176 - 200 of 7,209
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176 Miller, Jan D.A new cone beam X-ray microtomography facility for 3D analysis of multiphase materialsThree-dimensional x-ray microtomography offers a unique imaging capability. Spatial resolution on the order of ten microns can be achieved with the use of microfocus x-ray generators. Recently, a state-of-the-art, flexible cone beam x-ray microtomography system has been installed at the University o...2001-01-01
177 Swalberg, AJaA new denazinemys (baenid turtle) specimen from the upper cretaceous wahweap formation2012-04-18
178 Kirby, Robert Michael II; Johnson, Christopher R.A new family of variational-form-based regularizers for reconstructing epicardial potentials from body-surface mappingWe propose a new family of regularizers for the inverse ECG problem, using a variational principle that underlies finite element approximation methods. As an alternative to traditional Tikhonov regularizers, the variational formulation has several advantages: 1)it enables a simple construction of ...2010
179 Gerig, GuidoA new framework for analyzing white matter maturation in early brain developmentThe trajectory of early brain development is marked by rapid growth presented by volume but also by tissue property changes. Capturing regional characteristics of axonal structuring and myelination via neuroimaging requires analysis of longitudinal image data with multiple modalities. Complementary ...2010-01-01
180 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A new genus in the family agelenidaeMr. J. H. Emerton in 1911 described a new species of spiders under the name Liocranum calcaratum, mistakenly placing it in the family Clubionidae (Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. X V I , p. 402, pi. V, ff. 4 -4 f ) . This disposition o f the species was natural in view of its resemblance to c...1933-07
181 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A new genus of theridiid spiders in which the male develops only one palpusThe discovery of the male of Theridion fordum Keyserling, reveals characteristics for that species which set it off as genericallv different, from Theridion proper. The erection of a new genus is thus found necessary for this species; and several other species which are closely related to it natural...1934-04
182 Durrant, Stephen D.A new gopher from Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, UtahThe present paper presents the results of a study of a series of specimens taken around the Great Salt Lake and on Antelope Island in this lake, the series forming part of the collection of the University of Utah. The form from Antelope Island differs sufficiently from the described subspecies of Th...1936-10
183 Cohen, ElaineA new local basis for designing with tensioned splinesRecently there has been a great deal of interest in the use of "tension" parameters to augment control mesh vertices as design handles for piecewise polynomials. A particular local cubic basis called p-splines, which has been termed a "generalization of B-splines", has been proposed as an appropriat...Tensioned splines1985
184 Mathews, V. JohnA new model of perceptual threshold functions for application in image compression systemsThis paper discusses the development of a perceptual threshold model for the human visual system. The perceptual threshold functions describe the levels of distortions present at each location in an image that human observers can not detect. Models of perceptual threshold functions are useful in ima...1995
185 Durrant, Stephen D.A new pocket gopher from the Oquirrh Mountains, UtahContinued studies of the pocket gophers of the talpoides group from Utah have disclosed the existence of an hitherto undescribed race indigenous to the Oquirrh Mountains, which are located in Utah, Tooele and Salt Lake Counties.1939-10-24
186 Durrant, Stephen D.A new pocket gopher of the thomomys quadratus group from the Northern Great Basin RegionCritical examination of specimens of Thomomys quadratus from Utah has brought to light the existence of an hitherto unnamed race from the Raft River region in the northwest corner of the state and contiguous areas of Idaho and Nevada. Extensive material from northeastern Nevada in the collection of ...1939-02-28
187 Brenckle, J. F.A new polygonum from Garfield County, UtahThe plant described below was collected 6 miles north of Escalante, Garfield Co., Utah, by W . P. Cottam, Sept. 17, 1935. It was found growing in great abundance along sandy ravines on the rocky Navajo sandstone spur which projects southward from the Aquarius Plateau. The type specimen, No. 65 0 7 ,...1940-06-27
