Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Martin, Jim; Pardyjak, Eric R. | Training with power measurement: a new era in cycling training | PROVIDING CYCLISTS WITH A reliable measure of exercise intensity presents unique challenges. Environmental factors such as wind speed, road grade and surface texture, and air density interactively influence the resistance encountered during cycling and thus alter the speed a cyclist can maintain wh... | Exercise; Intensity; Heart rate | 2003 |
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 | Podlog, Leslie William | A review of return to sport concerns following injury rehabilitation: practitioner strategies for enhancing recovery outcomes | Objectives: Evidence suggests that competitive athletes returning to sport following injury rehabilitation may experience a range of psychosocial concerns. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the psychosocial stresses common among returning athletes and to provide practitioner strategies ... | | 2011-01-01 |
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 | Podlog, Leslie William | College students goal orientations, situational motivation and effort/persistence in physical activity classes | The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among college students' 2 × 2 goal orientations (mastery-approach [MAp], mastery-avoidance [MAv], performance-approach [PAp], performance-avoidance [PAv]), situational motivation (intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Podlog, Leslie William | The effect of variety expectations on interest, enjoyment, and locus of causality in exercise | Most attempts to influence intrinsic motivation have focused on contextual support for basic need satisfaction, including the provision of autonomy support, structure, and interpersonal involvement (e.g., Edmunds et al. in Eur J Soc Psychol 38:375-388, 2008). This study explored the extent to which ... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Kowalski, Christopher Aaron; Deesing, Michole Ann; Deeter, Nicholas B.; Symons, John David | Ceramide-induced disruption of endothelial nitric oxide synthase dimerization in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) is not secondary to peroxynitrite formation | An estimated 23.6 million individuals in the United States have diabetes and of those 90-95% have type II diabetes. Cardiovascular complications (e.g., hypertension and vascular dysfunction) are four-fold more prevalent in patients with type II diabetes. To gain insight into mechanisms responsib... | Ceramide-induced disruption; Nitric oxide synthase dimerization; Bovine aortic endothelial cells; BAEC; Peroxynitrite formation; Trapeze Interactive Poster | 2010-01-20 |
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 | Martin, Jim | Aerodynamic drag area of cyclists determined with field-based measures | Aerodynamic drag is an important factor in the performance of competitive track and road cyclists. Recently we used wind-tunnel testing to validate a practical measure of aerodynamic drag derived from a field test. We present here instructions for performing the field test on a straight flat road or... | | 2006-01-01 |
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 | Newton, Maria | Effects of a classroom-based physical activity program on childrens physical activity levels | High levels of physical inactivity are evident among many American children. To address this problem, providing physical activity (PA) during the school day within the CSPAP framework, is one strategy to increase children's PA. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a classroo... | | 2014-01-01 |
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 | Martin, Jim | Fourier series approximations and low pass filtering: facilitating learning of digital signal processing for biomechanics students | Filtering raw biomechanical data to remove noise is a key first step that must be performed prior to further biomechanical analysis. Raw biomechanical data are usually filtered to remove noise above a specified cutoff frequency, a process known as "low pass filtering". The concept of frequency conte... | | 2009-01-01 |
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 | Martin, Jim | Effects of temperature on maximum cycling power and optimal pedaling rate | | | 2011 |
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 | Podlog, Leslie William | Psychosocial factors in sports injury rehabilitation and return to play | The goal of this review is to provide insight into the principles and practices that guide psychological intervention with injury and in so doing cultivate a psychologically minded approach to injury for the medical provider. The chapter is divided into two parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the ... | | 2014-01-01 |
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 | Newton, Maria | The influence of a simulated 'pep talk' on athlete inspiration, situational motivation, and emotion | Coaches routinely use pep talks to inspire and motivate athletes, but the efficacy of this strategy has not been empirically examined. Conceptually based on Thrash and Elliot's [3, 4] inspiration research this study explored the impact of a simulated pep talk on inspiration, inspiration to perform, ... | | 2011-01-01 |
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 | Hannon, James C. | Physical activity differences by birthplace and sex in youth of Mexican Heritage | Background: One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 is to increase physical activity (PA) and reduce health disparities among different racial and ethnic segments of the U.S. population. Few studies have been conducted to examine PA differences by birthplace and sex in youth of Mexican heritage. Met... | | 2012-01-01 |
13 |
