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1 Gomez-Alvarez, LorhenA crisis on the border: an unexpected crisis or an expected outcome?Increased immigration from the Northern Triangles countries has strained the current asylum structures. Overhauling detention and long wait times have plagued the system after the initial arrival of a large group of unaccompanied minors and then subsequently the arrival of large migrant caravans. Th...2019
2 Fronberg, ErikContextualizing emergency powers and climate crisis in liberal democraciesThis thesis develops a theoretical framework for and responds to concerns regarding the use of emergency powers to combat climate change in liberal democracies. Consensus in the scientific community maintains that the window for acting to mitigate the worst effects of climate change is rapidly narro...2022
3 Brown, Jackson AyersThe effects and general applicability of British influence in post-colonial EswatiniIn the building of new states in Sub-Saharan Africa following the long period of British colonialism, successful democracies have been few and far between. Eswatini, the main focus of this research, began as a democracy following its independence in 1968, but soon slid into authoritarianism. Today, ...2023
4 Meza, FranciscoEmpowering inclusivity: assessing the necessity and impact of language access plans in local governmentsThis study investigates the critical role of language access plans in local governments to ensure equitable access to public services and foster civic participation among linguistically diverse communities. The research aims to shed light on the responsibilities of local government and the broader i...2024
5 Gates, AbigailHealth Care in the United States: Disparities and Distrust in the Black CommunityDuring the time of slavery, Black and African Americans were mistreated and abused as research subjects in medical studies. This mistreatment continued into the 20th century with the Tuskegee Syphilis study and continues today in many doctor's offices throughout America. This paper begins by looking...2020
6 Pozernick, AudreyThe house, the ghost, and the grave presentations of the racial hybrid and mixed raced phenomenologies in literature and in creative writingCreative writing communicates social experiences, worlds, and histories from one source to another. As stories are interconnected with the storyteller, the fictions often told are intertwined with identity politics and are more deeply understood through the socio-political context in which the autho...2024
7 Johnson, Nicholas J.The inflation reducation act's medicare part D drug price negotiation: an unlikely outcomeThe Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law on August 16, 2022, and the passage of this unassuming piece of legislation marks one of the most important advancements in health care policy in the United States. A key component of the law is its efforts to increase access and affordability of...Medicare part d; inflation reduction act; drug price negotiation2024
8 O'Brien, CullenIntimate ideological space: an analysis of personalized online environmentsThis thesis examines the ideological significance of "personalized online environments." POEs are environments on the internet that are engineered to adhere to individuals' preferences. Most influential theories of ideology - those of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Stuart Hall and othe...2021
9 Erturk, Ali CemThe lead up to restriction and contemporary immigrationIn the 1840s and 1850s, a nativist viewpoint was applied to all foreigners, particularly Catholics and the Irish. From 1850-1882, it was applied to Asians who were presumed to be of a lower racial and economic order. In the 1920s, the poverty of Eastern European Jews, Italians, Hungarians, and Poles...2023
10 Benfield, KaylaraPlace attachment, climate change, and threat perceptions of Utah WildernessPlace Attachment is the emotional and functional relationships that tie humans to natural environments. It has been shown to impact a person's ability to perceive threats significantly. This study compares the varying levels of Place Attachment with individual knowledge associated with the negative ...Place attachment; climate change; wilderness; Utah2022
11 Doyle, ErinPolitical polarization at the local levelMany agree the American public is polarized nationally. However, polarization can be just as invasive within local governments. Understanding if there are occurrences of polarization in local government is essential to understanding how the American public has divided. This division in party goals c...2022
12 Uchida, Emily AkiyoThe Presentation of the Model Minority Myth in the US Education SystemIn the United States, Asian Americans have been dubbed the "model minority", having seemingly overcome racial barriers to achieve socio-economic success all on their own. In reality, Asian Americans still face racial discrimination on an institutional and societal level. The Students for Fair Admiss...2020
13 Ponce-Orellana, JennaSan Antonio independent school district V. Rodriguez: dissecting an unprecedented supreme court decision and its implicationsThis thesis analyzes the Supreme Court Case, San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (411 U.S. 1, 1972), in which the Court ruled against recognizing a constitutional right to education. The decision in San Antonio broke from precedent and analysis established in other 14th amendment an...2021
14 Morgan, ConnorSecuritizing Climate Change Examining the Impact of the National Security Frame on Utah Political ElitesThe partisan divide over climate change in the United States has led to long-term inaction in creating policies aimed at mitigating and adapting to the changing climate. This study explores one option for bridging the gap: reframing the discussion of climate change to better appeal to those who do n...2019
15 Matlock, SaraShould we resurrect the glass-steagall act?Banking regulations have been a hot topic on both sides of the aisle in every election cycle since 2010. Americans can expect the debate to continue in the upcoming midterms and again in the next presidential election. Minor changes in banking regulations may not make much of a difference in the liv...2022
16 Woolf, KatieThere's Something About Syria: Using Foreign Military Intervention in the Syrian Civil War to Assess Predictabilityin International RelationsThis paper utilizes three strands of International Relations (IR) theory: realism, constructivism, and leadership theory to inform the actions of the United States and Russia in their intervention in the Syrian Civil War. First, a brief overview of the case is presented along with a review of the th...2020
17 Sarah F. SmallUncovering the microeconomic costs of reproductive care in the United States2024
18 Hair, MaddieUncovering the microeconomic costs of reproductive care in the United StatesAbortion is complicated. It is a highly emotional concept which requires multifaceted ethical considerations, as well as practical considerations in order to construct ethical and effective policy. The more attention-grabbing components of the issue are the ethical perspectives. However, economic im...2024
19 Bitter, Anne MarieThe use of "Women's Safety" in Criminalization VS. Decriminalization Arguments about Prostitution in the U.S.This thesis analyzes academic discourse arguing for and against the criminalization of prostitution within the U.S. It specifically investigates how claims about women's safety are used by both sides in this debate, examining four common frameworks that shape appeals to women's safety: physical harm...2019
20 Chan, TiffanyWhy gender matters: an empirical case study of the China-Pakistan free trade agreementChina is one of the world's largest economies that boasts expansive and ambitious economic policies and has numerous trading partners across the globe. A closer look through an economic lens shows gender inequity runs pervasive. Thus, in this paper, I ask, "How does the presence and/or absence of ge...2023
21 Gorfinkle, ZevWolves not watchdogs: systemic and unpunished abuse in federal prisonsThis thesis investigates how systemic issues within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) enabled widespread sexual and physical abuse of inmates by staff. By comparing available prevalence estimates of both physical and sexual abuse with employee discipline data from the Bureau of Prisons Office of I...2024
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