26 - 50 of 128
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26 Gondolo, PaoloDark stars: BegynnelsenThe first phase of stellar evolution in the history of the universe may be Dark Stars, powered by dark matter heating rather than by fusion. Weakly interacting massive particles, which are their own antiparticles, can annihilate and provide an important heat source for the first stars in the univers...Dark stars; WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; Annihilations2009
27 Gondolo, PaoloDark Stars: Död och ÅteruppståndelseThe first phase of stellar evolution in the history of the universe may be Dark Stars, powered by dark matter heating rather than by fusion. Weakly interacting massive particles, which are their own antiparticles, can annihilate and provide an important heat source for the first stars in the univers...Dark stars; WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles2009
28 Gondolo, PaoloDark Stars: the first stars in the universe may be powered by dark matter healingA new line of research on Dark Stars is reviewed, which suggests that the first stars to exist in the universe were powered by dark matter heating rather than by fusion. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, which may be there own antipartmers, collect inside the first stars and annihilate to produc...Dark stars; WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles2009
29 Yang, HaoriDetection of concealed special nuclear material using nuclear resonance fluorescence techniqueAbstract-Detection method based on Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) technique targeting concealed Special Nuclear Material (SNM) has been discussed. Customized DAQ system has been developed to handle high rate events in NRF measurements by implementing real-time DSP on fast ADC and FPGA chip. ...2009
30 Webster, Maryann SorensenDioxin Sea2009
31 Mower, Allyson; Chaufty, Lisa MarieDo something no one has imagined: the 2008 SPARC Digital Repositories meetingJohn Wilbanks (director of Science Commons) opened the SPARC Digital Repositories meeting1 with a message that greatly resonated with those attending: do something no has imagined, and don't wait. Indeed, many of the 330 repository managers, librarians, publishers, vendors, and technology specialis...Institutional; Librarian; Scholarly2009
32 Webster, Maryann SorensenDream Reliquary (side A)2009
33 Webster, Maryann SorensenDream Reliquary (side B)2009
34 Webster, Maryann SorensenDying Reef II2009
35 Scarpulla, MichaelElectronic structure of ferromagnetic semiconductor Ga1-xMnxAs probed by sub-gap magneto-optical spectroscopyElectronicWe employ Faraday and Kerr effect spectroscopy in the infrared range to investigate the electronicstructure ofGa1#1;xMnxAsnear the Fermi energy. The band structure of this archetypical dilute-momentferromagnetic semiconductor has been a matter of controversy, fueled partly by previous measurements o...2009
36 Lupton, John MarkEnergetic disorder limits energy transfer in semiconductor nanocrystal-DNA-dye conjugatesWe demonstrate the influence of spectral linewidths of individual donor-acceptor couples on energy transfer efficiency in semiconductor nanocrystal-DNA-organic dye conjugates. Temperature-dependent single molecule and ensemble spectroscopy data are analyzed using the Förster theory within the mac...2009
37 Frey, Lewis J.Enhancing caBIG™ workflow for multi-tier distributionIntroduction caBIG™ Integration caBIG™ provides a GRID based application environment with data abstraction and vocabulary services, workflow management and a security framework. Sensor Abstraction Interface It is proposed to provide a sensor abstraction interface, using caDSR, enabling caBIG...caBIG; Sensor abstraction interface; Multi-tier distribution; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
38 Narus, Scott P.; Hales, Joseph W.; Poynton, Mollie Rebecca; Evans, R. ScottEnhancing continuity of care through an emergency medical card at Intermountain Healthcare: using the continuity of care record standardComplex and fragmented healthcare systems hamper provision of effective care where it is needed most. 1 In most instances, continuity of care is rarely considered during referral, transfer, or discharge of patients from one caregiver to another. 2,3 The dearth of pertinent current and historical hea...Continuity of care; Emergency medical card; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
39 Wunderlich, Adam JamesEstimation of channelized hotelling observer performance with known class means or known difference of class meansThis paper concerns task-based image quality assessment for the task of discriminating between two classes of images. We address the problem of estimating two widely-used detection performance measures, SNR and AUC, from a finite number of images, assuming that the class discrimination is performed ...2009
