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1 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Fast cook-off tests reportThe Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions (C-SAFE) at the University of Utah is focused on providing science-based tools for the numerical simulation of accident scenarios involving fires and high-energy devices (Pershing, 2000). The initial computational efforts are concentra...Heat flux; Heat transfer; Cookoff tests; Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions; C-SAFE2003
2 Chapman, David S.Geothermics and climate change: 2. Joint analysis of borehole temperature and meteorological dataLong-period ground surface temperature variations contained in bore hole temperature-depth profiles form a complementary climate change record to high-frequency, but noisy surface air temperature (SAT) records at weather stations. We illustrate the benefits of jointly analyzing geothermal and meteo...Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer1998
3 Fife, Paul C.; McMurtry, PatrickMultiscale analysis of heat transfer in fully developed turbulent channel flowAn analysis is given for fully developed thermal transport through a wall-bounded turbulent fluid with constant heat flux supplied at the boundary. The analysis proceeds from the aver-aged heat equation and utilizes, as principal tools, various scaling considerations. The paper first provides an acc...Turbulant flow; Channel flow; Heat transfer; Multiscale analysis2005-12
4 Chapman, David S.Reply to comment by T.J. Osborn and K. R. Briffa on "Mid-Latitude (30?-60?N) climatic warming inferred by combining borehole temperatures with surface air temperatures"We thank Osborn and Briffa [2002] for their comment regarding our use of the climatic reconstruction of Overpeck et al. [1997]. We [Harris and Chapman, 2001] had taken a proxy, Arctic wide summer-weighted annual temperature reconstruction [Overpeck et al., 1997], given in dimensionless sigma units (...Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer2002
5 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Snow and the ground temperature record of climate changeBorehole temperature-depth profiles contain a record of surface ground temperature (SGT) changes with time and complement surface air temperature (SAT) analysis to infer climate change over multiple centuries. Ground temperatures are generally warmer than air temperatures due to solar radiation effe...Snow cover; Snow modeling; land/atmosphere interactions; Borehole climate reconstructions; Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer2002
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