326 - 350 of 543
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326 Mulaik, StanleyNew mites in the family caeculidaeIn a collection of arachnids from the southwestern part of the United States made by the author and his wife, Dorothea, was a series of the little known mites of the family Caeculidae. These are fairly large mites measuring up to 1.6 mm. The common name of rake-legged mites is derived from the chara...1945-03-15
327 Ailion, David CharlesNew NMR techniques to study diffusion in multispin crystalsWe present a new NMR method for studying slow diffusion in multispin systems. With this method we can vary the effect of a particular spin species' motion relative to the others, thus enabling us to separate and identify the component motions. We present a new pulse sequence for measuring T1L', a ge...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Crystals; Nuclear-spin species; Diffusion; Molecular rotations1977
328 Woolstenhulme, Jack P.New records of molluscaRecent work on the molluscan collection of the University of Utah, involving the transferring of sets from the accession lots to the systematic series and the cataloging of the new accessions to the museum, has brought out several unpublished records and many gifts of recent date. Among the former a...1942-05-20
329 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Southern MillipedsThe twenty-six new species of diplopods heroin named and diagnosed were found chiefly in material from Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and neighboring states collected in 1935 and 1936 by Mr. Leslie Hubricht of the Missouri Botanical Gardens and now through his courtesy included in the author's collec...1942-03-23
330 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew species and records of American Terrestrial IsopodsWhile collecting various arthropods during the past ten years, the authors accumulated a sizable series of Isopods. This paper is a report of a study of certain genera in which seven new species are designated as new and of some species whose ranges are considerably extended.1942-01-15
331 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New spiders from Mexico and PanamaIn the present paper are described eighty new species of spiders, among which are representatives of five new genera, found in two collections from Mexico and Panama respectively. The collection from Mexico was made in the state of Guerrero by Prof. Dr. Schultze Fena, of the University of Marburg, a...1936-11
332 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New tarantulas from the Southwestern StatesIn this paper are presented diagnoses of seven new species of mvgalomorph spiders, one of which, represents the new genus Hesperopholis. The other species are placed in Delopelma. We are indebted to Dr. W. P- Cottam for making the photographs reproduced 0 11 the first three plates. All of these are ...1939-06-28
333 Ailion, David CharlesNew technique for determining the diffusion mechanism by NMR: application to Cl35 diffusion in TlClA major problem in the study of atomic motions is the determination of the dominant mechanism responsible for translational diffusion. Recently Ailion and Ho predicted that the rotating-frame spin-lattice relaxation time T l p would have an angular dependence which depends on the diffusion mechanis...Diffusion; Solids; NMR1972
334 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew Texas terrestrial isopods with notes on other speciesIn a previous paper (1 ) the authors reported new records and gave descriptions and figures o f new species of terrestrial Isopods. Further studies of their collections reveal additional material of considerable interest, and some of the findings are recorded here. I t is believed that careful colle...1943-08-12
335 Ailion, David CharlesNew two-point calibration method for platinum resistance thermometers for the range 75-400KIn this paper we describe a new method for calibrating high quality platinum resistance thermometers to ±0.01 "C over the temperature range 75-400 K. This method requires resistance measurements at only two temperatures (liquid nitrogen and the ice point) in contrast to other methods which require ...Platinum; Resistance thermometers; Physics instruments1969
336 Mattis, Daniel C.New wave-operator identity applied to the study of persistent currents in 1DWe show that a large class of backward-scattering matrix elements involving Δk ~ + 2k F vanish for fermions interacting with two-body attractive forces in one dimension. (These same matrix elements are finite for noninteracting particles and infinite for particles interacting with two-body repulsiv...Persistent current; Supercurrents1974
337 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Western MillipedsDiffering from Xannolcnc, which it much resembles in general appearance and structure, in having the gonopods of the male fully exposed, in having the coxal processes of the anterior pair contiguous at the middle line and decidedly surpassing the tclopodite, and in having the anterior sternite short...1941-06-16
338 Ailion, David CharlesNMR in lithium metal: thermal mixingWe present a calculation of the thermal mixing rate t~ 1 between nuclear Zeeman and dipolar reservoirs in the presence of large rf fields. We applied this calculation to slow-motion diffusion in lithium metal. In particular, we measured the rotating frame spin-lattice relaxation time Tl p as a funct...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Lattices; Relaxation time1977
