201 - 225 of 306
Number of results to display per page
201 Potential technology directions of molecular metals1979Textir_uspace
202 Potentiometric study of the chelating tendencies of ethyl acetoacetate : with divalent metal ions in the water-ethanol system1976Textir_htca
203 Predissociation lifetimes of vibrational levels of the excited ? B? (Ka=O) electronic states of Cd ? H? and Cd ? D? complexes1992Textir_uspace
204 Prenyltransferase. Kinetic studies of the 1'-4 coupling reaction with avian liver enzyme.1979-10-10Textir_uspace
205 Preparation and characterization of square-planar tetrakis(cyanoacetylide) complexes: [MII(C=C-C=N)4]2- (M = Ni,Pd, Pt)1996Textir_uspace
206 Pressure dependence of magnetic ordering temperature for decamethylferrocenium tetracyanoethenide1993Textir_uspace
207 Primary and secondary kinetic isotope effects in hot atom reactions of chlorine with chloroform1993Textir_htca
208 Probes of spin conservation in heavy metal reactions: experimental and theoretical studies of the reactions of Re+ with H2, D2, and HD2004Textir_uspace
209 The production and purification of horse antihuman lymphocyte globulin1972-04Textir_htca
210 Proton spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times of (N(CH3)3)H)(I)(TCNQ)1978Textir_uspace
211 Pulsed dye laser photolysis of Cr(CO)61979-06Textir_htca
212 Purification and characterization of farnesyl diphosphate/geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase1993-05-25Textir_uspace
213 Pyrolysis degradation mechanism of PVC1980-05-01Textir_htca
214 Quantum mechanic study of high molecular mass compounds in combustion conditions2001Textir_uspace
215 Quest for a polymeric ferromagnet: a new polymorph of 1,4-bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-oxy-4-piperidyl-1-oxy)butadiyne (invited)1988Textir_uspace
216 Quest for molecule-based magnets1996Textir_uspace
217 Reaction class transition state theory: hydrogen abstraction reactions by hydrogen atoms as test cases2000Textir_uspace
218 Reaction of Cr+, Mn+, Fe+, Co+, and Ni+ with O2 and N2O. Examination of the translational energy dependence of the cross sections of endothermic reactions1982Textir_uspace
219 Reaction of Cu+ with dimethoxyethane: competition between association and multiple dissociation channels2004Textir_uspace
220 Reactions of Ar+, Ne+, and He+ with SiF4 from thermal energy to 50 eV c.m.1989Textir_uspace
221 Reactions of Pt+ with H2, D2, and HD: effect of lanthanide contraction on reactivity and thermochemistry2002Textir_uspace
222 Reactions of Ta+ and W+ with H2, D2, and HD: effect of lanthanide contraction and spin-orbit interactions on reactivity and thermochemistry2002Textir_uspace
223 Reactions of Ta+, W+, and Pt+ with H2, D2, and HD: effect of lanthanide contraction and spin-orbit interactions on reactivity and thermochemistry2002Textir_uspace
224 Reentrance in the Mn(tetracyanoethylene)x.y(CH2Cl2) high-Tc molecule-based ferrimagnet1998Textir_uspace
225 Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of BNB2006Textir_uspace
201 - 225 of 306