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1 Yaworsky, Peter M.Archaeological Potential of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National MonumentExecutive proclamation 9682 reduces the size of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM), removing protections for at least 2,000 known archaeological sites and an unknown number of undiscovered cultural properties. Because only 10% of the GSENM's 1.9 million acres has been inventorie...Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument; Anthropology-Research2018
2 Swalberg, AJaA new denazinemys (baenid turtle) specimen from the upper cretaceous wahweap formation2012-04-18
3 Davidson, Diane W.Nonnative brome grasses in the new national monumentIncluded within the boundaries of the Grand-Staircase Escalante National Monument are a number of noxious weeds for which the BLM mandates control. In addition to listed weeds are nonnative brome grasses [Bromus tectorum and Bromus rubens), which can potentially convert native ecosystems to biologic...Noxious weeds, Cheatgrass,1998
4 Love, April M.Hidden water: Salt Lake County, UT drainages, a part of the Western Waters Digital LibrarySalt Lake Valley watershed, hidden water2012
5 Behle, William H.The birds of Southeastern UtahSoutheastern Utah is a rugged and colorful portion of the state. As a part of the Colorado Plateau Physiographic Province it is characterized by an arid climate, multicolored but mostly red sandstones, shales and limestones, weathered sand deep box canyons, and high, isolated, lacolithic mountain ra...1960-10
6 Woodbury, Angus M.Birds of the Navajo CountryThe Navajo country as covered in this paper lies in southeastern Utah and northeastern Arizona and is bounded on the north, west and south by the San Juan, Colorado, Little Colorado and Rio Puerco rivers and on the east by the Arizona-New Mexico state line. That part of the Navajo country lying in n...1945-03-01
7 Behle, William H.; Bushman, John B.; Greenhalgh, Clifton M.Birds of the Kanab area and adjacent high plateaus of Southern UtahThe gateway to central southern Utah is the town of Kanab, located in Kane County just a few miles north of the Utah-Arizona line. At an elevation of 4973 feet it nestles in an indenture in the Vermillion Cliffs where Kanab Canyon emerges. North of these Vermillion Cliffs, rising like two additional...1958-10-01
8 Codding, Brian F.Socioecological dynamics structuring the spread of farming in the North American Basin-Plateau RegionThe spread of agriculture is a major driver of social and environmental change throughout 25 the Holocene, yet experimental and ethnographic data indicate that farming is less profitable than foraging, so why would individuals choose to adopt agriculture leading to its expansion? Ideal distribution ...Ideal free distribution model; population ecology; behavioral ecology; maize agriculture; Ancestral Puebloan; Fremont Complex2021
9 Jorde, Lynn B.Clinical and biochemical function of polymorphic NR0B1 GGAA-microsatellites in Ewing sarcoma: A report from the Childrens Oncology GroupBackground: The genetics involved in Ewing sarcoma susceptibility and prognosis are poorly understood. EWS/FLI and related EWS/ETS chimeras upregulate numerous gene targets via promoter-based GGAA-microsatellite response elements. These microsatellites are highly polymorphic in humans, and prelimina...2014-01-01
10 Silverman, Randall H.J. J. Audubon & 19th century color printingIn 1826, the first hand-colored proofs of John James Audubon's double elephant folio edition of The Birds of America were pulled in Edinburgh, Scotland. His life-sized Wild Turkey was among them, transforming the 41 year old naturalist's "innate desire to acquire a thorough knowledge of the birds o...John James Audubon; Copperplate; Lithograph1994
11 Myntti, JeremyWestern Name Authority File: Preparing Charles Savage for Linked DataPresentation given at the 2017 OLAC Conference, Linked Data Initiatives Panel, in Richmond, VA.Name authority records (Information retrieval); Linked data; Metadata2017-10-28
12 Coley, Phyllis D.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.Allelochemic function for a primary metabolite: the case of L-tyrosine hyper-production in Inga umbellifera (Fabaceae)Young leaves of tropical forest trees experience far higher herbivory pressure than mature leaves of the same species. Selection on young leaves has led to diverse forms of defense chemical expression. Though most allelochemicals are secondary metabolites, allelochemic function for a primary metabol...5-amino-4-hydroxy-pentanoic acid; Panama; Barro Colorado Island; Fabaceae; Inga umbellifera; Primary metabolite; Heliothis virescens2006
13 Keiter, Robert; Ruple, John; Holt, Rebecca; Tanana, HeatherLands with Wilderness Characteristics, Resource Management Plan Contraints, and Land Exchanges: Cross-Jurisdictional Management and Impacts on unconventional Fuel Development in Utah's Uinta BasinAbstract: Utah is home to oil shale resources containing roughly 1.3 trillion barrels of oil equivalent and our nations richest oil sands resources. If economically feasible and environmentally responsible means of tapping these resources can be developed, these resources could provide a safe and st...2012-03
