1 - 25 of 35
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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Bourges Cathedral, nave looking easteast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
2 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, general view from the eastca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
3 Map: Abbasid caliphate
4 Architectural Peg Cover Ornament1500 - 1100 BCE
5 Map: Current Middle East Showing Ancient Mesopotamia
6 Map: Location of Dura Europos in the Middle East
7 Mentuhotep II Temple, reconstruction drawing of the superstructure
8 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, left sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
9 Figures1500 BCE
10 Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple, middle colonnadeSenmut (Senenmut)ca. 1478 - 1458 BCE (Dynasty 18)
11 Portrait of a Princess1929 - 1892 BCE (dynasty 12)
12 Sennuwyca. 1919 - 1875 BCE (Dynasty 12)
13 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, right sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
14 Djehuty-Nekht Sarcophagus, view of lidca. 1991 - 1783 BCE (Dynasty 12)
15 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut site planca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
16 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, general view from the southca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
17 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, reconstruction drawing of the siteca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
18 Hippopotamusca. 1962 - 1895 BCE (Dynasty 12)
19 Sesostris (Senwosret) IIIca. 1860 BCE (Dynasty 12)
20 King Peroz I Hunting Gazelleslate 5th Century CE
21 Mentuhotep IIca. 2050 BCE (Dynasty 11)
22 Sesostris I1971 - 1929 BCE (Dynasty 12)
23 Treasury of the Siphnians, east pedimentc. 530 BCE
24 Katholikon, central space, view from the northwestearly 11th Century CE
25 Sesostris I1971 - 1929 BCE (Dynasty 12)
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