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1 Congenital Ocular Motor ApraxiaThis baby was born at term after an uneventful pregnancy and normal delivery. He was the first and only child. There was no family history of any This baby was born at term after an uneventful pregnancy and normal delivery. He was the first and only child. There was no family history of any neurol...Image/MovingImage
2 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThis 44 year old woman presented in 1973 with an acute attack of optic neuritis in the right eye that fully recovered after a course of ACTH therapy. In 1991, 18 years later, she developed unsteadiness of gait, "walking like a chicken", stiff legs that jerked spontaneously in bed at night, and num...Image/MovingImage
3 Downbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 72 year old man who was found down and admitted as an emergency in coma. Neurological examination: Patient in coma failed to respond to painful stimuli. Downbeat nystagmus Lid nystagmus Pupils 2 mm OU responsive to light Corneal reflexes absent Oculocephalic reflex absent No resp...Image/MovingImage
4 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThis patient was seen at the Yale Eye Center at the age of 37. She had a long history of multiple sclerosis. At age 22, she had an acute attack of optic neuritis in the left eye which recovered fully within three weeks. Some months later she had a recurrent episode in the same eye, which also ...Image/MovingImage
5 Convergence InsufficiencyThe patient is a 58 year old man with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease for five years. He presented with an increasing shuffling gait, marked bradykinesia, mild to moderate rigidity in all four limbs and impairment in rapid movements of the hands. When he attempted to standup and walk he needed to...Image/MovingImage
6 Supranuclear Paralysis of DowngazeJohn Trojanowski and I published this case in Neurology in 1980.(12) At that time, it was one of the first of five reports in the literature of the pathological localization of lesions in the midbrain that are responsible for selective supranuclear paralysis of downgaze. This case is of particula...Image/MovingImage
7 LateropulsionThis 60 year old patient has Wallenberg's syndrome due to infarction of the left dorsolateral medulla. Wallenberg's syndrome is the best recognized syndrome involving the vestibular nuclei and adjacent structures. Unilateral infarcts affecting the vestibular nuclei may produce an oculomotor imbalanc...Image/MovingImage
8 Supranuclear Vertical Gaze PalsyThis 58 year old woman was referred to Dr. Robert Brown in March 1995 for evaluation of slurred speech. She remained under his care until her death. On examination she had signs of a pseudobulbar palsy: Dysarthria and dysphagia Diminished palatal movement...Image/MovingImage
9 Bilateral PtosisThis case, previously reported in 2007, is published courtesy of John Newsom-Davis, M.D., FRCP, FRS, CBE. Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. This patient was unusual in presenting in early childhood and the development of persistent facial muscle and tongue...Image/MovingImage
10 Ataxic GaitThe patient is a 72 year old woman who presented with a 4 year history of progressive difficulty with balance, frequent falls and unsteadiness walking. She required a cane to steady herself. Past History: Significant for alcohol abuse. In 1980, she came to Boston for a second opinion and was seen...Image/MovingImage
11 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Guest Lecture)Text
12 Thalamic Stroke and Disordered Sleep (Guest Lecture)Text
13 MS Time Lapse MRIProfessor Ian McDonald, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London contributed this remarkable Time-Lapse MRI of focal MS lesions in a single patient with multiple sclerosis over a period of one year. This time lapse video was assembled from serial T2- weighted MRI scans from a 25-year old wo...Image/MovingImage
14 Migraine / PET StudyIn December 1994 the New England Journal of Medicine published a remarkable paper Bilateral Spreading Cerebral Hypoperfusion during Spontaneous Migraine Headache. Roger P. Woods, Marco Iacoboni and John C. Mazziotta. which is reproduced in part, and accompanied by a video illustration. Courtesy of J...Image/MovingImage
15 Ocular Myasthenia Gravis (Guest Lecture)Text
16 Parkinson's Disease (Guest Lecture)Text
17 Brain MRI in Multiple Sclerosis (Guest Lecture)Text
18 Palatal TremorThe patient is a 60 year old woman with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. She was legally blind as a result of diabetic retinopathy and bilateral vitreous hemorrhage. In 1987, she was admitted to her local hospital with slurred speech and a right hemiparesis progressing over a period of three d...Image/MovingImage
19 Pendular Horizontal OscillationsThis 37 year old woman has had progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) affecting the cerebellum and brainstem for 6 years. Neurological examination: Titubation Dysarthria Incoordination of the extremities Ataxic gait Spastic paraparesis with generalized hyperreflexia and extensor plantar responses. ...Image/MovingImage
20 Pendular Vertical OscillationsIn 1996 this 50 year old woman had the acute onset of tingling in the left arm and mild ataxia. In 1974 because of progressive symptoms and the onset of double vision attributed to a bilateral sixth nerve palsy, she consulted a neurologist at an outside hospital. She was given a diagnosis of Multip...Image/MovingImage
21 Pendular Vertical OscillationsIn October 1988 this 43 year old Spanish speaking man with a history of hypertension, suddenly became weak and collapsed on the floor. He was taken to an outside hospital where his blood pressure was 220/130. He was lethargic and diaphoretic and had slurred speech and a left facial palsy. A CT s...Image/MovingImage
22 Pendular Vertical OscillationsThis 36 year old woman had a nine year history of multiple sclerosis (MS) with onset in 1980. In 1989 she was seen in the neurovisual clinic for evaluation of oscillopsia, (an illusion of movement of the visual world). This symptom was accompanied by difficulty in reading because the print was "ju...Image/MovingImage
23 Saccadic Initiation Deficit of Horizontal SaccadesThe patient is a 78 year old left handed woman with a diagnosis of a left parietal infarct in 1995, bilateral carotid artery stenosis and hypertension. She was first seen in August 1997 for evaluation of involuntary movements of the lower face in the setting of rapidly progressive dementia and was...Image/MovingImage
24 Saccadic Initiation Deficit of Horizontal SaccadesThe patient is a 68 year old right handed retired air conditioner repair man who presented with impaired balance and slow walking. For about one year he had noted difficulty lifting his feet high enough when climbing the stairs. From that time on, his movements slowed and worsened so that he had ...Image/MovingImage
25 Slow Saccade SyndromeThe patient is a 62 year old woman referred from Ireland with a one year history of unsteadiness walking which she first noted following a fall from a chair. Her gait disorder was insidious in onset and may have pre-dated the fall. Since then she had become increasingly unsteady with a tendency to f...Image/MovingImage
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