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1 Optic Neuropathy Associated with Periostitis in Relapsing PolychondritisHirunwiwatkul, P; Trobe, JD
2 Intrasellar Vascular Malformation Mimicking a Pituitary MacroadenomaGould, TJ; Johnson, LN; Colapinto, EV; Spollen, LE; Rodriguez, FJ
3 Visual Dysfunction Caused by Gauze Wrapping of an Intracranial AneurysmGoldsberry, DH; Ross, IB; Dhillon, G; Corbett, JJ
4 Mass Confusion in a 30-Year-Old ManMargolin, Edward A; Gopwani, Jasmine; Eberhart, Charles G; Blitz, Ari M
5 Homonymous Hemianopia Due to ErdheimChester DiseaseHills, William L; Nassef, Ahmad H; Grafe, Marjorie R; Weissman, Jane L; Moster, Stephen J; Falardeau, Julie; Mardekian, Stacey K; Curtis, Mark T; Moster, Mark L
6 Systemic Amyloidosis and Extraocular Muscle DepositionVeeral S. Shah, MD, PhD; Kara M. Cavuoto, MD; Hilda Capo, MD; Sara F. Grace, MD; Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Norman J. Schatz, MD2016-06
7 Optic Neuropathy and Chiasmopathy in the Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus ErythematosusSiatkowski, RM; Scott, IU; Verm, AM; Warn, AA; Farris, BK; Strominger, MB; Sklar, EM
8 Interferon-Alpha 2a Treatment of Neuro-Behcet DiseaseNichols, JC; Ince, A; Akduman, L; Mann, ES
9 Visual recovery from radiation-induced optic neuropathy. The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.Borruat, F.X.; Schatz, N.J.; Glaser, J.S.; Feun, L.G.; Matos, L.
10 Metastatic malignant meningioma.M. L. Slavin
11 Ophthalmoplegia, Proptosis, and LId Retraction Caused by Cranial Nerve Hypertrophy in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating PolyradiculoneuropathyAlwan, AA; Mejico, LJ
12 Recurrent Third Nerve Palsy as the Presenting Feature of Neurofibromatosis 2Barrett, Victoria J M; Tan, Mei H; Elston, John S
13 Gestational Parasellar Mass as a Cause of Painful Third Nerve Palsy Followed by Spontaneous Improvement During the PuerperiumEditha D. Johnson; Jeffrey R. DeSanto; Michael R. Leonardi; Jorge C. Kattah2019-12
14 Linear Magnetic Resonance Enhancement and Optic Neuropathy in Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous SystemHassan, AS; Trobe, JD; McKeever, PE; Gebarski, SS
15 Optic Nerve Fenestration in a Patient With the Syndrome of Acquired Hyperopia and Choroidal FoldsOre-ofe O. Adesina, MD; Judith E.A. Warner, MD; Bhupendra C. K. Patel, MD2016-09
16 Recurrent Optic Neuritis as the Presenting Manifestation of Primary Hypereosinophilic SyndromeLincoff, NS; Schlesinger, D
17 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Radiation Optic NeuropathyMalik, Amina; Golnik, Karl
18 Pneumosinus Dilatans of the Sphenoid Sinus Presenting with Visual LossSkolnick, CA; Mafee, MF; Goodwin, JA
19 Vision Loss, Rash, and Abnormal Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a 17 Year OldAndrea A. Tooley, MD; Laurence J. Eckel, MD; Diva R. Salomão, MD; John J. Chen, MD, PhD; Jacqueline A. Leavitt, MD2017-09
20 Can Corneal Biomechanical Properties Give Clues About Elasticity of Optic Nerve Scleral Component in Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy?Betul S. Uysal, MD; Fatma Yulek, MD; Pinar Nalcacioglu, MD; Ozge Sarac, MD; Mucella A. Yorgun, MD; Nurullah Cagil, MD2016-09
21 Synkinetic BlepharoclonusJacome, DE
22 Recent Advances Clarifying the Etiologies of StrabismusJason H. Peragallo; Stacy L. Pineles; Joseph L. Demer
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