101 - 125 of 152
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101 Miller, Joel StevenNoncollinear antiferromagnetic structure of the molecule-based magnet Mn[N(CN)2]2The crystallographic and magnetic properties of the Mn[N(CN)2]2 compound have been investigated by dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, specific heat, and zero-field neutron diffraction on polycrystalline samples. The magnetic structure consists of two sublattices which are antiferromagnetically cou...Spin; Crystal; Magnetic2000
102 Miller, Jan D.Noncyanide leaching of an auriferous pyrite ore from EcuadorGold leaching of an auriferous pyrite ore from the Portovelo deposit in Ecuador indicates that noncyanide leaching systems, such as thiocyanate and thiourea, are not as effective as the traditional cyanide system. For example, whereas approximately 95% of the gold can be leached from the ore with cy...Gold leaching; Refractory ores; Thiocyanate; Thiourea2000
103 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. MichaelNuclear magnetic resonance solution conformation of α-conotoxin AuIB, an α3ß4 subtype-selective neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonistThe neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors constitute a highly diverse group, with subtypes consisting of pentameric combinations of α and ß subunits. α-Conotoxins are a homologous series of small peptides that antagonize these receptors. We present the three-dimensional solution structure ...Conotoxins; a-conotoxin AuIB2000
104 Battin, Margaret P.On the structure of the euthanasia debate: observations provoked by a near-perfect for-and-against book. Review symposium on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicideSomething is amiss with the euthanasia debate, and I want to use a smart new book to try to show what it is. The book is Euthanasia and Physician- Assisted Suicide: For and Against, an eagerly awaited volume by three well-known philosophers, Gerald Dworkin, R. G. Frey, and Sissela Bok. Dworkin a...Physician assisted suicide; Killing and letting die; medical profession2000
105 Farmer, Colleen G.Parental care: the key to understanding endothermy and other convergent features in birds and mammalsBirds and mammals share a number of features that are remarkably similar but that have evolved independently. One of these characters, endothermy, has been suggested to have played a cardinal role in avian and mammalian evolution. I hypothesize that it is parental care, rather than endothermy, that ...Evolution; Metabolism; Convergence2000
106 Smith, Ken R.Perceived marital quality and stability of intermarried couples: a study of Asian-white, Black-white, and Mexican-white couplesThe purpose of this study is to compare intermarried and intramarried couples with respect to their marital happiness and perceived marital stability White, black, Mexican, or Asian spouses in black-white, Mexican-white or Asian-white unions were compared to intramarried couples based on data from ...Interracial couples; Marital quality; Marital stability2000
107 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Photoinduced magnetism, dynamics, and cluster glass behavior of a molecule-based magnetThe dynamic susceptibility study of photoinduced magnetism in a molecule-based magnet, (K1-2xCo1+x [Fe(CN)6]. yH2O (0.2<_x<_0.4,y-5), is reported. Upon excitation with visible light the material has substantial changes in linear and nonlinear ac susceptibility and dc magnetization. The results d...Magnetization; Light; Magnetometer2000
108 Christensen, Douglas A.Planar waveguide biosensors for nucleic acid hybridization reactionsOligonucleotide probes derived from (1) the T3 RNA polymerase promoter sequence (T3) and (2) prostate-specific antigen messenger RNA (PSA) were prepared and labeled with a red-emitting fluorescent dye (Cy5). The complimentary oligonucleotides (anti T3 and anti PSA) were prepared and labeled with bio...Planar waveguides; Evanescence; Fluorescence; Glandular kallikrein; MDx; Molecular diagnostics; Nucleic acid; PSA; Oligonucleotide probes2000
109 Rogers, Alan R.Pleistocene population X-plosion?In two recent papers, Kaessmann et al. presented DNA sequence data from the X chromosome (Xq13.3) of 30 chimpanzees and 69 humans (Kaessmann et al. 1999a; Kaessmann et al. 1999b). These data bear on two longstanding questions involving late Pleistocene demographic history: (1) whether the long-term...2000
110 Smith, Grant D.Prediction of the linear viscoelastic shear modulus of an entangled polybutadiene melt from simulation and theoryWhile accurate quantum chemistry based potentials,1 improved simulation algorithms, and faster computers have made accurate calculation of chain dynamics in unentangled polymer melts from molecular dynamics simulations possible,2-5 direct calculation of the viscoelastic properties of entangled polym...Polybutadiene melt; Viscoelastic shear; Chain dynamics; Entangled polymers2000
111 Back, Godmar V.Processes in KaffeOS: lsolation, resource management, and sharing in JavaSingle-language runtime systems, in the form of Java virtual machines, are widely deployed platforms for executing untrusted mobile code. These runtimes provide some of the features that operating systems provide: inter-application memory protection and basic system services. They do not. however, p...KaffeOS; Single-language; Java virtual machines; Mobile code; Runtimes2000
112 Smith, Grant D.Quantum chemistry based force field for simulations of poly(vinylidene fluoride)A classical potential function for simulations of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) based upon quantum chemistry calculations on PVDF oligomers has been developed. Quantum chemistry analysis of the geometries and conformational energies of 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane (PFB), 1,1,1,3,3,5,5,5-octofluoro...Poly(vinylidene fluoride) simulations; PVDF2000
