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1 Barton, Tanner"Check please": the role of checklists in improving outcomes and patient value in healthcareThe American healthcare system is constantly on the search for ways to improve. There are many ways to achieve this, be it through improving care or decreasing the financial burden placed on patients. One method that has received increased attention in recent years is the implementation of checklist...2021
2 Jones, DavidAccounting in State and Local GovernmentsCash-basis accounting, the antecedent of the increasingly popular accrual-basis model of accounting, recognizes economic events in financial statements when the cash inflows or outflows associated with those transactions occur. This framework is intuitive and straightforward to apply, as each transa...2022
3 Maciel, AlexaAn examination of chronic patients receiving psychosocial support through online health communitiesPeople living with chronic diseases are increasingly utilizing the internet for healthrelated reasons. The existence of Online Health Communities (OHCs) allows for chronic patients to easily connect with similarly diagnosed patients and keep track of medical records. The purpose of this thesis is to...2021
4 Frank, MonetAntecedents to Social Media Influencer EffectiventessMarketing is extremely susceptible to shifts within industry techniques, consumer receptivity, and general trends within the consumer-based world in which we live. It is therefore vital for businesses and their marketing applications to respond to the everchanging dynamics within the industry in ord...2020
5 Carpenter, McKennaThe anticorruption efficacy of the sarbanes-oxley act: examining the impact on fraud, independence, and turnoverThis paper investigates the effect of the anticorruption 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) on corporate governance characteristics like board independence and, by extension, on executive turnover and other corporate reactions to fraud. Specifically, I compare fraud cases pre- and post-SOX--controlling f...2022
6 Blake, Bennett J.Art-secured lending and evaluating the loan-to-value ratio in art and real estate lending marketsI analyze the lending terms for loans with art as collateral. The standard loan-to-value (LTV) ratio offered by private banks is 50% of the value of a piece/collection, while for other tangible assets, such as real estate, LTV is often 80%. I use a linear regression model with common U.S. stock indi...2023
7 Barker, AdamCharacteristics of salespeople that drive top sales pepformance in techonolgy companiesThis paper sets out to determine what drives top sales performance in technology companies. Specifically, this analysis focuses on characteristics of the salespeople in one software company and excludes factors such as the company's incentive structure, customer concentration within regions serviced...2022
8 Finnegan, McCauley CraigChecking the Wrong Box: Limitations of the Eeoc's Effectiveness for Supporting Organizational diversity and Inclusion in the 2020SThis thesis explores the impacts of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and federal discrimination laws on organizational diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives. Using an inductive thematic analysis of qualitative data from phone interviews with diversity leaders in a variety of ro...2020
9 McNatt, Shannon D.,Do Family Demographics Explain Middles-Class Status? Utah VS United StatesUsing United States Census data from 1980 to 2010, I analyze the role demographics play in a family attaining middle/upper-class status versus being economically lower-class. My study looks at age, race, education, parental structure, and family size, the influence each has on a family's status, and...2019
10 Marvasti, YasaminDoes the future of streaming look like cable?For over four decades, TV and movie content producers were able to monetize their products through various channels across multiple timelines using Cable TV. A hit TV show would have its first run on commercial network TV stations, then the same content would be sold overseas and then to cable chann...2024
11 Chisholm, ZacharyThe effect of ASC 842 on Asset acquisition by publicly traded U.S. companiesThis thesis examines how U.S. companies responded to a change in lease accounting rules (ASC 842), which requires most leases to be reported in corporate financial statements with the goal of providing transparent disclosure of companies' noncancellable future financial obligations. Prior to ASC 842...2020
12 Astrid JiEffective portfolio diversification strategies in variouse economic conditionsThis thesis examines the effectiveness of portfolio diversification strategies in inflationary periods by analyzing the performance of various portfolios in economic conditions before, during, and after inflationary periods. By analyzing historical data to a variety of 10 asset classes, this study p...2023
