201 - 400 of 4,589
Number of results to display per page
201 P falciparium Intracellular Ring FormsP falciparium intracellular ring formsVf0600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
202 Beta Thalassemia MajorBeta Thalassemia MajorFa0100; Beta Thalassemia MajorAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
203 Chart of Sequential Changes in RBC Indices with Fluctuations in Lab Temperature8 -sequential changes in RBC indices with fluctuations in lab temperatureEc080T; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CADAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
204 Microcytic Anemia from Iron Deficiency - Annular Artifact of Red Blood Cellsannular artifact of RBCsDa0400; Microcytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
205 Lepra Bacilla in Foamy Histiocytes in Bone Marrowlepra bacilla in foamy histiocytes in bone marrow (400x)Vc0100; Acid FastAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
206 Acanthocytes in Liver Diseasespur cells (acanthocytes) in severe liver disease (400x)Cc060T; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
207 Microcytosis from Iron Deficiencysevere microcytosis from iron deficiency (MCV 54)Da030T; Microcytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
208 Chediak-Higashi SyndromeChediak-Higashi syndrome, septic polyBb1500; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
209 Cryptococcus in Bone Marrow Aspiratecryptococcus in bone marrow aspirateVb070TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
210 Multinucleated Osteoclastmultinucleated osteoclast (100x)Kf1100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
211 Q fever (Coxiella burnetii) with 'Donut-shaped' Granuloma in Bone Marrow of Patient with Fever of Undetermined OriginQ fever (C. burnetii) with 'donut-shaped' granuloma in bone marrow of patient with FUO (100x)Xq0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
212 Mean Corpuscular Volume and Degree of Poikilocytosis Megaloblastic Anemia with FragmentationMCV vs degree of poikilocytosis in fragmented megaloblastic anemiaEa0800; SchistocytesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
213 Malignant Histiocytosis with Mononuclear Histiocytic Proliferation in Bone Marrowmalignant histiocytosis with mononuclear histiocytic proliferation in bone marrow (400x)Ua0300; HMRAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
214 Intracellular L donovani in Bone Marrow Clot SectionPAS stain of intracellular L donovani in bone marrow clot sectionVd0100; Kala-AzarAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
215 Microcytic Anemia from Iron Deficiency - Transfusedtransfused iron deficiency anemia, (400x)Da0600; Microcytic Anemia; Target CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
216 Microvascular Lesion Typical of TTP in Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia (MAHA)microvascular lesion typical of TTPHb03aTAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
217 Leukemic Phase of Macroglobulinemialeukemic phase of macroglobulinemiaKd0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
218 Filarial Wormfilarial worm on peripheral smearVa0900Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
219 StomatocytesstomatocytesCc0400; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
220 Hypersegmented and Pelger-Huet Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Changes Secondary to Sepsisperipheral smear with hypersegmented poly and Pelger-Huet poly, changes secondary to sepsisVa020TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
221 Heinz Bodies and Reticulocytes in Alpha Thalassemia Major in Post Splenectomy Patientsupravital stain of Hb H bodies (Heinz bodies = B4) & reticulocytesFb040T; Alpha Thalassemia MajorAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
222 Red Cell Agglutination with IgM Antibodyred cell agglutination in patient with IgM antibodyEc010T; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CAD; Macrocytosis, SpuriousAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
223 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Hemolytic AnemiaCLL with autoimmune hemolytic anemiaEb070T; Warm Immune Hemolytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
224 SPEPs with Separated SerumSPEPs with serum separated at room temperature vs serum separated at 37 degreesEc08a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
225 Multinucleated Giant RBC in Acute ErythroleukemiaPS with multinucleated giant RBC in AML 6Pg0300; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
226 Bone Marrow in Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemiapatient's bone marrow with AML 4Pe0700; AML 4Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
227 Budding Yeast of C. albicansbudding yeast of C. albicans on peripheral smearVa1000Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
228 Acute Mast Cell Leukemiaperipheral smear of acute mast cell leukemiaXc02a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
229 Methemalbumin in Serum with Intravascular Hemolysismethemalbumin in serum with intravascular hemolysisEc060T; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CADAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
230 Normoblastic Erythroid Maturationnormoblastic erythroid maturationCa060T; Red Blood Cells; RBC; BM; Bone Marrow Maturation; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
231 Gaucher Cells with Fibrillar Appearing Cytoplasmtwo Gaucher cells with fibrillar appearing cytoplasmXd0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
