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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Elsberry, DanielleA transgenic zebrafish model of signaling through toll-like receptorsHealth and environmental sciences; biological sciences; danio rerio; toll-like receptors; transgenic model; zebrafish2011-05thesis
2 Na, UnAssembly of succinate dehydrogenase in mitochondria: interplay between iron-sulfur cofactor insertion and subunit maturationPure sciences; biological sciences; assembly factor; iron-sulfur clusters; oxidative stress; succinate dehydrogenase2015-12dissertation
3 Remien, Christopher H.Biological markers: blurred in time and spacePure sciences; biological sciences; applied sciences; acetaminophen; biological markers; hair growth; metabolic processes; nitrogen stable isotopes; overdose2012-12dissertation
4 Adhikari, EmmaThe bps signal: genetic and biochemical approaches for identificationPure sciences; biological sciences2015-05thesis
5 Eyob, HenokBreast cancer metastasis and the immune response MSP/RON signaling suppresses CD8 T cell activity and enables metastasisbiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; breast cancer; CD8 T cells; immunosuppresion; macrophage stimulating protein; metastasis2013-08dissertation
6 Okal, AboodBypassing transdominant inhibition with chimeric p53 for cancer gene therapybiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; apoptosis; breast cancer2014-08dissertation
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