1 - 25 of 865
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1 1920s elevation 144 S Main Street2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
2 1995 Demolition site plan by Howa Construction Inc of Utah Theater1995uum_ptslc
3 1995 Pantages Theater existing Main Floor and Basement plans for demolition2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
4 1995 Pantages Theater existing Mezzanine Detail Floor plans for demolition2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
5 1995 Pantages Theater existing Mezzanine Floor plans for demolition2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
6 2020 elevation 144 S Main Street2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
7 2020 elevation and context 144 S Main Street2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
8 70mm film projector inside the Pantages theater projection room2020-11-15Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
9 70mm film projector inside the Pantages theater projection room (color corrected)2020-11-15Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
10 Agency letter describing Pantages theater documentation for Utah State Historic Preservation Office2014; 2015; 2016uum_ptslc
11 Alaskan marble rail detailing at the bottom of lobby ramp in Pantages [01]2020-08-26Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
12 Alaskan marble rail detailing at the bottom of lobby ramp in Pantages [02]2020-08-26Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
13 Alaskan marble rail detailing at the bottom of lobby ramp in Pantages [03]2020-08-26Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
14 Alterior view of storage room, lit from mens' bathroom doorway in Pantages theater basement2020-11-15Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
15 Alterior view of storage room, lit from mens' bathroom doorway in Pantages theater basement (color corrected)2020-11-15Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
16 Archway panel detail line work (jpg)2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
17 Archway panel detail side by side (jpg)2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
18 Archway panel detail side by side (pdf)2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
19 Archway panel detail side by side (pdf)2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
20 Art nouveau lamp in Pantages auditorium2020-06-09Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
21 Art nouveau lamp in Pantages Theater2020-08-29Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
22 Art nouveau lamp in Pantages Theater [01]2020-08-29Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
23 Art nouveau lamp in Pantages Theater [02]2020-08-29Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
24 Art nouveau lamp in Pantages Theater with some ceiling moulding2020-08-29Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
25 Art Nouveau Tiffany lamp detail2020-11-01Image/StillImageuum_ptslc
1 - 25 of 865