13 Hunter, Jessie RabeEffects of British Columbia's Carbon Tax on CO2 Emissions and Net Gasoline SalesIn 2008, British Columbia implemented the first comprehensive carbon tax in North America which covers nearly three quarters of all emitters in the province. This paper analyzes the effects of British Columbia's carbon tax on CO2 emissions and net gasoline sales using differences-in-differences and ...2020
14 Richards, LindsayEmployment trends and covid-19 in UtahIn this thesis I will evaluate the state of the Utah job market before and after the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the first year after initial economic downturn, Utah emerged as an economic stronghold, and Salt Lake City metropolitan area had the lowest average unemploym...2021
15 Richards, AydenEnvironmental externality valuation: a timeline to financial materialityEnvironmental policy regulating the greenhouse gas emissions of public companies is likely to become more prevalent in the coming years. Therefore, it is essential for public companies and investors alike to understand how the implementation of environmental policy will affect the valuation of publi...2021
16 Shaaban, KarimExamining the Efficiency of Securities Ownership in the United StatesThe disastrous years following the Stock Market Crash of 1929 led to a series of reforms by President Roosevelt to stabilize the failing economy. The passing of the New Deal laws coupled with more recent laws passed by President Bush and President Obama have led to extensive regulation of the financ...2019
17 Tibolla, tylerGendered differences in advertistingA growing number of consumers find it important that companies take a stand on social issues and begin to support those businesses more who align with their personal views. If corporations continue to ignore large percentages of the population, they cannot meet the needs of those consumers. There is...2022
18 Kleinman, MeganThe green bond revolution: is it sustainable?Green bonds, innovative financial instruments that have entered the bond market in recent years, have sparked a revolution for activists, investors, and issuers with their use of proceeds model. I examine corporate green bonds through historical research, investigation of the certification process, ...2020
19 Kiel, DrewHow branding influences our willingness to pay for necessity productsThough marketing has existed in one manner or another for the duration of human history, the field has only seen strong development since the beginning of the 20th century. Marketing is now an inescapable part of everyday life and companies across every industry advertise of to us as potential custo...2021
20 Guzman, KristinaHow personal characteristic influence shopping habits post covid-19The pandemic altered the way of life permanently for people around the world, coining the phrase, "new normal," as we adjust to post-pandemic life. For my honors thesis, I chose to focus on consumer behavior changes associated with this "new normal." Specifically, I studied the impact of various for...2023
21 Terry, AnnaHow social media influencers affect consumer's willingness to pay and their idealized selfWhile influencer marketing first dated back to the Gladiators in Ancient Rome and has been utilized to sell products in the modern era since 1890, the term "influencer" has gained new life with the rise of social media. Through continually exhibiting their lifestyle, Influencers earn a living by cul...2022
22 Kargi, SahanaHow the distribution of a society's prior beliefs affects the virality of informationInformation diffusion is the process by which a piece of information disperses through a network. Whether it be computer viruses spreading via the internet or diseases transmitting through a school, understanding how information diffuses is extremely relevant to fields such as marketing, emergency m...2023
23 Stevens, Fergus D.Human-Algorithm Interactions with Fundamental and Predatory Trading RobotsAlgorithmic participation in financial markets has been a growing phenomenon since the early 1990s. This paper uses experimental data and simulations to analyze the interaction between humans and trading algorithms. Interactions between humans and algorithms are observed through laboratory sessions ...2020
24 Brown, AthenaThe impact of social media on behaviors and attitudes toward television advertsiingSince the year 2000, the average attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to eight seconds (Microsoft, 2015). This weakened ability to focus may be the result of an increased use of social media by today's society. On social media platforms, the content shared is mainly short-form content, meaning...2023
25 Hughes, EmmaThe implications of carbon abatement for industrial composition and firm valueMarginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) serve as a representation of the costs or savings associated with various actions aimed at reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions. This thesis investigates whether investors could have earned abnormal stock returns by constructing portfolios that exploit diff...2023
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