113 Zhdanov, Michael S.Quasi-analytical approximation and series in electromagnetic modelingThe quasi-linear approximation for electromagnetic forward modeling is based on the assumption that the anomalous electrical field within an inhomogeneous domain is linearly proportional to the background (normal) field through an electrical reflectivity tensor ˆλ. In the original formulation of...Electromagnetic modeling; Quasi-linear approximation; Quasi-analytical approximation; Quasi-analytical series2000
114 Freire, JulianaQuerying the webExpose attendees to key concepts and technologies for finding, querying and integrating information on the Web Identify technical challenges in designing systems that support Web queries Survey recent literature, and discuss interesting research directions.Webbase; Web navigation2000
115 Truong, ThanhReaction class transition state theory: hydrogen abstraction reactions by hydrogen atoms as test casesWe present a new method called Reaction Class Transition State Theory (RC-TST) for estimating thermal rate constants of a large number of reactions in a class. This method is based on the transition state theory framework within the reaction class approach. Thermal rate constants of a given reacti...Transition state theory; Hydrogen2000
116 Henderson, Thomas C.Reaction-diffusion processes as a computational paradigmTuring introduced reaction diffusion systems (RD-systems) as a mechanism which made possible the differentiation of morphological structure. We have shown how these systems can be used to provide an information network for smart sensor systems. However, we propose here that reaction diffusion system...Reaction diffusion systems; RD-systems; Computational paradigm2000
117 Couldwell, William T.Resident curriculum guidelines for neurosurgeryThis curriculum was created to detail the body of knowledge that should be attained by an individual completing residency training in neurological surgery. The specific structure of resident education in neurological surgery is defined by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, and each program...Residency training; Neurological surgery2000
118 Battin, Margaret P.Review essay, on the structure of the euthanasia debate: observations provoked by a near-perfect for-and-against bookSomething is amiss with the euthanasia debate, and I want to use a smart new book to try to show what it is. The book is Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: For and Against, an eagerly awaited volume by three well-known philosophers, Gerald Dworkin, R. G. Frey, and Sissela Bok. Dworkin and F...2000
119 White, Nicholas P.Review of Nancy Sherman, "Making a Necessity of VirtueMaking a Necessity of Virtue is about the ethics of Aristotle and Kant. "Specifically," according to the first chapter, it "is about the role of emotions and practical reason in each theorist's account of virtue," though with "greater attention to the place of emotions in moral character". This desc...Virtue; Ethics; Reason; Emotions; Morality2000
120 Riloff, Ellen M.Rule-based question answering system for reading comprehension testsWe have developed a rule-based system, Quarc, that can read a short story and find the sentence in the story that best answers a given question. Quarc uses heuristic rules that look for lexical and semantic clues in the question and the story. We have tested Quarc on reading comprehension tests typi...Quarc; Reading comprehension2000
121 Benham, BryanRyle and the para-mechanicalThe thesis of this paper is the unconventional claim that Gilbert Ryle is not a logical behaviorist. The popular account of Ryle clearly places his work in The Concept of Mind (1949) in the camp of logical behaviorist.1 The object of this paper, however, will be to illustrate how the conventional in...Behaviorist; Logical behaviorism2000
122 Horch, Kenneth W.Selective activation of muscle groups in the feline hindlimb thorough electrical microstimulation of the ventral lumbo-sacral spinal cordSelective activation of muscle groups in the feline hindlimb by electrical stimulation of the ventral lumbo-sacral spinal cord was investigated. Spinal cord segments L5 to S1 were mapped using a penetrating tungsten needle electrode. Locations that produced isolated contraction of quadriceps, ti...Functional electrical stimulation; Motor pools; Spinal chord stimulation2000
123 Werner, Carol M.Service-learning "rules" that encourage or discourage long-term service: implications for practice and researchWe use research and theory on intrinsic motivation to suggest that some service-learning practices may be counter-productive. Although these practices may encourage student involvement in the short-term, they may reduce interest over the long-term. We pose seven questions about service requirements ...Community; Choice; Opportunities2000
124 Barusch, AmandaServing older men: dilemmas and opportunities for geriatric care managersGeriatric care settings are essentially feminine. Most of the clients (or patients) are women, as are most of the care managers and care providers. Further, these settings are characterized by an "ethic of care," most compatible with a feminine world view. Clearly geriatric care is not specifical...2000
125 Henderson, Thomas C.; McMurtry, Patrick; Smith, Philip J.; Voth, Gregory Alan; Wight, Charles Albert; Pershing, David W.Simulating accidental fires and explosionsThe Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions at the University of Utah focuses on providing state-of-the-art, science-based tools for the numerical simulation of accidental fires and explosions, especially in the context of handling and storing highly flammable materials.Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions; PBX9501; HMX2000
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