 | Hayes, Bradley T. | Lack of neuromuscular origins of adaptation after a long-term stretching program | Context: Static stretching is commonly used during the treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries to increase joint range of motion (ROM) and muscle flexibility. Understanding the physiological adaptations that occur in the neuromuscular system as a result of long-term stretching may provid... | | 2012-01-01 |
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 | Shaw, Janet M. | Long-term exercise using weighted vests prevents hip bone loss in postmenopausal women | Background. Bone mineral density (BMD) is a primary risk factor for hip fracture. We studied the effect of long-term weighted vest plus jumping exercise on hip BMD in postmenopausal women as a strategy for reducing hip fracture risk. Methods. Eighteen postmenopausal women (age 5 64.1 6 1.6 years a... | | 2000 |
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 | Hargroder, Jessica Lynn; Pham, Ann Xuan | Preventing falls in the elderly | Exercise programs have been found to reduce falls in the elderly. In a study published in 2009, only 8 weeks of exercise training 3 times/week (including calistinics, muscle power, body balance, and walking training ) decreased the incidence of falls in the elderly population by 12% (Iwamoto, et al... | Trapeze Interactive Poster | 2010-05-18 |
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 | Hayes, Bradley T. | Immediate effects of muscular fatigue on postural stability and motoneuron pool excitability in healthy adults | | | 2011-04-27 |
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 | Shaw, Janet M. | Habitual physical activity does not infer healthy eating patterns in clinic staff | | | 2011-09-03 |
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 | Martin, Jim | Understanding sprint-cycling performance: the integration of muscle power, resistance, and modeling | Sprint-cycling performance is paramount to competitive success in over half the world-championship and Olympic races in the sport of cycling. This review examines the current knowledge behind the interaction of propulsive and resistive forces that determine sprint performance. Because of recent inno... | | 2007-01-01 |
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 | Newton, Maria | Senior olympians' achievement goals and motivational responses | The purpose of this study was to examine the motivational perspectives of athletes participating in the Senior Olympic Games. One hundred thirty-seven senior athletes (54 males, 82 females, and 1 nonidentifier) completed measures of goal orientations, beliefs about the causes of success in sport, in... | Senior olympics; Athletes; Intrinsic motivation | 1998-07 |
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 | Newton, Maria | Influence of leader efficacy and emotional intelligence on personal caring in physical activity | Scholars in youth development, education, and sport are examining the formative contexts of classrooms, music halls, and playing fields to gain a better understanding of positive development in children. Of particular interest are the leaders in these contexts (e.g., teachers, conductors, and coach... | Sport; Motivation; Pedagogy; Leader efficacy; Emotional intelligence | 2007 |
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 | Eisenman, Patricia A. | Hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle and increased anterior cruciate ligament laxity in females | OBJECTIVE: To determine whether women experience significantly greater anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) laxity in conjunction with estrogen and progesterone surges during a normal 28- to 30-day menstrual cycle. DESIGN AND SETTING: Serial estrogen and progesterone levels were measured via radioimmuno... | Estrogen; Progesterone; Knee Arthrometer; Radioimmunoassay | 1999-04 |
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 | Newton, Maria | Relationship of task and ego orientation to performance: cognitive content, affect, and attributions in bowling | The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship of individual differences in goal orientation to mid-activity cognitive content and affect and post-performance attributions across three games of bowling. Forty-seven undergraduate students enrolled in bowling activity classes were r... | Goal-directed behavior; Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire; Sport psychology | 1993 |
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 | Newton, Maria | Youth perceptions of a caring climate, emotional regulation and psychological well-being | The purpose of this study was to examine the meditational effect of perceived affective self-regulatory efficacy on the relationship between youth sport participants? perceived caring climate and their mental well-being. Three hundred and 95 participants (mean age = 11.80 ? 1.54) from a National Yo... | | 2009 |
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 | Jacques, Kerry M. | Arf 1 dissociates from the clathrin adaptor GGA prior to being inactivated by Arf GTPase-activating proteins | The effectors of monomeric GTP-binding proteins can influence interactions with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in two ways. In one case, effector and GAP binding to the GTP-binding protein is mutually exclusive. In another case, the GTP-binding protein bound to an effector is the substrate for ... | | 2002 |
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 | Newton, Maria | Predicting the use of sexual initiation tactics in a sample of college women | Significant attention has been focused on women's initiation of sexual contact with men and the point at which this initiation becomes sexual aggression. The purpose of this study was to examine possible predictors of the use of three conceptually distinct sets of sexual initiation tactics: seductio... | Sexual initiation tactics; Coercion; Force; Social learning theory | 2004 |