40 Mineau, Geraldine PageFamilial predisposition to developmental dysplasia of the hipDevelopmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a common birth defect and is thought to have genetic contributions to the phenotype. It is likely that DDH is genetically heterogeneous with environmental modifiers. The Utah Population Database (UPDB) is a computerized integration of pedigrees, vital stat...Developmental dysplasia of the hip; DDH; Utah Population Database; UPDB2009
41 Korinek, KimFamily relations and the experience of loneliness among older adults in Eastern EuropeIn this paper I conceptualize and analyze the determinants of loneliness among older adults in Russia and Bulgaria, two former communist societies experiencing myriad and challenging transitions - economically, demographically, and socially. Using the Generations and Gender Survey (2004) I conduct ...2009
42 Li, Guodong; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IIFormal specification of MPI 2.0: case study in specifying a practical concurrent programming APIWe describe the rst formal speci cation of a non-trivial subset of MPI, the dominant communication API in high performance computing. Engineering a formal speci cation for a non-trivial concurrency API requires the right combination of rigor, executability, and traceability, while also serving a...MPI 2.02009
43 Arlitsch, KenningFuture leaders' views on organizational cultureResearch libraries will continue to be affected by rapid and transformative changes in information technology and the networked environment for the foreseeable future. The pace and direction of these changes will profoundly challenge libraries and their staffs to respond effectively. This paper pres...Organizational culture2009
44 Humphrey, Alan Parker; Derrick, Christopher Glade; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshGEM: graphical explorer for MPI programsFormal dynamic verification can complement MPI program testing by detecting hard-to-find concurrency bugs. In previous work, we described our dynamic verifier called ISP that can parsimoniously search the execution space of an MPI program while detecting important classes of bugs. One major limit...GEM; Graphical explorer; MPI programs; Dynamic verification; Concurrency bugs2009
45 Camp, Nicola J.Genetic susceptibility of prostate cancer: genome-wide screen of "non-aggressive" diseaseResearch has consistently shown that genetics plays a critical role in prostate cancer (CaP) development, but the identification of CaP genes has proven to be very difficult. Hereditary prostate cancer is a complex disease believed to involve numerous genes and variable penetrance. It has been propo...CaP genes; Prostate cancer; Non-aggressive; Utah Population Database; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
46 Camp, Nicola J.Genome-wide linkage analysis for aggressive prostate cancer in Utah high risk pedigreesResearch has consistently shown that genetics plays a critical role in prostate cancer (CaP) development, but the identification of CaP genes has proven to be very difficult. Hereditary prostate cancer is a complex disease involving numerous genes and variable phenotypic expression. This heterogene...Linkage analysis; Aggressive prostate cancer; CaP genes; ICPCG; Utah; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
47 Erickson, John OwenHaydenForm: painting; Medium: oil and latex; Dimensions: 36 x 48"Painting2009
48 Erickson, John OwenHoly CowForm: painting; Medium: oil and latex; Dimensions: 18 x 24"Painting2009
49 Khan, Faisal HabibHybrid electric vehicle power management solutions based on isolated and nonisolated configurations of multilevel modular capacitor-clamped converterAbstract-This paper presents the various configurations of a multilevel modular capacitor-clamped converter (MMCCC), and it reveals many useful and new formations of the original MMCCC for transferring power in either an isolated or nonisolated manner. The various features of the original MMCCC circ...2009
50 DuVall, Scott L.Identifying data set specific duplicate patient recordsProbabilistic models are commonly used in the identification of duplicate records. These methods are usually more accurate than deterministic methods, but are exponentially more computationally complex. Thus to make them computationally feasible, they rely on deterministic blocking strategies. Th...Probabilistic models; Duplicate records; Duplicate patient records; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
26 - 50 of 128