339 Ailion, David CharlesNMR methods for identifying and studying diffusion of different spin species in heteronuclear systemsWe introduce a new dipolar relaxation lime TU)' which characterizes the spin-lattice relaxation of secular dipolar interactions in the presence of a large rf field. Measurements of T]D' are particularly useful for studying slow atomic motions in muitispin systems, since such measurements enable us ...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Nuclear-spin species; Diffusion; Molecular rotations1978
340 Ailion, David CharlesNMR observations of molecular motions and Zeeman-quadrupole cross relaxation in 1,2- difluorotetrachloroethaneWe report measurements of "F NMR relaxation times Tu Tlf, TID, and T2 in the plastic crystal CFCL2-CFCL2 . From the data near the melting point, we obtain the jump time for translational selfdiffusion. At lower temperatures, we observe on the cold side of the T, and Tif minima an unusual field depe...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Order-disorder; Diffusion1979
341 Ailion, David CharlesNMR relaxation study of molecular motions between unequal potential wells in solid trans, trans- muconodinitrileWe report observations of extremely unusual proton NMR relaxation rates in solid trans, transmuconodinitrile (TMD, N=C-CH = CH-CH = CH-C = N). In particular we measured, over the temperature range 77-423 °K, proton dipolar relaxation times Tw and spin lattice relaxation times Tt (at 24 and 58 MH...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Lattices; Relaxation time1977
342 Boll, Steven F.Noise suppression methods for robust speech processing (1 April 1979- 30 Sept. 1979)Robust speech processing in practical operating environments requires effective environmental and processor noise suppression. This report describes the technical findings and accomplishments during this reporting period for the research program funded to develop real-time, compressed speech analysi...Noise suppression; Signal contamination; Compressed speech analysis-synthesis algorithms1979
343 Boll, Steven F.Noise suppression methods for robust speech processing (1 Oct. 1976 - 31 March 1977)To develop robust speech processes, based upon the integration of digital noise suppression methods and narrow band speech analysis-synthesis methods, capable of realizing practical, real time methods for effectively processing speech recorded in practical operating environments.Digital noise suppression1977
344 Boll, Steven F.; Timothy, LaMar K.Noise suppression methods for robust speech processing (1 Oct. 1978- 31 Mar. 1979)Robust speech processing in practical operating environments requires effective environmental and processor noise suppression. This report describes the technical findings and accomplishments during this reporting period for the research program funded to develop real time, compressed speech analysi...Noise suppression; Signal contamination; Compressed speech analysis-synthesis algorithms1979
345 Boll, Steven F.; Done, William JohnNoise suppression methods for robust speech processing (1 Oct. 1978- 31 Mar. 1981)Robust speech processing in practical operating environments requires effective environmental and processor noise suppression. This report describes the technical findings and accomplishments during this reporting period for period for research program funded to develop real time, compressed speech ...Noise suppression; Compressed speech analysis-synthesis algorithms; Signal contamination1978
346 Chamberlin, Ralph V.North American spiders of the genera cybaeus and cybaeinaThe frequency with which members of the Agelenid genus Cybaeus appeared in collections made by the authors in the mountainous and timbered sections of the Pacific coast region and the representations therein of various apparently undescribed species led to the preparation of this review of the known...1932-12
347 Ailion, David CharlesNuclear double resonance: cross relaxation rates between two spin speciesA rotating-frame nuclear-double-resonance experiment is reported in which the cross-relaxation rates between 7Li and 6Li in powdered lithium metal were measured. The theory developed my McArthur, Hahn, and Walstedt (MHW) is applied to these data and good agreement is obtained. We also apply this t...Nuclear-double-resonance; Lithium; MHW; Cross-relaxation1977
348 Ailion, David CharlesNuclear magnetic resonance in LiF: a single nuclear-dipolar-spin temperature in crystals with more than one spin speciesIn a crystal containing more than one species of nuclear spin in a large dc magnetic field, the secular dipolar interactions between all spins, unlike as well as like, form a single reservoir described by a single spin temperature. We demonstrated this concept with experiments on LiF. In particula...Spin species; Spin-lattice relaxation; NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance1977
349 Ailion, David CharlesNuclear magnetic resonance study of diffusion of bound and free fluorine interstitials in alkaline earth fluorides doped with trivalent impuritiesWhen alkaline-earth fluorides are doped with trivalent impurities, interstitial fluorines are created to maintain charge neutrality. We have performed NMR dipolar-energy relaxation measurements over a wide temperature range and have observed the diffusion of both free and locally bound fluorine inte...Diffusion; Motion; Crystals; NMR; Fluorine1979
350 Seger, JonNumerical method for estimating coefficients of relationship in a langur troopThe average coefficient of relationship ( r ij) among the members of a social group is expected to influence the evolution of any trait that affects the average fitness of group members other than the bearer of the trait. It is usually impossible to write a general expression for r ij , because it...Mating; Reproduction; Trait1977
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