14 Ruple, John; Keiter, RobertPolicty Analysis of Water Availability and Use Issues for Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands DevelopmentABSTRACT Oil shale and oil sands resources located within the intermountain west represent a vast, and as of yet, commercially untapped source of energy. Development will require water, and demand for scarce water resources stands at the front of a long list of barriers to commercialization. Wat...2012-03
15 Sons of Martha: reshaping the electric industryIn summary, what had we actually done? Succinctly stated, we had made dramatic changes in the way the electric utility service was to be offered in the future. The changes had been to some degree institutional and political. But primarily they were technological. And all of this was done at lesser c...Public Trust1992-10-07
16 Chamberlin, Ralph V.; Roscoe, Ernest J.Check list of recent Utah MolluscaThe "Descriptive Catalog of the Mollusca of Utah" appeared in print in 1929, the product of the senior author and Dr. David T. Jones. In recent years molluscan work has been carried on at the University by Dr. Jones and his co-workers, notably Elmer G. Berry, Edward Lovvrance, Jack P. Woolstenhulme ...1948-07-20
17 Capecchi, Mario R.Modeling alveolar soft part sarcomagenesis in the mouse: a role for lactate in the tumor microenvironmentAlveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS), a deadly soft tissue malignancy with a predilection for adolescents and young adults, associates consistently with t(X;17) translocations that generate the fusion gene ASPSCR1-TFE3. We proved the oncogenic capacity of this fusion gene by driving sarcomagenesis in m...2014-01-01
18 Hogue, Michael T.; Keiter, Robert B.; Ruple, John; Uchitel, KirstenAnalysis of Environmental, Legal, Socioeconomic and Policy Issues Critical to the Development of Commercial Oil Shale Leasing on the Public Lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the Mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005This report seeks to identify and evaluate the critical legal and economic policy issues in order to inform federal, state, tribal, and other decision makers, as well as affected citizens, of the likely challenges and tradeoffs inherent in implementing a commercial oilshale leasing program on the pu...2010-01
19 Shirley, Peter S.; Gooch, BruceAutomatic painting with economized strokesWe present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Unlike previous automatic painting methods, we attempt to use very few brush-strokes. This is accomplished by first segmenting the image into features, finding the medial...Raster image; Painting-like image; Automatic painting methods2000
20 Flynn, John J.General practitioner's introduction to antitrust law and practiceAntitrust practice is considered by many general practitioners to be arcane, complex and mysterious. It is a jargon-ridden world, with rapid developments expanding an evermore complex vocabulary to describe new business practices brought within the ebb and flow of antitrust litigation. Most general ...Litigation.; Competition; Client1975
21 Davidson, Diane W.Species diversity and community organization in desert seed-eating antsPatterns of species diversity and community organization in desert seed-eating ants were studied in 10 habitats on a longitudinal gradient of increasing rainfall extending from southeastern California, through southern Arizona, and into southwestern New Mexico. Local communities of harvester ants...Ants; Arizona; California; Communities; Competition; Desert Granivores; Diversity; Insects; New Mexico; Novomessor; Pheidole; Pogonomyrmex; Resource allocation; Veromessor.1977
22 Seger, Jon; Davidson, Diane W.Biological richness of desertsA desert is "waterless," "treeless," "barren," "remote," "uninteresting," and "presumably uninhabited," according to the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary. The word is derived from deserere, a Latin verb meaning "to leave." In English, to desert is still to "abandon," "forsake," or "fail." Bec...Desert life; Desert biodiversity1995
23 Davidson, Diane W.Microtopography of microbiotic crusts on the Colorado Plateau, and distribution of component organismsWe analyzed the microtopography of microbiotic soil crusts at 3 sites on the Colorado Plateau of southern Utah and investigated distributions of cyanobacteria and several lichens in distinctive microhabitats created by this topography. At all 3 sites the long axes of linear soil mounds were oriented...Microtopography; Microbiotic crusts; Colorado Plateau; Cryptobiotic soil; Colonization; Nonrandom orientation; Exposure; Collema; Disturbance history; Microhabitat2000
24 Adler, Robert W.Changing the Law-Science Paradigm for Colorado River RestorationLegal mandates and scientific realities conflict when existing legal principles do not match the realities and limits of current science. Those conflicts can be addressed if scientists communicate the limits of existing scientific capabilities and if the legal system responds accordingly2008
25 Coley, Phyllis D.Benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrubBenefits and costs are central to optimality theories of plant defense. Benefit is the gain in fitness to reducing herbivory and cost is the loss in fitness to committing resources to defense. We evaluate the benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrub, Psychotria horizontalis. Plants were ...Cost of defense; Growth-defense trade-off; Exclosures; Field experiment; Herbivory; Panama; Psychotria horizontalis; Rubiaceae; Tannins; Toughness; Tropics1995
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