576 - 600 of 5,163
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576 Anderson, Richard BryanBiz of Acq--To license or not to license: that really ought to be the questionOf the many changes that the electronic information revolution has brought to library acquisitions, perhaps none is as significant as the licensing agreement. For centuries, copyright law set forth the legal parameters under which libraries appropriated and disseminated information products and ser...Electronic information; Contracts; Libraries; Copyright1999
577 Chamberlin, Ralph V.The black widow spider and its varieties in the United StatesThe spiders of the genus Latrodectus, a member of the family Theridiidae, popularly known as the line-weavers or comb-footed spiders, are of world-wide distribution in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes. The genus " comprises those very interesting spiders which, under various local names, have bee...1935-06
578 Mathews, V. JohnBlind identification of bilinear systemsAbstract This paper is concerned with the blind identification of bilinear systems excited by higher-order white noise. Unlike prior work that restricted the bilinear system model to simple forms and required the excitation to be Gaussian distributed, the results of this paper are applicable to a m...2001
579 Mathews, V. JohnBlind identification of bilinear systemsAbstract-This paper is concerned with the blind identification of a class of bilinear systems excited by non-Gaussian higher order white noise. The matrix of coefficients of mixed input-output terms of the bilinear system model is assumed to be triangular in this work. Under the additional assumptio...2003
580 Olivera, Baldomero M.Block of Shaker K+ channels by ĸ-conotoxin PVIIA is state dependentĸ-conotoxin PVIIA is the first conotoxin known to interact with voltage-gated potassium channels by inhibiting Shaker-mediated currents. We studied the mechanism of inhibition and concluded that PVIIA blocks the ion pore with a 1:1 stoichiometry and that binding to open or closed channels is very d...Conotoxins; k-conotoxin PVIIA; Potassium channel blockers; Shaker K+ channels1999
581 Gardner, Reed M.Blood Pressue MonitoringBiomedical Informatics1998
582 Gardner, Reed M.Blood Pressure Monitoring: Sharing Common Elements, ProblemsBiomedical Informatics1982
583 Varner, Michael W.Blood transfusion and cesarean delivery.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate risks for intraoperative or postoperative packed red blood cell transfusion in women who underwent cesarean delivery. METHODS: This was a 19-university prospective observational study. All primary cesarean deliveries from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2000, and all repeat c...Blood Transfusion; Postpartum Hemorrhage; Pregnancy Complications; Anemia2006-10
584 Mattis, Daniel C.Bond asymmetry and high-Tc superconductivityWe propose a simple mechanism, anchored in weak-coupling BCS theory, which ties together the following facts: high Tc; quasi two dimensionality; orthorhombic distortion and/or disordered lines of oxygen; proximity to a metal-insulator transition; and anomalously small isotope effects.Distortion; Singularity; Oxygen1987
585 Morse, Michael DavidThe bond energy of Rh?In a spectroscopic investigation of jet-cooled Rh2 by the resonant two-photon ionization method, an abrupt predissociation threshold is observed in a dense set of vibronic levels at 19 405?4 cm-1. Based on the high density of states expected in the rhodium dimer, the sharp definition of the prediss...1997
586 Silverman, Randall H.Book repair in the U.S.A.: a library-wide approach to conservationAbstract: Modern research library collections are a composite of both rare and non-rare books the majority of which are out of print and irreplaceable. Consequently, conservation treatment priorities cannot responsibly ignore non-rare material without shortchanging future scholarly needs. To address...Preservation, books; Conservation, books1997
587 Silverman, Randall H.Book repair program at Brigham Young University: an institutional profileBrigham Young University's (BYU) Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL), situated in the arid Intermountain West, is a research library containing slightly more than three million volumes. The library consists of a main library, as well as separate business, museum, and learning resource center libraries. The...1992
588 Millgram, ElijahBook review: Candace Vogler's, John Stuart Mill's Deliberative LandscapeThis is a review of Candace Vogler's John Stuart Mill's Deliberative Landscape. Vogler's explores Mill's mental breakdown and its effect on his Philosophy;. In addition, Vogler's treatment is an intervention in the contemporary debate about practical reasoning. Both in its impressive control of t...Book review; Determinism; Moral Philosophy2002