232 Plasmodium vivax, Two Intracellular TrophozoitesP vivax, two intracellular trophozoitesVf0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
233 Tubercular Granuloma in Bone MarrowTB granuloma in bone marrow (400x)Ve0100; Acid FastAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
234 Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationperipheral smear AML 2Pc0400Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
235 Ehler Danlos Syndromepatient with Ehler Danlos SyndromeDa1100; Microcytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
236 Leukemic Phase of Macroglobulinemialeukemic phase of macroglobulinemiaKd010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
237 Osteoclast in Bone Marrowosteoclast in bone marrowKf1300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
238 Spirochetemia in Relapsing Fever (Borrelia recurrentis)spirochetemia on peripheral smear in relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis)Va0800; InfectionAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
239 Plasmodium vivax, An Intracellular Trophozoite and Mature GametocyteP vivax, an intracellular trophozoite and mature gametocyteVf0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
240 Granular Precipitate of Mixed Cryoprecipitategranular precipitate of mixed cryoprecipitate after washings with iced salineXt0300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
241 Plasmaphoresis Bag with Cryoglobulin Type 2plasmaphoresis bag with cryoglobulin type 1 at room temperatureKf20aTAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
242 Auer Rods in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationperipheral smear AML 2 with Auer rodsPc0500Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
243 Hyperlipidemia in Zieve's Syndromedescription of Zieve's syndromeCc07a0; RBC; Red Blood Cells; SpherocytosisAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
244 UPEP demonstrating Monoclonal Light Chain ProteinuriaUPEP demonstrating monoclonal light chain proteinuriaKg120TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
245 Skin Fragment in Bone Marrow Aspirateskin fragment in bone marrow aspirateXb0200; Myeloma; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
246 Bone Marrow Ringed Sideroblasts on Wright's Stain with Iron Counterstainbone marrow ringed sideroblasts on Wright's stain with iron counterstainMb02AT; SiderocytesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
247 Ringed Sideroblasts in Bone Marrow in Refractory Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemiaringed sideroblasts (iron stain) in bone marrow in RISAMb0200; RA; MDSAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
248 Partial Replacement of Bone Marrow by Amyloid in Myelomapartial replacement of bone marrow by amyloid in myeloma (100x)Kg0500Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
249 Bone Marrow Stained with Antibody to Lambda Light Chainbone marrow stained with antibody to lambda light chainKf0600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
250 Bone Marrow with Megaloblastic ErythropoiesisBM with moderate megaloblastic erythropoiesisEa140TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
251 Sickle Hemoglobin - Cell Preparationsickle cell preparationFc0300; Hb SS; SCAAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
252 Hemoglobin SC CrystalsHb SC crystals from fingertip bloodFe0100; Hb SCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
253 Multinucleated Osteoclastmultinucleated osteoclastKf1200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
254 Lead Poisoningcoarse stipplingDe010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
255 Monocyte with Phagocytized Brown, Birefringent Crystalline Hemazoin Pigment with Polarized Lightmonocyte with phagocytized brown, birefringent crystalline hemozoin pigment with polarized lightVf130TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
256 Monocyte with Phagocytized Brown, Birefringent Crystalline Hemazoin Pigment with Polarized Lightmonocyte with phagocytized brown, birefringent crystalline hemozoin pigment with polarized lightVf1300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
257 Workup of Monospecific Anticomplementary Positive Coombs Testworkup of monospecific anticomplementary positive Coombs testEc0900; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CADAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
258 Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia (MAHA)smear with ' hard ' triangles and other schistocytes (400x)Hb01aTAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
259 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemiabuffy coat from untreated patient with Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaJa030T; CMLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
260 Megakaryoblastic Leukemia showing Promegakaryocyteperipheral smear showing promegakaryocytePh0200; AML 7Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
261 Bone Marrow Aspirate with Mast Cell Replacementbone marrow aspirate with mast cell replacementXc0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
262 Megaloblastic Anemia with Malabsorptionmegaloblastic anemia with malabsorptionEa0600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
263 Plasmablasts in Multiple Myelomaplasmablasts in multiple myelomaKf090TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
264 Diffuse Well Differentiated Lymphocytic Leukemic Cells with Cleavage Linesleukemic cells in lymphoma (DWDL) with cleavage linesKb0100; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
