151 - 175 of 6,157
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
151 A Man With a RushNicola G. Ghazi; Steven A. Newman; John A. Jane Sr; M. Beatriz Lopes
152 A Method for Quantifying Off Chart Visual AcuitiesRustum Karanjia; Tiffany J. Hwang; Alexander F. Chen; Matin Khoshnevis; Edward R. Chu; Alfredo A. Sadun
153 A Method for Quantifying Off Chart Visual AcuitiesRustum Karanjia; Tiffany J. Hwang; Alexander F. Chen; Matin Khoshnevis; Edward R. Chu; Alfredo A. SadunNANOS 2015: Poster Presentations
154 A Method For Recognizing Colorblind MalingeringAndrew E. Pouw; Rustum Karanjia; Alfredo A Sadun
155 A Method For Recognizing Colorblind MalingeringAndrew E. Pouw; Rustum Karanjia; Alfredo A SadunNANOS 2015: Poster Presentations
156 A Model of Congenital Nystagmus (CN) Incorporating Braking and Foveating SaccadesLouis F. Dell'Osso; Jonathan B. JacobsNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
157 A Multi-Site Assessment of Neuro-Ophthalmology Education and Resident Attitudes toward Methods of Content DeliveryEvan B. Price; Heather E. MossNANOS 2014: Poster Presentations
158 A Multidisciplinary Intracranial Hypertension Clinic - the University of Washington ExperienceCourtney FrancisNANOS 2018: Poster Presentations
159 A Multiple Sclerosis-Like Illness in a Man Harboring the LHOM 14484 MutationM. Tariq Bhatti, MD; N. J. Newman, MDNANOS 1998: Poster Presentations (Session I)
160 A murine model of giant cell arteritis: Infection with a Burkholderia pseudomallei-like strain treated with steroids and antibioticsIvana DeDomenico; Curry Koening; Bradley Katz; Jerry KaplanNANOS 2012: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session II)
161 A National Survey of Practice Patterns: Effect of Prior Treatment with Corticosteroids on Diagnostic Capability of Temporal Artery Biopsies in Giant Cell ArteritisSara Haug; Michael Yoon; Travis Porco; Stuart Seiff; Timothy McCulleyNANOS 2011: Poster Presentations
162 A National Survey of Practice Patterns: Unilateral Vs Bilateral Temporal Artery BiopsySara Haug; Michael Yoon; Travis Porco; Stuart Seiff; Timothy McCulleyNANOS 2011: Poster Presentations
163 A New Automated 20 Second Pupillographic Test to Quantify the Log Unit Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect and its Relationship to Retinal Ganglion Cell ThicknessRandy H. Kardon; Pieter Poolman; John PientaNANOS 2014: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 2)
164 A New Complementary Video Head Impulse Test Paradigm to Elicit Anti-Compensatory Saccades as an Indicator of Peripheral Vestibular Function (.pdf)Konrad P. Weber; Hamish G. MacDougall; Leigh A. McGarvie; G. Michael Halmagyi; Stephen J. Rogers; Leonardo Manzari; Ann M. Burgess; Ian S. CurthoysNANOS Annual Meeting 2016: Scientific Platform Session I
165 A New Form of Cyclic Pupillary SpasmsMichael Q. Stearns, MD; Michael L. Rosenberg, MDNANOS 1993: Poster Presentations (Session 2)
166 A New Look at Pupil Involvement in Diabetes-Associated Oculomotor Nerve PalsyDaniel M. Jacobson, MD (1956-2003)NANOS 1998: Platform Presentations (Session I)
167 A new method for testing letter contrast sensitivity in a clinical setting: Comparing M&S smart system II letter contrast test with Pelli-Robson chartManokaraananthan Chandrakumar; Y. Arun Reginald; Linda Colpa; Melissa Cotesta; Carole Panton; Carol Westall; Agnes M. F. WongNANOS 2012: Poster Presentations
168 A New Pupil Light Reflex Test for Detecting Optic Neuropathy Independent of the Fellow Eye Which HighlyRandy H. Kardon; Susan Anderson; Jade Grimm; Matt Thurtell; Michael Wall; Pieter PoolmanNANOS Annual Meeting 2015 Platform Session 1
169 A New Pupil Light Reflex Test for Detecting Optic Neuropathy Independent of the Fellow Eye Which Highly Correlates to Visual Field VolumeRandy H. Kardon; Susan Anderson; Jade Grimm; Matt Thurtell; Michael Wall; Pieter PoolmanNANOS Annual Meeting 2015 Platform Session 1
170 A New Pupil Light Reflex Test for Detecting Optic Neuropathy Independent of the Fellow Eye which Highly Correlates to Visual Field Volume (Video)Randy H. Kardon; Susan C. Anderson; Jade M. Grimm; Matthew J. Thurtell; Michael H. Wall; Pieter PoolmanNANOS Annual Meeting 2015 Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 1)
171 A New Pupillography MachineBrian R. Younge, MDNANOS 1988: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 1)
172 A New Theory for Bitemporal Hemianopia with Chiasmal CompressionGawn G. McIlwaine, FRCS; Aia I Carrim; Christian J. Lucek; T. Malcolm Chrisp
173 A Non-Touch Slit-Lamp Exophthalmomtry, A Novel TechniqueYehoshua Almog; Eli Roseni;Arie NemetNANOS 2014: Poster Presentations
174 A Novel Approach to Measuring Peripapillary Retinal Perfusion in Papilledema: A Pilot Study Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (.pdf)David Fell; Nicole K. Scripsema; Sarita B. Dave; Charles Lopresto; Patricia M. Garcia; Rudrani BanikNANOS Annual Meeting 2016: Scientific Platform Session II
175 A Novel Device to Measure Critical Flicker Fusion FrequencyKathleen Daetwyler; Paul Borgmeier; Kathleen Digre; Judith Warner; Donnel Creel; David Weinberg; Bradley KatzNANOS 2007: Poster Presentations
151 - 175 of 6,157