201 - 225 of 524
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201 Exploring the ethical event horizon: assessing an approach to responsible siting in black hole imagingThe field of astronomy has a history of approaching large-scale development projects with a limited gauge of the interests of stakeholders beyond the immediate scientific community. Traditional processes of decision-making have demonstrated little regard for the broader communities affected by major...2024
202 Reimers, NoelleExploring the role of lipied metabolism in hepatocellular carcinomaHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive cancer with poor survival rates and limited treatment options whose prevalence is expected to increase up to 137% by 2030. Existing therapies outside of liver resection or transplantation have poor efficacy, and few new treatment options have been deve...2021
203 Machado, LiamExtending Support for Floating-Points in the Boogie and Smack Software VerifiersSoftware veri#12;cation, which aims to prove critical properties about programs using rigorous formal methods based on logic, is an active area of research in the #12;eld of computer science. In particular, the veri#12;cation of oating-points is a topic of paramount importance, given their ubiquity...2019
204 Coplan, Caitlin DeniseFabrication and Application of Aluminum NanostructuresPlasmonics, the phenomenon resulting from light interactions with nanoscale structures, is an active field for nanoscale manipulation of light. By varying the metal, size, and shape, plasmonic nanostructures can be tuned to interact with a broad spectral range of light. Commonly used plasmonic mater...2019
205 Erickson, MariahFalse hearing and the N400: the effects of linguistic context on language perceptionFalse hearing is a phenomenon where one mishears what has been said to them based on linguistic contextual cues used to make a prediction (Rogers et al., 2012). The incorrect hearing usually has similar phonemic properties to other likely words and syntactic relation to what was said prior. Our stud...2021
206 Neff, DylanFetal Programming of the Infant Sympathetic Nervous SystemMaternal mood during the prenatal period may affect a broad range of infant outcomes. This study examined the impact of mothers' trait anxiety and emotion dysregulation on their 7-month old infants' sympathetic nervous system as measured by electrodermal activity (EDA) during the still-face paradigm...2020
207 Lewis, GraceFinding a new normal: a scholarly personal narrative on resilience during the covid-19 pandemicThis thesis is a Scholarly Personal Narrative (SPN) that explores the study of resilience and resilience theory through anecdotes. Through a personal anecdote, the theme of resilience will be introduced followed by a general overview of the study of resilience from a historical and multidisciplinary...2021
208 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, UtahFish Lake's location in central Utah at 8,848 feet above sea level offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of wildfires on high-elevation forested ecosystems in the Colorado Plateau region. A ~60,000-year lake sediment record from Fish lake provides evidence of multiple disturbances througho...2023
209 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, Utah2023
210 Carrasco, AmandaFirst- Generation Students in College: a Critical Discourse Analysis on the University of Utah's Trio Program Using the Community Cultural Wealth ModelThis research was completed to examine the discourse of success and retention in two TRIO programs at the University of Utah. The purpose of this study concentrated on how Student Support Services (SSS) and Upward Bound support their first- generation students through the rhetoric in their outreach ...2020
211 Fluckiger, Kylee ReneeFlexible Sensing for Pressure Ulcer Detection and PreventionPressure ulcers are a common and harmful ailment among those who use a wheelchair for extended lengths of time. Periodic pressure relief actions performed by the wheelchair user have been shown to reduce the occurrence of pressure ulcers, but these actions may not be completed correctly or regularly...2020
212 Jones, OliviaForgotten Histories: Interracial Communities in the Colonial United StatesThis thesis discusses the existence of mixed-race communities in the United States in colonial and antebellum times. With a primary focus on the New Jersey community of Gouldtown, it highlights the surprising number of these communities and traces their histories. It also discusses the things that t...2019
213 Moffatt, KevinFormula U Racing Active Aerodynamics DevelopmentFormula SAE (FSAE) is an international engineering design competition organized by SAE International for college students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels with the intention of giving students the opportunity to apply management and engineering skills learned in the classroom to a real ...2019