265 Bone Marrow in Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, L3 with Multiple Cytoplasmic Vacuolesbone marrow ALL 3 with multiple cytoplasmic vacuolesRc010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
266 Intramedullary Hemolysis from Histiocytes Phagocytising Megaloblastsintramedullary hemolysis from histiocytes phagocytising megaloblastsEa15a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
267 Basophilic Erythroblast and Normoblastbasophilic erythroblast & normoblastCa0200; Red Blood Cells; RBC; BM; Bone Marrow Maturation; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
268 Composite of Sickle Cell hemoglobin C Crystalscomposite of Hb SC crystals with supravital stainFe0200; Hb SCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
269 Typical Marrow Plasma Cells in Multiple Myelomatypical marrow plasma cells in multiple myelomaKf0400Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
270 Leukemic Phase of Lymphomaleukemic cells in lymphoma with cleavage linesKb0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
271 Red Blood Cells - Elliptocytosiselliptocytosis (400x)Cc0900; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
272 Ringed Sideroblastringed sideroblast on peripheral smearDd040T; MDS; RISAAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
273 Arterial Occlusion After Shovelling Snow in Patient with Mixed Cryoglobulin, type 2patient with mixed cryoglobulin, type 2, with arterial occlusion after shovelling snow mixed cryoglobulinXt0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
274 Bone Marrow Ringed Sideroblasts on Wright's Stain with Iron Counterstainbone marrow ringed sideroblasts on Wright's stain with iron counterstainMb02A0; SiderocytesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
275 Proerythroblast and Polychromic Erythroblastproerythroblast & early polychromatic erythroblastCa0100; Red Blood Cells; RBC; BM; Bone Marrow Maturation; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
276 Bone Marrow Aspirate with Mast Cell Replacementbone marrow aspirate with mast cell replacement (400x)Xc0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
277 Microcytosis from Iron Deficiencysevere microcytosis from iron deficiency (MCV 54)Da0300; Microcytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
278 Congenital pyropoikilocytosis with brisk hemolysispyropoikilocytosis with brisk hemolysisHe010T; SchistocytesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
279 AcanthocytesacanthocytesCc0490; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
280 Target Cellstarget cellsCc0200; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
281 Megaloblastic AnemiaMegaloblastic AnemiaEa04a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
282 Red Blood Cell Inclusions - Coarse Stipplingperipheral smear with coarsely stippled RBC staining with safranin (DNA)Cb04a0; RBC; Red Blood Cell InclusionsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
283 Red Cell Agglutination with IgM Antibodyred cell agglutination in patient with IgM antibodyEc0100; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CAD; Macrocytosis, SpuriousAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
284 Intracellular Ehrlichia with Mature Morula in Granulocyteintracellular Ehrlichia with mature morula in granulocyte on peripheral smearVa110TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
285 Megaloblastic Anemiamegaloblastic anemiaEa04aTAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
286 Acrocyanosis, Livido Reticularis, and Gross Hemoglobinuria in Cold Agglutinin Diseaseacrocyanosis, livido reticularis and gross hemoglobinuria in patient with cold agglutinin diseaseEc02a0; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CAD; Red Cell Agglutination; Livedo ReticularisAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
287 Histiocytic Phagocytosis of Klebsiella Organismsperipheral smear with histiocytic phagocytosis of Klebsiella organismsVa0400; HMRAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
288 Megaloblastic Anemia with Fragmentationsevere megaloblastic anemia with fragmentation (400x)Ea070T; Howell-Jolly body; SchistocyteAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
289 Acanthocytes in Liver Diseasespur cells (acanthocytes) in severe liver disease(400x)Cc0600; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
290 Kidney Heavily Infiltrated by Amyloidkidney heavily infiltrated by amyloid, gross specimenKg0900; MyelomaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
291 Plasmodium malariae with Intracellular Ring FormsP malariae with intracellular ring formsVf0900Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
292 Giant Bizarre Platelet in Polycythemia Veragiant bizarre platelet in polycythemia veraPV; MPDAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
293 Leukemic Phase of Macroglobulinemialeukemic phase of macroglobulinemiaKd040TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
294 Plasmablasts in Multiple Myelomaplasmablasts in multiple myelomaKf09c0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
295 Bone Marrow with Giant, Binucleated RBC with Megaloblastoid Features in Acute Erythroblastic LeukemiaBM with giant, binucleated RBC with megaloblastoid features in AML 6Pg0400; AML 6Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
296 Bone Marrow Dysplastic Changes in Myelocytes with Poorly Stained Granulesbone marrow dysplastic changes in myelocytes with poorly stained granulesMb1000; RA; MDSAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
