226 - 250 of 414
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226 Konnick, Eric Q.; Ashwood, Edward R.; Hillyard, David R.; Comanor, Lorraine; Di Canzio, JamesEvaluation of the Versant ? HBV DNA 3.0 Assay (bDNA)+ and comparison with the Cobastm HBV Taqman Analyte Specific Reagent Assay.To evaluate the performance characteristics of the Versant ? HBV DNA 3.0 assay (bDNA)+ (Versant, Bayer Healthcare LLC, Tarrytown, NY). 2.) To compare the Versant assay to the COBAS HBV TaqMan Analyte Specific Reagent assay (TaqMan) (Roche Molecular Systems, Pleasanton, CA) using random and defined p...International Standard; HBV DNA Tests2005-05-07
227 Kestle, John R. W.; Walker, Marion L.Noncommunicating spinal extradural arachnoid cyst causing spinal cord compression in a childExtradural arachnoid cysts in the spine are relatively uncommon causes of spinal cord compression in the pediatric population that are thought to arise from congenital defects in the dura mater. Most reports describe such cysts communicating with the intrathecal subarachnoid space through a small de...2006
228 Osborne, Anne G.; Couldwell, William T.Rathke cleft cyst intracystic nodule: a characteristic magnetic resonance imaging finding.OBJECT: The fluid content of Rathke cleft cysts (RCCs) displays variable appearances on magnetic resonance (MR) images and can appear indistinguishable from other intrasellar or suprasellar cystic lesions. Intracystic nodules associated with individual RCCs have been noted, but to date their signifi...Brain Neoplasms; Central Nervous System Cysts; Magnetic Resonance Imaging2005-11-01
229 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Waist-to hip ratio across cultures: trade-offs between androgen-and estrogen-dependent traitsA gynoid pattern of fat distribution, with small waist and large hips (low waist-to-hip ratio, or WHR) holds significant fitness benefits for women: women with a low WHR of about 0.7 are more fecund, are less prone to chronic disease, and (in most cultures) are considered more attractive. Why, then...Fertility; Optimum; Fecundity2008
230 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Waist-to-hip ratio across cultures: trade-offs between androgen- and estrogen-dependent traitsA gynoid pattern of fat distribution, with small waist and large hips (low waist-to-hip ratio, or WHR) holds significant fitness benefits for women: women with a low WHR of about 0.7 are more fecund, are less prone to chronic disease, and (in most cultures) are considered more attractive. Why, then...Fat distribution; Gynoid pattern; Body types; Waist-to-hip ratio; WHR2008
231 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma projesi (UTARP): kenan tepenin kulturel tarihinin on senteziBu raporun amaci Guneydogu Tiirkiye'de, Ilisu Baraji bolgesinde onemli bir arkeolqjik yerle§me olan Kenan Tepe'nin kiiltiir tarihi hakkindaki bugiinkii bilgimizi ozetlemektir (§ekil 1). Bu sentezin biiyiik boliimii Yukan Dicle Arkeolojik Ara§tirma Projesi (UTARP) iiyelerinin 2001 yazinda yiiriitt...2001-01-01
232 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma projesi (UTARP): Kenan Tepenin kulturel tarihinin on sentezi (The Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP): a preliminary synthesis of the cultural history of Kenan Tepe)
233 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Alone in the ivory tower: how birth events vary among male and female fast-track professionalsWe use data from the 2000 Census Public Use Microsample to examine the likelihood of a birth event, defined as the household presence of a child under two years old, for male and female professionals. Physicians have the highest rate of birth events, followed in order by attorneys and academics. W...Fertility; Family; Occupation; Academic careers; Census2009-06-10
234 Flowers, SevilleThe hepaticae of UtahThe Hepaticae, or liverworts, are small green plants mostly growing in damp or wet places, although a considerable number of them inhabit dry shady places, even in desert regions. As a whole, they are inconspicuous and, together with the mosses, lichens and other primitive forms of plant life, occup...1961-05-30
235 Sanchez, Thomas W.Are planners prepared to address social justice and distributional equity?Planners have stated their commitment and responsibility to assure fairness in community and regional planning activities. Evidencing this is an abundance of literature on the theoretical perspectives of social justice and planning ideals. But is this stated concern for social justice and equity re...2001
236 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Hrdlič̌ka's Aleutian population-replacement hypothesis: a radiometric evaluationIn a 1945 monograph, Hrdlička argued that, at 1,000 BP, Paleo-Aleut people on Umnak Island were replaced by Neo-Aleut groups moving west along the island chain. His argument was based on cranial measurements of skeletal remains from Chaluka Midden and mummified remains from Kagamil and Ship Rock b...Population replacement; Paleo-Aleuts; Neo-Aleuts2006
237 Firmage, Edwin B.Arms control in the 70's... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4.) The vision of a time of peace-a time in which man's genius and his physical resources would be devoted entirel...1971