214 Kelly, MadeleineFrameworks for social justice education in Montessori classrooms: educator perceptions and implementationAs American schools continue to diversify, issues of equity in schools remain unresolved and disparities between different racial and cultural groups have become more pronounced (Paris, 2012). Key components of the Montessori Method seem to align with aspects of a Social Justice Education (SJE) fram...2023
215 James, MichelleFraming History: An Analysis of News Coverage of the 2016 Presidential DebatesThis thesis analyzes news coverage from the 2016 presidential election, looking specifically at the coverage of the three presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I engage in content analysis of the news coverage and identify the frames that overarchingly characterized the medi...Framing; Gender; Politics; Clinton; Trump2019
216 Gambassi, Jack L.Framing social justice through the capabilities lens: examining post-conviction labor market barriersThis thesis relates two bodies of existing research: (1) the use of capabilities as the basis for a theory of justice and (2) labor market reentry barriers created by conviction history. The capabilities approach is an alternative analytical framework to understanding social justice than alternative...2023
217 Seang, EmilyFrom Ground to Air: Connecting Nonemergency Medical Transportation in Rural UtahSufficient transportation is essential to supporting medical care in rural communities. Due to spatial barriers, or the lack of health facilities or pharmacies, patients often find themselves paying a high cost for consistent medical care. For patients needing multiple medical appointments, transpor...2020
218 Jordan, Benjamin WaltzFrom sewer to soil: planetary boundaries, metabolic rift and Salt Lake City's wastewater treatmentSalt Lake City's water resource recovery facility (WRRF) is undergoing a multi-year upgrade in order to reduce nitrogen-induced eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles all converge at WRRFs where they can, in part, be managed. In this paper, I perform a general...2021
219 Narasipura, Eshan AmruthFull synthesis of enzymatically cleavable linker between 929-designed ankyrin repeat protein and 17-dimethlyamino geldanamycinTargeted cancer therapeutics are an important and promising field of cancer research due to their ability to reduce the off target effects produced in other therapies such as chemotherapy. Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADC) are one such therapeutic that specifically target cancer cells through antibody-...2021
220 Gardner, ShalyceFunctional test for possible genetic modifiers of piga defficiencyPIGA deficiency is a rare X-linked recessive disorder that lacks effective treatment options. A protein encoded by the PIGA gene catalyzed the first step in biosynthesis of Glycosylphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors. Partial loss of function mutations in PIGA can prevent a cell from being able to synthe...2023
221 Lethaby, AidanFunctional validation and improvement of a low-cost control system for assistive robotic devicesThe goal of this research is to increase the affordability of portable and intuitive control systems for assistive robotic devices used by patients and researchers. Current control systems are either expensive or utilize unintuitive inputs such as foot-mounted inertia measurement units (for prosthes...2022
222 Ward, Bridget E.Functionalizing a hemagglutinin epitope tag for induced mitochondrial protein degradation in saccharomyces cerevisiaeMitochondria are organelles known for their role in many critical cellular processes including the production of metabolic energy in eukaryotic cells. In order to produce this energy, mitochondria continually transport metabolites across the impermeable mitochondrial inner membrane. The transport of...2022
223 Capener, JacobG Protein-Coupled resecptor kinase 2 mediated phosphorylation for The Activation of SmoothenedThe Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is a cell signaling pathway that is involved in embryonic development and adult tissue maintenance in vertebrates. Improper functioning of this pathway can lead to developmental disorders and several forms of cancer. Despite the pathway's biological importance, the transduc...2020
224 Spackman, JamesGame feel development analysis of student game final projectGame feel expresses the unique "feeling" a game provides to the player and is seen as an underdeveloped language that game developers are looking to leave their mark on. Achieving good game feel is challenging and requires a substantial number of resources through slow incremental developmental test...2023
225 Sencion, MaglayGardens on food security and health of resettled refugees in the Salt Lake City AreaThere are several nutritional challenges that refugees and immigrants face during and after migration. Often, they arrive in their new countries with nutrition deficiencies due to cultural and language barriers, poor housing, and low socioeconomic conditions. Following their arrival, recently resett...2023
201 - 225 of 524