589 Firmage, Edwin B.Book review: Luard, The International Regulation of Frontier DisputesThe international system, like its municipal counterparts, has developed procedures and techniques for dispute resolution. These include traditional political or diplomatic procedures such as inquiry or fact-finding, conciliation, negotiation, and mediation. Other procedures are of a juridical natur...Territorial conflicts; European boundaries; Political and diplomatic resolutions1972-09
590 Riloff, Ellen M.Bootstrapping for text learning tasksWhen applying text learning algorithms to complex tasks, it is tedious and expensive to hand-label the large amounts of training data necessary for good performance. This paper presents bootstrapping as an alternative approach to learning from large sets of labeled data. Instead of a large quantity ...Bootstrapping; Text learning algorithms; Seed information1999
591 Riloff, Ellen M.Bootstrapping method for learning semantic lexicons using extraction pattern contextsThis paper describes a bootstrapping algorithm called Basilisk that learns high-quality semantic lexicons for multiple categories. Basilisk begins with an unannotated corpus and seed words for each semantic category, which are then bootstrapped to learn new words for each category. Basilisk hypothe...Basilisk; Bootstrapping method; Semantic lexicons2002
592 McDaniel, SusanBorn at the right time?: gendered generations and webs of entitlement and responsibilityAnalyses of social change and challenge in sociologies for women often start with some attention to generation. Yet, generation per se has been an underconceptualized sociological construct as a structural dimension of stratification, particularly gender stratification, or as a lens through which...Generation; Gender; Women2001
593 Wu, Yong-ShiBosonization of one-dimensional exclusons and characterization of Luttinger liquidsWe achieve a bosonization of one-dimensional ideal gas of particles obeying exclusion statistics A (so called A exclusons) at low temperatures, resulting in a new variant of c = 1 conformal field theory with compactified radius R = √1/λ. These ideal excluson gases exactly reproduce the low-7 crit...Bosonization; Exclusons; Ideal gas; Luttinger liquids1995-07
594 Mattis, Daniel C.Bound exciton and hole: an exactly solvable three-body model in any number of dimensionsA three-body problem, concerning two holes in a nondegenerate valence band and a single electron in a conduction band, with strong short-range interactions, is solved exactly in any number of dimensions. The binding depends nontrivially on the ratio of the valence to conduction bandwidths (i.e., on ...Three-body problem; Trion; Bond energies1982-09
595 Tasdizen, TolgaBoundary estimation from intensity/color images with algebraic curve modelsA new concept and algorithm are presented for noniterative robust estimation of piecewise smooth curves of maximal edge strength in small image windows - typically 8 x 8 to 32 x 32. This boundary-estimation algorithm has the nice properties that it uses all the data in the window and thus can find l...2000
596 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshBounded transaction model checkingIndustrial cache coherence protocol models often have too many reachable states, preventing full reachability analysis even for small model instances (number of processors, addresses, etc.). Several partial search debugging methods are, therefore, employed, including lossy state compression using...Model checking; Reachability analysis2006-02-27
597 Golden, Kenneth M.Bounds on the complex permittivity of matrix-particle compositesThe complex effective dielectric constant E* of matrix-particle composites is considered. Such composites consist of separated inclusions of material of type one embedded in a matrix of material of type two. The analytic continuation method is used to derive a series of bounds which incorporate a n...Random; Parameters; Continuation1995
598 Golden, Kenneth M.Bounds on the complex permittivity of sea iceAn analytic method for obtaining bounds on effective properties of composites is applied to the complex permittivity e* of sea ice. The sea ice is assumed to be a two-component random medium consisting of pure ice of permittivity e1, and brine of permittivity e2. The method exploits the properties ...Brine; Properties; Geometry1995
599 Wu, Yong-ShiBPS R-balls in N = 4 SYM on R × S3, quantum Hall analogy and AdS/CFT holographyIn this paper, we propose a new approach to study the BPS dynamics in N = 4 supersymmetric U(N) Yang-Mills theory on R × S3, in order to better understand the emergence of gravity in the gauge theory. Our approach is based on supersymmetric, space-filling Q-balls with R-charge, which we call R-ball...2006-06-01
600 Lupton, John MarkBragg scattering from periodically microstructured light emitting diodesWe present a simple method of generating a periodic wavelength scale structure in the optically active layer of a light emitting diode. This is achieved by solution deposition of a light emitting polymer on top of a corrugated substrate. The periodic structure allows waveguide modes normally trapped...Bragg scattering; Periodic wavelength scale structure2000
576 - 600 of 5,163