238 Farmer, Colleen G.The provenance of alveolar and parabronchial lungs: insights from paleoecology and the discovery of cardiogenic, unidirectional airflow in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)Birds and mammals evolved greater aerobic abilities than their common ancestor had. This required expansion of the cardiopulmonary system's capacity for gas exchange, but while directional selection for his expanded capacity resulted in extremely similar avian and mammalian hearts, strikingly differ...2010-07
239 Gardner, Reed M.The Computer for Charting and MonitoringBiomedical Informatics1993
240 Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 1997Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 19971997
241 Shapiro, Michael D.Divergence, convergence, and the ancestry of feral populations in the domestic rock pigeonDomestic pigeons are spectacularly diverse and exhibit variation in more traits than any other bird species [1]. In The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin repeatedly calls attention to the striking variation among domestic pigeon breeds - generated by thousands of years of artificial selection on a s...2010
242 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Spiders of the Georgia region of North AmericaThis paper has developed from a study undertaken initially to determine, s far as possible from available evidence, the proper application of the _ames based by Walckenaer upon Abbot' s drawings of the spiders of Georgia. The validity of these names has not been seriously questioned since the redisc...1944-12-10
243 Mallat, ChibliIntroduction a la pensee de Robert FossaertCette introduction est surtout un appel, pour paraphraser Althusser sur Marx (<< II faut lire Le Capital, et se mettre au travail) a un bon usage de Fossaert : II faut lire La Societe, et se mettre au travail . Le lecteur trouvera une lucarne de l'universalisme de Fossaert dans la section du b...2009
244 Zhdanov, Michael S.Localized S-inversion of time-domain electromagnetic dataInterpretation of time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) data over inhomogeneous geological structures is a challenging problem of geophysical exploration. The most widely used approach of interpreting TDEM data is based on the smooth 1-D layered resistivity inversion. We have developed an effective t...2002-01-01
245 Schmidt, Meic H.Spinal meningiomas: surgical management and outcomeAdvances in imaging and surgical technique have improved the treatment of spinal meningiomas; these include magnetic resonance imaging, intraoperative ultrasonography, neuromonitoring, the operative microscope, and ultrasonic cavitation aspirators. This study is a retrospective review of all patient...Spinal meningioma; Spinal tumor; Intradural; Extramedullary2003
246 Khan, Faisal HabibSwitching cells and their implications for power electronic circuitsThis paper will introduce two basic switching cells, P-cell and N-cell, along with their implications and applications in power electronic circuits. The concept of switching cells in power electronic circuits started in the late 1970's. The basic cells presented in this paper have one switching ele...2009-05
247 Couldwell, William T.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I.Decompression of cavernous sinus meningioma for preservation and improvement of cranial nerve functionMeningiomas are the most common tumors affecting the cavernous sinus (CS). Despite advances in microsurgery and radiosurgery, treatment of CS meningiomas remains difficult and controversial. As in cases of other meningiomas, the goal of treatment for CS meningioma is long-term growth control and pre...2006-07
248 Couldwell, William T.False-negative magnetic resonance angiography with extracranial internal carotid artery stenosis: a report of two cases and review of the literatureMagnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is increasingly used as a noninvasive means to assess internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. When used alone, however, MRA may not be sufficiently accurate in certain settings to determine whether ICA disease meets surgical criteria. Although MRA has been recogn...Internal carotid artery stenosis; Magnetic resonance angiography2005
249 Beckerle, Mary C.Two muscle-specific LIM proteins in DrosophilaThe LIM domain defines a zinc-binding motif found in a growing number of eukaryotic proteins that regulate cell growth and differentiation during development. Members of the cysteine-rich protein (CRP) family of LIM proteins have been implicated in muscle differentiation in vertebrates. Here we r...LIM domains; Mlp60A; Mlp84B; Cysteine-rich proteins1996
250 Fernandez, Diego P.Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the Northwest Atlantic over the last 225,000 yearsDeep-sea corals have grown for over 200,000 yrs on the New England Seamounts in the northwest Atlantic, and this paper describes their distribution both with respect to depth and time. Many thousands of fossil scleractinian corals were collected on a series o f cruises from 2003- 2005; by contrast,...Desmophyllum dianthus; Scleractinian coral; Seamounts; Northwest Atlantic2007
226 - 250 of 414