297 Hemighosts' with Acute Hemolysis in G6PD Deficiencyperipheral smear 'hemighosts' with acute intravascular hemolysis in G-6-PD deficiencyHa01a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
298 Pappenheimer Bodies in Refractory Idiopathic Sideroblastic AnemiaPappenheimer bodies on peripheral smear in RISAMb0100; RISA; StipplingAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
299 Infiltrative Eczematoid Lesions of Trunk in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomainfiltrative eczematoid lesions of trunk (plaque stage)Ta0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
300 Antiphospholipid Syndrome with Consumptive Coagulopathy Syndromeantiphospholipid syndrome with consumptive coagulopathy (DIC) syndromeXr0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
301 Red Blood Cellssmear of normal RBCsDa0100; RBC; Red Blood Cells; Blood SmearAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
302 Lupus Erythematosis CellsLE cellsEb0500; Warm Immune Hemolytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
303 Burr Cellsburr cellsCc0100; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
304 Monocyte with Phagocytized Large Brown Aggregates of Hemazoin Pigment with Polarized Lightmonocyte with phagocytized large, brown aggregates of hemozoin pigment with polarized lightVf140TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
305 Diagram of Monospecific IgG Positive Coombs Test Workupworkup of monospecific IgG positive Coombs testEb0800; Warm Immune Hemolytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
306 Infiltrative Eczematoid Lesions of Back in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomainfiltrative eczematoid lesions of back (plaque stage)Ta0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
307 Positive Sia Test for Serum Macroglobulinpositive Sia test demonstrating presence of serum macroglobulinKd050TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
308 Megaloblastic Erythropoiesisperipheral smear in acute alcoholic with megaloblastic erythropoiesisEa1700Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
309 Cryptococcus in Bone Marrow Aspiratecryptococcus in bone marrow aspirate (400x)Vb0800Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
310 Intracellular Histoplasmosisintracellular histoplasmosis on peripheral smearVb0300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
311 Cryptococcus in Bone Marrow Aspiratecryptococcus in bone marrow aspirateVb080TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
312 Thalassemia Minorthalassemia minorDc020TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
313 Phagocytosis of Plateletspoly phagocytizing antibody coated plateletsBb0700; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
314 Atypical Lymphs in Infectious Mononucleosisatypical lymphs in infectious mononucleosis (Downey 3)Bb1000; White Blood Cells; WBC; IMAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
315 Atypical Lymphs in Infectious Mononucleosisatypical lymphs in infectious mononucleosis (Downey 3)Bb100T; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
316 Monocyte and Polymorphonuclear Leukocytesmonocyte and two polysBa070T; White Blood Cells; WBC; Polymorphonuclear LeukocytesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
317 Endothelial Cells and Adherent Plateletsendothelial cells with adherent plateletsBb0200; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
318 Red Blood Cellstoo thick an area for viewing RBCsAa040T; Blood Smear; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
319 Red Blood Cellstoo thin an area for viewing RBCsAa0200; Blood SmearAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
320 Dhle BodiesDhle bodiesBa0800; White Blood Cells; WBC; Dhle BodiesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
321 Promyelocytenormal promyelocyteBa14a0; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
322 Giant Plateletsgiant plateletsBb050T; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
323 Phagocytosis of Plateletspoly phagocytizing antibody coated plateletsBb070T; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
324 Red Blood Cellstoo thick an area for viewing RBCsAa0400; Blood Smear; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
325 Monocyte and Plateletsmonocyte and normal plateletsBa0600; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
326 Lymph and Monocytelymph and monocyteBa0500; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
327 Atypical Lymphstwo atypical lymphsBa030T; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
328 Promyelocytemature promyelocyteBa15aT; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
329 EosinophileNormal eosinophileBa08a0; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
330 Giant Plateletsgiant plateletsBb0500; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
331 Myelocyteearly myelocyteBa1400; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
332 Infectious Histiocytosis with Histiocyte Phagocytizing Platelets in Bone Marrowinfectious histiocytosis with histiocyte phagocytizing platelets in bone marrowUa1a00Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
333 Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia with Hemolytic Anemiachronic lymphatic leukemia with autoimmune hemolytic anemiaKa0300; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
334 Basophile and Platelet Aggregatebasophile and platelet aggregateBa0900; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
