Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
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Symons, John David | Hyperhomocysteinemia evoked by folate depletion: effects on coronary and carotid arterial function | High circulating concentrations of homocysteine (ie, hyperhomocysteinemia [Hhcy]) impair the vascular function of peripheral conduit arteries and arterioles perfusing splanchnic and skeletal muscle regions. The effects of HHcy on coronary resistance vessel function and other indexes of vascular func... | Hyperhomocysteinemia; Coronary resistance artery; Arterial stiffness; Arterial permeability; Vascular reactivity; Folate depletion; Rat | 2002 |
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Dibble, Leland E. | Eccentric exercise versus usual-care with older cancer survivors: the impact on muscle and mobility- an exploratory pilot study | Background: Resistance exercise programs with high compliance are needed to counter impaired muscle and mobility in older cancer survivors. To date outcomes have focused on older prostate cancer survivors, though more heterogeneous groups of older survivors are in-need. The purpose of this explorat... | | 2011 |
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Dibble, Leland E. | Amplification of fall risk in Parkinson's disease: the influence of comorbidities | Long term studies examining the progression of Parkinson's disease (PD) report the mean age of diagnosis to be in the mid sixties.' The diagnosis of PD typically .occurs after the presentation of motor deficits such as resting tremor, rigidity, hypokinesia, or postural instability. 2 Parkinson's di... | | 2010 |
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Erickson, J. Alan | The use of a modular titanium baseplate with a press-fit keel implanted with a surface cementing technique for primary total knee arthroplasty | Little data exists regarding outcomes following TKA performed with surface-cementation for the fixation of modular tibial baseplates with press-fit keels.Thus, we retrospectively reviewed the clinical and radiographic outcomes of 439 consecutive primary TKAs performed with surface cemented tibial co... | | 2014-01-01 |
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Reel, Justine | It was hard, but it was good: a qualitative exploration of stress-related growth in division I intercollegiate athletes | Recent research suggests that many individuals not only survive, but thrive as a result of life stress and trauma. Both scientific and anecdotal evidence support the notion of psychosocial growth and development following stress in athletes. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of ... | | 2012-01-01 |
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Hannon, James C. | Determination of step rate thresholds corresponding to physical activity intensity classifications in adults | Background: Current recommendations call for adults to be physically active at moderate and/or vigorous intensities. Given the popularity of walking and running, the use of step rates may provide a practical and inexpensive means to evaluate ambulatory intensity. Thus, the purpose of this study wa... | | 2011 |
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Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A. | Toward the development of an inventory of daily widowed life (IDWL): guided by the duel process model of coping with bereavement | The Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (Stroebe & Schut, 1999) suggests that the most effective adaptation involves oscillaton between two coping processes: loss-orientation (LO) and restoration-orientation (RO). A 22-item Inventory of Daily Widowed Life (IDWL) was developed to measure t... | Bereavement; Grief reaction; Widowhood; Psychological orientation; Adaptation, Psychological | 2007-07 |
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Newton, Maria | Senior olympians' achievement goals and motivational responses | The purpose of this study was to examine the motivational perspectives of athletes participating in the Senior Olympic Games. One hundred thirty-seven senior athletes (54 males, 82 females, and 1 nonidentifier) completed measures of goal orientations, beliefs about the causes of success in sport, in... | Senior olympics; Athletes; Intrinsic motivation | 1998-07 |
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Newton, Maria | Influence of leader efficacy and emotional intelligence on personal caring in physical activity | Scholars in youth development, education, and sport are examining the formative contexts of classrooms, music halls, and playing fields to gain a better understanding of positive development in children. Of particular interest are the leaders in these contexts (e.g., teachers, conductors, and coach... | Sport; Motivation; Pedagogy; Leader efficacy; Emotional intelligence | 2007 |
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Shaw, Janet M.; Moyer-Mileur, Laurie L. | The new glucose revolution: is the authoritative guide to the glycemic index the right dietary solution for lifelong health? | The persistence of an epidemic of obesity, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes suggests that new nutritional strategies are needed if the epidemic is to be overcome. A promising nutritional approach suggested by this thematic review is carbohydrate restriction. Under conditions of carbohydra... | | 2010 |
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Askew, Eldon W.; Bernstein, Paul S. | Serum and macular responses to antioxidant supplementation verus a carotenoid-rich dietary intervention in the elderly. | The aim of this study was to observe responses of serum antioxidants, oxidative stress biomarkers, and macular carotenoid pigments to antioxidant supplements or dietary intervention in a single-masked, randomized, pilot clinical study of elderly subjects receiving antioxidant supplements or a dietar... | Macula; Serum Carotenoids; Zeaxanthin | 2006-02-01 |
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Eisenman, Patricia A. | Hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle and increased anterior cruciate ligament laxity in females | OBJECTIVE: To determine whether women experience significantly greater anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) laxity in conjunction with estrogen and progesterone surges during a normal 28- to 30-day menstrual cycle. DESIGN AND SETTING: Serial estrogen and progesterone levels were measured via radioimmuno... | Estrogen; Progesterone; Knee Arthrometer; Radioimmunoassay | 1999-04 |
