226 - 250 of 543
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226 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: February 1968Technical report No. RADC - TR - 68 - 90 for the period ending 30 November, 1967. Two classes of research activities are being conducted. One is research in information processsing system technology. The other is researach in application of interactive computing technology to the solution of severa...Fluid flow problems1968-02
227 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: June 1971Semi-Annual Technical Report for period 1 January 1971 to 31 May 1971. This document includes a summary of research activities and facilities at the University of Utah under Contract F30602-70-C-0300. Information conveys important research milestones attained during this period by each of the fo...Curved surfaces; Digital waveform processing1971
228 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: June 19721972-06
229 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1967Semiannual technical report for period ending 15 May, 1967.1967-05
230 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1969Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 December 1968 - 30 May 19691969-05
231 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1971Final technical report 1 December 1969 to 30 June 1970.1971-05
232 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1966Semiannual progress report for period ending 30 November, 1966.1966-11
233 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1968Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 June - 30 November 19681968
234 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1969Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 June 1969 - 30 November 19691969-11
235 Jenike, A.W.Gravity flow of bulk solidsThere is hardly an industry in existence which does not use solid materials in bulk form. Where the volume of the solids is substantial, gravity is usually relied upon to cause the solids to flow. Such materials as ores, coal, cement, flour, cocoa, soil, to which the general term of bulk solids is a...1961-10
236 Blackwelder, Eliot; Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert R.; Antevs, ErnstThe Great Basin with emphasis on glacial and postglacial timesThe Great Basin is a physiographic province the boundaries o f which are somewhat indefinite. Roughly it lies between the Sierra Nevada on the west and the Wasatch Mountains on the east, but its tributary valleys extend over into Wyoming. To the north it grades into the Columbia lava plateau, and to...1948-06-30
237 Mattis, Daniel C.Ground state of interacting spinsThe question is posed of how the ground state of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian H= - ΣFij Si-Sj depends on the magnitude s of N interacting spins, particularly in the case of long-ranged oscillatory interactions Fij. It is discussed whether fixing the geometry and the bond strengths Fij suffices to d...Ground states; Interacting spin; Ruderman-Kittel interaction1963-04
238 Mattis, Daniel C.Ground-state symmetry in XY model of magnetismNumerical studies by Betts and Oitmaa have led those authors to conjecture that in the XY model the ground-state magnetization Mz is zero. This is a model of spins on a lattice with interactions - J(SnxSmx+SnySmy), that can also describe a hard-sphere boson fluid. In the present note I prove the c...Ground state; Magnetization; Bipartite lattice1979-06
239 DeTar, CarletonHadronic deformation energy. I. Quark-antiquark separationThe MIT bag model for hadrons is treated in the static cavity approximation in three dimensions with a definite quark number. The energy of the system is computed to second order in the gluon coupling. A constrained variational method is described which permits the calculation of the energy as a f...Bag models; Quark bag; Deformation energy; Antiquarks; Gluon coupling; Quark energies; Gluon energies1978-01
240 DeTar, CarletonHadronic deformation energy. II. Two-nucleon interactionThe MIT bag model for hadrons is treated in the static cavity approximation. The adiabatic deformation of a six-quark hadron with quantum numbers of the deuteron is studied in a configuration which permits the separation of two triplets with quantum numbers of the neutron and proton. The energy of...Bag models; Quark bag; Deformation energy; Gluon coupling; Two-nucleon problem; Nucleons; Self-energy1978-01
241 Warner, Homer R.Health Evaluation Through Logical Processing - HELPBiomedical Informatics1973
242 Warner, Homer R.HELP - A Computer System for Medical Decision MakingBiomedical Informatics1975
243 Warner, Homer R.HELP - A Program for Medical Decision-MakingBiomedical Informatics1972
244 Warner, Homer R.The HELP System for Medical Decision MakingBiomedical Informatics1974
245 Flowers, SevilleThe hepaticae of UtahThe Hepaticae, or liverworts, are small green plants mostly growing in damp or wet places, although a considerable number of them inhabit dry shady places, even in desert regions. As a whole, they are inconspicuous and, together with the mosses, lichens and other primitive forms of plant life, occup...1961-05-30
246 Archuleta, MichaelHidden surface line drawing algorithmThis paper describes a fast procedure in processing hidden surface pictures with the output in vector form. The program has been written expressly for a Decsystem 10 and has performed successfully on three different installations. The algorithm which is being used is a modification to the Watkins' A...Watkins algorithm; Hidden surface1972
247 Frost, Richard L.High resolution astronomical imaging through the turbulent atmosphereThis research is principally concerned with the digital reconstruction of star images observed with large ground-based telescopes, although the techniques developed here will have application to a broad class of reconstruction problems. Since the work of Labeyrie, the difficulty in producing accurat...Astronomical imaging; Turbulent atmosphere; Digital reconstruction; Star images1979
248 Warner, Homer R.High-Density Medical Data Management by ComputerBiomedical Informatics1970
249 Telford, Ira RockwoodHistological aspects of metamorphosis of Ambystoma tigrinum (green)The present paper is based upon research done in 1933 at the University of Utah. The specimens used in the study were of the common species of salamander frequenting this region, Ambystoma tigrinum. This report is confined to the histological changes observed in the lungs and skin of this form durin...1935-05
250 Brown, Francis HaroldHorizontal sediments of the lower Omo valley: the kibish formationThe existence of old lacustrine deposits in the Lake Rudolf Basin was first recognized by Hohnel et al. (1891 : 20f., 134) and subsequently confirmed by the work of M. Sacchi (Angelis and Millosevich, 1900) and E. Brumpt (Bourg de Bozas, 1903: 107ff.), Fuchs (1935, 1939), Champion (1937), and Aramb...1969
226 - 250 of 543