176 - 200 of 684
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176 Improvisational structureHixon-Longaker, VictoriaI believe archetypal rhythms create life cycles and are manifest in the emotional, philosophical, and physical world. This environment is continuously churned by forces both positive and negative. My work is a direct response to this environment and its impact on the human experience. The power o...Art/Art History1996-06
177 In my neighborhood: an installationHart, AllynMy thesis installation, titled "In My Neighborhood," combined collage prints, paintings, and sculptural elements. The installation was loosely based on the structure of an ideal 1950's suburban American home. Found objects played a prominent role in both two- and three-dimensional constructions. ...Art/Art History1996-08
178 IntersectionDolberg, Daniel GlenThe unifying theme that runs throughout the paintings in my MFA show is that of space versus form. Light versus darkness and the interaction and relativity of color are secondary themes that I explore in my paintings. The subject matter I have chosen to explore in-depth is the architectural form o...Art/Art History2005-12
179 Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol: two disparate American artistic identities shaped by the nature-machine dichotomyVergadavola, Salvatore F.In 1942, in response to Hans Hofmann urging him to look outside himself and seek sublimity in nature Jackson Pollock replied, "I am nature," and later moved to The Springs, a rural area on Long Island, where in the isolation of his bam/studio created his signature hand-poured canvases. Two decades ...Art/Art History2004-12
180 Language and fragmentationBlundell, Simon HenryAs our environment becomes increasingly mediated, so does our experience. My work is a direct response to an overmediated enviroment. Through mediation, our experience becomes fragmented. I am exploring the role of photography in the process of fragmentation and the way we construct meaning from our...Art/Art History2003-12
181 Left behindMoore, Jeremiah LeeThis project paper contains a description of the development of my thesis exhibition. The introduction covers just over a year of work on a wood construction project, research on medieval maps, and how both endeavors influenced the advancement and outcome of my paintings. The second section titled ...Art/Art History2008-08
182 Mabel Dodge Luhan: portrait of a patronSteadman, Kandace CelesteMabel Dodge Luhan (1897- 1962) occupies an important and pivotal place in the artistic culture o f early twentieth-century America. Yet despite her prominence, Luhan is seldom heard o f today. This study examines Luhan's life and significance, using painted portraits, word portraits, and photograp...Art/Art History2006-05
183 MFA exhibitionBench, Ryan JoeThe subject of my paper is a body of work representing my personal interpretations, experiences, memories, and processes of creating images using the mediums of printmaking, painting and drawing. The subject matter represents broad visual sketches of the landscape, not direct visual copies; but inst...Printmaking2017-09
184 MFA thesis show by: James McGeeMcGee, JamesThe body o f work represented it this packet reflects on remembered and imagined experiences from childhood. Mostly symbols from a suburban world, the subject matter includes above ground pool and BMX bikes; the people portrayed are my family. These paintings illustrate what is specific about memor...Art/Art History2005-06
185 Motion picturesMoore, Amanda JaneArt cannot be created in a bubble. Motion Pictures is no exception. This body of work is a culmination of my education, location, and personal interaction with pop culture. Without my move from Atlanta to Salt Lake City, I would not have become so obsessed with my subject matter. Without my subje...Art/Art History2006-05
186 Multicultural: Facts and findings from the two years I spent living under a microscopeMehr, AnnetteThis final project paper is an accompaniment of my thesis work: a series of 11 oil paintings of bacterial cultures. These bacterial cultures were collected from volunteers, throughout 2016-2017. The paintings of these cultures are defined as portraits of the people who volunteered their bacteria. Th...Art & Art History2017-12
187 Onchi Koshiro and individualism in Japanese woodblock printingDee, David L.By the turn of the twentieth century, the vitality of the traditional woodblock print industry in Japan had dissipated. Out of this dormant state of the graphic arts, two woodblock printmaking movements emerged in early twentieth- century Japan: (a) shin-hanga (new prints) and (b) sosaku-hanga (cr...Art/Art History2000-08
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