188 Cottam, Walter P.A new violet from UtahA beautiful violet strikingly different from any species heretofore reported from Utah was discovered by the writer growing 011 vacant property on the outskirts of Salt Lake City at the corner of 13th South and 17th E as t streets, April 17, 1937.*' This property and neighboring areas to the east ha...1939-06-28
189 Warner, Homer R.A Non-Stready-State Kinetic Evaluation of the Mechanism of Cortisone-Induced GranulocytosisBiomedical Informatics1968
190 Wunderlich, Adam JamesA nonparametric procedure for comparing the areas under correlated LROC curvesIn contrast to the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) assessment paradigm, localization ROC (LROC) analysis provides a means to jointly assess the accuracy of localization and detection in an observer study. In a typical multireader, multicase (MRMC) evaluation, the data sets are paired so that...2012-01-01
191 Pryor, T. AllanA Note on Filtering ElectrocardiogramsBiomedical Informatics1971
192 Sikorski, KrisA note on optimal algorithms for fixed pointsWe present a constructive lemma that we believe will make possible the design of nearly optimal 0(dlog | ) cost algorithms for computing eresidual approximations to the fixed points of d-dimensional nonexpansive mappings with respect to the infinity norm. This lemma is a generalization of a two-...Fixed points; Constructive lemma2009
193 Lyche, TomA note on the Oslo algorithmThe Oslo algorithm is a recursive method for updating the B-spline representation of a curve or tensor product surface when extra knots are added. In the present note the derivation of this method is simplified.Oslo algorithm; B-spline; Curve product surface; Tensor product surface1987
194 Simpson, Jamesina J.A novel ELF radar for major oil depositsThis letter proposes a novel extremely low frequency (ELF) radar for major oil deposits. Using our recently developed whole-Earth electromagnetic wave propagation model based upon the finite-difference time-domain method, we have determined that detection of the radial (vertical) component of the sc...2006-01-01
195 Dale, ColinA novel human-infection-derived bacterium provides insights into the evolutionary origins of mutualistic insect-bacterial symbiosesDespite extensive study, little is known about the origins of the mutualistic bacterial endosymbionts that inhabit approximately 10% of the world's insects. In this study, we characterized a novel opportunistic human pathogen, designated ‘‘strain HS,'' and found that it is a close relative of th...2012-01-01
196 Sloan, Peter-PikeA painterly approach to human skinRendering convincing human figures is one of the unsolved goals of computer graphics. Previous work has concentrated on modeling physics of human skin. We have taken a different approach. We are exploring techniques used by artists, specifically artists who paint air-brushed portraits. Our goal is t...Human skin1999
197 Morse, Michael DavidA pair potentials study of matrix-isolated atomic zinc. II. Intersystem crossing in rare-gas clusters and matricesThe mechanism of 4p 1P1?4p 3PJ intersystem crossing (ISC) following excitation of the 4p 1P1 level of matrix-isolated atomic zinc is investigated using a pair potentials approach. This is achieved by extending earlier ISC calculations on the Zn?RG2 and Zn?RG3 complexes to the square planar Zn?RG4 ...1998
198 Parke, Frederic IraA parametric model for human facesThis report presents a computer model for the representation of human faces. This three-dimensional, parametric model produces shaded facial images. The face, constructed of polygonal surfaces, is manipulated through the use of parameters which control interpolation, translation, rotation and scalin...Parametric model; Human face1975
199 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshA partial order reduction algorithm without the ProvisoThis paper presents a partial order reduction algorithm, called Two phase, that preserves stutter free LTL properties. Two phase dramatically reduces the number of states visited compared to previous partial order reduction algorithms on most practical protocols. The reason can be traced to a step o...Order reduction algorithm; Proviso step1998
200 Brunvand, Erik L.A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuitsThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing control sections of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. In comparison with other proposed test methods for self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage than methods using self-checking techniques, and ...1995
176 - 200 of 7,209