Title | Date | Type | Setname | ||
1 | Empty Trax car, Salt Lake City | 2020-08-17 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
2 | Nearly empty Frontrunner Lehi Station parking lot | 2021-05-14 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
3 | Nearly empty Frontrunner train | 2021-05-14 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
4 | Nearly empty UTA bus | 2021-05-14 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
5 | Sign, Utah Transit Authority [1] | 2020-04 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
6 | Sign, Utah Transit Authority [3] | 2020-04 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
7 | Sign, Utah Transit Authority [2] | 2020-04 | Image | uum_uc19 | |
8 | Bus Depot | 1949-05-22 | Image | dha_scp | |
9 | City views | Image | uu_cap_coa | ||
10 | Hiroshima, Japan [028] | 1949 | Image | uum_lctpc | |
11 | Hiroshima, Japan [027] | 1949 | Image | uum_lctpc | |
12 | People and Bus, July 1937 | 1937-07-11 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
13 | Men and Bus, July 1937 | 1937-07-02 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
14 | Front of Car #704, Feb. 1934 | 1938-02-21 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
15 | Union Pacific Stages Depot, June 1933 | 1937-06-27 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
16 | Int. Bus #506, Jan. 1935 | 1939-01-29 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
17 | Interior of Bus, Jan. 1935 | 1939-01-31 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
18 | Chevrolet Cabs and Drivers, June 1934 | 1934-06 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
19 | Chevrolet Cabs and Drivers, June 1934 | 1934-06 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
20 | Lewis Brothers Stage, Nov. 1934 | 1934-11-10 | Image | dha_cbfm | |
21 | Dedication of Intermountain Power Project [01] | 1987-06-13 | Image | dc_bpc | |
22 | Jim Adison and son. | 1935 | Image | mc_mcm | |
23 | Orange Checker Cab Company | 1950-04-18 | Image | dha_cp | |
24 | Overland Stage Office | Image | dha_cp | ||
25 | Mule pulling ore cars | 1880; 1881; 1882; 1883; 1884; 1885; 1886; 1887; 1888; 1889; 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; 1900; 1901; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909 | Image | pc_hsm |