51 - 75 of 110
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51 Central Retinal Artery OcclusionVideo of central retinal artery occlusion.Image/MovingImage
52 Dissociated NystagmusExample of a patient with dissociated nystagmus. Demonstrates difference in movements between each eye.Image/MovingImage
53 Measuring Visual AcuityDemonstration on self of visual acuity exam, using a standard card.Image/MovingImage
54 Ocular MyotoniaExample of patient with ocular myotonia. Patient is led through instructions for direction of gaze and opening and closing of eyes. Right eye is shown to be stuck in position after held gaze to the left and right, with very slow relaxation back into forward gaze.Image/MovingImage
55 Tour of the FundusThis clip demonstrates the funduscopic examination technique.Image/MovingImage
56 Abducting (Dissociated) NystagmusExample of a patient with abducting (dissociated) nystagmus. Patient has a subtle internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Right eye has right-beating jerk nystagmus, with smaller oscillations in the left eye. Disease/Diagnosis: Abducting NystagmusImage/MovingImage
57 Brun's NystagmusObservation of patient with Brun's Nystagmus. Shows patient gazing to the right and the nystagmus beating in the direction of the gaze.Image/MovingImage
58 Cogan's Lid TwitchExample of a patient with Cogan's lid twitch, with discussion of how to detect it in an exam.Image/MovingImage
59 Congenital Ocular Motor ApraxiaTwo examples of congenital ocular motor apraxia. Patients have trouble initiating saccades, and compensate with head movement. Discussion of how to distinguish this condition from simply not seeing well.Image/MovingImage
60 Downbeat NystagmusExample of patients with downbeating jerk nystagmus. Demonstrates how oscillations grow more prominent when the patient gazes down or laterally. Discusses some causes, including Arnold-Chiari malformation, infarction, and demyelination.Image/MovingImage
61 Fourth Nerve PalsyDemonstration of examination of patient who experienced blurry vision and pain in the left eye. Demonstrates checking of eye movements, focusing on object while each eye is covered and uncovered, turning head both ways and repeating. Shows limitation of depression in adduction of left eye, left hype...Image/MovingImage
62 How to Use the Direct Ophthalmoscope in an ExamDemonstration of using the direct ophthalmoscope to examine the optic disc. Covers hand placement , which eye to use, and distance from patient.Image/MovingImage
63 Physiologic (End-Gaze) NystagmusDemonstration of physiological nystagmus, where oscillations do not represent pathology, but occur when the patient's gaze is drawn too far laterally.Image/MovingImage
64 Pulsating ExophthalmosExample of a patient with neurofibromatosis with an absent sphenoid wing. Shows left eye pulsating back and forth with the pulse from front and side views.Image/MovingImage
65 RAPD PresentThis clip demonstrates the technique used to determine that Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD) is present in a patient.Image/MovingImage
66 Rotary NystagmusExample of a patient with rotary nystagmus, showing occasional counterclockwise rotary movements of both eyes. Seen more in intrinsic disorders of the brainstem.Image/MovingImage
67 Square Wave JerksExample of patient with square wave jerks. Discussion of difference between square wave jerks (saccadic oscillations) and horizontal nystagmus.Image/MovingImage
68 Testing the Visual FieldsDemonstration of various methods of testing visual fields, including counting fingers, motion, and color of several objects.Image/MovingImage
69 Tour of the Direct OphthalmoscopeThis clip describes the parts and operation of the ophthalmoscope as an ocular examination tool. Includes adjustment of aperture size and adjustment of lenses.Image/MovingImage
70 Transillumination - Ciliary Body NeurofibromasExample of transillumination on a patient with neurofibromatosis, but without Lisch nodules. Shows suspected neurofibromas in the ciliary body.Image/MovingImage
71 Upbeat NystagmusExample of a patient with upbeat nystagmus. Shows vertical jerk nystagmus with fast phases in the up direction. Localizes to brain stem, and occurs with strokes, demyelination, and tumors.Image/MovingImage
72 Vestibular NystagmusDiscussion of vestibular nystagmus. Seen with peripheral disorders and central disorders, and in two varieties: spontaneous and positional. Horizontal jerk with small amplitude.Image/MovingImage
73 Voluntary NystagmusExample of patient with voluntary nystagmus. Discussion of how a lack of uniform, patterned movement of the eyes along with associated lid movements suggests that activity is voluntary.Image/MovingImage
74 Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO)Example of patient with horizontal binocular diplopia. Demonstration of exam, which shows alternating exotropia in cover test. As patient follows object, right eye does not pass the midline as the object moves to the left, while left eye go slightly past the midline, but does not abduct completely. ...Image/MovingImage
75 Aberrant Regeneration of Third Nerve, Bilaterally (1 degree OD, 2 Digrees OS)Example of patient with bilateral aberrancy of the third nerve. Shows lids popping up (synkinetic) with adduction. Patient had bilateral internal carotid artery aneurisms with third nerve compression.Image/MovingImage
51 - 75 of 110