faculty to integrate the use of handheld devices into a third-year course. This was an excellent opportunity for the library to integrate emerging technologies into the curriculum. The course planning team met regularly for three months to design the less...</td><td>PDA; Personal Digital Assistant; Mobile Technology; Clinical Rotation; Medical School Curriculum; Palm Tungsten C</td><td>2005-05-27</td></tr> <tr id="id706640"> <td>73</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706640&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/5f/95/5f950e3116434e2aff4d0f9ea3b2e216a2341450.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Olivera, Baldomero M.</td><td><a href="/details?id=706640&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Aminoglycoside effects on voltage-sensitive calcium channels and neurotoxicity</a></td><td>To the Editor: Since ototoxicity and neuromuscular toxicity of aminoglycoside antibiotics are reversed by calcium, 1,2 and presynaptic events appear to be involved in aminoglycoside-induced neuromuscular blockade, 3,4 we suspected a role for voltage-sensitive calcium channels in aminoglycoside neuro...</td><td>Conotoxins</td><td>1987</td></tr> <tr id="id707779"> <td>74</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=707779&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/89/2d/892d56a61eaf30b93842ff2dc1df68bc156e0280.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Reimherr, Frederick W.</td><td><a href="/details?id=707779&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Emotional dysregulation in adult ADHD and response to atomoxetine</a></td><td>ABSTRACT Objective: Agreement on the symptoms of adult ADHD remains problematic. The Wender- Reimherr Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (WRAADDS) contains three items which could be considered signs of emotional dysregulation: temper, affective lability and emotional over-reactivity. Previ...</td><td>Trapeze Interactive Poster</td><td></td></tr> <tr id="id713061"> <td>75</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=713061&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/be/50/be50f9c212489ddac9f14968f75dd732a9c061d3.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Warner, Homer R.</td><td><a href="/details?id=713061&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=3&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">Graduate Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Utah</a></td><td>Biomedical Informatics</td><td></td><td>1994</td></tr></table> <div class="main-search-results"> <div class="sort1"> <div class="page_entries"> <strong>51</strong> - <strong>75</strong> of <strong>1,328</strong> </div> <div class="pagination"><ul><li><a href="/search?page=2&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22"><</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=1&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">1</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=2&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">2</a></li><li class="active"><a href="/search?page=3&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">3</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=4&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">4</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=5&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">5</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=6&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">6</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=7&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">7</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=8&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">8</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=9&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">9</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=10&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">10</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=4&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&q=%22school+of+medicine%22">></a></li></ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="twelve columns"><img src="/img/footer_logo_uu.png" alt="Marriott Digital Library Logo"></div> </div> <div class="row footer-4-col"> <div class="three columns"> <p><a href="https://lib.utah.edu">J. 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