301 - 325 of 524
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301 Martinez, TravisInvestigative work in antibiotic treatment of biofilms using a new reactor modelBiofilms are notoriously tolerant to antibiotics and a growing problem in modern healthcare, yet the inaccessibility of biofilm reactors hinders research in many instances. Existing biofilm reactors remain costly, time-consuming, and dependent on difficult-tomanage resources. To address this issue, ...2024
302 Ramous, CarolineIs Intact Endothelial Cell Autophagy Required for Training-Induced Vascular Adaptations?Macroautophagy is operational during basal conditions to maintain intracellular organelle and protein quality control, but is upregulated during cellular stress (e.g., dynamic exercise) to adapt to changing nutritional and energy demands. We tested the hypothesis that intact endothelial cell (EC) au...2020
303 Elison, TonyKeyframe: Six Images for Jazz Sextet and String QuartetMemory defines reality. The mind's interpretation of the present relies entirely upon its experience. Before you pick up a rock, you have an idea of what it will feel like in your hand. You can discern information about someone through social cues instead of having that information explicitly explai...2020
304 Nelson, Kelli R.Label-Free Visualization of Nanoparticles Subjected to Dielectrophoretic ForcesPrevious studies have shown that nanoparticle separation may be achieved to very high resolution based on size and other properties in a sawtooth-patterned gradient insulator-based dielectrophoretic microfluidic device. This work integrates this dielectrophoretic capture of nanoparticles from a liqu...2019
305 Galecki, MiriamThe lasting effects of redlining: disparate impacts of Covid-19 in Salt Lake CityAccess to the American Dream is always dependent, at least partially, on factors an individual cannot control such as race and the residence location and Socioeconomic Status (SES) of their parents/caregivers. Access is also dependent on government policy. Under the New Deal for example, the Home Lo...COVID-19; redlining; new deal; HOLC; Salt Lake County; Utah; American dream; intergenerational wealth; poverty; SES; inequality; race2021
306 Taylor, Andree Nicholas CrawfordLatent space planning for multi-object manipulation with enviornment-aware relational classifiersA useful robot operating in human environments will no doubt encounter scenes where it needs to manage and manipulate multiple objects. The interactions of these objects with each other and the environment are important to reason about in order to predict the outcome of any action. We aim to learn a...2024
307 Christensen, JoshuaThe LDS context: religious trauma, social safety, & LGBTQ+ healthWithin the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS church), LGBTQ+ members have reported negative mental health outcomes related to their participation (Simmons, 2017; Dehlin et al., 2014). However, few studies have sought to measure how exposure to harmful beliefs and teachings experienced...2022
308 Erturk, Ali CemThe lead up to restriction and contemporary immigrationIn the 1840s and 1850s, a nativist viewpoint was applied to all foreigners, particularly Catholics and the Irish. From 1850-1882, it was applied to Asians who were presumed to be of a lower racial and economic order. In the 1920s, the poverty of Eastern European Jews, Italians, Hungarians, and Poles...2023
309 Van der Merwe, MarkLearning 3D Reconstructions for Geometrically aware Robotic GraspingRobotic grasping is a crucial subtask of many important robotic applications, such as in-home robotic assistance, emergency responce robots, and industrial robotics. Deep learning has enabled remarkable improvements in robotic grasp synthesis for previously unseen objects from partial object views. ...2020
310 Ray, Stella OliveThe learning assistant experience: documenting the perspectives of learning assistants at the University of UtahPeer-led collaborative learning models have been shown to improve student comprehension and engagement in undergraduate STEM courses [1]. Learning Assistant (LA) programs in particular, have been shown to transform introductory STEM courses and improve outcomes for students [1] [2]. While there has ...2021
311 Tsang, AlvinLegal techniques to obstructing elections? analyzing the effects of voter purging on voter turnout in GeorgiaVoter purging is a federally mandated process used by state legislatures to routinely clean voter registration rolls. Georgia's Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, has been criticized for using purging as a political tool to suppress voter participation by removing certain blocs of voters to influence e...2021
312 Robbins, ColtLegality of sex work as a national project in post-colonial egyptThis thesis will analyze the gendering of nationalism in post-colonial Egypt. The thesis will begin by explaining how the military occupation of Egypt led to the development of laws that governed women's sexuality and specifically sex work. It will then analyze how 20th-century Egyptian intellectual...2022
