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1 Oral History interview of Adrienne Scott-Ellis, conducted by Lauren Webb (audio, transcript)2021-11-05Sound; Text
2 Oral History interview of Alexander Thompson, conducted by Dumitru Toderic (transcript)2021-10-09Text
3 Oral history interview of Amber Beck, conducted by Ami Chopine (transcript)2020-10-13Text
4 Oral history interview of Andrea Henkels Heidinger, conducted by Elizabeth Giraud (transcript)2020-10-14Text
5 Oral History interview of Anissa Telle, conducted by Eliana Massey (transcript)2021-10-16Text
6 Oral History interview of Anne Charles, conducted by Andrew Blackburn (audio, transcript)2021-10-16Text; Sound
7 Oral History interview of Caroline Kellough, conducted by Andrew Blackburn (transcript)2021-11-01Text
8 Oral history interview of Carolyn Katz, conducted by Adam Katz (transcript)2020-11-17Text
9 Oral history interview of Dr. Dana Levin, conducted by Kira Withrow (transcript)2020-10-14Text
10 Oral History interview of Dr. Kerry Spenser Pray, conducted by Eliana Massey (transcript)2021-10-21Text
11 Oral history Interview of Dr. Lewis Hassell, conducted by Jake Rigby (transcript)2021-10-13Text
12 Oral history interview of Dr. Tarah Henderson, conducted by Dumitru Toderic (transcript)2021-10-24Text
13 Oral history interview of Elder Caleb Cuthbertson, conducted by Adam Katz (transcript)2020-11-21Text
14 Oral history interview of Eva Avila, conducted by Kellen DeAlba (transcript)2021-11-19Text
15 Oral history interview of Jake Linford, conducted by Thelonious Scott Linford (transcript)2020-10-26Text
16 Oral History interview of Jessica Roadman, conducted by Lauren Webb (transcript)2021-10-20Text
17 Oral history interview of John Challis, conducted by William Challis (transcript)2021-10-15Text
18 Oral history interview of Karen Tapahe, conducted by Talita Wiener-Osman (transcript)2020-10-16Text
19 Oral history interview of Kirsten Cantrell, conducted by Ami Chopine (transcript)2020-10-17Text
20 Oral History interview of Lauren Brinton, conducted by William J. Challis (transcript)2021-10-18Text
21 Oral History interview of Lesley C. Sincavage, conducted by Hannah Sincavage (transcript)2021-10-22Text
22 Oral history interview of Lynette Jeanes, conducted by Kalli Huntsman (transcript)2020-11-14Text
23 Oral history interview of Madison Huntsman, conducted by Kalli Huntsman (transcript)2020-10-15Text
24 Oral history interview of Matthew McFarland, conducted by Colbie Hymas (transcript)2021-12-13Text
25 Oral History interview of Matthew T. Goodman, conducted by Hannah Sincavage (transcript)2021-10-15Text
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