335 Bands and Platelet Aggregatetwo bands and platelet aggregateBa1000; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
336 Red Blood Cellscorrect area for viewing RBCsAa0300; Blood Smear; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
337 Bands and Metamyelocytetwo bands and a metamyelocyteBa1200; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
338 Red Blood Cellstoo thin an area for viewing RBCsAa020T; Blood SmearAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
339 T-gamma LymphocyteT-gamma lymphocyteBa05a0; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
340 Myelocytelate myelocyteBa1300; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
341 Table showing Typical RBC Indices in Cold Agglutinin Diseasetypical RBC indices in cold agglutinin diseaseEc0700; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CADAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
342 Necrosis of Breast Skin Associated with Coumadin Therapycloser view of breast skin necrosis associated with coumadin therapyXk0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
343 Pelger-Huet Changes in Mature Polymorphonuclear LeukocytesPelger-Huet changes in mature polysBb1300; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
344 Normoblastic Erythroid Maturationnormoblastic erythroid maturationCa0600; Red Blood Cells; RBC; BM; Bone Marrow Maturation; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
345 Alpha Thalassemia (3 alpha gene deletion)peripheral smear of Hb H (three alpha gene deletion)Microcytic Anemia; Fb0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
346 Howell-Jolly Bodies in Macro-ovalocyteHowell Jolly bodies in macro-ovalocyteEa0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
347 Bone Marrow in Prolymphocytic Leukemiabone marrow in prolymphocytic leukemiaKc0300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
348 Beta Thalassemia MajorBeta Thalassemia MajorFa010T; Beta Thalassemia MajorAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
349 Lead Poisoningcoarse stipplingDe0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
350 Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia with Monoblasts and Myeloblastspatient with AML 4 with both monoblasts and myeloblasts on peripheral smearPe010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
351 UPEP demonstrating Monoclonal Light Chain ProteinuriaUPEP demonstrating monoclonal light chain proteinuriaKg1200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
352 Histoplasmosis on Lymph Node Sectionsilver stain of histoplasmosis on lymph node section (400x)Vb0600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
353 Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia with Large Cellchronic lymphatic leukemia with large cellKa04a0; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
354 SPEP demonstrating Hypogammaglobulinemia11 -SPEP demonstrating hypogammaglobulinemiaKg1100; MyelomaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
355 Typical Bone Marrow in Multiple Myelomatypical bone marrow of myeloma patientKf04a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
356 Platelet in Myelofibrosisgiant, worm-like platelet in myelofibrosisJd0500; MPDAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
357 Sweet's Syndromepatient with Sweet's syndromeXe0100; Acute LeukemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
358 Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, L2peripheral smear ALL 2Rb0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
359 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia TransformationDiscussion -- CLL can undergo transformation into an aggressive and poorly responsive: 1) Prolymphocytic leukemia; 2) Richter's syndromeKa08b0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
360 Plasmacytoma of Lung with Massive Paraprotein Crystal Formationplasmacytoma of lung with massive paraprotein crystal formation (400x), tissue sectionKf16b0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
361 Hemolytic Anemia with 3rd Degree Burnperipheral smear from a patient with >80% 3rd degree body burnHg0100; Schistocytes; Thrombocytosis, SpuriousAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
362 Dysplastic Changes in WBC with Pelger-Huet Changesperipheral smear dysplastic changes in WBC with Pelger-Huet changesMb0600; MDS; RAAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
363 Rosette in Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Preparationrosette in lupus preparation in SLEEb05a0; Warm Immune Hemolytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
364 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Hemolytic AnemiaCLL with autoimmune hemolytic anemiaEb0700; Warm Immune Hemolytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
365 Auer Rods in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationperipheral smear AML 2 with Auer rodsPc050TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
366 Bone Marrow Replaced with Gaucher Cellsbone marrow replaced with Gaucher cells (400x)Xd0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
367 Plasmacytoma of Sternumpatient # 2: plasmacytoma of sternumKf1600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
368 Nodular T-cell Infiltration of Back in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomanodular T cell infiltration of patient's back (nodular stage)Tb0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
369 Nucleated RBC Devoid of Hemoglobin in RISAnucleated RBC devoid of hemoglobin on peripheral smear in RISAMb0300; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