313 Maughan, ShannonLet's be blunt: how recreational marijuana legalization has impacted disability compensationSocial Security disability compensation programs cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars each year. With the fragile state of funding for Social Security disability benefits, it is important that new laws do not cause drastic budget changes for disability compensation programs. One su...2023
314 Potter, HannahLifting Coach: Using Machine Learning to Battle Musculoskeletal DamageMany manual laborers develop musculoskeletal disorders performing their work duties. The prevalence of these issues is concerning because of the negative effects on workers' health and well-being, the great cost to workers who are not able to work temporarily or permanently, and the great cost to co...2019
315 Evans, MeganLinguistic Autonomy and Political Sovereignty: the Case of CataloniaThe significance of language on human life is undeniable: it not only allows for communication, but also contributes to the construction of a cultural identity. Groups that have experienced cultural oppression, such as the Catalans, tend to establish even stronger connections to their language, usin...2020
316 Koblanski, KasperLiver foxn3 increases pancreatic a-cell mass without altering hepatic amino acid utilizationInsulin injection into peripheral tissues inefficiently controls elevated fasting blood glucose in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) patients. Peripheral insulin lacks the signaling of healthy β-cell insulin, which directs adjacent pancreatic α-cells to stop production of glucagon, a hormone releasin...2022
317 Gills, LyraLiving while alive: a brief proposal for Puerto Piramides, Argentina, to attain Blue Zone Project Community (BZPC) statusIn 2004, Blue Zones, or places where men and women live well past 90 or 100 years of age, were discovered by Dan Buettner and his team from National Geographic. Today, there are five well known Blue Zones, as well as four Blue Zone Project Communities that can be found. The five Blue Zones are found...Blue Zones; centenarians2021-05
318 Payne, ChristopherLooping as a Foundational Mechanic of Video GamesThe past five decades have witnessed the dramatic birth and growth of the video game medium into an essential facet of popular culture. Since then, innumerable games have been created across every conceivable genre and technological platform, each relying on some unique blend of mechanics, dynamics,...2020
319 Hopkins, StephanieLost in Translation: Perceptions of Patient Centered Care Among Iraqi Muslim WomenIraqi Muslim women encounter many barriers to receiving patient-centered care in the U.S. health system. When expectations between the patient and provider differ and a disconnect or misunderstanding occurs, Iraqi women can be at risk for unintended poor quality care. Health providers have incentive...2019
320 Hammons, LiamThe lovecraftian chronotope: a formalist analysis of "At the Mountains of madness"H. P. Lovecraft's fiction has long fascinated critics for the portrayals of cosmic terrors and indescribable monsters. The fiction, however, betrays a common structure and conceit that manifests Lovecraft's ideological and philosophical objectives. This essay applies Mikhail Bakhtin's chronotope the...2021
321 Caine, BenjaminLow Cost Carriers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Prospects and StrategiesThis paper assesses the economic opportunity for low-cost carriers (LCC) to successfully enter the sub-Saharan African (SSA) air transit market. To accomplish this, I address the future growth in passenger demand, the current state of African air travel infrastructure, and governmental barriers to s...2019
322 Citterman, Abigail R.Low frequencies improve intensity discrimination for electrocutaneous artificial sensory feedbackThe current standard of care for those living with upper-limb loss is unsatisfactory, with up to 50% of amputees abandoning their prostheses, citing unintuitive use and a lack of sensory feedback as critical factors. Electrocutaneous stimulation uses electrodes on the skin to evoke tactile sensation...2022
323 Harding, Anna NeiblingLow-Cost Surface Electromyogtraphy Sleeve for Quick and Repeatable Decoding of Motor IntentSurface electromyography (sEMG) is a noninvasive way to decode motor intent for applications such as prosthesis control, virtual reality, and stroke or spinal cord rehabilitation. State-of-the-art methods of decoding motor intent used in myoelectric prostheses have limited capabilities, partially du...2019
324 Armstrong, Blair P.Lower critical solution temperature behavior of elastin-coiled-coil polymer, a potential platform for treatment of non-hodgkin's lymphomaNon-Hodgkin's lymphoma takes the lives of 20,000 Americans each year. When traditional therapies fail, clinicians have turned to a drug, rituximab, for treatment. However, rituximab is now curative for less than 50% of patients and new treatments are needed. Drug-free macromolecular therapeutics (DF...2021
325 Wayman, CoryMade in heaven? when art and pornography share a bedThis Art History thesis investigates the relationship between the categories of pornography and art primarily through a visual and textual analysis of American artist Jeff Koon's series Made in Heaven. This analysis is furthered by a comparison of Koons's work to that of contemporary artists Marilyn...2019
301 - 325 of 524