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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
1 Pupillary Phenomena and Mechanical Changes in the Iris of the Living Rabbit (Annotations)Method described for producing distortions of pupil using magnetic forces.Card Catalog Index Cards
2 Histamine and Serotonin in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of histamine and serotonin levels in cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
3 Ueber die Sympathikus-symptome Bei der Migrane Insbesondere uber die Anisokorie (Annotations)Study of the sympathetic symptoms in migraines, especially about the anisocoria.Card Catalog Index Cards
4 Ueber das Verhalten der Pupillen nach Entfernung der Grosshirnhemisphaeren, des Kleinhirns, bei der Reizung der lateralen Partien der Medulla oblongata und des Trigeminus auf Grund experimenteller Untersuchungen bei der Katze und dem Kaninchen (Annotations)Loss of reflex dilation after acute bilateral hemispherectomy.Card Catalog Index Cards
5 Amygdalotomy and Hypothalmamotomy -- A Comparative Study (Annotations)Autonomic effects of hypothalamic stimulation during stereotactic 'psychosurgery'; saw pupillary dilation as the most common sign of stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
6 Periodic Migrainous Neuralgia (Annotations)Study of periodic migrainous neuralgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
7 Untersuchungen Ueber den Einfluss des Gehirns auf die Herzbewegungen (Annotations)Ocular, cardiac, respiratory, and salivatory effects upon stimulation of the cortex, striatum, thalamus, colliculi, and cerebellum. "Described pupil dilation upon stimulation of cauda corporis striata."Card Catalog Index Cards
8 Ophthalmoplegie Mit Periodischer Unwillkuerlicher Hebung und Senkung des Oberen Lides, Paralytischer Ophthalmie, und Einer Eigenartigen Optischen Illusion (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
9 Ueber Objective Symptome Localer Hyperaesthesie und Anaesthesie bei den sog. Traumatischen Neurosen und bei HysterieEye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Print References
10 Ophthalmoplegie Mit Periodischer Unwillkuerlicher Hebung und Senkung des Oberen Lides, Paralytischer Ophthalmie, und Einer Eigenartigen Optischen IllusionEye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Print References
11 Ueber eine Affection der Varolschen Bruecke mit Bilateraler Laehmung der Willkuerlichen Augenbewegungen, Zwangslachen und Zwangsweinen, Sowie Fruehzeitiger Atrophie der Rechtsseitigen UnterschenkelmuskelnEye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Print References
12 Ueber Pupillenverengernde und Pupillenerweiternd Centra in den Hinteren Theilen der Hemisphaerenrinde bei den AffenEye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Print References
13 Ueber Pupillenverengernde und Accommodationscentra der Gehirnrinde (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
14 Ueber Pupillenverengernde und Accommodationscentra der GehirnrindeEye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Print References
15 Ueber Pupillenverengernde und Pupillenerweiternd Centra in den Hinteren Theilen der Hemisphaerenrinde bei den Affen (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
16 Ueber eine Affection der Varolschen Bruecke mit Bilateraler Laehmung der Willkuerlichen Augenbewegungen, Zwangslachen und Zwangsweinen, Sowie Fruehzeitiger Atrophie der Rechtsseitigen Unterschenkelmuskeln (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
17 Die Funktionen der Nervencentra (Annotations)Autonomic effects of thalamic stimulation, including pupillary dilation.Card Catalog Index Cards
18 Ueber Objective Symptome Localer Hyperaesthesie und Anaesthesie bei den sog. Traumatischen Neurosen und bei Hysterie (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
19 Ueber die Innervation und die Hirnzentren der Thraenenabsonderung (Annotations)Stimulation of the thalamus (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
20 A Further Minute Analysis by Electric Stimulation of the So-Called Motor Region of the Cortex Cerebri in the Monkey (Macacus sinicus)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Print References
21 A Further Minute Analysis by Electric Stimulation of the So-Called Motor Region of the Cortex Cerebri in the Monkey (Macacus sinicus) (Annotations)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
22 Migraine (Annotations)Study of migraines and increased intracranial pressure in children.Card Catalog Index Cards
23 Ueber die Elektrische Behandlung des Tic Douloureux und der Hemicranie (Annotations)Study of Hemicrania Sympathico-Spastica.Card Catalog Index Cards
24 Zur Pathogenese der Hemicranie (Annotations)Study of Hemicrania Sympathico-Spastica.Card Catalog Index Cards
25 The Functions of the Frontal LobesPupillary and mental-emotional effects of stimulation and ablation.Print References
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