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Jacques, Kerry M. | Arf 1 dissociates from the clathrin adaptor GGA prior to being inactivated by Arf GTPase-activating proteins | The effectors of monomeric GTP-binding proteins can influence interactions with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in two ways. In one case, effector and GAP binding to the GTP-binding protein is mutually exclusive. In another case, the GTP-binding protein bound to an effector is the substrate for ... | | 2002 |
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Newton, Maria | Predicting the use of sexual initiation tactics in a sample of college women | Significant attention has been focused on women's initiation of sexual contact with men and the point at which this initiation becomes sexual aggression. The purpose of this study was to examine possible predictors of the use of three conceptually distinct sets of sexual initiation tactics: seductio... | Sexual initiation tactics; Coercion; Force; Social learning theory | 2004 |
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Newton, Maria | Youth perceptions of a caring climate, emotional regulation and psychological well-being | The purpose of this study was to examine the meditational effect of perceived affective self-regulatory efficacy on the relationship between youth sport participants? perceived caring climate and their mental well-being. Three hundred and 95 participants (mean age = 11.80 ? 1.54) from a National Yo... | | 2009 |
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Smith, Yda Jean | They bring their memories with them: Somali Bantu resettlement in a globalized world | The Somali Bantu, arriving in the United States after many years in Kenyan refugee camps, face significant barriers to successful integration into American society. Those responsible for managing initial resettlement at the local level were not prepared to provide appropriate assistance to this gro... | | 2010 |
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Newton, Maria | Relationship of task and ego orientation to performance: cognitive content, affect, and attributions in bowling | The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship of individual differences in goal orientation to mid-activity cognitive content and affect and post-performance attributions across three games of bowling. Forty-seven undergraduate students enrolled in bowling activity classes were r... | Goal-directed behavior; Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire; Sport psychology | 1993 |
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Symons, John David; Jalili, Thunder; Litwin, Sheldon E. | Quercetin-supplemented diets lower blood pressure and attenuate cardiac hypertrophy in rats with aortic constriction | Quercetin (Q), a flavonoid found in berries and onions, can reduce blood pressure in hypertensive animals and inhibit signal transduction pathways in vitro that regulate cardiac hypertrophy. We hypothesized that quercetin could prevent cardiovascular complications in rats with abdominal aortic con... | | 2006 |
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Martin, Jim; Pardyjak, Eric R. | Training with power measurement: a new era in cycling training | PROVIDING CYCLISTS WITH A reliable measure of exercise intensity presents unique challenges. Environmental factors such as wind speed, road grade and surface texture, and air density interactively influence the resistance encountered during cycling and thus alter the speed a cyclist can maintain wh... | Exercise; Intensity; Heart rate | 2003 |
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Ward, Robert Scott | The physical therapy and society summit (PASS) meeting: observations and opportunities | The construct of delivering high-quality and cost-effective health care is in flux, and the profession must strategically plan how to meet the needs of society. In 2006, the House of Delegates of the American Physical Therapy Association passed a motion to convene a summit on ?how physical therapist... | | 2010 |
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Galli, Nick | Assessing the validity of the weight pressures in sport scale for male athletes | Male athletes are subject to sociocultural pressures to attain a lean and muscular physique (e.g., media images), as well as weight pressures from the sport environment (e.g., performance). The purpose of our study was to examine the validity and reliability of a scale designed to measure sport-spec... | | 2013-01-01 |
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Jalili, Thunder | Cytosolic, but not mitochondrial, oxidative stress likely contributes to cardiac hypertrophy resulting from cardiac specific GLUT4 deletion in mice | We hypothesized that oxidative stress may contribute to the development of hypertrophy observed in mice with cardiac specific ablation of the insulin sensitive glucose transporter gene (GLUT4, G4H-/-4 ). Measurements of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in isolated mitochondria and whole heart homogenates... | | 2012-01-01 |
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Foreman, K. Kenneth; Ballard, D. James | Amplification of fall risk in Parkinsons disease: the influence of comorbidities | Long term studies examining the progression of Parkinson's disease (PD) report the mean age of diagnosis to be in the mid sixties.' The diagnosis of PD typically .occurs after the presentation of motor deficits such as resting tremor, rigidity, hypokinesia, or postural instability. 2 Parkinson's di... | | 2010 |
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Erickson, J. Alan | Patient-specific instrumentation in total knee arthroplasty provides no improvement in component alignment | Improved component alignment in TKA remains a commonly cited benefit of MRI based patient-specific instrumentation (PSI). We hypothesized that PSI would lead to improved alignment versus traditional instrumentation (TI) during primary TKA. Fifty-eight knees (54 patients) that underwent TKA with PSI... | | 2014-01-01 |
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Foreman, K. Kenneth | Charting the progression of disability in parkinson disease: study protocol for a prospective longitudinal cohort study | Background: People with Parkinson disease (PD), even in the presence of symptomatic relief from medical, surgical, and rehabilitative interventions, face a persistent worsening of disability. This disability is characterized by diminished quality of life, reduced functional mobility, declining perf... | | 2010 |