370 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Conversion to Prolymphocytic LeukemiaCLL with conversion to prolymphocytic leukemiaKa090T; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
371 Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia (MAHA)smear with 'hard' triangles and other schistocytes (400x)Hb01a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
372 PAS Positive Stain of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, L2PAS positive stain of ALLRb0200; ALLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
373 Tear Drop Cells in Myeloid Metaplasiatear drop cells in myeloid metaplasiaJd010T; MPDAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
374 Babesiosis, Intracellular Ringsbabesiosis, intracellular ringsVg0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
375 StomatocytesstomatocytesCc040T; RBC; Red Blood CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
376 CML with Gaucher CellCML with Gaucher cellJa0400Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
377 Chart of Sequential Changes in RBC Indices with Fluctuations in Lab Temperaturesequential changes in RBC indices with fluctuations in lab temperatureEc0800; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CADAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
378 Multiple Intracellular Bacteroides Rods and Prominent Dhle Bodiesperipheral smear with multiple intracellular Bacteroides rods and prominent Dhle bodiesVa0500Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
379 Bone Marrow Maturation - Reticulocytessupravital stain of reticulocytes of varying maturityCa06a0; Red Blood Cells; RBC; BM; Bone Marrow MaturationAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
380 Pappenheimer Bodies in Refractory Idiopathic Sideroblastic AnemiaPappenheimer bodies on peripheral smear in RISAMb010T; RISA; StipplingAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
381 Marked Rouleaux of Red Blood Cells and Two Plasma Cellsperipheral smear with marked rouleaux of RBCs and two plasma cellsKf010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
382 Dysplastic Changes with Two Binucleated RBCsperipheral smear dysplastic changes with two binucleated RBCsMb0400; MDSAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
383 Gingival Hyperplasia in Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemiapatient's gingival hyperplasia with AML 4Pe0800; AML 4Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
384 Bone Marrow in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationbone marrow AML 2Pc05aT; Auer RodsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
385 Telangectasia in Scleroderma Patientscleroderma patient with telangiectasiaDa1000; Microcytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
386 Red Blood Cell Inclusions - Reticulo-siderocytereticulo-siderocyte (safranin after iron stain)Cb040T; RBC; Red Blood Cell Inclusions; StipplingAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
387 Megaloblastic Anemia with Fragmentationsevere megaloblastic anemia with fragmentation (400x)Ea0700; Howell-Jolly body; SchistocyteAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
388 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangectasiapatient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic TelangiectasiaDa090T; Microcytic Anemia; HHTAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
389 Purpura in Scratch Marks in Myeloma with Amyloidpurpura in scratch marks in myeloma patient with amyloidKg0400Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
390 Megakaryoblastic Leukemia showing Two Megakaryoblastsperipheral smear showing 2 megakaryoblastsPh02b0; AML 7Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
391 Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaChronic Myelogenous LeukemiaJa01a0; CML; Band; Metamyelocyte; Myelocyte; PromyelocyteAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
392 'Billiard Ball' Cells'billiard ball' cells in Hb SC disease with supravital stainFe01a0; Hb SCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
393 Megaloblastic Anemiaperipheral blood smear in megaloblastic anemia (Hct 29)Ea0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
394 Plasmablasts in Multiple Myelomaplasmablasts in multiple myelomaKf09b0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
395 Infectious Histiocytosis with Pancytopenia and Bone Marrow Hemophagocytosisinfectious histiocytosis with pancytopenia & bone marrow hemophagocytosisUa0100; HMRAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
396 Malignant Histiocytosis with Nodular Ulcerating, Vasculitic Skin Lesionmalignant histiocytosis with nodular ulcerating, vasculitic skin lesionUa020T; HMRAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
397 Rosette in Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Preparationrosette in lupus preparation in SLEEb05aT; Warm Immune Hemolytic AnemiaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
398 Scurvy, Perifollicular Hemorrhages, and Megaloblastic Anemiapatient with scurvy, perifollicular hemorrhages and MAEa2200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
399 Gingival Hyperplasia in Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemiapatient with gingival hyperplasia with AML 4Pe0900; AML 4Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
400 Essential Thrombocythemiaperipheral smear of essential thrombocythemia (ET) (400x)Jc0100; MPDAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
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