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1 Ehleringer, James R.; Negus, Norman C.Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecologyRed Butte Canyon is a protected, near pristine canyon entering Salt Lake Valley, Utah. It contains a well-developed riparian zone and a perennial stream; hillside vegetation ranges from grasslands on the lower limits to Douglas-fir and aspen stands at the upper elevations. In this paper we describe ...Intermountain West; Grassland; Oak-maple; Plant adaptation; Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area; Human impact1992
2 Davidson, Diane W.Experimental studies of species-specificity in cecropia-ant relationshipsStrict coevolution requires that interactions among organisms be speciesspecific. We assessed the relative roles of host- and habitat-specificity in determining the match between a genus of myrmecophytic trees and a guild of obligate plant-ants in the moist tropical forests of Madre de Dios, Peru. F...Ant-plant; Ants; Cecropia; Coevolution; Colonization; Coordinated dispersal; Ecological fitting; Habitat-specificity; Host-specificity; Mutualism; Parasitoid wasps; Preadaptation1997
3 Adler, Frederick R.Deconvolution of isotope signals from bundles of multiple hairsSegmental analysis of hair has been used in diverse fields ranging from forensics to ecology to measure the concentration of substances such as drugs and isotopes. Multiple hairs are typically combined into a bundle for segmental analysis to obtain a high-resolution series of measurements. Individua...2014-01-01
4 Davidson, Diane W.Tropical arboreal ants: why so abundant?ANTS ARE AMONG the most numerous and readily observed arthropods of tropical forests. Indeed, based on their standing biomass and many effects on other species, ants (Formicidae) are arguably the dominant arthropod family in the canopies of lowland rain forest trees (Tobin 1995). Others have tried t...Arboreal ants; Tropics1996
5 Ehleringer, James R.; Belnap, JayneSensitivity of the Colorado plateau to change: climate, ecosystems, and societyThe Colorado Plateau is located in the interior, dry end of two moisture trajectories coming from opposite directions, which have made this region a target for unusual climate fluctuations. A multidecadal drought event some 850 years ago may have eliminated maize cultivation by the first human settl...Colorado Plateau; Biological crust; Climate change; Megadrought; Ranching; Dry crop productivity; Extractive industries; Pueblo Indians; Fremont culture2008
6 Coley, Phyllis D.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.Allelochemic function for a primary metabolite: the case of L-tyrosine hyper-production in Inga umbellifera (Fabaceae)Young leaves of tropical forest trees experience far higher herbivory pressure than mature leaves of the same species. Selection on young leaves has led to diverse forms of defense chemical expression. Though most allelochemicals are secondary metabolites, allelochemic function for a primary metabol...5-amino-4-hydroxy-pentanoic acid; Panama; Barro Colorado Island; Fabaceae; Inga umbellifera; Primary metabolite; Heliothis virescens2006
7 Coley, Phyllis D.What's up? Perspectives from the first international forest canopy conference at Sarasota, Florida, 1994Jumars, caribineers, pole pruners, tree bicycles, Bosun's chairs, booms, peconhas . . . these terms are not listed in most biological dictionaries. Nor are construction cranes or large treehouses or hot-air dirigibles listed as priority equipment for any scientific laboratories. But these are th...1995
8 Davidson, Diane W.Ant-plant symbioses in Africa and the neotropics : history, biogeography and diversitySymbiotic ant-plant relationships afford an excellent opportunity to analyze the effects of both historical and ecological factors on the evolution of mutualisms. Occurring in tropical forests throughout the world, all myrmecophytic plants provide food and permanent housing to ants; the ants, in t...Ant-plant symbiosis; Africa; Neotropics; Myrmecophytes; Plant-ants1993
9 Hultine, Kevin; Sperry, John S.Transpiration and hydraulic strategies in a piñon-juniper woodlandAnthropogenic climate change is likely to alter the patterns of moisture availability globally. The consequences of these changes on species distributions and ecosystem function are largely unknown, but possibly predictable based on key ecophysiological differences among currently coexisting species...Drought; Hydraulic transport model; Juniperus osteosperma; Plant water use; Sap flux; Species distributions2008
10 Adler, Frederick R.Effect of 1918 PB1-F2 expression on influenza A virus infection kineticsRelatively little is known about the viral factors contributing to the lethality of the 1918 pandemic, although its unparalleled virulence was likely due in part to the newly discovered PB1-F2 protein. This protein, while unnecessary for replication, increases apoptosis in monocytes, alters viral po...2011
11 Adler, Frederick R.Effect of 1918 PB1-F2 expression on influenza A virus infection kineticsAbstract Relatively little is known about the viral factors contributing to the lethality of the 1918 pandemic, although its unparalleled virulence was likely due in part to the newly discovered PB1-F2 protein. This protein, while unnecessary for replication, increases apoptosis in monocytes, alter...2011
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